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MNN. NOV. 30, 2017. Every band/tribal council chief, provincial and territorial INDIAN organization has to answer the following question: Do you follow the INDIAN ACT or the kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace? The INDIAN ACT is the genocide policy of the government of Canada. The great peace is based on the original instructions of creation. 


Should these corporate entities answer “We enforce the INDIAN ACT”, they are willing to be paid by the government of Canada to carry out the elimination of the true natural people of turtle island. They are corporate gunslingers.  

Should these chiefs answer, “We follow the original instructions of creation”, they must resign immediately and respect the sovereignty of the true natural people of turtle island.  

The Indian Act is an ethnic cleansing genocidal policy to assimilate us into Canada’s jurisdiction and terminate our title to great turtle island. If we get rid of the Indian Act, we will determine who we are, be forced to take total responsibility for our own well-being, start governing ourselves and decide how we will continue to exist as onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people. We will control our land and resources.  


At the hearing into the case of the governemnt band council of Kahnawake creating a membership code to evict people from the community, tekarontakeh of the wolf clan explained:

“Adoption of people is a lifelong committment. The language, culture and traditions have to be adopted. The candidates former privileges and identity are surrendered. After a trial period they take one span of wampum to the native family they request to be adopted by. If the family is suitable, they are given “a name hung around the neck”, which belongs to the family. Once accepted, they are introduced to the other clans and then to the councils. Once everything is scrutinized a decision is made. A ceremony of rebirth takes place. This person is reborn. Their history is removed. The first generation sits with their backs to the wall. They may give their views to their clan spokes person. Their children have a voice. Their grandchildren can hold a title. This long process ensures they have our world view and avoids spies and traitors from entering our communities”. 


Some of the great peace basic criteria underlies the US Citizenship Act. Canada was instructed by the king of England to deal fairly with the true original people of turtle island and learn the native language of the people on whose land they reside. The corporations of Canada, US and Mexico can never become sovereign nations because only the native nations on turtle island are 100% sovereign and own everything.

The government cohorts have been hiding in the shadows and are now exposed to the light for who they really are.  

Buffy Sainte Marie sings the path we follow to reach our destiny: Who knows what tomorrow brings. In a world where few hearts survive. All I know is the way I feel. If it’s real I’ll keep it alive. The road is long, And there are mountains in our way. But we climb a step everyday”.




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MNN. July 13, 2015. The Canadian Army sent their “special ops” into Kahnawake to march in the Grand Opening of the Echoes of a Proud Nation Pow Wow. July 11, 2015, is the 25th anniversary of the Mohawk Crisis of 1990. We were blatantly shown that Kahnawake is still a Prisoner of War Camp under army jurisdiction. They oversee the imprisonment of our people and help to carry out the “final solution of the ongwe’hon:weh [INDIAN] problem”.

All this for a parade!

Gen. Custer: “All this for a parade!”

The incorporated Mohawk Council of Kahnawake headed by Joe “Jean-Brebeuf” Norton is part of this façade. Special ops are trained killers prepared to use deadly force. Indian Affairs is a division of the Canadian army and is run from their “war room” command center on the 14th floor at 10 Wellington Street, Ottawa Ontario. The Royal Van Doos  brazenly showed off their red berets [obscene on this occasion]. The message from the band council is they still follow the orders from the generals on the 14th floor. The Aboriginal Response Team was merged with CSIS in 2007. In Canada the only people that wear the red berets are the military police.

AIM red berets

AIM red berets: “No Joe Norton here!”

The “Indian Detail” for using deadly force against us is being flaunted here. The rest of the world is on to Canada’s ongoing genocide against us which they will continue until we stop it. The people of the world have to support us to end the evil that is Canada. The CROWN must be charged along with anyone who swears an oath to them for the crime of genocide.


Black power in black berets.

Black power in black berets: “Not here either”.

The military is trying to keep us as prisoners of war in our own land, that resistance is futile and the corporation intends to sign us away and steal all our lands, resources and trust funds.

Chicano brown berets

Chicano brown berets: Whaddya know, no Joe!”


The military parade is a not thinly veiled threat to intimidate any who would resist them. Between the collaboration of the band council and the brutality of the military, we must continue to resist today as we did 25 years ago.

As Garth Brooks sings, all soldiers can relate because they’ve all got friends in low places: “Cause I’ve got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blue away”.


MNN. “Like … killing”.


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Kahentinetha on immigrants. Radio: “Cross Canada CheckUp”.

Red, Brown & Black movements.

Inuit discuss pole shift.

UN on Canada genocide & terrorism.

Horn Miller at PanAm Games.