

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2015. Christine Elliott is the wife of former Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty. He was a balancer for the robber baron shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. He chose to have a conflict with the Kanion’ke:haka at  Kane’ko:ta by committing a modern-day INDIAN land theft.

Thahoketoteh, the Asera’kowa of the territory, put a claim on Lot 1 Concession 11.

Christine Elliott

Christine Elliott

Flaherty then registered a corporation to purchase a portion of that claim to build his “Honeywood Cottage”. He targeted that land through insider information [Toronto School Board properties]. It’s flagrant theft! Kanekota has been trying to come to a peaceful accord for years.  Kane’ko:ta is a British military protectorate for the Mohawk forever.



“Jan. 20, 2015.

TO: Christine Elliott, 114 Dundas St. E. Suite 101, Whitby ON L1N 2H7.



As the Kani’stern:sera designate for Kane’ko:ta, it is my duty to protect our birthright, children and future generations. The title of Ono’ware:geh and the lineal descent of the Kanion’ke:haga is vested in the women. Kane’ko:ta is a British military protectorate on the vast Ro’tino’shonni territory known as Ga’nien:geh.

According to the law of the land, Kaia’nereh:kowa, you have infringed on our natural birthright ne akwa’hon:sta known as “Lot 1, Concession 11, Nottawasaga Township” on Kane’ko:ta. Captain General Haldimand in 1784 proclaimed the headwaters of the Grand River, six miles on each side, to Lake Erie, as a military protectorate for the Mohawk forever. Your occupation of said parcel is unlawful. Trying to remove us from our canoe into your Admiralty law of the seas vessel constitutes complicity in genocide, according to Article 3 of the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime and Punishment of Genocide.

On December 10, 2014, Asera’ko:wa requested a meeting at the building. You responded: “I have never owned, nor did my husband own or build a home on the property that you have referenced”. This is your “Honeywood Cottage” that was built on the said property. Since 2005 your family has disregarded our request for a meeting to discuss how we can co-exist. As this is akwa’hon:tsa, we hereby provide another notice to meet at your building on the said lot. You are contravening the law of the land, Gus’wen:tha, and the Captain General’s royal proclamation. Please respond upon receipt of this letter.

Kohtihon’tia:kwenio, Kanion’ke:haka.

cc. General Sir Peter Wall,Chief of the General Staff, UK Army, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW 1A2HB England, Fax 02072182474.”

With the law behind us, “we’re going to break on through to the other side”, as Jim Morrison let ‘s us know.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

RCMP spying on Ongwe’hon:weh

history of Jesuits in land & money apparatus




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN, Dec. 21, 2014. Why negotiation tables, war department of Indian Affairs and special military trained police and surveillance strategies? Why does the corporation of Canada have to pass illegal laws to take from and remove us? They, in effect, acknowledge that we are the sovereigns of Ono’ware:geh. To try to have control over us, take and have dominion over all of our land and possessions, they plan is to kill us off once and for all.

US $9 trillion cemetary fund!!

US $9 trillion cemetary fund!!


2014 is the 90th year of their “100-year plan” to complete their annihilation of Ongwe’ho:weh that was started in 1924. The illegal Indian lands acts were passed in every province. It is called the “final solution of the INDIAN problem” and put into effect by Duncan Campbell Scott. The Nazis turned our communities into POW camps. Our children were kidnapped and put into residential school death camps and murdered. They thought by now life would be so unlivable that we would go willingly to their slaughter houses. Stephen Harper of the Nazi faction of the Corporation of Canada is trying to carry out the final ten years of the final solution.

The corporate INDIANS [the band councils, provincial and territorial organizations, and those who vote for them] have willingly assimilated. Ongwe’ho:weh, the true natural people of the land, have not. We were forcibly labeled as INDIANS through illegal laws, coercion, starvation and death. We were placed on Ono’ware:geh since the beginning of time. Our Mother Earth always reminded us to exist according to the natural laws of the land.

The INDIANS, as part of the settler population, help CANADA commit the genocide and to illegally sign away our possessions and lands. The settler population have not stood with us against this planned serial killing of the Ongwe’ho:weh.

The Hague trial for these criminal acts is coming soon. We have a duty to create a future for the coming faces. We will resist at every turn. Nazi Canada will collapse! Deganawida told us that the black serpent would see us healing in the hilly country and say, “We don’t have any fight with you”. We will see true peace. As Pink Floyd states: “Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anybody home?”


Watch this video on the power of propaganda in Western society.


1924 announcement of the final solution.

1924 announcement of 100-year plan to implement the final solution.


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit