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MNN. Apr. 28, 2015. 4 days ago a Napanee Gun Chatter website called Kanionkehaka/Mohawks criminals, “They’re killing all the fishing. We should do something about it”. Every spring when the pickerel return to tyendinaga we deal with this maniacal settler-colonialism. Unknown men on dirt bikes showed up in someone’s backyard in Tyendinaga. They beat up two guys and ran over another. Two days ago two Mohawk men went missing while fishing early in the morning in the Bay of Quinte, Tyler Maracle 21 and Matt Fairman 26.bay of quinte

The Ontario Provincial Police was called to help find them. Hundreds of people showed up to search the shores. A broken oar was found in the water. On the other side of the bay their jackets, cellphone and weighters were found. No boat nor bodies have been found as of yet. Cops did little. The chopper came for one hour, went on to Barry.

Like Onondaga, this community is run by the military with the help of the incorporated band council and mayors of the surrounding towns. The Councils’ job is to know about every INDIAN in the community and to keep us all in darkness.

In October 25, 1924 colonial Indian Lands Acts were illegally passed by Canada, a colony of Britain. The Corporation of Canada set up Prisoner of War Camps called “Indian reservations” and expanded the Department of Indians under direct army control. The I.R. number is the POW camp number. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers are the managers and planners.

Fences went up. Indian agents and guards tended the gate. Soldiers taught in our schools. Passes and permission were needed to leave. We lost all our land and had to work for those who stole it. The Indian agents were our sheep dogs until the 60s. Now the INDIANS can guard themselves, overseen by the band/tribal councils under the watchful eye of the army. The sheep dogs are gone. Perfect form of slavery is when the sheep are controlling themselves with no sheep dog.

The 14th floor “war room” at Indian Affairs is part of the Department of Defense. Each area surrounding our ongwehonwe communities have multi-phased Police Operational Response Plans designed by the military. The army is involved in everything that happens in the POW camps. Police are on stand-by. The investigator in charge is in daily contact with the band councils.

Napanee Gun Chatter website are probably cops and military from nearby Trenton Air Force Base. Canada’s Bill C-51 anti-terror bill is making protesting against the government and corporations a criminal act.

Dekanawida said: White serpent will momentarily drop the ongwehonweh who will fall to the ground like a baby and crawl to the hilly country to head.

Dekanawida said: “The white serpent will momentarily drop the ongwe’hon:weh, who will fall to the ground like a baby and crawl to the hilly country to heal.

The Geneva Convention in 1929 provides that POW camps are for containment of enemy combatants or belligerent captives, C51 sees us as the prime enemy of the corporation of Canada, a military corporation run out of Indians Affairs. These POW camps are being privatized to be sold and to remove us. In his 100 year plan to be rid of the Indian problem, Duncan Campbell Scott said, “We will absorb all of the Indians into the corporate body politic”. Israel and the other British colonies want to legalize genocide to maintain their illegal empire.

Our men are vital. They are charged with the protection, defence and welfare of the people. They take many forms, such as peacekeeping, teaching, speaking to the people, repossessing lost lands, maintaining human rights and diplomatic relations. We cherish our men.

As Bon Scott of ACDC says about breaking out of jail for good: “I aint spending my life here. I ain’t living alone. Ain’t breaking no rocks on the chain gang. I’m breaking out and heading home”. [Jail Break]


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com

For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Missing Mohawk fishermen.

Australian Apartheid.

http://caid.ca/IndLanAct1924.pdf Indian Lands Act 1924










MMN. Mar. 7, 2014. Refusing to give us the results of his ongoing investigation of the 825 missing and murdered Aboriginal girls and young women is a travesty of justice. Peter McKay, the Minister of Justice, threw the reports onto the floor of the House of Commons. The Members of Parliament made jokes,  laughed and clapped. The guilt and cover up go right to the top, legal, financial, police and judges. Those who did not stand up in outrage are part of the conspiracy to murder our women and children.  

Right now the Queen and Pope are implicated in the disappearance of our children. She has been convicted in a common law court of crimes against humanity for the kidnapping and disappearance of 10 Indigenous children from the Kamloops Residential School Death Camp.

Queen Elizabeth heading to gauntlet.

Queenie heading down the road! 

Now that she has been convicted in a common law court of horrendous crimes, all oaths to her are null and void. Those still following the oath to protect her are criminals too.   

According to our natural law, they are guilty of treason, conspiracy, espionage and harming our people. For such heinous crimes no chance is given for them to catch the black beads. They would immediately be done away with. The punishment is “Ka-ni’kon’rak’se”. 

The women and children of the community form a gauntlet. While the criminals run through, they are beaten and stoned.

Natural Indian way of dealing with corporate crimes.

Pope, Peter McKay, corporate criminals and their band council Injuns will experience natural Indian justice. 

The men swing the war clubs to destroy their minds from where their evil comes, “te-wati-son-kwa-ri-the”. Their brains fall to the ground. Their families who carry the same memories must also be done away with. 

Dropping the black wampum means war. We have a duty to fight the enemies of the peace until we win and kill them all. A war is not of the imagination. It is a natural part of creation, like the moon, stars, and the true people.

We're waiting for you to talk about what you've done to our women.

Mohawks at Tyendinaga: “Where’s the report on our women! We want it now!”

Peter McKay, why don’t you go to Tyendinaga and face our men who are waiting to talk to you personally, like men should?  

The white visitors have no relationship with creation. They have no beginning of truth, only their artificial interpretation, which is not reality. Their corporate fiction, designed to kill us, is dissolving in full view. Peter McKay, you, your living criminal colleagues and your corporate injuns will all run the gauntlet.

As Jimi warns you, Canada, “Look at the sky turn a hellfire red. Somebody’s house is burning, down, down, down”.Jimi Hendrix. “House burning down”.

Peter McKay throws missing Aboriginal report on floor of Parliament.

Queen & Pope found guilty of genocide.

Belleville Intelligencer