

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. MAY 6, 2015.  First Canada passed the Indian Act 1876 to declare us as non-persons and wards of the state.  This was to take control of our Indian Trust Funds. On October 25th 1924 the Indian Advancement Act was implemented by the colony of Canada as the 100-year plan to be rid of the “Indian problem”. Prisoners of war camps POW called “INDIAN reserves”, were set up across Canada by the War Department in 1924. Barbed wire fences, guards, passes and permission to leave and our children removed and placed in residential school death camps. Indian Affairs is run by the Department of Defense to this day. They are now in their 90th year of completing this genocide program.

Peace in shackles.

Corporate peace.

Military planners design the captivity psychosis in POW camps. They determine the standards of behavior. Brutal and unfeeling wardens select subordinates to oversee the camp. Those who do not fit in and the weaker ones are removed. Lack of adequate food, clothing, shelter and poor physical conditions create shame, stunned stupor, deep confusion, anger and death. Inmates suffer from confinement, inactivity and isolation making them inert and silent. Some are allowed to work as hired hands for local settlers. Inmates eventually become scared of being set free.

As Reagan told Gorbachev: "Tear down those walls",

As Reagan told Gorbachev: “Tear down those walls”,

Stress and deliberate misinformation causes loss of identity and pride. They are discouraged from thinking about their past. Tension and disorder are constantly fostered between different groups. Divisive quarrels are created to more easily control the inmates. Movies and games are selected for “barbed wire madness” to create futility. Improper food and long term deterioration breaks down their thinking. Inmates become apathetic and refuse to take part in camp affairs. They can’t concentrate and lose their memory about themselves, their families and the communities they come from.

RCMP walked into the longhouse in Akwesasne, put a gun to the chief’s head and shot him dead. He was immediately replaced by the fake chief and band council system. In 1924 at Tyendinaga all of our farms in Prince Edward County were confiscated. We were arrested and interred in the new 18,000 acre concentration camp and turned into prisoners of war. It was originally 880,000 acres.

In 1990 the military came into Akwesasne, Kahnawake and Kanehsatake because legally we are still prisoners of war which is still un der their jurisdiction. Karonhiaktajeh, told us we are the sleeping lion. The tense hatred, accumulated anger, hopelessness and cynicism created is a military control strategy. He created a “de’INDIANIZATION” strategy based on relearning the philosophy of the Great Peace, Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Is it for real?

Look out! He’s waking up!


Karonhiaktajeh told us that we are the sleeping lion. When we awake, we will be very, very ornery, as the Tokens sing: “Ee-e-e-e oh-mum-mum-oh-weh. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit


Indian Act.

Indian Trust Fund.

Australia’s Aboriginie genocide plans









Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

Mar. 31, 2015. On March 29 the Haudenosaunee came together in Akwesasne to discuss land issues. The clans passed a resolution regarding the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk territory known as the Seigneury of Sault Louis. Also discussed were Kanehsatake, Akwesasne, Owego and Kanekotah issues.

Never know what we're cooking up!

We’re always cooking something!

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., a Canadian government entity, is in the process of illegally accepting money for the 45,000 acres of land and eventually removing us to lands of other Ongwe’hon:weh nations. The deadline is June 2015. This is ethnic cleansing. To sell what is not yours is theft under any law.

Ia tihotiianaion means they have no path on this land. Our relations with them is water vessels rather than land. The incorporated INDIANS have gone off our ancestors’ path and follow the path of the ranenrakon.

MCK Inc. dollars!

MCK Inc. seeks to sell our children!


The fatal violation of the Kaia’nereh:kowa, the Great Peace, the law of the land, is to put a monetary value on our Mother and deprive the ion’kwanion:sioni, the present and coming generations, of our birthright.

All land issues belong to the Iroquois people. Tewa’tha:tawi, we carry ourselves and our ties to our land. Such can never be disturbed by foreign entities and their agents to restrict us and spread division among our people. Ia te ion ki wenna hawi, they do not carry our voice.

Our union provides strength that casts out fear. “We bind ourselves together”, said Dekanawida, “by taking hold of each other’s arms, teionkwatenentsawakon, so firmly, forming a circle so strong that if a tree should fall upon it, it could not shake nor break it. Our people and grandchildren shall remain in the circle in security, peace and happiness.”

Creation has given you MCK Inc. and your followers the ability to make a choice. You have decided to follow the ranenrakon, onto his ship to try to steer our canoe. Our birthright is not saleable as is the white man’s. All negotiations that put our titles in jeopardy must end. Your have alienated yourselves from the circle. You have severed your tie to our mother, onensahotonkoton.  harper templar

Corporation of Canada, your goose is cooked, as McKenna Mendehlson Mainline sing: “Don’t give me no goose for Christmas, Grandma. Cut it out. Now don’t you dare. Give me a duck like old McDonald’s that goes Quack, quack, quakety, quack. Where a goose just makes me nervous every time I turn my back.” [Don’t give me no goose for Christmas, Grandma.]

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Ongwe’hon:weh land sellers: Kahnawake 450-632-7500 ; Same secret land theft at Kanehsatake contact Patricia Meilleur 450-479-8373

Haudenosaunee position on band councils.

KKK Canada outlaw state.

WWI through Arab Eyes