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MNN. Feb. 24, 2015. As the Gestapo said in 1933, “As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally.” Harper’s new anti-terrorist bill C-51 is setting up the secret police of Canada, carrying Canadians into the fast lane onto the road to fascism.
The Nazi system is based on the 1933 all-encompassing Gestapo secret police force that was set up with the Enabling Act throughout Germany, under the operational control of the Fuhrer. Politics and intelligence were combined just like the CSIS-RCMP amalgamation.
The Gestapo investigated treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Fuhrer and the Nazi party. They operated without judicial review. Citizens could not sue the state. “Protective custody” was imprisoning people without judicial proceedings. Those who opposed Nazi rule or were “suspected” of being hostile to the State were monitored and could be placed in ‘protective detention’ without legal defense. Arrests, torture, and executions of state enemies were normal ‘in the eyes of the public’.
Gestapo officers were recruited from the police forces and the civil service. They were trained to carry out radicalized and unrestrained violence. V-Men were undercover agents that infiltrated opposition individuals and groups.
Denunciations proved to be the most powerful, ruthless and effective. The persecution network was well coordinated by the Nazi party. 80% of investigations depended on denunciations by citizens, who were often motivated by personal conflicts or support for the Nazi regime. Investigators used blackmail, threats, extortion, sleep deprivation, harassment, torture and planting evidence to convict their targets.
The Nazi terror focused on political opponents, ideological dissenters, gypsies, handicapped persons, homosexuals and Jews.
This was how Hitler’s star began to rise. Harper is following this same plan. First he had his Reichstag fire [Ottawa shooting]. Then he announced his Bill C-51 [Enabling Act] to announce his CSIS secret police [Getapo]. From 1933 to 1939 Hitler rearmed Germany by putting everyone to work in the factories building bombs, tanks, planes and bullets to create Germany’s economic miracle.
Know your history, or it will repeat itself. The Germans could have stopped Hitler in 1933. Because they acquiesced to one man’s maniacal rule, 50 million dead! As the great story teller Johnny Cash reminds us to remember our history. “So many time I’ve heard the same old story. Any fool can learn to read between the lines. And this time, honey, you’ve burned all your bridges. You’re ancient history to this heart of mine.”
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This beating at Onondaga Nation in 1997.