

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 1, 2015. Military planes and weaponry, monuments to war and RCMP recruiting youth at the  “musical ride” to join them in the killing spree. Their theme is to celebrate the genocidal theft of Canada from the ongwe’hon:weh. In 1929 Mussolini said, “Fascism is a merger of state and corporate power”.

The RCMP "musical ride".

RCMP celebrates Canada Day. 


Anti-terror Bill C51 is the militarization of CSIS, the secret police and the cops, getting set for another Red River massacre or Louis Riel rebellion. Mercenaries are coming in to take us out. History is being rewritten once again. We ongwe’hon:weh from here to the southern tip of ono’ware:geh [land of the natural people] have known all along. The Greeks, Icelanders and some other European nations are beginning to see the corporate illusion and illegitimacy of freedom. We have had the corporate Nazi boot trying to grind our heads into our own soil.

PM Harper gets pie in the face.

PM Harper gets pie in the face.

Today the colonial settlers are celebrating the genocide they are illegally benefiting from for 148 years. In 1867 the colony of Canada got its corporate ISO number from the Vatican. In 1923 Canada applied for membership in the League of Nations. They were disallowed because they were not a country.They are still a colony of England.



It's part of my oath to the CROWN.

It’s part of my oath to the CROWN.

Everyone in the world sees the criminal synthesis called Canada. Canadian settlers drink and celebrate their Canada Day. They have been brainwashed by their education system. Fuhrer Adolph Hiter said: “Give me 3 generations and I’ll change everything through the education system”. General Hermann Goering revealed that their education system drilled the populace for thousands of years to be obedient to the hierarchical rulers. The private schools trained the elite to give the orders and continue the corporate hierarchical system. The Admiralty matrix is all about class and money.


Our Great Peace, struggle and values will break the back of the corporations and the international banks. All war will cease and peace will return.


Who will stand up for us to stop the genocide?

Who will charge the CROWN with genocide?

The CROWN [City of London] is 100% guilty of genocide and must be charged. For a true celebration, the colonial settlers will have to wait until they make all things right with us, the ongwe’hon:weh. Then we can all celebrate together.

Buffy Sainte Marie has a new song, Power in the Blood: “No time for backhanded compliments from television anchormen, desperate for an incident. Real estate assasins exploiting our predicment. Everything depends upon it being in their interests”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 For original Mohawk music visit

RCMP musical ride.

biggest con job in world history. Meltdown.

Bill Gates idiocy.

Musical Ride recruiting video.

Roy Rogers quick shooter hat


Star creates heat wave.

Real self-determination at Pikangikum.

MNN. Heil Harper.








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 26, 2015. On May 15th a trial date is being set for the case, Jones v. Parmley. Eighteen years ago hundreds of New York State Troopers brutally attacked the Haudenosaunee at Onondaga Nation near Syracuse during a peaceful tobacco burning ceremony. The public was invited to learn about our opposition to the illegal trade and commerce agreement between NYS and the Onondaga chiefs.


NYS Judge George Lowe had advised NYS to avoid a trial because we would win. He urged NYS to offer us a pay-off. 13 of us refused the money and were dropped by the lawyers. Now the trial must proceed. We have to represent ourselves.

Doug now helps out NYST & Onondaga chiefs.

Doug George now helps out NYST & Onondaga chiefs.

A big box of files and disks arrived. The interrogations and disks reveal criminal activity. The Onondaga chiefs and NYS Troopers worked together to plan “Operation Indian Detail”. They set up the arrests with pre-signed blank arrest warrants, lethal weaponry, a list of Rotiskenraketeh targets to be “taken out” and a system of informants. This is the tip of the iceberg.

Syracuse swearing in.

Syracuse swearing in.

The NYS Police Investigator and Surveilance head, Dennis Blythe, worked closely with the Onondaga chiefs for 12 years to set up this genocidal attack. NYS Governor Pataki was kept informed on a daily basis.

This means we are soverign.

The Troopers alleged that the 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech does not apply to INDIANS!! The decision which they lost.

The Onondaga chiefs, NYS Troopers and NY State chain of command cannot escape justice. They are all going to jail, from police officers on up the chain of command. This is a fluid story which will be moving along. [Jones v. Parmley 98-Civ-374 [FJS][GHL]

As Midnight Oil sings: “The time has come to say fair’s fair, to pay the rent, to pay our share. The time has come, a fact’s a fact . It belongs to them, let’s give it back.”

MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Native American Amnesty. By American Indian Movement.

Vatican created Canada.

Chretien meets Putin.

North South American Unity.