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MNN. Nov. 5, 2014. The economic hit men have now donned feathers to corrupt the leader in Kahnawake. They tell the leader, “Here’s some money. Don’t worry about the people. Take the money for yourself and your family.” With the band council proposal to give us money for Kahnawake and the Mohawk interest in the Seigneury, and remove us away from the route of the pipeline, they appear to have bought into the economic hit man program.
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake are using the traditional economic hit man approach on us – Bribe us. If we don’t take the money, then bring in the military. They had a meeting with us to say they had a meeting. Now they think they can sign away our land and remove us. The hit men’s job is to remove the final impediments to the CROWN’s theft . Those who don’t fit in have already been driven out.
We Mohawks are on the path of the cross-Canada pipeline. They know that they can’t get it through Kahnawake. So get rid of the fighters.
Kahnawake is not a reserve nor CROWN land. It is the unceded original Ongwehone territory of Kanienkeh. We the Rotinoshonni can’t relinquish our title. The illegally imposed government Corpo INDIANS have always been elected by default. If we vote in their corporate system, we are voting for their illegal scam to continue. Our decision-making is through our clans and the peoples’ council.
The INDIAN band council are the tail of the white serpebnt that have us squeezed so tight against their chest that we cant breathe. They are not Ongwehonwe. They left the canoe by their own decision. Like any incorporated municipality, the Peacekeepers report to the band council, who report to the shareholders through the Privy Council, who own the corporation of Kahnawake. They are law enforcement officers. To get their way, the corpo council says they had a meeting with a few people, then sign us away. It’s not legal nor binding. All this is against the Great Law of Onowaregeh.

“Mohawks. You’ll love it there – far away, pristine forests, water, hunting & fishing .. yada yada..”
The Corpo INDIANS want to move us hundreds of miles away. To set up the scenario, they have been deliberately creating worsening social conditions, high poverty, lower education levels and trying to starve the Ongwehonwe into submission. By design the corpo INDIANS mismanage the community, rig the votes and conduct fraud with impunity. They aim to keep the people apathetic and uninformed.
Canada is the most corrupt colonial country in the world, the first merger of corporation and state in 1867. Their orders from the CROWN are to kill us or hide us somewhere so no one can see us. That same old order that Champlain tried to carry out for the Europeans, “Get rid of the f—–g Mohawks!”
We need a revolution against this corpo system of 51% dictating to 49% that was imposed on us! It’s time for the people to remove all corpo entities placed over us, which is against the law of the land and all the agreements that Canada lies upon for its legality.
With the Kaianerekowa/Great Law, we will resist the tanks, choppers, psychological warfare, corruption, brainwashing, smooth talking traitors and their military trained corpo cops. The economic hit men strategies won’t work. It means non-stop resistence until we win and return to the peace.
As Merle Haggard reminds us: “Keep your retirement and your so-called security. Big city, turn me loose and set me free”. Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit
Listen to John Perkins.