


MNN. May 7, 2013. The gun owners have not fallen into Obama’s trap. The National Rifle Association NRA meeting in Texas is a good example of their great fears. TV star Glenn Beck said, “Guns should only be in the hands of good people”! Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said, “The men and women who secured this country have the answers”. They are beginning to see the answer to survival is to go to the Indigenous people.

Anonymous put out a billboard connecting the weapons culture to the genocide of our people. Geronimo stands with 3 warriors, with the caption, “Homeland Security: Fighting Terrorism since 1492”. The plight of North Americans is being equated to the genocide of over 100 million Indigenous People who were protecting their lives, lands and possessions. It is over 500 years of domination and ethnic exploitation we have endured. The bankers and their corporate media continue to try to malign us with their loud hysterical cries, superstition, magic, irrational beliefs, fatalism, wishful thinking and opportunism all rolled into one. The masses are not buying it! 

Homeland Security ..

“Homeland Security: Fighting Terrorism since 1492” 

The desperate fascist media have not put a spin on it yet. This billboard indicates they admit to the murder and displacement of the Indigenous People. The 2nd amendment [right to bear arms] was put in their constitution to prevent the rise of a dictatorship within their republic.  

The use of this photo shows they think they are in the same situation that Geronimo was in. They inadvertently have come to the Indigenous People for the solution.   hysteria

They are frightened, paranoid or fear the future.  Placing themselves in solidarity with us is the beginning of the end of the war problem. We have the answers. The light is shining on the path that leads to the source of peace, freedom and equality. The gun owners will assist us when we stand up the tree of peace in Onondaga where it always resided. The war problem will end forever. As the Guess Who sings: “Eagle all gone. And no more caribou. Guns, guns, guns! God speed mother nature. never really wanted to say goodbye” Gun, Guns, Guns

The answer has always been here, the Great Law of Peace, Kaianerehowa. We will calmly explain Skenna, Kasatstensera and Karihwiio and they will listen. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0






MNN. Mar. 28, 2013. On March 26, 2013, the MNN editor was invited to be the opening speaker at Champlain College in Sherbrooke Quebec. The topic was, “A Native Perspective on Canada’s Exploitation of Resources”. Two Mohawks, as is our custom, accompanied the speaker. They sat at a table facing the crowd.

Champlain College students.

Happy Champlain College students!

She did a traditional opening; explained the Seigneury of Sault Louis land,dispute which is returning vast areas to the Mohawk Nation; that Canada is not a state according to the Montevideo Convention of 1933; the genocide committed by the Jesuits, the storm troopers of the Catholic Church; the Great Peace of Montreal 1701 that created the official two row wampum relationship between the Indigenous and the visitors to Great Turtle Island; and Section 109 of the BNA Act 1867 that established the ever growing $50.3 trillion Indian Trust Fund. The presentation was legalistic and cautious. 

Cartoons were inserted in the power point presentation to help them understand the basics. They were carefully taken step by step through the legal maze of their settlement history here on our land and their legal position today. 

Debating with the speaker.

Champlain College debater.

The speaker received an ovation. Then the questions and comments began. Some in tears, said, “What happens to us?” “I came here because I love the Indians. After listening to you, now I hate them and I hate you!”  “I didn’t do anything. My ancestors did.” “Why? Why are you telling us this?” “You have no feelings for us!” I instructed them to study the Great Law of Peace to help them understand our position.    

The speaker, a 73-year old elder of the Mohawk Nation, tried to make light of the provocative jibes to calm them down. This made them madder. The discussion became more and more heated. Some students stomped out. Others heckled and smirked. The air became static with anger and threats. The speaker remarked, “The truth hurts”. Almost the entire student body jeered in astonishment. The three Mohawks could feel intense anger and were ready to deal with it. And they did.   

Julian Assange: "Happens to me all the time".

Julian Assange: “Happens to me all the time”.

For a moment the crowd calmed down. Then the insults started again. The speaker was accused of “having no feelings”. The speaker answered, “Yes, the we have strong feelings about the genocide of 100 million people and the murder of half our children placed in your church run residential schools. No one has been charged or punished for this.” More angry words flew. None addressed the legitimate issues. The sound arguments backed them into a corner. It was like they were standing on their hind legs and were ready to jump the Mohawks.  

Suddenly a teacher rose up. She reminded them that, “We wanted to hear the Indigenous side. You have to listen even if she turns it inside out”.  The confrontation ended. They formed groups and began talking, some giving the Mohawks dirty looks.   

"I don't agree with your point of view".

“I don’t agree with your point of view”.

A native speaker should take at least three people security when they go into a potential hostile situation. Because of the rampant spread of the Owistah disease throughout the settler population, an adverse side affect is, when they don’t like the message, they might kill the messenger. As the Guess Who sang:Guns Guns Guns “You be the Red King and I’ll be the Yellow Pawn. Guns, guns, guns! Eagle all gone and no more caribou. God speed mother nature. Never really wanted to say good-bye”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0