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MNN. Oct. 21, 2014. The Quebec Police in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu were chasing a 25-year old businessman, Couture Rouleau. His car supposedly hit two men in a parking lot, who happen to be soldiers. One apparently died. With the cops in hot pursuit, his car flipped over near the Canadian Forces Base. Witnesses saw him crawl out with his hands up. They said they heard on the police radio, “Make sure he’s dead!” The cops shot him 7 times.

Harper: "CSIS told me it's terror. So I'm "territifed!

Harper: “CSIS told me it’s terror. So I’m “terrified!”

Shortly after, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced in Parliament that the man had been radicalized and could have been “engaged in a terrorist act”. The mainstream media quickly blasted the story criminalizing Rouleau. It was in fact murder by the cops on speculation.

In Ferguson Missouri 18-year old Michael Brown had his hands up to surrender shouting, “Don’t shoot!”. He was shot 6 times. Demonstrations and rioting followed.

Rouleau was harassed because of his beliefs. He had converted to Muslim, went by the name Ahmed and praised Allah on his website. His passport was confiscated. His murder is like the hanging of 38 Indigenous on December 16, 1862. It was all on Lincoln’s orders. It was the largest mass execution in US history. Hanging of Indians at Mankato.

"Hey! You shouldn't have pulled us over!"

“Hey! We’ve had enough of this NWO police state shit! Stop pulling us over!”

Canadian media promote the bombing of the people of Iraq. US president George Bush sat in the classroom while the World Trade Center was blasted by a nuclear explosion, ordered by him. Harper wants to declare war on terror in Canada, to turn the billion dollar 30-day mission into a ten billion dollar 10-year mission.

Just like Great Turtle Island; the plan is to depopulate the Middle East so they can subjugate the survivors and steal all their resources.

thought-policeThe situation with Rouleau reminds us of the Orwellian thought police. We’ll let Maxwell Smart point out the confusion. Maxwell Smart.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: Vets already on war wagon.

Read: Harper calls it terror CBC.
























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MNN. Aug. 19, 2014. Is Ferguson town the beginning of the end for imperialism? According to the ancient Zionist plan, the chaos is perpetrated by the puppet masters. When the people demand a solution, they come in and settle it their way. This is “ordo ab chao” in play. Their solutions will always be based on false flags, fake stories, etc. Targets are called “terrorists” to justify and legalize genocide and war worldwide. Outsiders are always sent in to provoke and do the dirty work. Mercenaries fight, kill, maim and terrify the people.

"Hurry! The boss said Ferguson's that way."

“Hurry! The boss said Ferguson’s that way.”

The Russian Revolution began when the Tzar ignored the needs of his people and put most of his attention towards WW I. He sent in the police to put down the people who were protesting for basic human rights. The police dehumanized and attacked them. After months the police finally joined the people. Nicholas then sent in the army against the people and the police. They joined the people and turned their weapons on the oligarchs. The Tzar and his family were finished. When this happens in Ferguson and elsewhere, the oligarchs will be finished too! join or die

The UN plan is to start with a “soft police state” in US and Canada, with murder, FEMA camps, viruses, military training and equipment for the cops. Corporate by-laws are being passed as if they are real law. They’re designed to create prisoners out of law-abiding citizens to fill the FEMA camps. After a few false flags, the “hot police state” begins.

The police come in with brutal force. The people will suffer more and more. Finally the revolution against corporatism will break out and spread worldwide. A real revolution is when the people stand up against imperialism.

In Ferguson some cops have joined the people. The military will be sent in to attack the people and the police. The army will brutally attack and then step down to join the people. Then we will start living according to the Guswentha and there will be no more war worldwide.

The most brilliant form of diplomacy, which should be the basis of international law, is the Two Row Wampum/Guswentha. It’s based on 50-50 equality where no one rules over another and everyone benefits from the good mind. The American Revolution was to change the 50-50 relationship to 51% dictating to 49% so the war will never end.

Wow! They're fighting each other!

“We’re in solidarity for the right!”

All public officials who attend the Masonic Lodges shall be exposed for who they work for. Malcolm X said: “Before you have civil rights, you gotta have human rights.”

Jimi Henrix sang: “You got my pride hanging out of my bed. You’re messing with my life, so I got my lead. You’re messing with my children and you’re screaming at my wife. Get off of my back if you want to get out of here alive. Freedom, that’s what I want. Freedom that’s what I need now”.Jimi Hendrix “Freedom”.

War is on in Ferguson.

Militarizing the police.

WW III and dollar collapse.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit
