harper shreds constitutionmnnlogo1


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MNN. April 20, 2015. Prime Minister Harper is trying to be like “Tricky Dickie”. But he’s just “Stinking Stevie”, a used car salesman pitching bribes to buy votes. He relies on public apathy. Only 30% will vote in the system he controls. Each family will get $2000 as part of his “honest corruption” scheme.

Harper's ecstasy of power.

Harper’s ecstasy of power, snorting the constitution and sending our kids off to war.

The CBC experts of nothing panels called it Harper’s election strategy. It’s actually “payola” to promote himself. “Trust me. I’m doing what I promised”, he urges. The sleeping populace is snoring, “Are Mulcair and Trudeau going to out-do Harper?”

Harper is desperately steering away from the anti-terror enabling bill C-51 that sets up the police state, the immediate conscription of our children for his war and the pipeline police on behalf of his multinational energy corporate backers. Millions are resisting C-51 in the streets. 80% want no part of it. The media doesn’t mention it.

"The deal is you have to vote for me."

Harper: “If you want the dough, vote for me.”


Ongwe’hon:weh always want freedom. Our resistance to brutal oppression lead to the murder of most of our people. C-51 allows Canadians to be treated like INDIANS. The social upheaval in the US lead to the famous Ludlow massacre in 1914. Dissent was suppressed. Prices were overinflated. Everything was controlled by the corporations. Miners resisted working conditions. The United Mine Workers of America were organizing. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation was owned by the notorious anti-union Rockefeller family. The merciless killings is history. The same corporate elite support Harper’s election campaign.1914 Ludlow Massacre.

Rockefeller: "He'll win. We paid plenty!"

Rockefeller: “It matters not who wins the vote. We do the counting!”

The bankers had the money all along. Now they will give it out to buy Harper’s power. Canadians may vote for the money and conscription. if so, they will face what Dekanawida saw. Their leaders in a rough, dirty place, their frightening appearance, snakes woven in their hair, their body crooked and misshapen and they will be unbearably cruel to them. What will the parents say when they took $2000 and put their children on the front line? It is time to comb the snakes out of their hair, it is time for the peace.

As the band Muse points out so well, [Uprising]. “Paranoia is in bloom. The PR transmissions will resume. Another promise, another seed, another package. Lie to keep us trapped in greed. And the green belts wrapped around our minds. And endless red tape to keep the truth confined. So come on. They will not force us. They will stop degrading us. They will not control us. We will be victorious. So come on!”


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Harper buys votes.

Canada sends troops to Ukraine.

Harper like Richard Nixon.

Our struggle against settler colonialism.

Iroquois & Allied Indians on C-51.

Politically motivated audits.




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MNN. 7 Mar. 2015. Captain Joseph Brant of the British army tried to pull his people, the Mohawks, out of the canoe into the ship to shred the Two Row Wampum/Teiohateh. He was trying to remove one line on the belt representing the Ongwe’hon:weh.

The good ship "Harper'pop".

The good ship “Harper’pop”.

Prime Minister Harper is the Captain of the Costa Can’Cordia, his ship of state. There’s lots of partying and loud music going on, covering up the corruption. Soon he steers it onto the rocks. With his last breath he’s suppose to save the cargo, crew and ship. He jumps into the lifeboat first and flees to Switzerland via London with his stolen loot.

According to the Admiralty law of the seas, he’s suppose to go down with his ship. Harper will never return to Canada to face the music. If he does he will be strung up from the first tree immediately, according to the law of the land, Kaia’nereh:kowa. Something like Mousselini who tried to skip out on his people.

Rotiskenra:keteh: "Every Great Law breaker has to face the music!"

Rotiskenra:keteh: “We shall stay in our canoe forever!”

Harper reassures the Canadians back on Ono’ware:gh/Great Turtle Island, who are acting like tourists on vacation at Club Med. According to remarks written by his best speech writer, he says, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. I’ll think of the women and children before myself. Just do as you’re told”.

His cronies like Mulcair and Trudeau will jump onto the lifeboat with all the other rats, along with their servants who will do all the rowing.

The wrecked ship will be left on the rocks just like the Italian Costa Concordia, to sit like an eyesore until it’s cut up and taken to the garbage dump.

These guys aren’t sticking around to face their worst fear, the coming cleansing.

The impending crash of the Canadian Admiralty vessel reminds us of Gordon Lightfoot singing about the sinking of another famous shipwreck, the Edmund Fitzgerald: “At 7 pm a main hatchway caved in, he said “Fellas, it’s been good to know you”. The captain wired in, he has water coming in, and the good ship and crew was in peril. And later that night, when his lights went out of sight, came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”.   

Fascism is coming alive.

Why does the West hate Putin?

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MNN. 6 Mar. 2015. Prime Minister Harper is having a Sado-Masochistic relationship with the Canadian people. What happens when Harper’s Nazi plans fail? We Ongwe’hon:weh will redress the genocide, theft and desecration of our lands? In 1940 a British-French-Polish declaration was issued to raise the conscience of the world against the crimes against humanity. We Ongwe’hon:weh will declare the same of the colonial settlers and their corporate overlords. The Corporation of Canada is collapsing. Their owners will have no shelter anywhere in the world.

We are a mirror image, Adolph!

We are a mirror image, Adolph!

After World War II all allies agreed the Germans must pay for their crimes. We will try the war criminals here under the law of the land, Kaia’nereh:kowa/Great Peace. The extent of greed and destruction of Ono’ware:geh/Great Turtle Island by the invaders is well-known. If the people don’t help us, it’s because they acquiesced, or allowed it to happen.

Henh! Mother says they're moving on.

“Mother says these ia onkwe teh are moving on.”

Canada will be de-Nazified. Fascism and all other forms of pyramidal hierarchies goes against the Great Law.  The judges will be the natural people of the land who survived the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The Great Law will decide their fate.

Many of the rats have already deserted the ship. Harper and his co-conspirators are soon heading for their bunkers at the end of the trail hoping to fade off into the sunset and be forgotten with their stolen booty. Those left behind will have to live by the Great Peace or leave.

Harper stated in 2009, “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it”. What will you do? Will you acquiesce like the German people did in 1933 or will you put an end to it right now?

Dancing til we die.

Politicians: “I’m dancing as fast as I can!”

Can Canadians overcome their Sado-Harperism relationship?  Ongw’hon:weh as natural people are able to resist such depravity.

As Bo Diddley sings, “You can’t judge an apple by looking at a tree. You can’t judge honey by looking at the bee. You can’t judge a daughter by looking at the mother. You can’t judge a book by looking at the cover”.

Read: Hitler escape.

Read: Nurenberg executions.

Ukranian woman on kids killed:

hitler wisdom

Nazi deception!






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MNN. Feb. 26, 2015. An army recruiter went into a high school to entice the kids into joining the military and becoming killers. He described how WWII Allied soldiers were taught how to smash jawbones while gouging eyes, crushing windpipes and snapping necks, and generally applying deadly force to the weakest, most vulnerable parts of the body to kill or disable. The enemy can be a baby, child, woman, youth, man or an elder. Cops are experts in these methods. In 2008 border guards applied handcuffs to me at Akwesasne, so as to bring about a heart attack and kill me. Harper orders IndiansThe military teach killing but not how to die. Today’s children learn fighting in sports, movies and TV. They are unaware of the brutal reality of life and death combat. Except for one kid who asked the recruiter, “Can you teach me how to die?” The recruiter did not answer.

Harper is expecting young people wearing over 70 pounds of gear to kill civilians and to rape and degrade their bodies. They are forced into situations where they have to murder or kill to survive. What will they do when they are struck across the windpipe or poked in the eye or shot in the chest and facing death?

19-year olds are being used as cannon fodder for the political games being played in Ottawa. Our economic path is deliberately designed so our young people are directed down three roads: military, police or prison guards. When they don’t like any of these, they are sent to the jailhouse. In the military they are put out on the front lines.

At basic training they are taught the basics of killing, but not about being killed. They are going to be sent to Iraq, Ukraine, Russia and the Middle East on behalf of the corporate war machine, and where we have no business, facing a people who will not quit. For the first time in my memory military recruiters are being sent into schools to steal our children away from their mothers to be murdered and do the murdering.war-is-hell-

The enticements are further education, travel, money, bonuses etc. Unfortunately, when they finish, their benefits are meager, late or non-existing. Many commit suicide.

All mothers, don’t let the military enter our schools and steal our children. Listen to the Beatles, “Your Mother Should Know’: “Lift up your hearts and sing me a song. That was a hit before your mother was born. So she was born a long, long time ago. Your mother should know. Your mother should know. Your mother should know”.


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Basic training to kill:

Read: War, words, terrorists, Nazis & concocted threats.


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MNN. Feb. 24, 2015. As the Gestapo said in 1933, “As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally.” Harper’s new anti-terrorist bill C-51 is setting up the secret police of Canada, carrying Canadians into the fast lane onto the road to fascism.

Hey. It was just a game!

Heil CSIS. It was just a game!

The Nazi system is based on the 1933 all-encompassing Gestapo secret police force that was set up with the Enabling Act throughout Germany, under the operational control of the Fuhrer. Politics and intelligence were combined just like the CSIS-RCMP amalgamation.

The Gestapo investigated treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Fuhrer and the Nazi party. They operated without judicial review. Citizens could not sue the state. “Protective custody” was imprisoning people without judicial proceedings. Those who opposed Nazi rule or were “suspected” of being hostile to the State were monitored and could be placed in ‘protective detention’ without legal defense. Arrests, torture, and executions of state enemies were normal ‘in the eyes of the public’.

Gestapo officers were recruited from the police forces and the civil service. They were trained to carry out radicalized and unrestrained violence. V-Men were undercover agents that infiltrated opposition individuals and groups.

Denunciations proved to be the most powerful, ruthless and effective. The persecution network was well coordinated by the Nazi party. 80% of investigations depended on denunciations by citizens, who were often motivated by personal conflicts or support for the Nazi regime. Investigators used blackmail, threats, extortion, sleep deprivation, harassment, torture and planting evidence to convict their targets.

The Nazi terror focused on political opponents, ideological dissenters, gypsies, handicapped persons, homosexuals and Jews.

Canadians will never notice.

Harper: “Oh Ca-na-dah!”

This was how Hitler’s star began to rise. Harper is following this same plan. First he had his Reichstag fire [Ottawa shooting]. Then he announced his Bill C-51 [Enabling Act] to announce his CSIS secret police [Getapo]. From 1933 to 1939 Hitler rearmed Germany by putting everyone to work in the factories building bombs, tanks, planes and bullets to create Germany’s economic miracle.

Know your history, or it will repeat itself. The Germans could have stopped Hitler in 1933. Because they acquiesced to one man’s maniacal rule, 50 million dead! As the great story teller Johnny Cash reminds us to remember our history. “So many time I’ve heard the same old story. Any fool can learn to read between the lines. And this time, honey, you’ve burned all your bridges. You’re ancient history to this heart of mine.”


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This beating at Onondaga Nation in 1997.







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MNN. Sep. 3, 2014. A long time ago a Mohawk widow and her beautiful daughter were living in a village. Though food and other necessities were provided by the people, life was hard. They had to chop and carry the wood, go for water, take care of their home and carry out their commitments to their community. One day a handsome young man came to their door. He was tall, with bronze flawless skin, shiny black hair and sparkling white teeth. He was wearing white moose skin clothes covered in beautiful decorations. He said he was from another village and needed a place to stay for a short while. He offered to help them by doing chores.

The sparkle can blind you.

The sparkle is blinding. 


He was a perfect guest and soon became indispensable. Eventually he and the daughter fell deeply in love. He asked the mother if he could marry her. The mother hesitated because she did not know him, his background or his family. The daughter insisted and pressured her mother, who finally allowed the marriage.

One day he asked to take his bride to his village to meet his family. The mother resisted. The daughter insisted. Finally they left and promised to return soon.

The couple arrived and went through an opening in a high wooden wall. There was only an empty field and a large lake. He held her hand, “Come with me and don’t let go.” They walked into the water until they both began to breath like fish. Eventually they swan and arrived at a village in the middle of a swamp. The people looked like ugly lizards. They had rusty colored scales on their body, feet and tails. They worked constantly to control and expand their surrounding territory. She was kept in a room away from them. Her husband, in lizard form, carried out his commitments. The lizards wanted her to bear some human looking children that would live among humans. She became afraid and wanted to go home. They would not let her go.

An old lizard man imprisoned among them saw her distress. He told her the only way to escape was to dive into the water, swim for shore and never look back. Once on the beach, “Run away”, he said. One day she swam away. Her husband and his family chased her and angrily yelled at her. She cried and wouldn’t look back. She got to the shore and ran home.

Come on, girl. Beauty is skin deep!

Stay, girl. He has a great personality! 


Her mother and people were happy to see her. She was reminded that she did not know who this stranger was and should have listened to them.

You are not supposed to take off your filtered contact lenses.

The mask is coming off!  

This ancient Mohawk story reminds us of stories today about the “Anunaki” and their reptilian bloodline. Researchers like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, John L. Coleman and many others have been revealing this ancient bloodline.

Don’t be fooled by appearances. Listen to your elders. “Oblivion”, a 4 hours 45 minute video by David Icke, has historical and current information on this ancient bloodline. The last 40 minutes provides solutions on how to protect ourselves from “the lizard people”.

As King Crimson laments in their song “Lizard”, “Make saffron Sabbath eyelids bleed. Scar the sacred tablet of wax on which the lizards feed.”King Crimson. “Lizard”.

Video: “Oblivion”. David Icke. 4 hr. 45 mins.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit











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MNN. Aug. 5, 2014. An old Iroquois story reminds us of what is going on in Gaza today.

Disembodied head takes root in a host & tries to kill it.

Disembodied head tries to take root in a host & kill it.

Once upon a time there was a young ongwehonwe hunter. He gave all the game he caught to the needy, widows and orphans. One sunny day he took his new arrow and two dogs and left for the other end of his nation’s territory. On this day life in the forest seemed to have vanished. No birds were singing. No rabbits crossed his trail. Even the brooks were silent. Strangely his dogs stayed close to his feet. As he made camp he heard a strange wailing cry from the north. His dogs growled in fear. They warned him in their language that the hunter understood that a terrible monster was nearby. “Run back to the village before he harms you”, said one terrorized dog.

He turned and ran back to his village. He could hear the long, piercing wail as the monster got closer. The hunter looked back. He saw a fiery head with large round yellow eyes, a long hooked beak, and huge open mouth. The creature had fiery wavy hair and no body. Attached underneath were two scale-covered paws with long curved ugly claws. The monster jumped from tree to tree leaving a wide burnt path through the forest. Soon the hunter could feel the creature’s hot breath. One dog said, “I am going back to fight it even though I will never see you again”. The hunter could hear his dog bark, growl and scream in pain as he was eaten by the flying head.

As he got near the village he could hear the wailing cry of the creature. Sparks from its mouth surrounded him. His other dog said, “I will go back to fight it”. Once again he heard his dog’s yelp of pain as he was devoured. Then he heard the wailing monster getting close. Its breath burnt a path through the forest. He could feel its huge eyes on him. He ran to a clearing in his village, stopped and looked back. The big head bounded to the edge. Sparks flew from its mouth. Its yellow eyes glared in fiery hatred at the people. The people stood up against the evil facing them. With a terrible cry of anger the monster suddenly turned and disappeared over the dark forest out of existence forever.

Creepy disembodied head steeped in evil.

Creepy disembodied head steeped in evil will soon cease to be.

The Palestianians are those people in this story. The flying head is the Israeli war machine. They will be going over the hill soon never to be seen by the Palestinians ever again. Just like in the Iroquois legend of the flying head. Tehanetorens. Legends of the Iroquois. Book Publishing Company. Summertown TN. 1998.

Frank Zappa describes the horror the Palestinians face: “Flies all green and buzzing in this dungeon of despair. Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes, and scratch their matted hair. A tiny light from a window hole a hundred yards away is all they ever get to know about the regular light in the day. And it stinks so bad the stones been choking and weeping greenish drops, in the room where the giant fire puffer works and the torture never stops”. The Torture Never Stops.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Private armies.

Israel attempts genocide copying Canada.






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MNN. July 29, 2014. The Zionist butchers massacring the Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere. Like with us, the British set up the genocide. Just like the Palestinian, every inch of our land is illegally occupied.

Wounded Knee Massacre 1890.

Wounded Knee Massacre 1890.

Gaza massacre 2014.

Gaza massacre 2014.

US, Canada and Britain are behind Israel’s program of genocide against humanity and Mother Earth. These three corporate entities point to us as the example for Israel to follow. That is why Harper, Obama and Cameron have unending support to the Zionists to cover their historic crimes committed in the Western Hemisphere. Their aim is complete annihilation of the Palestinians and total theft of all their land.

Every country in the world sits idly by and watches Israel commit its “made for tv war crimes”. How many houses and women are they obliterating today? The world is being conditioned to do as they’re told.

Those observing the conflict on tv are changing the outcome according to the laws of quantum mechanics. A series of conferences at Solvay in Brussels of the greatest scientists [Einstein, Eisenbach, Curie, Bohn…] discovered that the outcome of an experiment always changes when there is an observer.

The front for Zionism is a nationalist movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Zionism actually is the monetization of everything, even thought. Whoever has the most money makes the rules. Zionism is the 51% dictating their will to 49%. It is the majority of one vote of the corporate shareholders who will always control the outcome. The Great Peace is 50-50, which means equality for all people. The outcome has to be worked out to everyone’s best interests, which is the only route to peace on earth.

The Palestinians need the women of the world to come to their aid.

As Pink Floyd laments: “Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb?” Pink Floyd. “Mother”.

Watch the Zionist story: Who are the Zionists.

Palestinian Resistance. Susan Abdulhawa.

Zionists rule the world. Video.

Solvay Conference, Brussells.

Film.What in the Bleep Do We Know.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit








MNN. Apr. 13, 2014. In 1710 the four chiefs from the [Iroquois Confederacy] Rotino’shonni:onwe went to the Court of Queen Anne in London to make peace treaties with the 13 European monarchical families. It was the first International Conference on World Peace called by our people to make the same kind of peace treaties we had with each of our nations on Great Turtle Island. Our chiefs represented all our friends and allies. They gave each monarch a Guswentha/Two Row Wampum Belt. Peter the Great of Russia accepted it. This treaty belt was recently found in a museum  in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Nicholas II of Romanovs set up Permanent Court of Arbitration 1899.

Nicholas II of Romanovs set up Permanent Court of Arbitration 1899 for world peace and to stop war.

Background: Rotino’shonni:onwe were asked to spread the peace. When the original United Nations was formed, they uprooted the biggest white pine tree, buried their weapons underneath for all time, never to be used against each other. Then it was replanted.  

The Roman Empire [the Vatican] has never set foot in Russia. The Vatican sent the Jesuits to set up the genocide of all Indigenous in the 1500s, murdering over 150 million. They went west into Europe but not east.

Rotino'shonni:onwe chiefs on world trade mission.

Rotino’shonni:onwe chiefs of Great Turtle Island on world peace mission, London 1710.

Russia never breached the treaty as they were never part of the Vatican. They opposed the genocide of our people that was carried out by the Jesuits on behalf of the Vatican. In 1776 the Vatican carried out the first “false flag”, the American Revolutionary War, to stop world peace, which already existed on Great Turtle Island and was starting to spread to  Europe.

Gaucho Jesuit Francis ready to leads his troops to annihilation.

Gaucho Jesuit Francis leads his  child raping followers to annihilation.

In 1899 Nicholas II of Russia set up the Permanent Court of Arbitration for world peace and to end war. In 1917 the Romanov family was murdered by the machinations of the banking families of Europe [World War I].

Your visits are in our communal memory.

“Black Robe, your genocide is in our communal memory”.


The Mohawks are going to nuke the Vatican and all their corporate banking structures. We will take them down for good by putting them on trial for genocide, before the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Jesuits and their top general, the Pope, the military arm of the Vatican that keeps the world under military rule, will be dissolved. It is time to repolish the covenant chain between the Rotino’shonni:onwe and Russia that this belt represents.

As our Cherokee brother, Elvis, warns the people at the Vatican, “Your walls are starting to crumble”.  Elvis Presley. “Joshua Fought the Battle”. skull w arrow

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

“US Orwellian tool VOA finished in Russia”.                                                                       “Karl Marx and the Iroquois Constitution”.                                                                           US Continental Congress meet Iroquois Confederacy. The American Revolutionary  War was to chop down the 3,300 year old tree of peace at Onondaga.  ‘Continental Congress meet Iroquois Confederacy.’ 







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MNN. Apr. 5, 2014. Mohawk Nation members are looking for the Two Row Wampum/Guswentha belt. In 1710 at the World’s First International Peace Conference our Haudeonsaunee chiefs presented this belt to the 13 monarchies of Europe and to explain the Great Law of Peace. Four-Kings-Stamp-Block



Russian Czar, Peter the First, was there. In 1899 Czar Nicholas II of Russia set up the oldest court for international dispute resolution, The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. The goals are world peace and an end to war.   The Permanent Court of Arbitration.

The statesman of the Romanov Dynasty.

Peter the Great, the statesman, listened to Rotino’shonni:onwe chiefs in 1710.

We are the victims of the same ‘crown’ criminal bankers and the Vatican corporation that carried out the genocide of over 150 million of our people. Then they murdered the entire imperial family of Russia in 1917 in step with their dastardly plans to take over the world. 

The following Voice of Russia Radio interview, Part I, with Kahentinetha was aired on April 5, 2014. It is about our search for the Guswentha that Peter the Great received at the World’s First International Peace Conference in London in 1710. VOICE OF RUSSIA RADIO interview. American Indians Seeking 1700 Guswentha Peace Treaty Belt.

Russian bear meets Mohawk Bear clan.

Russian bear greets Mohawk Bears.

  • “War is not a polite recreation but the vilest thing in life, and we ought to understand that and not play at war.” – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

As Kurt Cobain sang, “I’m worse at what I do best. And for this gift, I feel blest. Hello. Hello. Hello. How low!”. Kurt Cobain, Nirvana. “Smells like teen spirit!”

Video. HISTORY RUSSIA – 20th Century. [5.00 min.]

“1892 Banker’s Manifesto”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit