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MNN. Mar. 20, 2024. A Mohawk Mother spoke these words at McGill.
“The settler colonists are realizing that their corporate genocide culture is unsustainable with the rules of nature. Kanrokwatsera, love, is the most powerful medicine in the world. It is a power, a frequency, that comes from the earth, our mother. Good feelings produce good medicine, through our treatment of our mother, our words, our festivals, dances, songs and the way we live. Everything we do is karen’na, a song. Kaianere’kowa, the great peace, comes from this power to create science, music, love.
We are here again to protect ourselves and our mother earth. The representatives of the settler colonialists have admitted they caused genocide of our minds and bodies. They planned everything so that no one could be prosecuted. Not even one settler colonialist has ever been prosecuted for murdering an Indian. Rather the government had a bounty on Indian scalps. they were paying the settlers to murder the Indians under the moto “the only good Indians is a dead Indian”. None ever wanted to hear about what they did to our people but they did know they were coming to occupy stolen Indian land.
Our way is harmony and balance. kasatstensera’kowa saoiera is the great natural power. On the other hand, the heirarchical corporate power structure creates ‘dissonance’, illness, hatred, wars. The only sadistic animal on earth is man.
Canadian representatives are now apologizing for carrying out the crime of genocide. It is so well planned and covered up that no one can be charged in the Canadian Admiralty court system for the murders of millions of indigenous people. To this day these intruders swear allegiance to a foreign autocrat and his corporations, instead of swearing allegiance to the people they purport to represent. They want “reconciliation” with their victims which is impossible with genociders, unless the perpetrators provide the whole truth and nothing but.
On October 25, 1924, we were officially kidnapped to be cannon fodder according to the “Indian Lands Acts”, the “100 year business plan”, now called the “Framework Agreement”. The plan is to wipe out our existence by disappearing us or turning us into Canadian government slaves. In 1982 they enacted Section 35 of their present Constitution Act, acknowledging and affirming our existence on turtle island since time immemorial until infinity. Section 52 acknowledges that all other laws are “null and void”. Creation does not recognize the genocidal government of Canada. We are still in the POW camps called “reserves” while the settler colonialists occupy most of our prime land.
Do Canadians mind being cursed worldwide? After. trying to kill us off, they go after each other or kill others in other parts of the world!
From the beginning they planned to kill us without punishment or accountability, to be rid of the Indian problem forever. Our responses to their vicious plan is on Mohawk Nation News entitled “The Spitting Bears”. At this time we continue to refuse to let them build on top of our dead bodies.
They cannot escape their dastardly deeds such as outright murder, experimentation, kidnapping, residential school death camps, pigsty hospitals, orphanages and classing us as mentally deficient. They may have something terrible inside them that they cannot hide which is revealing their OTKON. They are very concerned about getting caught and how to save themselves. They expect to continue to benefit from our torture and deaths. The settler colonialists will continue to carry that guilt for as long as the Corporation of Canada continues to exist or until the Canadian people stand up and come to the indigenous fire. Their genocide of us is deep in the worldwide mind.
Our minds are made by creation. The settler colonialists kidnapped us, murdered us and hid us so no one can ever see us or find us. They make us fear those who try to take down those walls.
The root of the Canadian code of law is genocide. Canada is a fiction. We on the other hand are the people of reality. Our families and nature are real. The Crown incorporated the “metis”, “first nations” and “Inuit” to make them their corporate accomplices, to administer the genocide laws, “The Indian Act” and the “Indian Lands Acts”. We natural indigenous are front and centre victims.
The “Indian Lands Act” of Oct. 25, 1924 is the “100 year business plan” for the complete genocide of the indigenous people by this year, Oct. 25, 2024, so corporatism can prevail. In fact we prevailed. Some of us would like to have the statues, memoriials, and writings of the architect of the genocide plan Duncan Campbell Scott sent back to Scotland where he belongs. We are of turtle island. Creation did not allow us to be totally annihilated. Why? Because creation wants the invaders to tell the complete truth. 
The Irish band Nazareth sings as if they were us and the woman they sing about is Canada:
Heart breaker. Sole shaker. I’ve been told about you. Steam roller. Midnight stroller. What they been saying must be true. Red hot momma. Velvet charmer. Time’s come to pay your dues. Now you’re messing with us. Son of a bitches. [4 times]. Talking jive and . . . Poison ivy. You ain’t gonna cling to me. Man taker. Born faker. Ain’t so blind I can’t see. Red hot momma —- Now you’re messing with a son as bitch. . . .