MNN. Jan. 22, 2025. They run on fear to create chaos to implement the order they desire for their mind control program. Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s rhetoric are  fear mongering, forgetting about the people who pay taxes and don’t get the services they paid for. Their pop culture lifestyle has been imposed on onowarekeh turtle island, which comes from a group of foreign oligarchic families who have illegally come here to exploit us and onowarekeh. They take everything they desire with no regard for the natural law or the health and welfare of mother earth and the people. People are speeding to box stores to fulfill the man made “culture of possession”. The forthcoming economic system creates more problems because of the out of control plastic lifestyle. More people are becoming homeless, living on the streets, killing each other, with out-of-hand personal problems, failing infrastructures and inadequate public services and disgarded people. The oligarchic wasteland of which 99% are finding that none are more enslaved than those who believe they are free. 

We have to change our value system back to the one determined by creation, not one mainly benefitting the oligarchy. Food sovereignty means independence and living within our means. Replacing our champagne tastes when all we can have is beer. Living in cities run by robots with no place to park and high fines for parking on the street. Experts are always finding new ways to gouge people. Some poor even live in boxes on streets and in alleyways.  

This politics is not for us. Trump and Trudeau are front runners of the corporate self serving governments. Now they are genociding their own people as they did to us. They are fighting over our land and resources where creation placed us to be caregivers. The intruders’ deathly war machines are stealing from each other everything that belongs naturally to the people of the world. The intruders arrived on turtle island and started planting potatoes called corporate states, provinces, municipalities, cities, band and tribal councils. Many of those squatting on our land are used to being poor. Now the rich are hurting. They cannot do what is right because they turn away from the truth. The oligarchs are the 1%. They try to kill the remaining indigenous people through corporate skullduggery so they can tell the world we no longer exist and then incorporate all our possessions and steal everything in sight. “Mine, mine, mine. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie”, they yell. They shove their tactics in our faces and we still don’t see it, whlle they smile and continue their program of mass destruction of indigenous people. The people wanted to learn about the true democracy we tried to teach them in 1754 at Albany. It’s time to remind them of their broken promises. 

US two row flag represents the 13 colonies. Red for the “red man” and white for the white man.

The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this. Their flag represents the 13 colonies, red for the red man and white for the white man. Blue for everyone living in peace under the sky on turtle island. 

All oligarchs are criminals who run their program through terror and fear. The figureheads exonerate their criminals and victimize the resisters. Trump dropped all charges against his puppet army without explanation. Like the Mohawk Mothers’ case of genocide against the indigenous children by McGill University and Quebec.  A hearing was denied by the Supreme Court of Canada without explanation. Their man-made courts are run by those who made the artificial reality culture of today to carry out the genocide.   

 International criminals are partners in crime who exonerate each other. Their system will not allow us to have anything but misery and death. We just have to keep presenting the truth and fight the gangsterism of Canada and US. The truth is the truth. Oo hide their genocide of our children and land, they have made their extermination policies the laws of the land and covering them up with lies. They give false hope to victims they are destroying, calling their directives “natural” and best for their victims.  

The Mohawks persevered by carrying out the kaianerekowa great peace and the teiohateh two row. We departed from Albany in 1794 with the truth. It was up to them to do the right thing. We are still here to remind them.  

Anapanetchy reminds all that we are still here because the earth is still our mother. One does not sell the earth we walk upon. We are the land:





box 991 kanawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


Ralliers march in the streets, some holding a large painting of Leonard Peltier.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2025. Joe Biden is the best President in the history of the United States. From 1976 to 2025, there were Gerald Ford, Jmmy Carter, Ronald Reagen, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George, Bush Jr., Barak Obama and Donald Trump. No one did it. A president can be judged upon what he does upon leaving the presidency. None released Leonard Peltier when they could have. In 1993 Leonard was eligible for parole and none would let him out. They let that indigenous man languish in jail. 

Leonard knew he was going to be free. Mr. Biden, we honor you!

Jimi Hendrix is a brother to Leonard Peltier though he thought about this song before Leonard was arrested. It sounds like this song “Freedom” was for him.  
You got my prideHanging out of my bedYou’re messin’ with my lifeSo I brought my leadYou even mess with my childrenAnd you’re screamin’ at my wife, babyGet off my back,If you want to get outta here alive
Freedom,That’s what I want nowFreedom, that’s what I need nowFreedom to liveFreedom, so I can give
You got my heartSpeak electric waterYou got my soulScreamin’ and howlin’You know you hook my girlfriendYou know the drugstore manWhen I don’t need it nowI was trying to slap it out of her head
Freedom, so I can liveFreedom, so I can giveFreedom, yeahFreedom, that’s what I need
You don’t have to say that you loveIf you don’t mean itYou’d better believeIf you need meOr you just want to bleed meYou’d better stick in your dagger in someone elseSo I can leaveSet me free(Yeah)
Right on, straight aheadStay up and straight aheadFreedom, so I can live itFreedom, ’cause I’ve got lotta to give, babyFreedom, so I can live, freedom(Keep on pushin’, straight ahead)