White Pine the great tree of peace

MNN. Jan. 25, 2024.

Their society is hateful and vengeful which they have been trained to not notice. Their motive is to exterminate an entire race because they want our possessions. The teiohateh Two Row Agreement is the law of turtle island. We know of their unremorseful cunning to kill us without guilt. They live in their self created fantasy world called “pop culture”. They tell themselves they are nice people and they sure love their guns. We onkwehonweh buried our weapons of war under the tree of peace so that war does not continue. The intruders made up their own image of themselves as great heroic leaders because of their great killing skills. When they chopped down the tree of peace at onondaga, they were cursed. They will be forever at war until real peace returns. In fact they are known as some of the cruelest blood thirsty tyrants to ever walk the earth. They are proud of this acknowledgement and even joke about it. Their crimes are so contemptuous, calculated, malignant and devastating which the world continues to tolerate. They are aware that their man-made class system is over. For the sake of humanity their malicious acts cannot be repeated or go unpunished. 

Albany Plan of Union

The natural world is always in motion. We will never fear.  The only fear is fear itself. Otherwise we will realize our fear. We are in the time of the black serpent. Soon the serpents will be gone from onowarekeh turtle island.     

The truth of their crimes is known. We are victims of despair because they want something we have, our mother, turtle island. Europeans helped design the genocide so they would never get caught or punished. The law of North America is based on the Papal Bull which declares we are not human so they can hunt us down like deer. The settlers did this. They are guilty of the atrocities from which colonists are all benefitting from our people’s death.

The intruders used militarism though we were a peaceful people and not their enemies. There was no battle. They attacked and massacred innocent men, women and children while they were sleeping in their villages. For Canada it was like hunting for deer. They were paid to carry out the murders. The Canadians were excited when they set out to kill us. To them it was like a big fun sport event. Men signed up so they did not miss out on the adventure. The Canadian psyche was stimulated. They were thrilled to kill us. Their killing spree was glorious to them. Canada got a purpose to exist. “Wow, we’re killing off a whole race. We’re going to destroy human flesh”, they screamed. 

The church and the state were so proud of the carnage they designed together. Canada tells themselves they won! But Canada was defeated by us as we are still here. They are presently hiding all knowledge about this under their dirty carpets. The colony of Canada could collapse or abdicate. Creation placed the indigenous people on turtle island to take care of the land from time immemorial to infinity. Rematriation of every part of turtle island will always be the duty of the natural caregivers. So we are here to stay.

They continue to promote anti-indigenous propaganda to continue the biggest holocast in all humanity. They don’t want to stop until it is complete. They know how to kill us, destroy the earth and then hide what they have doing. They want to continue racial hatred, terrorism, violence, arrogance and cruelty. Canada has hundreds of tons of secret documents on their foul deeds which will be seized by or voluntarily turned over to us.  


Listen to the words of the Rolling Stones on the “Hand of Fate” for such shenanigans:

The hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and knock me downI’m on the run, I’m prison boundThe hand of fate is heavy nowI killed a man, I’m highway boundThe wheel of fortune keeps turning roundTurning round, turning roundI should have known it was a one horse town
My sweet girl was once his wifeHe had papers the judge had signedThe wind blew hard, it was stormy nightHe shot me once, but I shot him twiceThe hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and it kicked me right downKicked me right downKicked me right down
I had to save her lifeYeah, I gunned him twiceYeah, and I watched him die, watch out boyYeah, I watched him die
He was a barroom man, the violent kindHe had no love for that gal of mineThen one day in a drinking boutHe swore he’d throw me right of townThe hand of fate is on me nowI shot that man I put him undergroundI put him undergroundYes I did
I’m on the run, I hear the houndsMy luck is up, my chips are downSo goodbye baby, so long nowWish me luck, I’m going to need it childThe hand of fate is on me nowYeah it’s too lateToo late baby, too late nowThe hand of fate is on me nowThe hand of fate is heavy now
It pick you up and knock you down
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Mick Jagger / Keith Richards

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MNN. 24 Jan. 2025. The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this. 

Yep! This is democracy.

Yep! This is democracy.

The American Revolution was initiated to divide and conquer the Iroquois Confederacy, to chop down the Tree of Peace, that stood for thousands of years in Onondaga, where Dekanawida planted it. It was the biggest tree in North America. In 1779 over 13,800 colonists were sent to chop it down.

A pretend democracy was created supposedly based on the structure of the Great Peace. The Senate replaced the Council of Women. Congress replaced the Council of Men. The President, a hierarchical overlord, was placed over the whole process to render it moot.

Next the 51% majority rule was implemented, which is totally opposite to the consensual decision making process of the Great Peace. Then the bankers were put in place to control all transactions. They started selling the fantasy that people could “own” ongwe’hon:weh land which was impossible. The colonial settlers problems began, and we are dealing with it today. They occupy it illegally to the present through military force. 

All decision-making in the Great Peace was done through the clan system. In the US corporate made version, the clan system was replaced with the party system, an artificial clan. We ongwe’hon:we get our clans from our mothers and cannot interbreed amongst clans. The artificial party system can change at will. 

Well, my work here is getting done.

The British Empire is the only empire left on earth. It exists in Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. It is time for this empire to fall. The monarchical democracy that Canada purports to follow is like the US system with a hierarchical presidency. It’s all theatre.

The true decision making power of the Corporation of Canada lies with its board of directors at the Privy Council. They oversee the day-to-day operation of the corporate officers: prime minister, leader of the opposition, finance minister, etc.

Dekanawida described the warmonger as “the man who eats humans”. They love disorder and hate peace. Their minds are twisted so as to strike fear into all. In the pretend democracy people’s wishes are irrelevant. Corporate boardrooms make decisions for governments and its entities. Voting is a token gesture controlled by the oligarchs.

Each is equal and free.

When they chopped down the tree of peace in 1779 they created the Republic of War. They have been at war ever since and will be until the peace returns to onowarekeh turtle island througfh the kaianerekowa, great peace.

Dekanawida also said all peoples shall love one another and live together in peace, through righteousness, health and power. Righteousness is justice practiced between people and nations. Health is soundness of mind and body so that peace comes when minds are sane and bodies are cared for. Power means authority of law and custom backed by such force as is necessary according to the will of the people.

The Great Peace makes oligarchs look into the mirror to see their evil. Dekanawida said they have to make right all the suffering they caused. He advised to never go against the forces of nature, which is the basis of the Great Peace/Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Our chiefs, clan mothers and elders offer to meet the Americans in Albany as we did in 1754 when they got our message of peace which they misinterpreted. Our people are always at the council fire. 

Steve Winwood captures the feelings of our current dilemma of people on turtle island being away from home: “Come down off your throne and leave your body alone. Somebody must change. You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years. Somebody holds the key. I’m near the end, and just ain’t got the time. And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home. 

[Verse 1]Come down off your throne and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I’ve been waiting so long
Somebody holds the key
But I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time
And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home

[Verse 2]
Come down on your own and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years
Somebody holds the key

But I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time
And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home

But I can’t find my way home
But I can’t find my way home
But I can’t find my way home
But I can’t find my way home
Still I can’t find my way home
And I ain’t done nothing wrong
But I can’t find my way home

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