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MNN. Jan. 21, 2015. The beautiful words of Hazel Hill describing her husband Dick. He was a hero to us all.


dick hill


Your strength was like a mountain
Both physical and spiritual the same
Your mind as brilliant as the sunrise
New challenges welcomed as each day came

Your spirit was unshakeable
Yet gentle as a breeze
You could tackle any problem
And handle it with ease

You stood strong upon your principles
Your mind once set was like a trap
For those who dared to challenge you
Your words stung like they’d been slapped

You didn’t dress in fancy clothes
Or parade in feathers & fanfare
You didn’t wait for photo ops
All that attention you didn’t care

You did your job you didn’t ask
To be told there was no need
You simply stood upon the Law
And others followed by your lead

Your name was known across the homelands
Each territory knew just who to call
Whenever the Crown would attempt to reign
You’d lead charge and say f**k em all!

There were those that didn’t like you
Others feared what they could see
But they all learned to respect you
Cause they knew you would succeed

You didn’t tolerate bullshit
Nor ego driven fools
You’d pointedly put them in their place
Playing only by your own rules

It didn’t matter what title they wore
Nor what commandeering rank
You pulled no punches and spoke your mind
Your message always clear & frank

You didn’t take kindly to two faces
Or people with no mind of their own
Who only repeated what others said
And cowered when truth be shown

There were those who thought you arrogant
Others admired your carefree ways
But everyone knew when your truck pulled in
The OPPressors had numbered days

From Ganienkeh to Kanesetake
From Gilkison to the Glebe
There was the sewer line in Brantford
And many others in between

You helped shut down the thruway
That crossed over Seneca lands
From Tyendinaga to Akwesasne
You were always willing to lend a hand

From Eagles Nest to Ipperwash
You brought the truth out from the dark
Delivering the map that proved the burial grounds
While Harris cried “I want the F**kin Indians out of the Park”

You worked tirelessly at Kanonhstaton
Keeping the Peace by whatever means
Took A.R.T. and M.E.L.T. & showed the truth
So they quickly dissolved those teams

You stopped construction of the city lines
At Erie Ave & Birketts Lane
No friendship swayed you stood your ground
Hoping others would do the same

There was never any question
It was your duty to give support
You said to hell with Crown jurisdiction
And scoffed at injunctions from the courts

You fought hard and always did your best
To uphold the Law and never bend
Fighting for the land and the people
A true warrior till the very end

A sword and a shield together
Bound together under Creators Law
No earthly man could break the bond
We stood strong throughout it all

A year ago He called you home
Your spirit’s dancing now it’s free
I will always love and miss you Hon
& You will always be a HERO to me

Written in loving memory for the man who captured my heart, and whose love and memory is my keepsake that I will hold in my heart forever~ my husband, my soul mate ~ Richard (Dick) Hill.

A True Warrior is not measured by the outcome of war, but at having the Courage to have gone in to battle.

Always & Forever
January 21, 2015

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit





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MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. The Mohawks called the Jesuits “Ratisti’hen’sta:tsi, which means “burnt to a crisp”. The people carry out the punishment for three capital offences, treason, espionage and conspiracy, by burning the criminal[s] at the stake. These crimes could lead to the annihilation of a people. The Jesuits were found guilty of espionage and conspiracy, not treason because they were not of our people. The Iroquois were the obstacle to their expansion of their enterprise.

You can go back to France or stay with us here forever!

“You can go back to France or stay with us here forever!”

Brebeuf, Lalement and other Jesuits’ job was to draw maps for the military and to mislead and pacify our people. Our women and children were murdered at our most vulnerable, in our homes, while our men were away.

In 1649 the Rotino’shonni arrested them, put them on trial and found them guilty. Some confessed. They were asked for their preferred method of execution. The Rotino’shonni Iroquois way is one blow to the head with a war club causing instant death. They chose burning at the stake, which was popular in Europe for becoming a martyr. Witnesses were astonished to see that while they were burning they climaxed several times!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

The corporate Mohawk Council of Kahnawake have to be  charged with espionage and conspiracy but not treason because, as they have alienated themselves, they are Canadians. They sit at the table of our enemies to get their instructions on how to give us a few dollars for our land and move us far away from our birthright and homeland. They pretend to negotiate with us when they have already made the illegal deal.

Treason is the ultimate crime anywhere in the world. Edward Snowdon can be charged with treason because he is an American citizen who worked for the CIA. Julian Assange of Wikileaks cannot as he is not a citizen of the US. They can both be charged with conspiracy and espionage for leaking top secret documents. But they both had a duty to expose the abuse of power to protect the people, nation and world.

No choice. We have to defend our birthright and the coming Ongwehonwe.

No choice. We have to defend our birthright and the coming Ongwehonwe.

As Johnny Cash once again reminds us, the treasoners, traitors, conspirators will be cast into a burning ring of fire, and they will go down, down, down, and the flames will shoot higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire! Johnny Cash. “Ring of Fire”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Jesuits created Illuminati.







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MNN. Nov. 5, 2014. The economic hit men have now donned feathers to corrupt the leader in Kahnawake. They tell the leader, “Here’s some money. Don’t worry about the people. Take the money for yourself and your family.” With the band council proposal to give us money for Kahnawake and the Mohawk interest in the Seigneury, and remove us away from the route of the pipeline, they appear to have bought into the economic hit man program.

Oniengwento ready.

Ohiengwento ready.

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake are using the traditional economic hit man approach on us – Bribe us. If we don’t take the money, then bring in the military. They had a meeting with us to say they had a meeting. Now they think they can sign away our land and remove us. The hit men’s job is to remove the final impediments to the CROWN’s theft . Those who don’t fit in have already been driven out.

We Mohawks are on the path of the cross-Canada pipeline. They know that they can’t get it through Kahnawake. So get rid of the fighters.

Feathered economic hit men's backup.

Feathered economic hit men’s backup.

Kahnawake is not a reserve nor CROWN land. It is the unceded original Ongwehone territory of Kanienkeh. We the Rotinoshonni can’t relinquish our title. The illegally imposed government Corpo INDIANS have always been elected by default. If we vote in their corporate system, we are voting for their illegal scam to continue. Our decision-making is through our clans and the peoples’ council.

The INDIAN band council are the tail of the white serpebnt that have us squeezed so tight against their chest that we cant breathe. They are not Ongwehonwe. They left the canoe by their own decision. Like any incorporated municipality, the Peacekeepers report to the band council, who report to the shareholders through the Privy Council, who own the corporation of Kahnawake. They are law enforcement officers. To get their way, the corpo council says they had a meeting with a few people, then sign us away. It’s not legal nor binding. All this is against the Great Law of Onowaregeh.

"Mohawks. You'll love it there - pristine forests, water .. yada yada..'

“Mohawks. You’ll love it there –  far away, pristine forests, water, hunting & fishing .. yada yada..”

The Corpo INDIANS want to move us hundreds of miles away. To set up the scenario, they have been deliberately creating worsening social conditions, high poverty, lower education levels and trying to starve the Ongwehonwe into submission. By design the corpo INDIANS mismanage the community, rig the votes and conduct fraud with impunity. They aim to keep the people apathetic and uninformed.

Canada is the most corrupt colonial country in the world, the first merger of corporation and state in 1867. Their orders from the CROWN are to kill us or hide us somewhere so no one can see us. That same old order that Champlain tried to carry out for the Europeans, “Get rid of the f—–g Mohawks!”

We need a revolution against this corpo system of 51% dictating to 49% that was imposed on us! It’s time for the people to remove all corpo entities placed over us, which is against the law of the land and all the agreements that Canada lies upon for its legality.

With the Kaianerekowa/Great Law, we will resist the tanks, choppers, psychological warfare, corruption, brainwashing, smooth talking traitors and their military trained corpo cops. The economic hit men strategies won’t work. It means non-stop resistence until we win and return to the peace.

As Merle Haggard reminds us: “Keep your retirement and your so-called security. Big city, turn me loose and set me free”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

pipeline protes


Mohawk Warriors v. the Pigs

Listen to John Perkins.