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MNN. Oct. 21, 2014. The Quebec Police in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu were chasing a 25-year old businessman, Couture Rouleau. His car supposedly hit two men in a parking lot, who happen to be soldiers. One apparently died. With the cops in hot pursuit, his car flipped over near the Canadian Forces Base. Witnesses saw him crawl out with his hands up. They said they heard on the police radio, “Make sure he’s dead!” The cops shot him 7 times.

Harper: "CSIS told me it's terror. So I'm "territifed!

Harper: “CSIS told me it’s terror. So I’m “terrified!”

Shortly after, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced in Parliament that the man had been radicalized and could have been “engaged in a terrorist act”. The mainstream media quickly blasted the story criminalizing Rouleau. It was in fact murder by the cops on speculation.

In Ferguson Missouri 18-year old Michael Brown had his hands up to surrender shouting, “Don’t shoot!”. He was shot 6 times. Demonstrations and rioting followed.

Rouleau was harassed because of his beliefs. He had converted to Muslim, went by the name Ahmed and praised Allah on his website. His passport was confiscated. His murder is like the hanging of 38 Indigenous on December 16, 1862. It was all on Lincoln’s orders. It was the largest mass execution in US history. Hanging of Indians at Mankato.

"Hey! You shouldn't have pulled us over!"

“Hey! We’ve had enough of this NWO police state shit! Stop pulling us over!”

Canadian media promote the bombing of the people of Iraq. US president George Bush sat in the classroom while the World Trade Center was blasted by a nuclear explosion, ordered by him. Harper wants to declare war on terror in Canada, to turn the billion dollar 30-day mission into a ten billion dollar 10-year mission.

Just like Great Turtle Island; the plan is to depopulate the Middle East so they can subjugate the survivors and steal all their resources.

thought-policeThe situation with Rouleau reminds us of the Orwellian thought police. We’ll let Maxwell Smart point out the confusion. Maxwell Smart.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: Vets already on war wagon.

Read: Harper calls it terror CBC.
























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MNN. MAR. 30, 2014. London bank is falling down! President Obama and the bankers who own the Western banking system failed to start World War III in Ukraine. Soon the worthless USDollar will not be the world currency. More US citizens will join the 44 million who are already using food stamps [vouchers].  chinese weapon

Russia and China are setting up money exchanges throughout the world to transact business and trade using the Chinese Renminbi. Chinese are setting up an exchange in the city of London and many other cities around the world. Chinese Currency Exchanges.

Admiralty law is banking law. All courts in Canada are Admiralty courts. The law of the land that the Corporations of Canada and the US reside on is Kaianerehkowa.

Time to dance.

Time to dance.

Return of our ever growing $700 trillion Indian Trust Fund will be immediately dealt with by Chinese and Russian middle men. Banker Nathan Rothschild is holding $500 trillion of our Indian Trust Fund. We want that and the other $200 trillion from the other banking families. This will cause the dissolution of both corporations when the debtors call in the loans.

Every resource extraction deal made through the Canadian government corporate Indian arm are illegal and hereby nullified. Ring of Fire Deal.

“When you chose indifference on matters of human rights, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”. [Karl Jung]. Canadians who never stood with us are corporate criminals. They and their progeny will be held accountable and pay to the fullest extent for their crimes.  

Everything on Great Turtle Island belongs to us. The Corporations of Canada and the US are the terrorists. They will go bankrupt and be dissolved. These criminals will be convicted of genocide under our law. If they leave, they will be tried under international law.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEvery community on Great Turtle Island that follows the white roots to their source will establish rule of law as set out in the Kaianerekowa, the law of the land. Otherwise they must vacate. The wars are over. As Bob Marley says, “No more war! No more war!”Bob Marley. “No more war! No more war!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Putin’s new money system.                                                                                             Video: “Countdown to the Looking Glass”. 1984. Indian Trust US                         




MNN.  Jan. 10, 2013. Time to drop the Black Wampum.  The Indigenous People charge the Band Councils, Assembly of First Nations, provincial and territorial native organizations and all ‘Indian’ entities of the Corporation of Canada with “conspiracy” and “fraud”.

Wampum 44 of the Kaianerekowa, provides that the Women are the “progenitors of the soil”. Our duty is to preserve the land’s integrity on behalf of all our relatives.    

Traditionals carry out penalty for treason

Traditionals carry out penalty for treason

Wampum 58 provides that as you knowingly betrayed and violated the will of the People, you have conspired to commit treason. You worked with a foreign entity to try to dissolve and destroy our title and birthright. As corporate agents of Canada you have no authority to enter into any agreements or contracts for any of our lands or possessions with them or any corporate entities.  You represent only yourselves and those who voted for you. You are helping them to fraudulently use our land and resources as collateral to raise money on the international stock market to come in and rape our land.  

“Any chief or other persons who submit to laws of a foreign people are alienated and forfeit all claims in the Iroquois nations, and to those of our Indigenous allies who abide by the law of the land, the Kaianerekowa”.  These traitors are not in but out of the canoe.  

Your connections with these foreign entities should be thoroughly investigated, starting with the shareholder list of the Corporation of Canada.  

If the Corporation of Canada wishes to enter into any formal agreement with the true Indigenous People, they must go through proper protocol with their Queen.  Order-in-Council UK [1704] affirms that a new impartial court can be set up to hear the land disputes on Onowaregeh.  We would be in agreement with countries such as Venezuela, Iran, Panama, Netherlands and Estonia setting up this impartial third party court.  

When Canada has no traitors, the corporation cannot trade the resources they have been stealing from us.  

Corporate traitors on the hunt.

Corporate traitors on the hunt.

Senator Patrick “House Injun” Brazeau said that the chiefs have to be prepared with a “business plan solution”.  Our solution is to get rid of assimilated Indians like you. 

The settlers to legally enter our land made agreements according to The Great Peace of Montreal 1701 based on the Guswentha. The Royal Proclamation 1763 affirmed this arrangement.  Parliament represents the party that agreed to live here, but reneged on it. At this point we have no choice but to control our own destiny.  

Traitors are worse than the enemy, the lowest of the low.  Every culture loathes them.  They help foreign governments overthrow, make war against and seriously injure their own people. They undermine us from within.  

Traitors have been punished by public execution, hanging, shooting at dawn and beheading. Russians shot their traitors in the head and made the family pay for the bullet.  In our way, the women make the decision to drop the black wampum in front of the traitor. Traitors would be banished and shunned forever, their name never to be heard ever again. Their family has no rights and no voice.  The seed dies.  

Among many, one of the foremost traitors among us is Oren Lyons from Onondaga.  He requested Canada to send the army on us in the 1990 Mohawk Oka Crisis.  We were peacefully protesting the expansion of a golf course on our burial and ceremonial site. 

As the Field Warriors say:  “You want a statue, or get an Order of Canada, be a traitor.” 

Indian Traitors soon to be extinct like dodo bird

Indian Traitors soon to be extinct like dodo bird

Dedicated to the soon-to-be-extinct corporate Indian traitors,  Mick Jagger sang:  “I’m on the run, I hear the hounds.  My luck is up, my chips are own.  So good-bye baby, so-long now.  Wish me luck, I’m going to need it, child.  The hand of fate is on me now.  The hand of fate is heavy now”.  Stones: Hand of fate

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0