MNN. May 8, 2024. Karohianoron passes his words to our indigenous relatives of Palestine:

Protesters walking the street, holding signs and Hiawatha Belt wampum.

“Tekaianewà:konke’: Mohawk-Palestinian Solidarity at the McGill University Encampment Shé:kon sewakwé:kon. Karonhia’nó:ron ióntiats. Kanehsatà:ke nitewaké:non tánon wakeniáhton. I introduce myself to you in my language, Kanien’kéha, the language of this land, my mother, which so many of you call home today. My name is Karonhia’nó:ron, my family is from Kanehsatà:ke and I belong to the Turtle Clan.

I’ve just returned from Saskatchewan, where I attended a meeting for Indigenous archaeologists who are working to protect unmarked graves of Indigenous children across Turtle Island. What I bring back with me is a reminder of the importance of nurturing community and political alliances across Indigenous nations. That is why I wanted to be here with you today. I want to make it clear that what I share with you today is shared on my own initiative. I feel very strongly that it is my duty to use the voice I was given to speak the truth, to bring people together, and to call out any injustice that I see happening before me. I echo the support that has been voiced by my cousin Ellen Gabriel, as well as by the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnisténsera.

It is my understanding that Onkwehonweh have stood in solidarity with the people of Palestine for some time now. We have been learning from each other about how to survive, resist, rebuild, and reharmonize for ages. This is because our struggles are one and the same. As my elder and mentor Kahentinétha Horn wrote nearly a decade ago, “the Zionist butchers massacring Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million Indigenous people in the Western hemisphere” (Mohawk Nation News 2014).

Know that you are allowed to be here, and we are with you. That McGill University refuses to acknowledge its complicity in, let alone divest from, the genocidal project that maintains the existence of the Israeli state at the expense of the lives of thousands upon thousands of Palestinians unfortunately comes as no surprise to me. As some of you may know, I have been involved in the search for unmarked graves at the site of the Old Royal Victoria Hospital and the Allan Memorial Institute since the summer of 2022. I have seen nothing except the very same violent, denialist narratives being deployed against my people. I have seen the authority of the Kahnisténsera as the caretakers of this land disrespected, repeatedly; I have seen empirical evidence of human remains dismissed, repeatedly; I have seen the lives of my Ancestors and their belonging to this land erased, repeatedly. University administrators have made it very clear that their goal is to ensure that no evidence of unmarked graves are ever found so that they can plow forward with the expansion of their campus.

All the while, they continue to make enunciated commitments to “listen” to Indigenous peoples and pursue reconciliation. This university has spent millions of dollars fighting the Kahnisténsera in court. This battle has been going on for years, and continues to this day. I’m sure all of you here are aware that your tuition moneys are being used to fund the massacre of Palestinians. But did you know that this last December, Provost Christopher Manfredi stated in a university-wide notice that your tuition fees are also being used to support McGill’s efforts to deny the sovereignty of the Mohawk people and the right of the Kahnisténsera to protect the earth and all of her children, past, present and future? (see “Update on the New Vic Project and clarification of salient facts”).

I want to make something very clear: McGill has been illegally occupying Mohawk territory for over 250 years. This institution exists thanks to the theft of moneys meant to be held in trust by the Crown Corporation of Canada on behalf of the Rotinonshón:ni. As such, President Deep Saini’s repeated insistence on McGill’s supreme authority over what can and cannot occur on so-called “campus property” is not only repugnant, but based in a complete lack of understanding– perhaps even a willful ignorance– of the brutal history of this institution. The way of this land is the Kaianereh’kó:wa, and all foreigners are subject to the stipulations of the Teiohate or Two Row wampum. As an invader, McGill University is in violation of both of these. Worst of all, by committing themselves to actively participating in the genocide of Indigenous peoples here and in Palestine, McGill administrators are desecrating the kasahsténsera’kó:wa saoié:ra– that is, the great natural power of creation, and of life on earth. As such, this university and its beloved investors must account for the Indigenous children whose lives they have destroyed by immediately divesting from any and all interests implicated in the genocide of the Palestinian peoples and Kanien’kehà:ka.

Remember that while you are fighting against powers with an affinity for violence and death, you are also fighting for the continuation of natural life. Remember that you are not alone, that you are carrying on the legacy of all of those who came before you, and that you are taking up this struggle in hopes that the children who come after you will know only peace, freedom, and happiness.

To my loved ones who call Palestine their home, know that it is creation that placed you there; that your life is precious, and your bond with Mother Earth is sacred. I wish to leave with you a gift which has framed my understanding of solidarity for quite some time. The closest equivalent to “partnership” or “collaboration” in Kanien’kéha is the word tekaianewà:konke’. It describes the concept of two people walking upon the same path together, and who hold each other accountable to stay on that path. It is my understanding that so many different peoples have come to support the encampment. I’m sure you all have different ideas for how things should be conducted, or how your goals should be pursued. At the end of the day, we each have our own hearts and minds. But you must stay together on this path.

For me, it is the children who keep me in line, who remind me of the horizon we are walking towards together. Do not let anyone corrupt your soul with anxiety, fear, or a lust for power. To reiterate the words of my cousin Ellen: WE ARE ALL PALESTINIAN. Nià:wen’kó:wa, thank you. I lay my medicines down for you and send the strength and resilience of my ancestors your way. Karonhia’nó:ron Rati’niáhton 

Edwin Star asks about “War, what is it good for?” and answers, “Nothing!”:

Edwin Starr - War (Original Video - 1969)
War, huh, yeahWhat is it good for?Absolutely nothing, uhhWar, huh, yeahWhat is it good for?Absolutely nothingSay it again, y’allWar, huh (good God)What is it good for?Absolutely nothing, listen to me, oh
War, I despise‘Cause it means destruction of innocent livesWar means tears to thousands of mother’s eyesWhen their sons go off to fightAnd lose their lives
I said, war, huh (good God, y’all)What is it good for?Absolutely nothing, just say it againWar (whoa), huh (oh Lord)What is it good for?Absolutely nothing, listen to me
It ain’t nothing but a heart-breaker(War) Friend only to The UndertakerOh, war it’s an enemy to all mankindThe thought of war blows my mindWar has caused unrestWithin the younger generationInduction then destructionWho wants to die? Oh
War, huh (good God y’all)What is it good for?Absolutely nothingSay it, say it, say itWar (uh-huh), huh (yeah, huh)What is it good for?Absolutely nothing, listen to me
It ain’t nothing but a heart-breaker(War) It’s got one friend that’s The UndertakerOh, war, has shattered many a young man’s dreamsMade him disabled, bitter and meanLife is much too short and preciousTo spend fighting wars each dayWar can’t give lifeIt can only take it away, oh
War, huh (good God y’all)What is it good for?Absolutely nothing, say it again
War (whoa), huh (oh Lord)What is it good for?Absolutely nothing, listen to me
It ain’t nothing but a heart breaker(War) Friend only to The Undertaker, wooPeace, love and understanding, tell meIs there no place for them today?They say we must fight to keep our freedomBut Lord knows there’s got to be a better way, oh
War, huh (God y’all)What is it good for? You tell me (nothing)Say it, say it, say it, say it
War (good God), huh (now, huh)What is it good for?Stand up and shout it (nothing)




MNN. MAY 3, 2024.

May 5, 2024

thahoketoteh reminds the world that the original instructions of creation are for all the people of the world, our house is for all living earthlings our Mother Earth and the kanonronkwatsera/pure love that she exudes, the best medicine on the planet. and all its natural ways. Hear the “House of Healing”:

How many more times do you need to fall down, pick yourself up, shake it off, and put your feet back on the ground. Hear the wind blow, feel the breeze in your face. Come to our house of healing and awake. There’s so much trouble on our Mother Earth. She gives us everything we need with. so little in return. And with the rains, there comes a cleansing. Come to our house of healing. Everything. is in this place… We are all one with our creator. Ooh heal me. Ooh heal me …

box 991,  kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0





MNN. Mar. 20, 2013. Rape is a war crime. Pedophilia is rape. Rape is a scientifically developed military strategy to kill the victims and demoralize the people. Rape is one of the spoils of war with no prosecution of rapists. According to the UN it is a crime against humanity. Rape is used worldwide to subjugate the opponents.

Ped getting ready for next kid.

Peds, everyone knows who you are!

Canada used rape to humiliate throughout their encounter with us from the beginning. The Residential school death camps was a continuation of warfare on our children. It was systematic rape and humiliation, to eliminate our culture and traditions, to uproot our society and destroy our morale. 

The Canadian government, Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican and United Church conducted murderous rampages. They killed over 50,000 of our children in their torture dungeons. These men in dresses wearing crosses on their chests conducted serial sexual abuse on children as young as 4 years old. They tried to bring down our normal healthy self-esteem, to turn us into victims on our own land. Evil clerics and ex-soldiers were sent in to commit serial rape on our children for decades and are still protected by the shareholders of the Corporation of Canada.

It's over!

Your secret is out for the world to see!


Our children were victims of medical experiments, sodomy, starvation, floggings and strangulations. They were coerced to kill other children and then bury or burn them out of existence. Kevin White in “Where Eagles Dare to Soar” said that the elite preferred to abuse Indigenous kids because they got a kick out of degrading our naturally healthy attitude about ourselves. 

As evidenced in the film, “We were Children”, based on the true story of two residential school survivors, as part of their war, babies were kidnapped, sodomize and murdered. Today, our children are kidnapped, tortured, drugged and used to create snuff and porn films.We were children Recently over 500 young Indigenous women have disappeared without a trace. Law Enforcement refuses to investigate showing that they are a part of it. 

Our children were sent to judges, police, politicians and professionals to be sexually exploited. Religious clerics, police officers, businessmen, academics, professionals, high level politicians and media icons support the disbursement of child porn. Some, like Tom Flanagan, in Prime Minister Harper’s “inner circle” and expert adviser on Indigenous issues, belong to such organizations as the National Man Boy Love Association. Pedophilia rape is now being publicly discussed by the church as a sexual orientation and normal. They say it’s not harmful to the victims! 

Bankster shareholders planning war rape strategies.

The shareholders of Canada [banksters] will be suitably punished.

Prime Minister Harper apologized and gave some money to the victims. Paying their victims is like going to a brothel and paying for sex. 

The residential school ‘brothel” program was collusion between governments, police and church. Child abductions and suffering of our children and families is a sexual turn-on for these degenerates. Now the job of stealing our children has been diverted to the private Childrens Aid Societies across the country. 

Soon popes, presidents, prime ministers, top judges, police, senators, members of parliament, all levels of clergy and CEOs, along with their accomplices, are going to jail.  

Rape is a military strategy to scare us. The politicians gave the orders. The goal is 100% assimilation, no matter how many deaths. Canadians need to know exactly who and what Canada is.  

We will all walk together on the Red Road to healing.

We will walk together on the Red Road to healing.

The war will be over soon when we charge and arrest the shareholders of the corporation of Canada that committed this evil. We Indigenous will get off the “Colonial Wallow Road” and onto the “Red Road of Healing” by holding the perpetrators’ feet to the fire. Thahoketoteh sings about a House of Healing “There’s so much trouble for our Mother Earth. She gives us everything we need, for very little in return. With the rain comes a cleansing. Come to my house of healing and awake”.

See: We were children. Read:Winnipeg Free Press. 

Why Hitler loved America

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