

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Oct. 12, 2014. Genocide is planned! It’s predictable and preventable.

Wisconsin Weasel: "Welcome to the Commission on how to legalize genocide!"

Wisconsin Weasel: “Welcome to the Commission on legalizing genocide!”

Victims are divided into haves and have-nots. The Vatican played a major role in the eradication of Indigenous in the Western Hemisphere. Today states make corporate Injuns into millionaires and the rest languish in designed poverty. Corrupt tyrants are set up and paid off to abuse their own people. To prevent genocide, the people must unite and reinforce our inherent identity as the sovereigns.

People are dehumanized and labeled. Men are called “warriors”. Women are “disappeared” and called “street workers”. The media reinforces hatred against us. We are equated with vermin and diseases to help the masses overcome their revulsion against hating and murdering us. Admiralty laws don’t protect us. Corporate leaders encourage hate speeches, false propaganda, crimes against humanity and atrocities against us.

Commissioner from Sri Lanka: "Tell me everything that happened to you in residential school!"

Commissioner, Sri Lanka: “Tell me everything that happened to you in residential school!”

Third world corporate minions meet to learn from US and Canada, the masters of genocide, about annihilation of Indigenous people. Militias or terrorist groups are organized, armed and trained to kill innocent and unarmed Indigenous people. These militias and state units should be disbanded, outlawed, disarmed and held accountable. Their feet should be put to the fire for the crime of genocide.

Extremists are trained to drive the people apart. Hate groups dominate the airwaves. Moderates are silenced rather than protected.

Victims are categorized and listed. Their rights and property are compromised. They are segregated into mental and then physical ghettoes. At this point a state of emergency is declared. The people must prepare to defend themselves from harassment and death.

Turmoil is enhanced. Extermination begins. Mass killing called genocide becomes legalized. The state sponsored mercenaries have been brainwashed to see their victims as not fully human. Factions within carry out revenge killings. The people then demand outside armed intervention and allow martial law to be declared. Safe areas such as reservations and FEMA camps are created to imprison us. Evidence, witnesses, testimonies will be destroyed to whitewash genocide. Alliances must be established between all our people to protect each other.

The final stage is denial so that more genocide will occur. Mass graves are dug up, bodies burned to cover it up and scare witnesses. The victims and witnesses are blamed. Investigations are blocked. The corporate band and tribal councils who assist Canada and US implement the genocide agenda, carry on until driven from power. They move up the corporate ladder, eg. Ovide Mercredi, protected by their corporate benefactors. The people and their communities and territories must put their feet to the fire. All evidence must be collected and kept.

Canada and US set up tribunals. The victims are invited to tell commissioners to testify on their experiences. Then the evidence is destroyed to keep it out of International Court of Arbitration. Unification of the people is where the power is, according to the Great Peace. We have to continually stand up to them. They are cowards with power.

cochabombaThe power is the people, not money or war. In 2000 The Indigenous of Bolivia protested against multinational corporation Bechtel and the IMF for stealing their water, even the rain! The police and the military eventually joined the people to kick them out. Together they took back their water. See video: Cochabomba war for water 2000. See: Even the Rain. Netflix.

Thahoketoteh reminds us that: “The power is the people not the money or the war. Let’s raise our voices so they can hear us, let them roar. No more killing of our own family, lets give peace a birth. We’re all in this together; We the people of Mother Earth” Power is the People.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: 8 stages of genocide.




Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Oct. 8, 2014. Blue Skies Inc. is holding a supposed “Truth Commission on Indian Boarding Schools” in Wisconsin on October 22 to 24, 2014. The U.S. is exporting its genocide program. The holocaust of Great Turtle Island is well known. Over 150 million Indigenous people were eliminated. Canada is a well-known police state that mistreats indigenous people. Dictators of corporate countries are sending their police and government agents to study how Canada and US committed the “perfect crime” and think they got away with it. They’re here to refine their own procedures and take them back to their homelands. Somebody has to do the dirty work. These henchmen will probably be done away with too.

"South Africans studied Canada's system of genocide to set up their apartheid".

“South Africa studied Canada’s system of apartheid. We can do better!” 

Corporate tribunals and commissions are set up where the scoundrels sit as commissioners and judges to hear and record our horrid death camp experiences. They listen, discuss and then secretly perfect the recipe for mass murder to be carried out in other corporate police states. South Africa studied Canada’s blood quantum legislation in their Indian At and developed apartheid from it. South Africa no longer follows  the apartheid program. Canada continues.

"Herr, Hitler. It works! Canada showed us the perfect holocaust!"

“Herr, Hitler. CIA said Canada can teach ISIS the perfect holocaust!”

We speak of our experience so that Indigenous people worldwide will escape the same tragedy.

UN Agenda 21 meets all the criteria for the crime of genocide. The shareholders/perpetrators want a full-proof recipe for murder, to continue the genocide and no person to be held responsible.

Agencies, foundations and corporations masquerading as countries are registered with the Vatican. They operate under many corporate fronts to carry out skullduggery on the poor and down trodden. Controlling the economy and setting up brainwashing schools to pass as education are all part of the agenda.

Outright murder, diseases, epidemics, prisons, death camps, direct attacks and supplying weapons to both sides are some of their tactics. Being the master means wanton lying, killing and manipulating the world. It’s all going to backfire. Even amongst their own people the brainwashing is failing.

We're here. The genocide was not so perfect.

“The Buck stops here!” 

Time and time again these mass murderers have been tried and convicted. Punishment is forthcoming. We Indigenous need to get past the horror stories. We should collect funds at these meetings to sue the Vatican for genocide of Indigenous people of Great Turtle Island. The only non-Admiralty court is the international Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Commissioners and judges, how much money can you give us to do this? Canada’s newest class of millionaires are the 630 corporate Indian Chiefs in Canada. They work every day to implement the Indian Act genocide policies. Brothers, can you spare a dime?

Blue Skies Inc. of Britain is not the same blue skies that Willie Nelson sings about: “Blue skies smiling at me. Nothing but blue skies do I see. Blue days all of them gone. Nothing but blue skies from now on.” Sing it, Willie! Willie Nelson. “Blue Skies”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit Commission on Residential Schools.

Blue Skies Foundation:

Read. Bill Gates owns Ebola.