McGill. – Mar. 27, 2024

The Women’s Nomination Belt

authorizes the Women to Nominate and Guide the Male Members

of their Clans and the Rotinoshonni Confederacy

MNN. Mar. 28, 2024. There is no redemption, no forgiveness for the genocide of indigenous people on turtle island. We are all suffering from the killings of our people so the settler colonialists can benefit. This land has always been ours and no one has ever defeated us and we have never surrendered.

Who’s land is this? Ours. The genocide is so well planned so no one can ever be charged or punished as they were enforcing  the genocide laws of Canada.  Creation remembers, and we are part of creation. We loved and laughed before as one people. This society carefully smothered our true selves. They tried to make us crave and yield to their hierarchical order. They planned how to force us to go deeper into their way, or else we were eliminated. They accuse us of being psychotic because we crave freedom. They took everything away and gave us nothing. The law of the corporation has to persist.  A system where the top 1% is taking 99% of the money, profits and benefits is toxic and unsustainable. 

They will never stop genocide until creation stops them. They keep trying to lure us back into subservience. 

Our resistance is changing the course of history. The intruders made turtle island into the filthiest toxic war-mongering place on the planet. They call our resistance delusional, hysteria, memory problems. We are always looking for the truth. The reports on the murders of our people are full of misleading information. We are classified as dangerous and not entitled to their secrets about the genocide program that is inflicted on us. We are told there is no other way for us but to comply with them. In fact they say we are trapped, like keeping an animal in a cage. 

The intruders created a false world to control us. They even call us selfish, pampered whiners feeding off their programs which are created from our Iroquois and Indian trust funds. We don’t trust the settler colonialists and they need to leave. They cannot keep what they stole and continue the devastation of us, our land and resources. They’ve done everything to hurt us since they’ve been here. But we are still here.  

If they do not follow the great peace, they must “pack up their troubles in their old kit bag and we will smile, smile, smile” and then turtle island will heal.

In every decision we make there are only two choices, fear or love?.  Turtle island is the land of peace which the settler colonialists have turned into the republic of war.  Mother earth will clean herself with one wave or shake. We’ve been told that when the sky world returns, there will be a frequency from the earth that turns on everyone’s past life memories and then the world will know peace.    

Kahentinetha, kahnistensera Mohawk Mother

Merle Haggard sounds like an injun when he sings “You are walking on the fighting side of me”: “I hear people talking bad about the way they have to live here in this country, harping on the wars we fight, crying about the way things ought to be. I don’t mind them switching sides and standing up for things they believe in, but when they are running down our country, man they are walking on the fighting side of me.  Running down a way of life our fighting men have fought and died to keep. If you don’t love it, leave it. Let this song that I am singing be a warning when you are running down our country cause you are walking on the fighting side of me. . .

box 991 kahnawake que. canada J0L 1B0