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MNN. 13 May 2015. Red-X, the timeless, far-seeing, many dimensional, worldly ongwe’hon:weh gave an exclusive message to MNN. Before boarding his silver eagle to return to his cave high in the mountain where the sun never sets, he said, “When I leave, the gariwiio pimple will burst! Our great mother will provide no ongwe’hon:weh herbs to save it. Allan McNaughton was deposed in 1966. He always sat  illegally as a passive chief. Captain Aaron Detlor brought in an arsenal of sharp objects to keep Allen  in line.

Aaron, do you have to do it in the longhouse?

Aaron, do you have to do it in the longhouse?

“Those guilty of purposely violating the Great Law will throw themselves into the abys never to be seen again by the ongwe’hon:weh. The tree of peace will stand strong again. Our visitors from other lands will fall on the ground and crawl on board their leaky ships and shaky birds, to be washed away never to be seen again by the ongwe’hon:weh.

Red-X advises, “Follow our true teacher, not false prophets like Skaniatariio and Captain Brant.

“Brant [1743–1807], a prominent Free Mason, was expelled completely from the Confederacy for treasonously selling our land and other malfeasance. Detlor also revealed himself  and no one will give him shelter. He will flee while the going is good. But the Great Law will pursue him forever.

Aaron, you can run, disguise yourself, but the Great Law will find you!

Aaron, you can run, disguise yourself, but the Great Law will find you!


“The white serpent of Free Masonry has always slithered invisibly beneath society, coiled up under our benches waiting to strike. Those who joined need to speak about their affiliation. The Great Peace longhouses have a duty to help reinstate the kaia’nereh:kowa, the true natural law of Ono’ware:geh, Great Turtle Island.

“Dekanawida brought us three things: the good message, which is here on earth; all living things have the same mother and the power to unite our minds; and to create the Peace.

“The instigators need a pretext to bring in the military to commit a treasonous act” just like in Onondaga in 1997. Red-X instructed, “Detlor and his cohorts should be challenged in an open council, using the perimeters of the natural law.

I'll believe anything! We're covering the wrath of the clan mothers & elders!

I’ll believe anything! We’re covering the wrath of the clan mothers & elders!

Red-X reminded us, “When they are ready, they may burn tobacco and call all our communities to come to one mind.” Finally he said, “The sun never sets on the Great Peace. The Eagle on top of the tree will always have a keen eye to see afar.” Then he boarded his silver eagle. Before flying off, Red-X said, “When you need news, who are you gonna call?”  He heads off with the Fifth Dimension singing, “When the moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.


Interesting prophecy.

Roadside checkpoints NYS.

Pam Palmater on C-51.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit





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MNN. 12 May 2015. Red-X, the celestial elder from the 5th dimension, landed his silver bird on the banks of the Grand River. Red-X had wise words about Captain Aaron Detlor.

S.S. HCCC going on the rocks!

S.S. HCCC going on the rocks!


He sailed his ship, the S.S. HCCC Inc. into the middle of our territory. He wants all the ongwe’hon:weh to get in his ship [incorporate] and abandon their canoes and the Great Law on the banks of the Grand River. Anyone who goes on a captain’s ship, is totally under that captain’s control. He can even kill you. Those who have already boarded his ship are now all part of the Admiralty matrix.

Remember what Dekanawida said that: one day “we would become friends with a white serpent. At first it would be good for the ongwe’hon:weh and the white serpent. After seven generations of contact [right now], the white serpent would have us squeezed so tight we could hardly breathe. A red serpent would come from the north, which would startle the white serpent. He would momentarily drop the ongwe’hon;weh , who would fall to the ground like a baby and crawl to the hilly country to heal”.

Captain Detlor’s business plan appears to be the final dessimation of the Iroquois people and to enrich himself as much as possible, As the economic hit-man taught him, “Don’t worry about the people, think about you and your family”. When he showed up he was a broke lawyer with no experience. Now he is a multi millionaire through his deception of the people.

Divide and conquer strategy is implemented by putting Handsome Lake Masonic longhouses throughout all Mohawk territories.

HDI's favorite lawyer.

HDI’s favorite lawyer.

It appears his marketing strategy is in play, first, to take control of the local media. Also to create divisions within communities at every level to accommodate their “ordo ab chao”. It appears the next part of the marketing strategy is to provide the order for the chaos that they have created in “6 Nay”. Red-X sees the big picture, that there’s not much time left before the return of Dekanawida.

Before the business plan and formation of HDI, 80 windmills were illegally erected in Kanekotah. After the creation of HDI, another 220 windmills appeared. Since they are mostly Samsung windmills, HDI has something to do with them as well. We already claimed all the windmills on our land.

 Red-X, the time walker.

Red-X, the all- seeing all- knowing time walker.

NY State and Onondaga Nation chiefs Inc. burnt down businesses and homes of non-followers and banished them to the desert in 1997. It appears to Red-X that HDI is following this military model through corporatism. Band councilors will be in on the business as they were in Onondaga.

Captain Detlor thinks the sky is the limit for his ship. Red-X flies away on his silver eagle to where the sun never sets, while Bon Scott tells Captain Detler what will happen to his ship: “She was standing alone, over by the juke box like she had something to sell. I said, ‘Baby, what’s the going price.’ She told me to ‘go to hell’. Shot down in flame, shot down in flames. Ain’t it a shame to be shot down in flames?”. [Shot down in flames].

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Another Nepal earthquake.

Church watches destruction of world.

Deaths from vaccines in mexican town.

Meet the Queen.

now or never



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May 11, 2015. Haudenosaunee Development [HDI] is the administrative arm of Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs [HCCC]. It is the Masonic longhouse at Six Nations. Two secret Engagement Agreements were made with Samsung for wind and solar power on Rotinoshonni land in 2013 and 2014. Onondaga beaver clan asked for copies of contracts and were refused. They demanded the dismantlement of HDI and for Aaron Detlor, Hazel Hill and Brian Doolittle to be removed and investigated. At the last meeting, recorded by Two Row Times, Cayuga wolfs, snipes and beaver clans opposed the attempted implementation of foreign laws. [HDI 519-445-4222].


War room at Indian Affairs: Think they get scared of our tanks  and drones going down Chiefswood road.

Indian Affairs war room planning a reason for the Operational Response Team to invade: “We need more chaos!”  


Non-ongwe’hon:weh Bar lawyer, Aaron Detlor, represents the CROWN. In 2006 during the Caledonia uprising at Six Nations, Detlor interfered with our young men from guarding the line according to the Men’s Council. He appeared to have a separate agenda. Detlor was scamming other communities. Detlor scams other communities.

Hazel Hill, of HDI, is an Ontario notary public and signs on behalf of  HCCC chiefs. Band councils and Haudenosaunee “collaborators” that sign on with HDI in effect pledge to support the destruction of the Great Peace, the genocide of our people and waive our sovereign immunity, traditional law and customs over all our land. They agree to help stop all un-HDI sanctioned commercial projects “by all means”.

HCCC is the incorporated Iroquois Confederacy “and all its member nations”, attempting to replace, tribal councils and longhouses. Corporatism gone INDIAN is the height of fascism. On their website, HDI claims to be the administrative arm for all Haudenosaunee communities on our territories. Allegedly, all INDIAN enterprises, development or trade must be sanctioned by HDI. Financial audits, projects and reports have been removed from the website.

Detler reassures Haudenosaunee.

Detler continues to advise his clients. 

This is a corporate hostile takeover bid of every Rotinoshonni community in Canada. The Great Law/kaia’nere:kowa is being turned into a hierarchical pyramid based on the Vatican model.

“Member nations” must go through HDI and support their illegal usurpation of the Rotinoshonni/Iroquois. Otherwise they will be banished by an “independant” HDI board. Clans have no power. The hierarchical corporate government is directly answerable to the CROWN, with payment of taxes and fees. HDI will regulate all businesses that generate an income, such as tobacco, gas stations, gift shops, restaurants, and so on. GRE have made their own arrangements with Canada and US.

Detlor has played the divide and conquer card to our people, dealing it from the bottom of the deck.

HCCC corpo board-room.

HCCC corpo board-room, “Who’s gonna tell the people, Alan”?

GRETI Inc. will control all our money on behalf of HDI and its affiliates. Apparently Detlor incorporated HCCC and HDI under the Corporation of Canada to protect the chiefs. Allegedly, elders and clan mothers have been massively abused. Detlor is not on any paperwork. Hazel Hill, Jock Hill and the elders could be prosecuted and held responsible for any malfeasance.

Many strangers have been infiltrating our communities. Tom Keefer’s family invested in Two Row Times, where he works. Aaron Detlor got control of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs. Both attended university in Toronto and arrived in Six Nations in 2006. Detlor was an energy lawyer for Power Bud in Toronto. Detlor gave workshops to energy lawyers on how to win law suits against ongwe’hon:weh [see link]. The owner was disbarred and the firm disbanded. Detlor is well briefed on Iroquois issues. He tried to psychologically usurp authority by twisting some of the principles of the Great Peace. This scenario appears to be following the same blueprint that was done to us in Onondaga in 1997.

caledoniaDetlor purports that HDI has authority over other Rotinoshonni communities without their authorization. The supposed incorporated Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs and Haudenosaunee Development Institute are pretending to be the Great Law of Peace, in order to complete the final solution to the INDIAN problem by 2024.

Bob Dylan reminds us of what happens to those who betray: “How does it feel, To be on your own. With no direction home. Like a complete unknown. Like a rolling stone?” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

Harper like Hitler.

RCMP targeting Ongwe’hon:weh.

HCCC & HDI website.

Leaked HDI documents launch investigation.








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MNN. Apr. 28, 2015. 4 days ago a Napanee Gun Chatter website called Kanionkehaka/Mohawks criminals, “They’re killing all the fishing. We should do something about it”. Every spring when the pickerel return to tyendinaga we deal with this maniacal settler-colonialism. Unknown men on dirt bikes showed up in someone’s backyard in Tyendinaga. They beat up two guys and ran over another. Two days ago two Mohawk men went missing while fishing early in the morning in the Bay of Quinte, Tyler Maracle 21 and Matt Fairman 26.bay of quinte

The Ontario Provincial Police was called to help find them. Hundreds of people showed up to search the shores. A broken oar was found in the water. On the other side of the bay their jackets, cellphone and weighters were found. No boat nor bodies have been found as of yet. Cops did little. The chopper came for one hour, went on to Barry.

Like Onondaga, this community is run by the military with the help of the incorporated band council and mayors of the surrounding towns. The Councils’ job is to know about every INDIAN in the community and to keep us all in darkness.

In October 25, 1924 colonial Indian Lands Acts were illegally passed by Canada, a colony of Britain. The Corporation of Canada set up Prisoner of War Camps called “Indian reservations” and expanded the Department of Indians under direct army control. The I.R. number is the POW camp number. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers are the managers and planners.

Fences went up. Indian agents and guards tended the gate. Soldiers taught in our schools. Passes and permission were needed to leave. We lost all our land and had to work for those who stole it. The Indian agents were our sheep dogs until the 60s. Now the INDIANS can guard themselves, overseen by the band/tribal councils under the watchful eye of the army. The sheep dogs are gone. Perfect form of slavery is when the sheep are controlling themselves with no sheep dog.

The 14th floor “war room” at Indian Affairs is part of the Department of Defense. Each area surrounding our ongwehonwe communities have multi-phased Police Operational Response Plans designed by the military. The army is involved in everything that happens in the POW camps. Police are on stand-by. The investigator in charge is in daily contact with the band councils.

Napanee Gun Chatter website are probably cops and military from nearby Trenton Air Force Base. Canada’s Bill C-51 anti-terror bill is making protesting against the government and corporations a criminal act.

Dekanawida said: White serpent will momentarily drop the ongwehonweh who will fall to the ground like a baby and crawl to the hilly country to head.

Dekanawida said: “The white serpent will momentarily drop the ongwe’hon:weh, who will fall to the ground like a baby and crawl to the hilly country to heal.

The Geneva Convention in 1929 provides that POW camps are for containment of enemy combatants or belligerent captives, C51 sees us as the prime enemy of the corporation of Canada, a military corporation run out of Indians Affairs. These POW camps are being privatized to be sold and to remove us. In his 100 year plan to be rid of the Indian problem, Duncan Campbell Scott said, “We will absorb all of the Indians into the corporate body politic”. Israel and the other British colonies want to legalize genocide to maintain their illegal empire.

Our men are vital. They are charged with the protection, defence and welfare of the people. They take many forms, such as peacekeeping, teaching, speaking to the people, repossessing lost lands, maintaining human rights and diplomatic relations. We cherish our men.

As Bon Scott of ACDC says about breaking out of jail for good: “I aint spending my life here. I ain’t living alone. Ain’t breaking no rocks on the chain gang. I’m breaking out and heading home”. [Jail Break]

MNN Mohawk Nation News

For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Missing Mohawk fishermen.

Australian Apartheid. Indian Lands Act 1924









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MNN. Apr. 26, 2015. On May 15th a trial date is being set for the case, Jones v. Parmley. Eighteen years ago hundreds of New York State Troopers brutally attacked the Haudenosaunee at Onondaga Nation near Syracuse during a peaceful tobacco burning ceremony. The public was invited to learn about our opposition to the illegal trade and commerce agreement between NYS and the Onondaga chiefs.


NYS Judge George Lowe had advised NYS to avoid a trial because we would win. He urged NYS to offer us a pay-off. 13 of us refused the money and were dropped by the lawyers. Now the trial must proceed. We have to represent ourselves.

Doug now helps out NYST & Onondaga chiefs.

Doug George now helps out NYST & Onondaga chiefs.

A big box of files and disks arrived. The interrogations and disks reveal criminal activity. The Onondaga chiefs and NYS Troopers worked together to plan “Operation Indian Detail”. They set up the arrests with pre-signed blank arrest warrants, lethal weaponry, a list of Rotiskenraketeh targets to be “taken out” and a system of informants. This is the tip of the iceberg.

Syracuse swearing in.

Syracuse swearing in.

The NYS Police Investigator and Surveilance head, Dennis Blythe, worked closely with the Onondaga chiefs for 12 years to set up this genocidal attack. NYS Governor Pataki was kept informed on a daily basis.

This means we are soverign.

The Troopers alleged that the 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech does not apply to INDIANS!! The decision which they lost.

The Onondaga chiefs, NYS Troopers and NY State chain of command cannot escape justice. They are all going to jail, from police officers on up the chain of command. This is a fluid story which will be moving along. [Jones v. Parmley 98-Civ-374 [FJS][GHL]

As Midnight Oil sings: “The time has come to say fair’s fair, to pay the rent, to pay our share. The time has come, a fact’s a fact . It belongs to them, let’s give it back.”

MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Native American Amnesty. By American Indian Movement.

Vatican created Canada.

Chretien meets Putin.

North South American Unity.