

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. MAR. 2015. The Corporation of Canada does not require the approval of the Ongwe’hon:weh to push through a proposal, only to have a “consultation” meeting. If we don’t take part, that means we acquiesced. This OBJECTION to usurping Ganiengeh land known as the “Seigneury of Sault St. Louis” was presented to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. [MCK Inc.].  Mike Delisle, the President of MCK corporation, said his deadline for this deal has to be ratified by the beginning of June 2015.

Moving, Mike?

Moving, Mike?

Delisle was told that, “All 500 nations of Great Turtle Island were represented at the Great Peace of Montreal 1701, allowing the colonial settlers the right to live here. This treaty was broken. Everything reverts back to one day before for all Ongwe’hon:weh [natural people].  The Seigneury grant from Louis XIV in 1680 to the Jesuits is invalid and fraudulent. Louis did not own our land.

MCK Inc. are incorporated INDIANS that act for the CROWN and are overseen by the Privy Council. Their job is to put a dollar value on our land and then sell it. By design Kahnawake will be made unliveable through pipelines, highways, canals, railroads and toxins by transporting stolen resources from the West. These MCK Inc. traitors have forfeited their birthright, Ongwe’hon:weh name, clan, voice and right to live among us. Their actions constitute espionage, conspiracy and complicity in genocide.

Our land belongs to those coming to us from beneath the earth. MCK Inc., Parliament, the Queen, corporations, bankers and their followers are all foreigners. Their small private meetings do not legally represent the will of the People. They must answer to all 49 families, our friends and allies throughout Ono’ware:geh.

Should MCK Inc. continue their treachery, they will be burnt by the fire, which shall burn forever. Political relations can only be conducted through diplomatic channels, prescribed in Teio’ha:teh.

We have asked for the exact names, addresses of and all communiques with MCK Inc. and Indian Affairs and their Privy Council handlers, who are directing this genocide.

We can fight the economic hitman.

We can fight the economic hitman.

MCK Inc.was warned, “You will not be selling, removing our interests or relocating any of us”. Our territory belongs to the Rotino’shonni. MCK Inc’s actions are treasonable, fraudulent, unconstitutional and punishable by death. [Tehon’watisokwa:riteh]

International law affirms when treaties are broken between nations,  everything reverts back to one day before the treaty was concluded. In this case, June 24, 1701. We own everything on Ono’ware:geh. Artificial INDIANS are the problem for all of us.

Mike Delisle reported that 10 of his institutions were consulted. Five groups at the Kahnawake Survival School were vehemently against his Seigneury proposal. Their comments will not be included in the report. He represents the CROWN corporation rule of 51% majority rules [of his followers], contrary to the Great Peace. To distract us, a fight broke out on an issue totally unrelated and not on the agenda. Mike took advantage of this diversion and quickly closed the meeting. As the melee broke out, MCK councillor and bar lawyer, Christine Deom, reminded us of the Trogg song: “Wild thing. You make my heart sing. You make everything groovy. Wild thing. I think you move me. But I want to know for sure…wild thing!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L

CIA wants to own everything in the world.

Inuit worry about weather.

US declares war on Venezuela.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Dec. 13, 2014. This letter went to some of the cities on the Kahnawake tract called the “Seigneury”.

“Dec. 13, 2014.

To: Cities of Chateauguay, St-Constant, St-Isidore, LaPrairie, Candiac, St-Remi, St. Catherine, LaSalle and Lachine.Kahnawake map


The Great Law Kaianere’ko:wa directs us to maintain and spread the Great Peace, the law of Great Turtle Island. These current illegal deals between the INDIANS of the MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE Inc. and the CROWN is a direct attack against the peace. Wampum 44 of our constitution directs Kohtihon’tia:kwenio to protect our land. Montreal is located in the heart of Ganiengeh, our unceded territory. We Kanion’ke:haka are the “keepers of the eastern door’ in the heart of Onowaregeh.

Canada is instructing MCK Inc. to illegally remove us and our interest in the land known as the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis which your community sits on. Our Mohawk communities are on Rotinshonni Iroquois Confederacy land – Kahnawake, St. Regis, Akwesasne, Ganiengeh, Tyendinaga, Oswego, Wahta, Kanehsatake, Kanatsioharekeh and Kanekota. Any incursions must be discussed with all of us.

The MCK INDIANS have willingly left the canoe and put both their feet into the boat of the foreign CROWN. They have sworn their allegiance to foreign forces. They violate the Guswentha and the l701 Great Peace of Montreal made between our people. It affects everyone on this land as a breach of international law and a breach of the 1701 peace between us.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Quebecois can be proud of taking part in the first international world peace conference in Montreal in 1701. They accepted the peace before Britain and everyone else. Every nation on Great Turtle Island was represented at the Great Peace of Montreal by the 49 nations that attended through alliances, treaties and friendship belts. Then In 1710 we sent 5 chiefs to the Court of Queen Anne in London England to explain the Great Peace to the 13 bloodline families of Europe. It was the world’s first international peace conference.

Our rapids. Our friends.

Kahnawake – Our rapids. 

Soon the world will see Peace. Quebecois, you must recommit yourselves to the Great Peace, which was put in your minds when your ancestors accepted it. You agreed to spread it. Now we ask you to do it. The French are the first Europeans in the world to accept the Great Law from us. Its principles were taken back to France and created the first republican government in Europe. Let us recommit to the agreement that was made so long ago. Everyone in the world will follow the roots and spread the peace throughout the world. Let us start an unstoppable force from Quebec where it started. Skennen, gasastensera, kariwiio.

The true Kanion’ke:haka would like to extend an invitation to your municipality to talk about your situation. We have options that we would like to present to you. We would like to hear your views about peacefully residing on our land.

All Ongwehonwe in the Western Hemisphere will stand with us in any threat to us and our land. The Kohtihon’tia:kwenio are reaching out to the women in your communities to discuss their true feelings for their present and future children. We are willing to attend meetings to explain the Kaianere’ko:wa. Let’s put our minds together and see what we can do for our unborn faces. Please send this letter to all of your constituents as it affects them. We would like their opinion. This letter is being posted worldwide on

Neil Young asks who is going to stand up and save the world. It could be the Mohawk and Quebecois.

Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, Kohtihon’tia:kwenio;

Cc: Governor General of Canada, US President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, President of France, Progressive Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Parti Quebecois, UN High Commission for Human Rights, Governor of New York State, Mohawk communities: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., Kanio’ke:haka Kaianereh’kowa Kanon’ses:neh, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., Mohawk Trail Longhouse, 207 Longhouse, Up-the-Hill Longhouse, Ganiengeh Mohawk Territory, Tyendinaga Mohawks, Kanekota Mohawks, Wahta Mohawks, Kanatsiohareke,     Minister, Department of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington DC.

Note: Please forward this notice to all Ongwehonwe nations throughout the western hemisphere and to our allies worldwide. Send your comments to us and MCK

This fight is not just for us. It ‘s for everyone.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Canada & US are Vatican CROWN corporations.




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 12 Dec. 2014. One day in 1975 while I was sitting at my desk in Indian Affairs, Harry Chapman, the Registrar, showed me a secret Band Council Resolution BCR initiated by Chief Andrew Delisle and the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. MCK. Everyone in Kahnawake would have their Indian status extinquished. The community would become a taxable municipality, open to development and condos for non-Ongwehonwe. Most Ongwehonwe could not afford to live here and would have to leave. MCK Inc. had put a monetary value of $600 million on Kahnawake. If there was no opposition to the BCR within 40 days, it would go into effect.

Hanging Tobacco: Who says we gotta move?

Hanging Tobacco: It’s you that’s gonna move, not us!

Chapman said, “This is the most callous thing I have seen in my life”. Kahnawake’ro:non,Taiotekane, took it high up in the government. He publicized it and there were lots of open community meetings. Local and national media publicized our strong opposition. Questions were raised in the House of Commons. The BCR was pulled. This stopped it. Canada through MCK is trying again. Delisle is still around.

Kahnawake is on the St. Lawrence River across from Montreal. Traffic from the West has to go through our community. I live within the half mile area between CP Rail, major highways and the St. Lawrence Seaway. This is the only community where the Seaway cuts through the middle of he community. Goods from the interior of North America have to go through here by ship, rail or truck.

Come on, MCK. All the dirty tricks are  in the Indian Affairs training manuals.

Come on, MCK. All the dirty tricks are in the Indian Affairs training manual.

MCK was trained on how to deal with us. I was taught these tactics when I worked at Indian Affairs for 20 years. They sit behind a table at the front and declare everything is a secret. Some mouthpieces derail the audience regularly. They answer no questions. The agenda is restricted.

At the meeting of 30 people on December 2, out of over 10,000 residents, we were told about their instructions from the CROWN. They could not give us any details for fear that Canada would walk away from the table! We would be forced into their Admiralty court system where we would surely lose. Actually, this genocide attempt belongs in the international Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, which is not an Admiralty court.

We are being told that we are going to be moved to land where we have no Kahnion’ke:haka interest. Our interest in the Seigneury tract would be removed. The MCK has already received about $5 million from Canada to get us to sign off on the Seigneury. Chateauguay, St. Constant, Delson, LaPrairie and the others have expressed an interest in joining us and create a new wampum based relationship. MCK said, “Three places are available for us to resettle on, with tax exemption” until the CROWN decides otherwise. Since it might be on Algonquin land, according to our custom, it must have an Algonquin name. If there is resistance from us, force is threatened. Video: This happened in Kitimat BC.

MCK and their CROWN buddies will love it here?

The new rez for the MCK and their CROWN buddies.

The media has always given us bad press to turn public sentiment away from our favor. When the time comes, nobody will help us, they hope. The current evictions issue is a smoke screen. We have been deliberately divided.  It has made everybody quiet, afraid to speak out for fear of being attacked and bullied. All community workers can’t voice their opposition for fear of losing their jobs or being reprimanded institutionally or publicly. Same old. Same old. Starve us into submission!

The MCK sat up this scenario. The main issue is about taking the Mohawk interest off 55,000 acres on the south shore so goods can be moved from the interior of the continent for international trade without any Mohawk presence. We have been right here going on five suns. That’s why we’ve been placed here. It’s our job! Not theirs!

As Bob Marley tells us: “Get up. Stand up. Stand up for your rights. Don’t give up the fight. Most people think great god will come from the skies, take away everything and make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, you’ll look for yours on earth. And now you see the light. So stand up for your rights.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Environmentalists more dangerous than radical Islamists.









Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Dec. 3, 2014. As Don Corleone said, “We’ll give them an offer they can’t refuse”. The INDIANS known as the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake MCK were obviously trained at the school of dirty tricks. I saw these tactics played on our people when I worked at Indian Affairs. They tried to follow it at the December 2 meeting at the Golden Agers to discuss the Seigneury land issue.

Corpo INDIANS taking orders from the Crown: "Make them sign it!"

Corpo INDIANS taking orders from the Crown: “Make them sign it!”

Canada needs Ongwehonwe consent for pipelines, resource extraction and so on throughout Canada. They want to remove the Mohawks out of Montreal, the same way the Americans wanted the Cherokee out of Georgia. The white people want to populate Kahnawake.

The Seigneury of Sault St. Louis is on Kanionkehaka land. Any deal between Canada and itself through their corporate councils is an internal deal amongst themselves. The Corpo INDIANS are not Ongwehonwe.

Sitting at the front imitating their masters, the INDIANS dictated the CROWN’s agenda. We were told to keep this a secret. The Great Law provides that all meetings are open to everyone. Every mind is important to the whole.

The INDIANS want to put us on the legal fiction called CROWN land? The INDIANS are trying to get us to agree to a price, as the bankers require for their fraudulent economy based on land theft. We are being offered 65,000 acres of our own land near the border, 24,000 acres towards Ottawa or a large tract near Mt. Tremblant, which is Algonquin land. The Seigneury with ten cities on it will become CROWN land. Kahnawake is not a reserve. Not CROWN land. They want us outside of the Seigneury where we have no Ongwehonwe interest.

We want everything granted to the British according the Two Row from 1701 that they accepted. This includes all of Ontario and everything West in what they now call Canada. it’s time for Britain to come to the table again with the Ongwehonwe to create a new wampum belt of reconiliation with us.

That's right! You ain't taking anything!

Everyone in the world knows it’s ours. The traitors among us are ready to make a deal. They are the cancer within. They have left our canoe and put themselves in the white man’s vessel. Te ho na ton ko ton. They have left the circle of the ongwehonwe and immersed themselves totally in the ways of the colonizers. They are no longer Ongwehonwe. They abandoned their mother and family.

When the meeting got hot, a disrupter, known in blogland as the “troll”, would rise up to deflect the conversation. Their lawyer approached me and said, “We were counting on your not showing up, because of your advanced age”.

Kahnawake will always be under the Kaianerekowa, not part of Canada. No filthy pipeline will ever come through here. We are Kahnawake! Kahnawake is us! We will never leave. We will always defend it. As Tom Jones reminds: “Yes, they’ll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree, as they lay me ‘neath the green green grass of home”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

negotiate dirty tricks.