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MNN. Feb. 23, 2014/Nov. 9, 2014. Our messenger, Dekanawida, told us this story about the White, Red and Black Serpents just before he left us. Dekanawida referred to them as serpents because they slither underneath society.

Wampum #1: “I am Dekanawida. With the statesman of the League of 5 Nation, I plant the Tree of Great Peace”.
The white serpent is Free Masonry. In the future it will come to Great Turtle Island. “They will befriend the Onkwehonwe who have been given the task of teaching them how to follow the the Guswentha/Two Row Wampum and the Kaianerekowa, the Great Law of Peace. After seven generations of contact, the white serpent will have us squeezed so tight against his chest we can hardly breathe.”
“Then a red serpent will apear from the North. The white serpent will be startled and momentarily drop the Onkwehonwe, who will fall to the ground like a baby and crawl to the hilly country to heal. The white and red serpents will have a fierce fight that will tear open mother earth”. The red serpent is the Bavarian Illuminati. The fight they will have is World War I. “Then the white and red serpents will lay around for a while not knowing what to do after the great battle”. Dekanawida said, ” A false message disguised as a woman will be sent to the black serpent in the south, who came and took over the red and white serpents. Then all three will work together to make continual war against every nation on earth”. This is the New World Order [NATO] carrying out its plan.
The black serpent will always search worldwide and will make war with one country after another. The black serpent will always be searching to see who is next. Then only will he see the Onkwehonwe healing in the hilly country. He will say, “I have no fight with them!”. Then a bright light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. “The black serpent will see the light, be fearful and swim south, never again to be seen by the Onkwehonwe”. The red serpent will become fearful of the light and crawl to the north, leaving a snaily trail behind him, never to be seen again by the Onkwehonwe”. Part of the tail of the white serpent will break off and crawl to the hilly country to heal with the Onkwehonwe. The rest of the white serpent will make a feeble attempt to swim toward the light [NASA].
Dekanawida instructed, “You must go to the hilly country. When the time comes, burn tobacco, call my name and I will return. As the Kanionkehaka, people of the flint, have kept alive the Kaianerekowa, Great Law, a great messenger will emerge from them. His words will be heard by as many as the blades of grass at the same time. We are now healing. We will soon burn tobacco and call Dekanawida by name.
AS Pink Floyd advises, take a deep breath in through your nose and breathe and exhale through your mouth: Pink Floyd. “Breathe”.
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