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MNN. July 23, 2014. In the early 1970s the Mohawks of Kahnawake were building a traditional school in the back of the community. Money ran out. The longhouse decided to send a few people to Indian Affairs in Ottawa to collect some of our Indian Trust Fund.

Two Row said 50-50 of all their revenues forever!

“Two Row said 50-50 of everything is ours forever!”

The Mohawks arrived at Indian Affairs and said, “Our people sent us to get our funds”. They were refused. Our representatives said they would be back in one week for it.

The following week the Mohawks arrived with reinforcements. Indian Affairs was waiting for them. An employee told them the police were on their way to evict them. Our representatives prepared for the encounter. Tables and chairs were turned and implements were grabbled. The police arrived, took a look and left.

"Where's Chretien to give us all our Indian Trust Fund?'

“Where’s Chretien? We want our money now!”

Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chretien, sent his Indian aide to tell our representatives, “This is not how things are done”. He was told, “Our people sent us. We’re staying until we get our people’s money!”. The aide talked them into leaving the meeting room and staying at the Skyline Hotel. A few days later a check arrived that covered most of the expenses for the new school.

"So what did you learn at the Indian "Way school today?

We knew that every cent of revenue that went into this fund comes from the extraction of our stolen resources. They were supposed to place half of everything [Two Row Wampum] they’ve ever done on our land with our resources in an account for us. The crown [the shareholders of the Corporation of Canada] took 100% and put it all into their Consolidated Revenue Fund without our knowledge or consent. With the illegal colonial Indian Act, they made themselves our trustees over all of our funds, lands and resources. Canada like all corporations is designed to provide maximum profit to its shareholders. The corporation is run on our Indian Trust Fund. All extra monies is treated as profits and distributed to the shareholders as dividends.

As Pink Floyd says, “Money, get away. Get a good job with more pay and you’re O.K. Money, it’s a gas. Grab that cash with both hands. Make a stash.” Pink Floyd. “Money”.

CANADA IS NOTHING MORE THAN A DEAD CORPORATION. Dean Kory, a Canadian from Lindsay wrote the following on Facebook. We think he’s hit the nail on the head. Canada is created on lies, deceit, theft and the fact alleged Canadian’s DO believe in the impossible. This is an essay detailing ”The Truth about Non-Canada!” or, if you prefer you could say it reveals,“The Myth of Canada!“, Or it could be the story of “Canada: the Non-Country!”

When we refer to our cur­rent alleged Cana­dian gov­ern­ment as de jure, we no doubt mean de facto, since de facto means “in fact”, but not “by law”, which is what de jure means. In other words, a law­ful gov­ern­ment is a de jure government.
A gov­ern­ment that exists by decep­tion and fraud, and not by law­ful author­ity, is a de facto government.

It’s highly unlikely that the Cana­dian estab­lish­ment, with polit­i­cal mil­lion­aire shys­ters as its van­guard, is igno­rant of the actual his­tory of Canada and its fake gov­ern­ment. The fake ver­sion taught in our schools has noth­ing in com­mon with 135 years of real­ity; of gov­ern­ment by mil­lion­aires, of mil­lion­aires, for millionaires.
Canada is nei­ther a fed­er­a­tion nor does its gov­ern­ment oper­ate with legit­i­mate author­ity. Know­ing this and keep­ing mum about it makes politi­cians and the entire Bar Asso­ci­a­tion crim­i­nal offend­ers by default, if not by design…all of them, past and present. Which doesn’t mat­ter much these days because it’s obvi­ously cool (and very prof­itable) to be law­less, as far as those at the trough are concerned. 

Judg­ing by politi­cians, and the legal community’s vis­i­ble con­duct, their strat­egy seems to be one of per­pet­u­ally rein­forc­ing the nix­ing of the UNAUTHORIZED AND ILLEGITIMATE EXISTENCE OF CANADIAN GOVERNMENTS by teaching and cel­e­brat­ing a Cana­di­ana, pick­led in bald-faced lies, with much ado and hoopla.

researchers have accu­rately re-created a chronol­ogy of what actu­ally hap­pened since 1864 and what Canada’s sta­tus is today…which isn’t news, it’s just infor­ma­tion that is rig­or­ously suppressed. 

It takes a lot of time and effort to sep­a­rate the facts from the myths about Canada’s “cre­ation.” For­tu­nately, there have been many ded­i­cated Cana­di­ans doing the ardu­ous research. By learn­ing how con­sti­tu­tions and nations are prop­erly cre­ated and then com­par­ing this with Canada’s (and Britain’s) records of the time (and since then), these researchers have accu­rately re-created a chronol­ogy of what actu­ally hap­pened since 1864 and what Canada’s sta­tus is today…which isn’t news, it’s just infor­ma­tion that is rig­or­ously suppressed.

Few peo­ple would sus­pect that edu­ca­tional fac­ul­ties, politi­cians, judges, media and the entire mem­ber­ship of the Cana­dian Bar Asso­ci­a­tion would inten­tion­ally deny the exis­tence of such a fun­da­men­tally impor­tant mat­ter. With few notable excep­tions, the pub­lic has unques­tion­ingly accepted the offi­cial fairy­tale as gospel. Pro­fes­sion­als, privy to the truth, are sim­ply too busy chas­ing the buck and drop the truth from their conscience.
Politi­cians have banked on such devel­op­ments with aston­ish­ing suc­cess since “con­fed­er­a­tion.” Today, nobody in his right mind (while igno­rant of the facts) will believe that Canada has actu­ally been under the con­trol of impos­tors for 135 years; which con­tin­ues to be so, as long as most Cana­di­ans are con­tent to trudge through the dark, think­ing they are soar­ing in the light.

Nowhere are the con­se­quences of this mas­sive decep­tion more embod­ied than in the dili­gence with which Cana­dian judges help the Cana­dian Cus­toms and Rev­enue Agency ( CCRA ) to ruth­lessly admin­is­ter a tax extrac­tion racket as fraud­u­lent and crim­i­nal as Canada’s C-36 pro­tec­tion racket. Faced with hav­ing to rule inescapably in favour of the aggrieved (tax vic­tims) Cana­dian judges, spine­less with­out excep­tion, have turned into legal eels, sym­bi­ot­i­cally cor­rupted by their addic­tion to pres­tige, spe­cial priv­i­leges and highly salaried appoint­ments for life. 

Cit­i­zens, pay for judi­cial priv­i­leges with the ero­sion of their “con­sti­tu­tional” rights and speedy redress, while judges hide their bot­tom­less cow­ardice to uphold the prin­ci­ples of the BNA Act behind over­bear­ing pom­pos­ity, intim­i­da­tion and self-serving and crim­i­nal bias, in an effort to pro­tect the hand that feeds them. 

There is no such thing as arms length free­dom of judges from gov­ern­ment inter­fer­ence. When it comes to the con­sti­tu­tion and taxes, judges are deathly afraid to reveal their knowl­edge of the BNA Act’s ille­git­i­macy. Instead they impro­vise slick Catch 22 pro­ce­dures and set obstruc­tive prece­dents based on legal sophistry; osten­si­bly, to “avoid the chaos” that would ensue if they were inclined to respect the (non-) con­sti­tu­tional rights of the peo­ple. They main­tain that, by enlight­en­ing the pub­lic about Canada’s con­sti­tu­tional real­ity and by rul­ing fairly and with integrity, they would “unleash” real nation build­ing reforms by a lib­er­ated pub­lic, while cur­tail­ing for them­selves Ottawa’s munif­i­cence, which they view as anarchy. 

Com­pound­ing their crimes, judges find noth­ing wrong with the mas­sive coun­ter­feit­ing of credit and the col­lec­tion of inter­est from it by pri­vate banks. Nor does it bother them that this occurs with­out the bless­ings of the BNA Act and under the aus­pices of impos­tors with pre­ten­sions of gov­ern­men­tal authority…all of which has become “real” under the umbrella of fake legitimacy. 

Canada is joined in this con­sti­tu­tional dilemma by Aus­tralia and New Zealand. But, unlike Canada’s, their legal com­mu­ni­ties have acknowl­edged that a con­sti­tu­tional prob­lem exists and they deal with it, view­ing it as a grand oppor­tu­nity of change for the better.
To under­stand why the BNA Act and the Cana­dian Fed­er­a­tion are fake, here is a quick, nut­shell expla­na­tion of how and by whom con­sti­tu­tions and sov­er­eign demo­c­ra­tic coun­tries are prop­erly created. 

The “infa­mous social­ist agenda” The cre­ation of a demo­c­ra­tic nation is for sane peo­ple sim­ply a mat­ter of com­mon sense and decency; for the estab­lished elites it’s a lead­ing cause of apoplexy and a mat­ter of sub­ver­sion, ter­ror­ism and communism…if not down­right anarchy.

But assum­ing that a sov­er­eign demo­c­ra­tic fed­er­a­tion is socially desir­able – in other words, lib­eral rhetoric trans­formed into actual real­ity – no super­nat­ural abil­i­ties or spe­cial law degrees are nec­es­sary to cre­ate it.
It requires merely a pub­lic con­sen­sus about the pur­pose of the nation and how to best achieve it.

a) First, there has to be a ter­ri­tory (like a Cana­dian province) who’s peo­ple desire to be a sov­er­eign and demo­c­ra­tic nation.
b) From among them­selves the peo­ple select, by vote or appoint­ment, a tem­po­rary assem­bly and charge it with the for­mu­la­tion of a con­sti­tu­tion.
c) A first draft of the con­sti­tu­tion is sub­mit­ted by the assem­bly to the peo­ple for review and pub­lic debate, to pro­vide an oppor­tu­nity for changes.
d) After a first pub­lic debate the assem­bly retires to work out the changes, after which it is sub­mit­ted again to the peo­ple for review and fur­ther changes, if nec­es­sary.
e) This process is repeated until the con­sti­tu­tion has become a for­mula accept­able to a sub­stan­tial major­ity of the peo­ple.
f) Now the peo­ple vote in a ref­er­en­dum to accept (or reject) the con­sti­tu­tion with a pre-determined major­ity (75% for exam­ple).
g) If the required major­ity can­not be achieved, fur­ther changes must be made until the for­mula becomes accept­able to the required num­ber of peo­ple.
h) The entire process is recorded and doc­u­mented as proof of the constitution’s author­ity.
i) On the basis of the con­sti­tu­tion a gov­ern­ment is then formed, which is con­trac­tu­ally bound (social con­tract) to respect it and con­duct itself in accord with it.
j) Now this sov­er­eign nation can form a fed­er­a­tion with other nations, if it wishes to do so.
Note, that no con­sid­er­a­tion has been given to the manip­u­la­tive inter­fer­ence from pri­vately owned media monopolies.

Note, that the con­sti­tu­tion is cre­ated first, then the gov­ern­ment. To cre­ate a demo­c­ra­tic nation for the peo­ple, by the peo­ple, of the peo­ple, it can­not be any other way.
Note, no for­eign gov­ern­ment can for­mu­late (or cre­ate) the con­sti­tu­tion of another coun­try. It has to be cre­ated by the peo­ple them­selves and becomes thus, for all intents and pur­poses, their pro­tec­tive prop­erty. It’s not only the law but is a con­tract which sub­ju­gates the gov­ern­ment to the peo­ple. The gov­ern­ment derives a lim­ited author­ity to gov­ern from it, always sub­ject to the people’s authority. 

Note, ONLY SOVEREIGN NATIONS CAN FORM A FEDERATION. For exam­ple, a domin­ion is the sub­ject of an empire, un-free, and can­not deter­mine any­thing, much less fed­er­ate, with­out the empire’s approval. A SOVEREIGN NATION IS NOT SUBJECT TO ANYONE . In other words, it is free to design its socio-economic orga­ni­za­tion or enter into fed­er­a­tions in any way it wants. 

A sov­er­eign, demo­c­ra­tic domin­ion?! But that’s not what hap­pened in 1867. When we ask, did Canada become then a sov­er­eign, demo­c­ra­tic domin­ion, we must also ask, of whom or of what? The Crown? Roth­schild? The IMF ? Thus the incon­gruity becomes unmis­tak­ably self-evident.

In 1867 we-the-people didn’t exist, as far as polit­i­cal “par­tic­i­pa­tion” was con­cerned. In the exalted view of our bet­ters, the colo­nial mil­lion­aire paragons of civ­i­liza­tion, we were prac­ti­cally indis­tin­guish­able from the stink­ing squalor sur­round­ing us. They habit­u­ally referred to us as “scum.” They were the landed gen­try, lord­ing it over us, the rab­ble, with style, opulence…and vastly refined superiority. 

In 1864 an assem­bly of such unelected “colo­nial rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Crown” (appointees and careerists) con­vened in Que­bec and began to draft the Que­bec Res­o­lu­tions under the wise guid­ance of the Hon. John A. Mac­don­ald, all of them men of sub­stance, inspired by self-interest. The gen­eral “scum” of the day didn’t even know that this was going on, not being wealthy enough to vote and all.… 

Note, that the orig­i­nal draft was cre­ated by an unelected assem­bly of colo­nial appointees with­out the knowl­edge of the gen­eral pub­lic. In 1867 the “Que­bec scheme of 1864″ was sub­mit­ted to the Colo­nial Office in Lon­don for Royal assent, to be enacted by the British leg­is­la­ture. In between read­ings in the House of Lords and the House of Com­mons the word­ing of the pre­am­ble (the most impor­tant page of a con­sti­tu­tion) was changed (a fraud­u­lent slight of hand), with­out the knowl­edge of the del­e­ga­tion from Canada or any­body in both houses, into the oxy­moron it has remained to this day. At this point there existed no printed copy of the original.

Remem­ber, no for­eign gov­ern­ment can cre­ate a legally valid con­sti­tu­tion for another coun­try. What even­tu­ally emerged from the British leg­is­la­ture was a statute as phoney as a three dol­lar bill, with the first page miss­ing entirely. The list of experts who attested to this fact in 1935 is impres­sive, indeed: 

Dr. O. D. Skel­ton, Under-Secretary of State for Exter­nal Affairs; Dr. Ollivier, K.C., Joint-Law Clerk, House of Com­mons; Dr. W. P. Kennedy, Pro­fes­sor of Law, Uni­ver­sity of Toronto; Dr. N. McL. Rogers, Pro­fes­sor of Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, Queens Uni­ver­sity; Dr. Arthur Beauch­esne, K.C., C.M.G., L.L.D., Clerk of the House of Commons.

And it doesn’t end there. Note, that there exists no doc­u­mented record of a man­dated assem­bly or debates by nei­ther the elites nor the “scum,” nor a bind­ing ref­er­en­dum in 1867 or since. 

On Novem­ber 8, 1945, the MP for Jasper-Edson, Wal­ter F. Kuhl, widely respected as the pre-eminent author­ity on con­sti­tu­tional mat­ters at the time, tried to revive the issue of Canada’s non-constitution/non-federation in the House. He stressed that UNTIL 1931 CANADA WAS NOT , AND COULDN ‘T HAVE BEEN , A FEDERATION since, until then, it was still a domin­ion of the crown. 

Only in 1931 did the British Crown abro­gate its author­ity over the Cana­dian Domin­ions (provinces) with the enact­ment of the Statute of West­min­ster. This pro­vided a most aus­pi­cious oppor­tu­nity for Canada to become a truly sov­er­eign, demo­c­ra­tic fed­er­a­tion. Instead Ottawa cre­ated the Bank of Canada, a cen­tral bank.

Once again the élite stu­diously “ignored” the oppor­tu­nity Mr. Kuhl’s argu­ment offered to cre­ate a bona fide fed­er­a­tion based on a bona fide con­sti­tu­tion. It cre­ated the Maple Leaf Flag instead; more focussed on image than on sub­stance in order to main­tain the delib­er­ate decep­tion. There exists no record of any con­sti­tu­tional assem­bly, any pub­lic debates or any con­sti­tu­tional ref­er­en­dum nor any con­fed­er­a­tion efforts since 1931, other than Ottawa’s denial of Quebec’s sov­er­eignty, which is a fact.

under the con­trol of pirates who gut and plun­der it to their hearts’ con­tent.
Since 1931 the rest of Canada has been akin to a wreck, loaded to the hilt with gold, adrift at sea, under the con­trol of pirates who gut and plun­der it to their hearts’ con­tent. There are even rumours, that the Roth­schild Clan secretly claimed Canada as an object of sal­vage and is man­ag­ing it and extract­ing its wealth from behind com­plex fronts within fronts, like a Russ­ian Egg, with the outer, vis­i­ble shell being the “fed­eral government.”
But, peo­ple ask, didn’t Trudeau “patri­ate” the con­sti­tu­tion and the Char­ter of Rights and Free­doms in 1982? Well, he actu­ally did patri­ate, in a fashion…and a uni­fied cho­rus of the pub­lic, the media, the judi­ciary and edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions all went “Aahh” and “Oohh” and “isn’t that nice of him?” It seem­ingly never dawned on any­body to ask who gave him the author­ity to draft the Char­ter of Rights and Freedoms.

Let’s give it the ben­e­fit of the doubt and assume that it is a seman­tic mis­take, and what was meant was that Trudeau repa­tri­ated the con­sti­tu­tion. That would mean he brought it home in 1982. We must ask then, from where?! Where was it until 1982 if not in this “sov­er­eign, demo­c­ra­tic and fed­er­ated domin­ion?” In Britain? The prob­lem here, is the word “patri­ate.” It didn’t exist in the Eng­lish lan­guage until 1981, nor does it exist in any other lan­guage, ancient or con­tem­po­rary, to this day. It is mean­ing­less gib­ber­ish invented by Trudeau and his cab­i­net. The ques­tion “What does it mean?” is unan­swer­able. Per­haps it was intended to be rooted in the Latin word patris. Which could mean, by a wild stretch of the imag­i­na­tion, that Father Pierre fathered the Bill of Rights and Free­doms and gen­er­ously bestowed it upon Cana­di­ans as an (uncon­sti­tu­tional) gift. More likely, the word sim­ply exists to invoke a sense of con­sti­tu­tional incom­pre­hen­sion in order to dis­cour­age deeper prob­ings by a mys­ti­fied public.

Why? In com­par­i­son with the proper process explained above, it’s prac­ti­cally impos­si­ble to believe that Canada is a legit­i­mately sov­er­eign and demo­c­ra­tic fed­er­a­tion, unless one is deranged or in the grasp of opi­ate dreams. Since most Cana­di­ans DO believe the impos­si­ble, what does this say about their men­tal and moral disposition? 

No mat­ter how we slice it the Cana­dian Fed­er­a­tion remains a fic­tion. The fed­eral gov­ern­ment is a cabal of impos­tors; its author­ity to gov­ern being non-existent until such time as Cana­di­ans wake up to the fact that EVERY TREATY ENTERED INTO ( NATO , GATS , NAFTA , FTA , FTAA etc.) AND ALL LAWS AND REGULATIONS ( ITA , GST , C36 , PRIVATIZATION , DOWNSIZING , etc.) PASSED SINCE 1867 ARE NULL AND VOID …just as null and void as the non-constitutional author­ity of Canada’s com­mu­nity of bot­tom feeders…the judi­ciary and the Cana­dian Bar Asso­ci­a­tion, includ­ing their bloated and sub­ver­sive court procedures. 

And let’s not for­get the law enforce­ment agen­cies such as the RCMP , the police and CSIS , which have no non-constitutional author­ity to enforce (or pro­tect) any­thing, much less the dic­tates (legal­ized crime) of impostors.

GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE BOSS , YOU ARE! SO ACT LIKE ONE! Know­ing all this, per­haps it becomes a bit more attrac­tive for Cana­di­ans to get a taste of real nation­hood and real sov­er­eignty (i.e. free­dom), instead of oppres­sive despo­tism and wage slav­ery, by adopt­ing the purely Cana­dian con­cept of PARTICIPATION .

To sum it up, CANADA IS A GIGANTIC FAKE , an embar­rass­ment of giant pro­por­tions. All cen­tral­ized gov­ern­ments are imposed by non-legal force and their con­sti­tu­tions are not worth the paper they are writ­ten on, nor are their laws, as we can clearly see now. It will stay that way until such a time when nation build­ing is again con­sid­ered a project wor­thy of the cre­ative and lib­er­at­ing efforts of free people…inclusive, con­sen­sual, uni­ver­sal and truly democratic.

As it stands now, Canada is a fake in every respect, in the hands of despotic indi­vid­u­als bent on pulling off the biggest crime in the universe… THE GLOBALIZATION OF FAKENESS …and again the establishment’s cheer­lead­ers go “Oohh” and “Aahh,” duly recorded and end­lessly re-cycled in the closed loop of the media monop­o­lies until all alter­na­tives have moved beyond the van­ish­ing point…out of sight. 

Oh, and what was that you were say­ing about fight­ing your tax assess­ment (or this or that alleged law) on grounds that it is uncon­sti­tu­tional? Per­haps you should con­sider mov­ing to a real Coun­try, or at least one that has a real constitution!

We, as alleged Cana­di­ans are liv­ing in an un-country with no law because we have no basis from which to frame any law, hence we have absolutely no fun­da­men­tal rights, real or feigned! Every­thing is merely an “act” (no pun intended) designed to keep us un-informed, un-protected, and un-able to object.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit











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MNN. July 13, 2014. Canada stole our resources and funds. We want compensation for all of it since 1701. The law of Great Turtle Island is based on the Two Row Wampum and the Great Peace. Just like Dekanawida said, after it was chopped down, “We will stand the tree of peace firmly up again”. The British agreed to follow the Two Row. Natural law provides they can take only what they needed to live. Their subsequent establishment of a trust fund and dozens of spinoffs are illegal. The crown controls every corporation, banks, police and governments that protects this theft, all based on the “terra nullius”, which is fiction. A trust fund is for the benefit of the receivers. Only we Ongwehonwe and our descendants can claim it.

"Hey, it's all ours according to the Two Row".

“Everybody in the world knows it’s all ours!”.


The Iroquois Confederacy struck an agreement with the British Crown on behalf of all our friends and allies based on natural law. The agreement lasts forever into the future to share 50-50 on every endeavor involving the use of our resources. “Ohateh”, Two Row, is the natural law of the land. We are all dependant on nature. Without it we would all perish. Tsinonweh is forever. Saoiera is the direction of Creation for everyone. One group is not meant to benefit while the others are starved and killed. The strangers to our land needed our help to live here, which we provided. The agreements were as long as the grass grows, the sun shines and the waters flow. The waters mean that as long as our women give birth, when their water breaks to bring new life into the world. We cannot change the constant direction of nature.

"... the agreement lasts for as long the waters of the mothers flow..."

“… the Two Row lasts for as long the waters of the Ongwehonwe mothers flow…”

How was the debt in the Indian Trust Fund of $970 trillion arrived at? Our Indian funds were placed in Canada’s empty Consolidated Revenue Fund to pay its bills, without our knowledge or consent. Indian Affairs spreadsheets show how billions were taken out. For example, billions of our funds are given to the provinces every year. Repayment and interest to us is never made.

Some of our hidden funds are called “suspence accounts”! We are ready to calculate our funds that went into these corporations, foreign investments, overseas aid, leases, rents, loans, and to build institutions and infrastructures throughout Canada.

Harper and Obama are backing Netanyahu of Israel. He is trying to complete their genocide of Palestinians, in the reservation known as “Gaza”. On Great Turtle Island, we were murdered, starved into submission and kept in abject poverty. Today our funds, resources and lands are used to make the deadly weapons of mass destruction being used to kill Palestinians. This violates the Great Peace.

We refuse to be illegally forced into being “wards” of the corporate state. We have a duty to be in charge of all our funds and possessions. Our ownership of all our illegally occupied territory shall be respected.

"It's you decision. Pay or leave."

“The only decision is pay up or leave.”

We want compensation in whatever form we decide to cover everything that was illegally taken out of our territory. We want control over all the revenue that was created with our resources.

The Beatles remind us where we are headed as we: “get back, get back, get back to where we once belonged”. [Roof Top concert]. Beatles. “Get Back!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

Read: “About that First Nations Trust Fund”.

Canada helps bomb Gaza!”