

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 10, 2015. To the CROWN: We understand your people. They are disrespectful to us. They practice murder, kidnapping, rape, manipulation and every form of genocide. Our homeland must be rid of them. Take them home in a peaceful manner.

Queenie: "Now ongwe'hon:weh are kicking them out!"

Queenie: “Now ongwe’hon:weh are sending them home!”

All of our problems started with your colonial settlers who stole all our lands reneging on our original agreement in 1701. They set up dictatorship, imprisonment, corruption, theft of everything, environmental destruction and every form of prejudice.

Racism truthYour bar representative, Judge Murray Sinclair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC, has set us up for total termination to protect you. His recommendation is for your colonial children to keep control over our stolen lands, resources and sovereignty. Incorporated INDIANS are already oppressing, murdering, assimilating and annihilating us, with para-military backing. Mr. Sinclair is a residential school product, groomed as the front man to relieve pressure on the CROWN, churches, and everyone who benefits from genocide. If we refuse the TRC “white wash”, ordinary services for our basic survival needs will be cut off.




The TRC actually represents no truth, no reconciliation, no compensation, no justice. Sinclair calls us “Canadians”. The CROWN speaks through is mouth. The residential school paedophila system successfully trained him to help continue the genocide.


According to kaia’nereh:kowa, our land, possessions and all profits must be handed over to us by the thieves. No gold or silver can buy our sovereignty. We are not for sale to any bidder. kaia’nereh:kowa will deal with those who continue to defy the law of the land.

The Two Row Wampum, teiohateh, is hidden in one of your little rooms in the palace. If you personally want to reconcile with us, show up with the original wampum belt from 1701 that was presented to you in Albany, that brought your children to Canada. Only then can we begin to renegotiate the lease. Harpeau C51

As the top troubadour, Mr. Johnny Cash, would sing for the Queen and all of her evil step-children, “Goodbye, little darling. We’re parting. Parting don’t always mean goodbye. Although we had to part, you’re always in my heart. Goodbye, little darling, goodbye!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

White farmers flee Zimbabwe.


Voice of Russia interview of kahentinetha.

New US internet law.

C-50 Vancouver Observor.

UK full house.

UK full house.




Please post and distribute.

MNN. May 28, 2014. The corporate band council system is part of the Corporation of Canada. The mission of the business is to distribute the poverty amongst our people to accelerate the resource extraction from our territories for their multi national corporations. For our people to regain our inherent power and possessions, the band council has to dissolve the corporate power grid.

Where is that Registrar General's Office to file those band council dissolution papers?

Where is that Registrar General’s Office to file these band council dissolution papers?


Corpo Chiefs are finally trying to stop the theft of our ever-growing Indian Trust Fund. 50% of the profit on every rock, tree and natural resource, has gone into our trust funds since the invaders arrived empty handed on our shores. The crown corporation of Canada has carried out genocide and placed us in prisoner of war camps called reserves while stealing all our possessions.

The corporate chiefs can instantly dissolve their band council corporate entity. Gather the forms, fill them out and go in person to the nearest Registrar General to file the articles of dissolution of the band council corporate entity. As soon as the filing is done, go Immediately and withdraw everything and then close that bank account. Each community send an invoice to the Corporation of Canada for your portion of the $950 trillion Indian Trust Fund, “Payable in gold bullion only”.

When Canada refuses to pay the invoice, an action can be started at the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Negotiators: "You can only take what you came with!"

Negotiators: “Visitors! You can only take what you came with!”

The 500-year war of colonialism is almost over. As Chief Justice Murray Sinclair of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission states in his TRC communiqués: the mandate of TRC is to find the truth and develop a reconciliation strategy. They have no mandate to charge the crown.

They can’t because all courts in Canada are Admiralty controlled through the Vatican, which is the crown.

Charges can be filed for breach of trust and genocide against the crown corporation of Canada at the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague. This is not a crown/Vatican controlled Admiralty Court.

Plant more crops because we are going to have a bad winter. Nothing can be worse than our ancestors’ brutal experiences only two generations ago at the hands of these merciless invaders.

The war is almost over. One more cold winter. As Vera Lynn sings, “We’ll meet again. Don’t know where, don’t know when. But I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day. Keep smiling through, just like you always do. Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away”.

Corpo Chiefs kill education bill.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit