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MNN. Feb. 12, 2016. We’ve known there was a methodology to turn the natural people of the land into obedient slaves. The corporate thieves want to know our weaknesses so we can be placed in the New World Order. From communalism to control by their chosen few in our community by our own people. Read the attached and you will see the strategy at work. It’s been in full swing in Kahnawake since 1990. The NWO is testing their brainwashing system and fine-tuning it for people of the land worldwide. native land

It’s called the “Search Conference Method for Participative Planning “ … State of the Art” by Merrelyn Emery. Is this their final solution for us? These brainwashing and pacification genocide programs are planned and developed by universities in collaboration with the Department of Defense. See: “Strategic Leadership & Decision Making”. searchcon1

"Queenie, you're going!"

“Queenie, you’re going!”

The Department of Defense gathers and processes information to produce threat analyses, implement processes that transform information about manpower and resources, and adjusts internal processes for synthesizing information to support all levels of decision making!! The pyramid is put on top of every community. The man on top always works for the shareholders of the corporation.

Some will be eaten and not notice!

Some will be eaten and not notice!

We know who the trained assets are in Kahnawake. Some of the assets were/are trained at the University of Chicago [Jesuit] and UMass.

Professional onkwe’hon:weh from the traditional community who ask questions are kicked out. All institutions – cultural centre, education, hospital, economic development. Social services, band council. Justice, media – are under the Search Conference umbrella.

Philip Deering is a systems manager. He says he’s the founder of the Kahnawake Institute for Advanced Studies in Native Self-sufficiency in the 1970’s. It’s a bogus CIA front corporation.

They're suppose to cry. Not you!

They’re suppose to cry. Not you!


These revealing documents show their plan to separate us all from our land and home and disperse us. As Grand Funk Railroad in their “Closer to Home” sing: “Everybody listen to me and return me my ship. I’m your captain. I’m you captain. And I’m feeling mighty sick”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Super Bowl ad.

Williams Lake attack.

Canada sells weapons to terrorists.

Shipping map.






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Feb. 9, 2016. [MNN remarks to McGill “Indigenous Community Resistance & Media” Feb. 8, 2016.] McGill has always lied to the onkwe’hon:weh. McGill exists on our unceded land, built with money ‘borrowed’ from our Six Nations Trust Funds in 1850. This was never repaid. Canadian taxpayers greatly benefit from the investment of our dollars into building Canada, its infrastructure and stealing our resources as the basis of its economy, while we’re kept on the reservation.

McGill Board of Governors: "My bullish strategy was given a bum steer".

McGill Board of Governors: “My bullish strategy was given a bum steer”.

All universities are corporations owned by the bankers who are the major shareholders. McGill fraudulently raises money on the stock exchange by illegally putting up our land and property as collateral. We expect our university, McGill, to be turned over to us and all debts repaid. We pledge to turn McGill into the international university of world peace and to protect our investment and the best interests of our students.

Today I am revealing that there are handlers in McGill university who work on behalf of the shareholders against the best interests of the rotin’shonni [Iroquois] titleholders. An infiltration network has been set up with agents in our community to manipulate, demoralize, confuse us and to help “take out” or neutralize those who question them. We are investigating them and compiling a report. Those involved here at McGill university know who they are. In time you [the students] will be told of our findings.

Mainstream media has never truthfully represented us and our position as owners of ono’ware:keh, great turtle island.

Those of us who question the CROWN’s business plan for the theft of our land and resources and the attendant genocide program are on the ‘never-talk-to-these-people-on-MSM’ list. That’s why Voice of Russia interviewed five kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk people for an hour each on their mainstream radio. They wanted an update on the continuing genocide.

When I was stopped at the Akwesasne border on June 14, 2008, Canada Border Services Agents CBSA tried to kill me using a stress hold that causes a heart attack. Nothing of this was ever mentioned in any mainstream outlet. The Federal Court of Canada was asked to investigate this murder attempt. FCC decided that OPP and RCMP could only investigate if I paid all court costs because I “live in Kahnawake and am not a resident of Canada!” This historic decision by 3 judges acknowledges our sovereignty and was never reported in MSM.

MNN hard at work.

MNN hard at work.

MNN does not work for or represent any corporate CROWN entity. The CROWN’S refusal to investigate the kidnapping and murder of thousands of our women is only now coming to light. The media’s main job is to continue the coverup.

Historically for every one good story on onkwe’hon:weh on mainstream, five bad stories follow. Until recently there was no media coverage of over 50,000 deaths and disappearances of our children in the residential school death camps run by the CROWN. The public was unaware because the ministry of propaganda, MSM, did their job of misinformation.

No media in European based corporate countries in the Western Hemisphere ever mentions that all the land and resources are owned by the natural people who never sold or gave up anything. We were never defeated in any legal war. They can never be legal countries as they can never own our land.

MNN began in 1990 while we were held hostage inside the Treatment Center in Kanesatake [Oka Quebec], surrounded by the Canadian army. We resisted the turning of our ceremonial and burial grounds into a golf course. The military also put nearby Kahnawake and Akwesasne, under siege. Canada sent more soldiers to Kanesatake than to the Gulf War in 1991. That’s how big of a deal it really was! Media enhanced the government’s racist bias. We were portrayed as terrorists and criminals.

Before MNN posts a story, many of our people are consulted. MNN encourages everyone to question, investigate, think for ourselves and come to one mind based on the natural law of the land.

It’s all about trust. The gig is up for MSM propaganda centers. The major newspapers are beginning to look like pamphlets. The bankers don’t want alternative media to expose their criminality. MSM is losing readers and viewers. Alternative media is becoming very important.

kohtihon'tia:kwenio - Women's Council -are still talking about McGill.

kohtihon’tia:kwenio – Women’s Council -are still talking about McGill.

The CROWN’S business plan is dependant on MSM to hide the truth of the biggest halocaust in all humanity, and to rewrite the facts and history. Now it’s faltering. The truth is coming out on the internet, i.e. Edward Snowdon, Julian Assange, MNN, ordinary people videotaping and using their minds, etc. US and Canada are losing the major propaganda network part of their business plan because the public does not trust them.

As the wise Woody Guthrie wrote: “Cross the country I’ve been looking. Seldom see anyone working. Is the work of the world all done? Come as big rain, come big thunder, come big crop, plow crop under. Indians never waste a one”.  indian-corn-song.html

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Thahoketoteh ‘media failure

Australia forced vaccinations.

Keshe, free energy in exchange for world peace.

New York vs. onkwehonweh nations NYS vs. ohkwe’hon:weh nations.

Clearing the plains thru starvation.

John Cleese ‘political correctness’.

Kerry beaten by Italian reporter.





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MNN. Jan. 16, 2016. The kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk] language is not words. It is the tone naturally buried deep in the mind of the onkwe’hon:weh. We are born with the tones which form the bond with our mother earth, the natural world and our people.

Learn the ones first.

Learn the tones first.

We are connected through vibration, magnetism and tone that goes back to the inception of our existence. The tone evokes the pictures buried deep in our minds. Sometimes the past, present and future pass before us. We feel the tones and see the pictures and then the words come to us.

The natural world hears us.

The natural world hears us.


Then we communicate with all living things in the natural world. Our connection to our mother is through our song. She gives us everything we need to live. We are all one with the earth. She sings the root note, which is the basis of our way of connecting to each other and the natural world. Something will happen which will thrust our entire memory from the very beginning.

A mother hums and sings these tones to her baby. Then the baby learns to describe the pictures in their minds using the tones they heard from their mother. A picture cannot be changed to something else. it is the truth and we cannot be told it is something else. It has living momentum so that we make imprints on and memories of our land. When we walk on it, we know it is ours and is the basis of our life.

Through our song.

Through our song.


The corporate education system is designed by foreigners to override these natural tones so we are confused and can’t reach into our minds for the inbred understanding of life.

English is a fake language that has no tones that connect them to our land. We are shown a picture of, for example, a dog, then told to memorize a word to go with that picture. Some words and their meanings are changed many times. When the immigrants came here, they had no roots here or no tones of our land. Fake place names and foreign names were imposed on us and our mother. Artificial lines were drawn over our mother. Then she was systematically destroyed. As they are from another land, they have no roots here and have no reason to live here except to take and not respect us or our mother.

wakatonteh. I heard the tones even before I was born.

wakatonteh. I heard the tones even before I was born.


Ella and Satchmo show how a fake language causes confusion in Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off: “Goodness knows what the end will be. Oh, I don’t know where I’m at. It looks as if we two will never be one. Something must be done.” [Let’ call the whole thing off].


How to open a bank account:

Storm Frank wreaks havoc in UK.

West will never forgive Russia.

Splitting the Sky murdered.

Army prepping for martial law.


Canada: oil $8 a barrel.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit






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MNN. 1 Oct. 2015.  The pope is a fading rock star. He promised to have over a million people flock to his concert/mass in Philadelphia. CNN says only thousands showed up. His handlers kept moving him around to make it look like he had a lot of followers. He did not tour the ghettoes or see the poor in Appalacia. The Pope could get huge crowds by giving away all that money he stole from us.

Francis needs heavy duty prayers.

“Francis, you need heavy duty prayers”.

Obama is a pop star getting ready to fade. His handlers are starting to promote the next popstar Prez. Nobody wants him on their campaign or to even have their picture taken with them.

Putin appears to be the genuine rock star. On his world tour, he does not speak with a forked tongue. He told Obama, “It’s easy to get rid of ISIS. They always go to the highest bidder. Knowing that, we can form a true coalition to defeat the terrorists!”

Obama was speechless as he doesn’t want to kill his military cash cow. On his world tour Putin told Netanyahu he can’t support his desire to help him  deal with Israel’s enemies, saying, “You can’t make money if all your customers are dead!”putin forgives pope

We are sending a request to Putin’s  booking agent for him to stop in Kahnawake in his current world tour. We rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois Confederacy] would like to continue the discussion we started in 1710 with Peter the Great. The belts recording this treaty between us and Russia are in the St. Petersburg Museum of Archaeology. We would like to remind him that the kaia’nere:kowa, our great law, is the formula for world peace. Putin on Obama 2013. Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board, and then struts around like it won the game. #1ab

The current intercourse between Putin and Obama on mainstream media reminds us of the guitar battle in “Crossroads”. Steve Vai is Obama and represents Luciferians. Ralph Macchio represents Putin working for the true Christians. Putin takes Netanyahu to the wood shed.


Putin. We know for sure US helped overthrow Yanukovych.

Putin-Obama, etc.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit









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MNN. Sept. 10, 2015. There are mainly two classes of refugees from the Middle East. The ‘band council’ refugees that served the CROWN/Vatican establishment to help steal the resources. The real refugees are the displaced tribal peoples. When the upper class puppets are no longer needed, they either get reassigned, flee or get killed. The real refugees end up in tent cities, whom we should help to remain safely in their homeland.american holocaust

Soon the band council’s usefulness to the CROWN will be over. Just like the Middle East stooges, chief Joke Norton of kahnawake Mohawk Council Inc. used our sovereignty and money to set up businesses with outside partners. Online gambling earned them billions, safely put in off shore bank accounts, so we wouldn’t know how much was stolen. We got crumbs. Then the US passed a law making online betting illegal as investors and clients were not paying taxes earned off reserve from so-called INDIAN businesses. The CIA swarmed into Kahnawake. The US seized everything. Joke Norton was put out of business. His partners skipped out. The headquarters moved to the Isle of Man, and now buys ”services” cheaply from companies set up in Kahnawake.

They're fed up with greedy refugees!

Fed up with greedy ungrateful refugees!

Indian Affairs sets up Mohawks as fronts for outside investors. They just have to pay rent for space in our community to take advantage of our sovereignty and tax free position. Then Indian Affairs needed Joke Norton back on the council to finish the job! How did he win the election when nobody wanted him? Indian Affairs fixes every election! As Mark Twain said, “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it!”

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. lawyer, Murray Marshall, is the mastermind here. There’s a Murray Marshall in every ongwe’hon:weh community. He’s a bar lawyer who sets up the spin, payoffs, rules, regulations, contracts and deals. Godfather Murray Marshall.

This corruption designed by the global monetary matrix has caused a great sense of loss to us ongwe’hon:weh. Our people are fighting each other instead of the governments and corporations. The evil ones and their puppet masters create crisis after crisis and use them to keep us divided and preoccupied. The chaos in our communities is like fire fights going in various monetary directions.

Harper in new wig: "We need your money. So shut up!"

Harper in new wig: “We need your money. So shut up!”

Canada is spending our trillions of dollars of Indian Trust Funds to pay their bills. Our communities are inundated with drugs and other problems to keep us distracted.

Our communities are clearing houses for nefarious corporate ends. The band councilors basically know nothing and go along. Where will the INDIAN refugees go when everybody finds out what they’ve done to us? These band council refugees can’t live amongst us and have forfeited their birthright to our mother. Will France, Great Britain and Germany take them as well? There will soon be thousands of refugees from the INDIAN control grid.

We will guard ono'ware:geh our mother.

We will guard ono’ware:geh our mother.


There are only rich and poor. Remember, 99% of us are poor. Joke Norton cohorts will love this song as Bon Scott sings: “finger freddy, diamond jim, they’re getting ready, look out i’m comin’ in, so spin that wheel, cut that pack, and shoot them loaded dice … [Sin City]

Why elites want more refugees.

We want elite refugees to help complete the genocide.

We need elite refugees to help complete the genocide.


New evil axis.





Harper tried to kill residential school story.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0








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MNN. 9 Sept. 2015. Yes, we ongwe’hon:weh have a 500 year-old refugee problem called “Canadians” and “Americans”. We and our mother live a life of peril since they washed upon our shores. Most of us were slaughtered. Our ancestors are warning us about them. The Corporation of Canada will selectively accept those associates who will help them rape and pillage our land and possessions and try to complete the genocide. We have no obligation to help them. We have to object. We are ono’ware:geh/Great Turtle Island. republic of war

The Anglo American establishment organized the chaos we see today in the Middle East. The bankers created a self-serving class system who must now be taken out and sent to their corporate colonies like Canada, to continue to serve them and their interests. Those upper class who are unwelcome in their homeland have been nurtured to fit into the banker’s monetary matrix. They have families and bank accounts to pay someone off. The poor walkers into Hungary who got their houses and towns blown up by the Europeans are unwanted by the gatekeepers of the corporate matrix. Sad stories are spun every day to make us feel guilty for not wanting to share more of our land, resources and lives.

Take back to the 'fatherland' only what you brought!

Take back to the ‘fatherland’ only what you brought! [Nothing!]

We brought in refugees and gave them a safe future. Soon they began exterminating us and helping themselves to our possessions. Because this is not their land they destroyed our mother with impunity. Canada passed the anti-terror bill, C51, aimed at terminating us by 2024. These refugees should go home and fix the chaos in their own countries caused by western multinational corporations. We’ve suffered enough!

Immigration system is a take & destroy mission.

Immigration system is a take & destroy mission.

They are coming here to monetize everything to wipe out the Great Law of Peace. Our women decide citizenship, political office, naming, clan designations and adoptions. CROWN, take all your children home. These immigrants are not being told that we never surrendered any of our land and possessions, that the CROWN matrix illegally controls a slave system. The CROWN is 100% guilty of genocide in the residential school holocaust. The world must help bring charges against the CROWN and punish these criminals. Terrorists are being imported to continue the genocide of the natural people. The refugees can only connect with the earth through their women in their own homelands.

Time to stop this!

Time for the world to help stop this!

Nirvana tell it: “Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Give an inch, take a mile”.

Conservative message.pissy mug

Pope’s message.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0






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MNN. June 6, 2015. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an incorporated product. Though usually toothless, it will bite its maker. It revealed Canada’s excuse for their practice to erase, disappear and rob us of everything. They are trying to say they are better now and so we must forgive and forget, but no justice. This is how genocide is made legal, eg. Palestine.

It’s an injustice commission offering candies and beads. The obscene dishonesty is proved. Trying to erase us involved violence, threats, forbidding languages, cultural ‘genocide’, rape and murder of women, sexual abuse of children – trying to create a subject people. We refuse to be complicit!

This relationship has been toxic and must be dissolved. We will completely control our sovereignty. We cannot be given back what we never gave away. The corporate criminals see as we do that their day is over, the game is finished, but they’re trying to hide it.

Molten gold couldn’t cure owistah disease.

The most useful part of the TRC insult is that those who would own us must now pull up their pants from around their ankles, put their junk behind their zippers and take their hands out of our children’s shorts, our pockets and our earth, water and air.

Right from the beginning our women saw their sickness. They said, “ia onkweh tikon”, they are not a natural people and should not live among us. The wisdom of their fears for us was all proven.

The residential schools, set up to teach us to be afraid, question ourselves, to cease to believe that we are a people, a nation, with inherent rights and freedom, of value to this earth and its future.

The minister of the corporatization of the INDIANS, Bernard Valcourt, could not stand up with the people who demanded an investigation of the thousands of missing and murdered women.

Valcourt: The women were going to throw vegetables at me!"

Women: “Mr. Valcourt, you can only have what we will give you”. 

His message was “We retain ultimate power. Be afraid. Fear for your women, for your children and yourselves”. But It is the same old smoke and hot air. He has nothing between his ears and nothing in his pants. He and his cohorts have no legal right to keep on masquerading as our master. Stephen Harper and his closed door silence is meant to perpetuate the fraud that they have power, but they have none, and never did. Now they are running scared. For all see finally with proof they don’t even have any moral authority.

We are, as we have always been, a sovereign people, a sovereign nation. We are not going to ask for our birthright. It is ours. We are free. Get out of our house!

The leaders wearing the skins of their hunt.

G20 leaders wearing the skins of their hunt.


As Annie Lennox sang, it’s a brand new day!. “You have taken my existence. You have filled it full of stones
. … Now I need to walk alone. But I won’t be sad. 
I won’t be destroyed. No, I won’t be. 
No I won’t be sad. .. and the word is it’s a brand new day. .. 
I need to walk alone. And the word said, It’s a brand new day.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L1B0 for original Mohawk music visit

Indigenous opt out of Maine legislature.

Child protection.


BARE NAKED EMPIRE [io’nents:toten]



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MNN. June 4, 2015. We can all see they are criminals and they’re all going to the gulag that they built for us. TRC ‘terminator” Murray Sinclair’s recommendations and the Senators passing the anti-ongwe’hon:weh Bill C-51 on the same day is no coincidence. Minister of Indian Affairs Valcourt showed his disrespect for our slain missing murdered women. He refused to stand with everyone else in the room. They all took oaths to the CROWN and Canon Law, which is based on the Pope being God who owns every living thing on this earth.

"Not sure where to go. I'm a Heinz 57!"

“Let’s get ready to move home!”

The earth is everybody’s mother. The only way you can attach yourself to your mother is through the women of your original homeland. Their children who have been away from their original part of the world are lost and cannot find their way home through mother earth hereoin ono’ware:geh.

If you are transplanted to somebody else’s part of the earth, you need to go home and help your children to reconnect to their mother so they can be whole again.  When all people do this the desecration of mother earth will end.

teiohateh is the formula for peace and perpetual co-existance between different peoples. We have been trying since 1701 to teach the Europeans this philosophy. We went to London in 1710 to spread the teiohateh concept to the European monarchs and their people. The monarchs saw they would lose their hierarchical paternal control structure. 65 years later they engineered the first modern day “false flag” war called the American Revolution. They used their army to chop down the actual tree of peace that stood for 3,300 years at Onondaga. The tree was the physical evidence of Dekanawida and the Great Peace. Then the Europeans established the Republic of War, the USA, and set out to annihilate us.

"An island where I can store my money."

“An island where I can store the money.”

teiohateh allowed them to live here under our protection in perpetual peace. It was and still is an experiment to use the good mind. Our goal has always been to achieve peace throughout the world for everyone.

Anyone who sees our land as something to monetize, fractionalize and rationalize has to leave and return to their own land where they will be cured of this ailment. This is the problem on earth today. They ran away from their own mothers.  Like all runaways, they will never find peace until they heal with their mother. Only then can they stop desecrating their mother.

"Goo goo! I want my mommy!

“Mummy, can you put more cream on my sore bum?”

The festering pimple at 6 Nay has started to spread its roots to Ottawa. The only cure for this type of extreme diaper rash is what the immortal Bo Diddley sings: “You gonna be sorry that you left me alone. You’re gonna be sorry. Pack your bags and now you gone. You’re gonna be sorry. Tried everything to get along with you. You’re gonna be sorry. I tried every little thing I knew how to do. You’re gonna be sorry. You don’t love me no mo’ was the reason why you gonna go. Back Home. Go back home.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

"The rats go first!"

“The rats go first!”

Marx: capitalism is over!

American Indians offer amnesty to immigrants.

Bob Rae on reconciliation.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 3, 2015. Judge Murray Sinclair of the private Truth and Reconciliation Commission Inc., reminds us of the Warren Commission on the cover-up of the Kennedy Assassination. You were authorized by our butchers, the CROWN, to complete their goal of getting away with genocide. You made an oath to the Templar Bar in London when you became a bar lawyer.  You are an agent of the CROWN.

Murray, tell me who you didn't get!

Queenie: “Have you got me covered, Murray!” 

Instead of charging the CROWN, you suggest that we all take an oath to our murderers. Should the oath be, “Please don’t murder anymore of our children, Queenie?” You are protecting the large population of settler colonialists who are illegal immigrants on our land. They benefitted the most from this genocide. We are the direct line of the first people of ono’ware:geh, tied to our mother through the women. Foreigners can never have this relationship, as clearly expressed in the teio’ha:the. The incorporated INDIANS have already taken an oath to assist in completing the CROWN’s business plan for total termination by 2024. All your recommendations amount to a grand sweeping of all your colonial dirt under a big royal carpet.

Judge Sinclair, can i have your autograph?

“Oh, it’s Judge Sinclair! Can I have an autograph?”

Their mother is from across the ocean. They will never know peace until they go home. They arrived here sickly. We and our good mother took care of them. Land was set aside where they could live, practice their beliefs and make laws for themselves, until their mother calls them home. When the babysitters are abused, neglected, and their funds withheld, they just won’t babysit anymore. The invaders want to continue to rape and desecrate our mother for the benefit of their pyramidal shareholders. They illegally took over our land using their Admiralty matrix, which is a complete illusion.

Their idea of citizenship within their Admiralty matrix is for them to have complete sovereignty over us. kaia’nereh:kowa, our constitution, the law of the land, won’t allow this.

Early in our relationship, the women saw them as iah onkweh ti and suggested they return to their origins. We saw their mind was dishonest and they were ruthless. We took them into the sanctity of our home and family. We saw their paedophilic ways and knew we could not trust them with our children. To protect them, it was decided they should live apart from us according to the teiohateh. Residential schools are no longer visible. It is now the “missing and murdered women” which has been institutionalized.

Man-made laws and laws of nature are different. All humans, animals, plants and living things have their territory that sustains them. The white man took over the role of mother nature with their corporate Admiralty statute law.

Their genocide continues with economic sanctions against us, criminalization, targeting, denying us use of our lands and interfering with our efforts to support ourselves. “Sorry for murdering and robbing you” means nothing. You can’t fix what you broke. You will not decide the reconciliation for your brutality. You still want total extermination. You criminals will answer for this in a proper international venue.



We don’t want revenge. We want to make a better future for our children. The offer of their fiat currency is their attempt to buy their way out of the crime. Manipulating our minds is over. We cleaned our eyes with the softest skin and ears with the eagle feather. We see their agenda clearly. We call our international partners of the world to apply pressure on the corporation called Canada and hold them accountable for the crime of genocide.

We are a united people who will establish peace by any means necessary. The black wampum is the last offering of peace when we have exhausted all avenues. All animals in nature avoid conflict. Bear, wolf and others will try to run away from a fight. When they are put in a dangerous situation, they will defend themselves. Every living thing on earth has that right to self-preservation.

As George Thorogood suggests about Murray “Terminator” Sinclair, “On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered ‘round. And they gazed in wide wonder at the joy they had found. The head nurse spoke up, said “Leave this one alone”. She could tell right away that I was bad to the bone!” 


Sinclair’s 93 extermination recommendations.

Ask Putin about those wampum belts, Stevie!

Pope is not god.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 19 Mar. 2015. The Admiralty matrix is the beast, with its banks, corporations and courts. It’s all about money. We are being eaten, but not digested yet. Without us they have no energy. We will become the most deadly stomach flu virus ever and kill the beast from inside.

Mr. Corporate President.

Imagine we are in a big stadium, in the stands is the whole world watching this match between us and the corporate pigs. Most want the underdog to win. We on Ono’ware:geh will kill this beast that is threatening the entire globe. Everyone can help us by taking away his food, money. When we all refuse to spend one dollar and stay home from work for one day, the beast will starve and be brought to its knees.

Then the summer virus will come which lasts longer. No one will go to work or spend any money for a longer time. The beast will get a bad stomach ache and reach for the Zantac, but it won’t help. Harper is trying to swallow us whole with his anti-terror Bill C-51. He better have a big supply of stomach medicine because we are going to kill the beast.evo1

The beast of war eats whole people, shits them out and then eats their babies. Canada was cloaked as an alternative to the big bad US, but we knew both were run by the same European banking families. The anti-terrorism bill C-51 is made so everyone falls into the beast’s big wide open mouth. The matrix is being set up in every country to have everyone in its belly, drowning in its toxic juices, as it swallows up all resources. trough & hog

We will transmute from docile fluoridated, empty-headed, vaccinated dummies to the most lethal stomach virus ever. The beast should be very scared. All their antibiotics won’t work. This is the “super bug’ they’ve been fearing. The people are mutating. The beast will die in agony.

The solution is the Kaia’nere:kowa, the Great Peace. Jigosaseh told Dekanawida that the women would withhold food if they are involved in war. We will stop feeding the beast. The beast will die. The war will end. Unity, strength, peace.

Blind Faith takes us out of the beast’s belly with: “Following the shadows of the sky, or are they only figments of my eyes? Feeling close where the race is run, waiting in our boats to set sail, sea of joy.” [Sea of Joy].

Lyrics. Sea of Joy.

Read: Chris Hedges on C-51.

Read: Canada’s economic miracle!

Read: Australia committing genocide.

Read: Ongwe’hon:weh ready to resist?

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