


MNN. Mar. 22, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the deft and legal repossession of Crimea. Mohawk head hunters are offering him a very attractive commission on an assignment. He could help us reclaim our ever growing $690 trillion Indian Trust Fund.  repo man

The invaders to Great Turtle Island never paid the Indigenous for anything ever, not for a piece of wood or a strawberry. They stole everything. Corporate squatters, it’s time to pay your debt to us. We are offering the job to repossess our goods to the best repo man we can see from the top of the tree of peace, “Vlad the Impaler”. Somebody’s gotta do this thankless job.

Repo man is returning everything to its rightful owner!

Repo man is returning everything to its rightful owner!

Until our debts are clear, you will live in fear. REEEEEPOOOO MAAAAAAN. These criminals that are pretending to be the authority on Great Turtle Island can’t run or  hide from the repo man. No one will give you shelter. Everybody knows you’ve stolen everything you can and carried out the biggest holocaust in all mankind.


We want everything that was taken from us from the time you landed on our shores. We will notify the world what he is doing for us as it is legal. Like any repo job we offer a commission for all possessions returned.

Vlad knows this job is dangerous. The thieves will be angry and violent. Repo man will will have the authority to reclaim all stolen property on our behalf. it’s a dangerous job. That’s why we pay high commissions. Like bounty hunters, repo man will work anywhere in the world. These criminal banksters have tentacles everywhere.

US and Canada are illegal entities under international law. At the same time, Vlad should be helping us plan a referendum to remove all the invaders who refuse live by the law of the land, Kaianerehkowa. manhattan

When Vladimir Putin returns our stolen property, all details will be worked out by the people according to the law of the land.

As Krystal Shawana sings and the bankers beware. Krystal Shawana. “Not without a fight”.

“Defenders of the Land”.

Morningstar Mercredi. “Sacred Spirit of Water”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk





mnnlogo1 M.T. Keshe of Iran has released to the world a brand new techonology using natural gravity and magnetism to decontaminate everything on earth. With the same principles, energy can be created by everyone for free. KESHE: FUKUSHIMA CLEAN-UP.

He instructs the common man on how to use this simple humankind changing technology. This is the most important discovery since Serbian inventor, Nikola Tesla, invented AC electricity. Tesla tried to make his technology available to everyone on earth. His frère energy technology was blocked by J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison until now. We thank Mr. Keshe for his contribution to humankind and for taking Tesla’s work to the next step.

Wow! Peace is breaking out worldwide!

Wow! Peace is breaking out worldwide!

The black serpent [US/EU/NATO] is trying to desperately create world war III because they know they’re finished. They don’t wan to go down alone. they want to take everyone with them.

Keshe warns that this new technology renders all weapons of war obsolete.

As Dekanawida said, “When we finally get to where were supposed to be, all the weapons of war will be buried under the tree of peace for all time”.

All people of the world, rejoice! As Bob Marley points out to us, “Don’t worry about a thing. Every little thing is gonna be alright!”. “Three Little Birds”.Go to the MNN Home Page and download the “Kaianerekowa”, the Great Law of Peace.weapon under tree

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit