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MNN. OCT. 18, 2019. Have we got an international revelation for you about Canada! Finally the invaders will learn where the words “Canadian” and “Canadien” come from.

Some historic background first. Each of our communities had three or more settlements. We would move to another location so our land could rebirth to its natural condition. Eventually we would return to the original village.

wahatinatsoton. To rebuild our community, we bend the poles and bind them to make beams to hold up our roofs. wasenatsoton. kanata comes from kanatsoteh which means it is ‘imbedded’ in our land. We connected the side poles to the others and used cross members so they would stand firmly. Then the outer skin was put on.

wahetiskwaron. The invaders were called kanakonronen. Without permission they ‘imbedded’ themselves in our homeland. They did not intend to leave. They put the poles deep into the native ground. We called them ”kanatien” [pronounced ga na jon] the “squatters”. Now they call themselves Canadian and Canadien, from “canatienton”.

When the invaders say, “I am Canadian” or Canadien”, they are saying “I am a squatter on kanastoteh”. Be careful of the words you use. Know where they come from and what they means. Canadians have a problem defining who they are.  And now we’re telling them. They’ve been using the word long enough. It is time we told them what it means. 

Natives should be excused from singing “O Canada”. Here’s a suggested replacement that everybody knows! Hockey is a rotinoshonni [Iroquois] game. It comes from the Mohawk expression, “ahkee”. Stompin’ Tom Connors sings: “Hello, out there, we’re on the air, it’s hockey night tonight. Tension grows, the whistle blows, and the puck drops down the ice. The goalie jumps, the players bump, and the fans all go insane. Someone roars “Bobby scores!”, at the good old hockey game. Oh, the good old hockey game is the best game you can name. And the best game you can name is the good old hockey game.” box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact 



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MNN. 13, 2019. Protect the poppies says Don Cherry, the loud mouthpiece for “Hockey Night in Canada”.  Heroin is made from poppies. Wearing the poppy means you celebrate, glorify and want more war and drugs. This UK tradition started after World War I. The bankers will not stay wealthy from peace. 

Don Cherry, a European immigrant, scolds everybody, in effect, for not supporting the war, “You have benefitted from the genocide of the Indians here”. Many told him to shit in his hat. The bankers sent the youth to die for them on Flanders Field. Their families got nothing but heartaches and headaches. Poppies being made into heroin is to addict the world for more war. The bankers get rich through war! 

Just because the invaders militarily occupied turtle island and claim it as their own, doesn’t mean it is their property. There is no statute of limitations on theft and murder. 

Every war is a banker’s war. The invaders to turtle island are rich because they murdered almost all of the natives. We are heroes because we defended all life on onowarekeh turtle island against the barbaric invaders. 

ateriwanensken. Less settlers are enlisting to go murder people in far off lands. The illegal settlers came to our community in trucks to kidnap our youth to be trained to become blood thirsty killers for them. enswateninikonwaseroni. The invaders constantly work at twisting the minds of our men to think, “I wanna be a soldier!” to help them kill anyone who gets in the way of the bankers.

Today they train through mind control their attack dogs known as the “band council” to continue the slaughter of their own people so we will be dead and gone, out of the way. They are not mindful of the disastrous deeds. A psychopath is unempathetic and has no remorse. They don’t take any blame for their unconscionable behavior. 

We will rejoin our peace, our earth and all our relations. 

All politicians and their pawns are icons for hire who divert us from seeing the ther plan to totally annihilate us. Cynics and Critics get it: “If you’re happy and you know it, then there might be something wrong with you. What’s the point in holding on, when all of us don’t want you to. It’d make us feel better, knowing you’d be stuck forever. Sick minds stick together, we can stay sick forever”. [Icon for hire] box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact HOW THE POPPY FLOWER IS TRANSFORMED INTO HERON 




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MNN. 8 Nov. 2019. In 1884 the British soldiers lead by British General Gordon were trapped in Khartoum in Egypt. They needed supplies, food and ammunition.

No one could get through the treacherous rapids on the Nile known as the “Cataracts”. Only the kanionkehaka [Mohawks] of Kahnawake were known for their skill in shooting such dangerous rapids. They lived by the Lachine Rapids, the strongest in the world. They expertly took huge cargoes in long canoes over some of the world’s most treacherous rapids. 59 Mohawks volunteered for this dangerous mission in Egypt. 16 were lost. They took their long canoes to shoot the rapids on the Nile. They got to Khartoum. Everybody there had been slaughtered.


GUEST STORY: “Mighty Indigenous Warriors: From Egypt to the First World War

On the left of the graphic, Tatânga Mânî [Chief Walking Buffalo] [George McLean] in traditional regalia on horse. In the middle, Iggi and girl engaging in a “kunik”, a traditional greeting in Inuit culture. On the right, Maxime Marion, a Métis guide stands holding a rifle. In the background, there is a map of Upper and Lower Canada, and text from the Red River Settlement collection.

By Elizabeth Kawenaa Montour and Sara Chatfield

When First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation were recruited in 1914 to fight in the First World War, enlistees were not aware of the new reality of 20th-century warfare. As a prelude to the First World War, in 1884, approximately 56 Kanienkenha:ka (Mohawk), 30 Ojibway and 19 Métis men were recruited for Britain’s six-month Nile expedition in Egypt totalling 400 men. The men were chosen for their strength, endurance, and skill in handling boats and rafts—qualities that were needed to navigate up the numerous cataracts and rapids of the Nile River.

They did not see active battle, as they arrived two days after the city of Khartoum, Sudan had fallen, and British Major Charles G. Gordon had been killed. The expedition returned with the loss of 16 men and stories of what they had seen. Along their journey on the Nile, they saw monolithic temples and statues carved out of hillsides at Abu Simbel, the Sphinx of Giza, the pyramids, exotic markets and Egyptian life in Cairo.

A black-and-white photograph of a large group of men standing in front of the Parliament buildings.

Canadian voyageurs in front of the Parliament Buildings, a detail from the “Canadian Nile Contingent,” 1884. (c002877)

Three decades later, their next involvement in an overseas military expedition was with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces (CEF) in the First World War. It was an opportunity for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation soldiers to see the world, and to prove their courage and combat skills. Soldiers were facing a major change in combat style and warfare. The new reality of war involved the use of chemical warfare, machine guns, fighter aircraft, armoured vehicles, and trench warfare.

Our latest Co-lab challenge, Correspondence regarding First Nations veterans returning after the First World War, illustrates some Indigenous peoples’ experiences during the war, touches upon how their communities coped during their absence, and gives information about their lives after they returned home. These documents provide us with information that the Personnel Records of the First World War may not. They offer information such as what the solider planned to do after the war, if he owned land or farm animals, or if he was suited to farming. There is also information about whether the soldier suffered any lingering disabilities, who they lived with, and if they had any dependants.

Created by the former Department of Indian Affairs, these records are unique in that an overseeing federal “Indian Agent” included personal information and comments on the returning First Nations soldiers. In contrast, this was not the case for non-Indigenous soldiers, as no similar sets of records exist for the rest of the CEF.

A page from the “Indian Agent’s Office,” Chippewa Hill, Saugeen Agency, February 14, 1919.

Document from RG10 Vol 6771 file 452-30 sent to Duncan Campbell Scott from T.A. Stout on February 14, 1919, providing information about John Besito. (Image found on Canadiana)

This personal information became part of the federal government files in Ottawa. The records are also unique in that the “Indian Agents” delved into the soldier’s post-service life. The information that was collected included gratuitous private information and personal judgements about the veterans and the civilian lives they returned to. For example, the “Indian Agent’s Office” notes dated February 1919 for Private John Besito from Saugeen Agency, Ontario, state, “He has a location of fifty acres in the Reserve. He has a house and some improvements on his location.”

As well as administrative information, such as CEF regimental numbers and membership in First Nation agencies and bands, these records also give us genealogical information. For example, the names of three deceased soldiers are listed in a letter to the Department of Indian Affairs dated February 12, 1919, written by the “Indian Agent” of the Griswold Agency in Manitoba. The letter states that the deceased soldiers are from Oak River and Oak Lake Reserves. The letter also includes the CEF regimental number of one of the deceased, Private John Taylor, and that the Department of Indian Affairs paid a pension to his wife and two children. Other correspondence informs us that Private Gilbert Moore, who was killed in action on March 24, 1918, left behind parents in poor circumstances and that they applied for a pension; and that Private Thomas Kasto left a mother who received a pension.

A black-and-white studio portrait of a First World War soldier in uniform and holding a rifle.

Photograph of Canadian Expeditionary Forces soldier Michael Ackabee. (e005176082)

As well as providing information about the soldiers who fought with the CEF, these files make reference to women in First Nation communities who provided funds to help with the war effort to organizations such as the Red Cross, the Girls Overseas Comfort Club, and the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Women in the communities knitted socks and made shirts to add to the “comfort boxes” that were mailed to the men overseas. They also fundraised by making beadwork, woven baskets, and quilts to sell at box socials and fairs.

Indigenous soldiers who survived the war often returned home changed, both positively and negatively. Sapper Peter Taylor, a Kahnawake soldier, suffered the rest of his life with complications from mustard gas poisoning until he passed away in 1955. Private Tom Longboat, the Olympic long distance runner from Six Nations of the Grand River reserve, returned home from his duty overseas in France to find his wife had remarried after receiving word that he had been killed.

A black-and-white photograph of two men in First World War military uniforms smiling and buying a newspaper from a young boy. The man on the right is accepting a newspaper from the boy and giving him money in exchange.

Private Tom Longboat, the Onondaga long distance runner, buying a newspaper from a French boy, June 1917. (a001479)

Many who returned home were affected mentally and physically. We give our gratitude for their sacrifices and service, and they will be forever acknowledged, honoured, and respected.

This blog is part of a series related to the Indigenous Documentary Heritage Initiatives. Learn how Library and Archives Canada (LAC) increases access to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation collections and supports communities in the preservation of Indigenous language recordings.

Elizabeth Kawenaa Montour is a project archivist and Sara Chatfield is a project manager in the Exhibitions and Online Content Division of the Public Service Branch at Library and Archives Canada.

The Andrew Sisters pumped out the best propaganda for the imperial war machine: “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. Don’t let your joy and laughter hear the snag. Smile boys, that’s the style. What’s the use of worrying. It never was worth while. So pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile”. box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact 



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MNN. Jan. 9, 2018. The corporate justice business based on Admiralty Law of the Seas is designed to protect the stolen property of a few elite and to enslave the rest. When we go to court 99.9% of us have to pay a lawyer to speak for us or we have to go pro se [without a lawyer]. The elite created this money funnel to beat us into the ground by burying us in their ‘legalese’ procedures and papers or put us in their jails. Exxon could send us 250,000 or a million pieces of paper that would take us years to look at and never figure out.


The new proposed justice system we propose is based on the world reknown “tekarontake rule” which is based on the great peace, kaia-nere-kowa, to  create balance where everyone is equal and has a voice. No paper or pen in the courtroom, just your mind. The opponents have to look right into each other’s eyes, so to speak.

Lawyers and judges will have no artificial rules to protect their corporate business. Their fraudulent gouging system of ‘clients’ will disappear. The land, trees, river, air, animals, people and all life are created pro se. We are all born to live and die pro se, without lawyers filling out forms and filing them somewhere.


This scam is over. Everybody will go in the front door of the court and into their secret chambers. The illusory bar association won’t have us by the throat to threaten, fine and keep us in line to put money in their pockets. If you need paper then you don’t have a good case. The lawyers never get our stories straight.

To resolve a conflict, all parties go to a room together and talk about it until they come to an understanding. No secrets or lies. New York State made the Onondaga 15 wait twenty years [For us all to die of!] Then they put us through sham trials in the district court, then second circuit court and now the Supreme Court of the United States. 

The supreme court even has a rule that no one other than a lawyer can argue in  their ‘club’! It’s only for the 1% that can buy a lawyer. 


In criminal cases, the corporate government writes up the rules and regulations to ‘catch’ or trap us. Every one charged should be automatically provided a free lawyer. We are presumed innocent. Let the state pay for its money making business. The court and lawyers drum up the business and split the profit, making money out of other people’s conflicts. 

In 1997 the ambulance chasers offered to help us for free. They dumped the Onondaga 15 when we would not settle for money they could get a part of. We wanted to put on record the attack by the’NYS I-81 INDIAN DETAIL’. 


Everybody with legitimate grievances will have their day in the ‘remedy room’ without lawyers, paper work, depositions, and so on.  

Referees will hear the merits of the case quickly instead of a judge when it’s fresh in our minds instead waiting for us to forget all the details. Court rule books will become one page pamphlets to deflate the so-called justice business. 

The social system has no justice, no true resolve. It’s all based on money. 

The great peace does not seek punishment, but to make things rights, to fix things the way they are supposed to be. Everybody is responsible to correct wrongdoing and compensate those who have been wronged. A few should not decide. Everybody should be aware and involved. Politicians say they will throw it to the people in a referendum but don’t give them all the information. They provide propaganda, rumor and gossip, even in the courtroom, to mislead the judge, jury, people and media. 

As Onondaga 15 plaintiff, Budgie, said, “My parents raised me to tell the truth and not to steal or I might end up becoming a politician or a judge. [Parmley v. Jones]. 

Buffy Sainte Marie and Tanya Tagaq remind us of the duties coming from the original instructions between all life and creation: “Whether your woman or whether your man. Sometimes you gotta take a stand. Just because you think you can. Oh you gotta run you gotta run”.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 CensoredNews



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JAN. 3, 2018. Remember when the New York State “Indian Detail” attacked the Onondaga on May 18, 1997. It went to the NY District Court in Syracuse, then to the Second Circuit Court of New York and now is in the Supreme Court of the United States.

The real issue is that any person is suppose to have the right to EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW, which is engraved on the sign at the top of the front door of the  Supreme Court of the United States. If denied the onkwe-hon-weh and everybody will be unable to have equal justice, a fair trial and due process in all courts of the U.S. The Onondaga 15 were forced to be pro se, without lawyers.


 22 2017Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due February 1, 2018)
PetitionCertificate of Word CountProof of Service

We say in the spirit of Michael Jackson “this is it”: “One, two, three, four. This is it, here I stand. I’m the light of the world. I’ll feel grand. Got this love, I can feel. And I know, yes for sure. It is real.” 


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 




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MNN. NOV. 30, 2017. Every band/tribal council chief, provincial and territorial INDIAN organization has to answer the following question: Do you follow the INDIAN ACT or the kaia-nere-kowa, the great peace? The INDIAN ACT is the genocide policy of the government of Canada. The great peace is based on the original instructions of creation. 


Should these corporate entities answer “We enforce the INDIAN ACT”, they are willing to be paid by the government of Canada to carry out the elimination of the true natural people of turtle island. They are corporate gunslingers.  

Should these chiefs answer, “We follow the original instructions of creation”, they must resign immediately and respect the sovereignty of the true natural people of turtle island.  

The Indian Act is an ethnic cleansing genocidal policy to assimilate us into Canada’s jurisdiction and terminate our title to great turtle island. If we get rid of the Indian Act, we will determine who we are, be forced to take total responsibility for our own well-being, start governing ourselves and decide how we will continue to exist as onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people. We will control our land and resources.  


At the hearing into the case of the governemnt band council of Kahnawake creating a membership code to evict people from the community, tekarontakeh of the wolf clan explained:

“Adoption of people is a lifelong committment. The language, culture and traditions have to be adopted. The candidates former privileges and identity are surrendered. After a trial period they take one span of wampum to the native family they request to be adopted by. If the family is suitable, they are given “a name hung around the neck”, which belongs to the family. Once accepted, they are introduced to the other clans and then to the councils. Once everything is scrutinized a decision is made. A ceremony of rebirth takes place. This person is reborn. Their history is removed. The first generation sits with their backs to the wall. They may give their views to their clan spokes person. Their children have a voice. Their grandchildren can hold a title. This long process ensures they have our world view and avoids spies and traitors from entering our communities”. 


Some of the great peace basic criteria underlies the US Citizenship Act. Canada was instructed by the king of England to deal fairly with the true original people of turtle island and learn the native language of the people on whose land they reside. The corporations of Canada, US and Mexico can never become sovereign nations because only the native nations on turtle island are 100% sovereign and own everything.

The government cohorts have been hiding in the shadows and are now exposed to the light for who they really are.  

Buffy Sainte Marie sings the path we follow to reach our destiny: Who knows what tomorrow brings. In a world where few hearts survive. All I know is the way I feel. If it’s real I’ll keep it alive. The road is long, And there are mountains in our way. But we climb a step everyday”.



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MNN. NOV. 11, 2017. Whiteness is a dangerous cult. It means self-determined racial supremacy, genocide, colonialism, slavery, segregation, ghettoism, militarized borders and mass incarceration. The whites cannot indefinitely hang onto their militarized power and stolen booty. They are now trying to bring more chaos into the world. Today they celebrate the carnage they created in 1914, while we continue to live among rotted walking dead.  


They hide the pleasure they get from seeing people suffer pain and blood. That is why they design and invoke the horrific prisoner of war camps that most of us live in? They need lives to torture. 

We lost millions of our people at their hands, who never hurt their children or babies or anybody. The empire is collapsing. The predators are escaping the net of justice with their loyal dogs as they come to the end of their psychopathic legacy. 


Everything they have is based on shedding our blood. They refuse to clean their filth.    

Is our land still a good place to live? All natural life on turtle island feels the pain they inflict.  

Their idea of racial order is based on control over the “uncivilized”, to exterminate, terrorize, imprison, ostracise and radically engineer.


Whiteness is the self-determined ownership of the earth forever and ever. it is based on creating national animosities, foreign wars and empire building. It is promoted by the media and assisted by bureaucracies and technology. 

Private and public morality barely exist. The “war on terror” is a license to torture and execute. Western society depends on violence, undeclared wars and new battles to begin. 

To move on they need to kill again. Our existence reminds them of something they do not want to remember.  

They beat us up but they can’t kill us. We are indestructable. They need  victims. They live for war, not peace. Otherwise they are cowards.   

The Western corporate society is built on racial hierarchy, a criminal force that empowers volatile demagogues. Whiteness is the coming mayhem.  

Remembrance Day is for them to celebrate war.  

Credence Clearwater Revival sing about not having a daddy in politics:

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they’re red, white and blue. And when the band plays “Hail to the chief”, Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no senator’s son, son. It ain’t me, it ain’t me; I ain’t no fortunate one, no”

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (Official Lyric Video)

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 Read Pankay Mishra ‘Ugly Truth of the First World War”





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MNN. Nov. 11, 2016. We sent our people to London in 1710 and to the Hague in 1923 to teach about the great peace. The creators of the war did not want to hear about it and still don’t. They continue to attack the law of world peace. They will continue the war perpetually until they take over the world. Since World War I the war is celebrated every year to foster its continuance.

Trump Train Wreck.

Trump Train Wreck.


Canada went to war to continue it’s reign over us and what they took from us. Some of our men were soldiers for the empire.

War memorials are a trespass against the mind of man. Some refuse to donate money as they don’t support war. hand-over-your-wallet

NYS INDIAN Detail: War at home.

NYS INDIAN Detail continues the war at home.

Let’s end the war.

Leonard Cohen’s spirit is here for three days. He died Nov. 10 knowing that everybody knows and is still doing nothing about ending the war. “Everybody knows that the dice are loaded. Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost. Everybody knows the fight was fixed. The poor stay poor. The rich get rich. That’s how it goes. Everybody knows.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STAND: Politicians, Corporatists, Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON




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MNN. Nov. 10, 2014. War is the bankers’ favorite theatre. November 11th is a celebration of war. The bankers and government get the day off. Everyone else works. Commemorations are televised of the past and present bloodletting. The bagpipes blare. Why do Scottish clad men marching with bagpipes symbolize Canada in national or state memorials? People buy poppies from kids, to keep war going. Recent alleged killing of two soldiers and the gunfight on Parliament Hill were timed for effect. War is sold by the warmongers by honoring those who have been murdered. Remembrance Day is the biggest propaganda campaign for the continuance of World War I. The killing fields in Europe ended but war continued.

Warmonger Stephen Harper: "Weeee! We just wiped out some Iraqi villages!"

Warmonger Stephen Harper: Canadian Forces Harper.

There never has been a reason for Canada to be in any war. The Queens Privy Council and her appointed actors run the show in the colony of Canada disguised as a democracy. Their corporate entities, such as the band councils, run all business.

Red poppies symbolize blood. European bloodlines want your blood. Wearing these means you support war and bloodletting. All wars are banker wars. They send our young people and sacrifice them without even asking their mothers. The “tomb of the unknown soldier” is getting old. It’s always been a bad act. After 100 years we’re still falling for nineteen/twenty year olds being sacrificed by their Zionist money gods.

Poppies show visible public support for and celebration of war. Since World War I has been honored and celebrated on November 11, there have been 212 wars since.

Kids. This where your poppy money goes!

Kids. This is where your poppy money goes!

The first world peace agreement was signed in Montreal by us and France in 1701. In 1710 the Iroquois Confederacy sent four chiefs to the first world peace conference in London. Then we tried again in 1923. The Iroquois Confederacy sent Deskahe to the League of Nations to teach the Great Peace to stop all war. He was sponsored by eight sovereign nations, including Iran. Britain blocked every attempt for a year and a half every time it was his turn to speak. He was blocked from entering Canada by bloodline agent, Duncan Campbell Scott. He was subsequently murdered by agents of the crown and never allowed to return to his home at Six Nations.

Peace begins with the women of the world.

Peace begins with the women of the world.

It’s time for us to talk to about world peace again and to hold the THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ABOUT WORLD PEACE. We have the formula. This time, don’t kill the messenger!

John Wesley Harding gets it right: “The messenger came with bad news from the front/Said “the soldiers are starving and their swords are all blunt/They need a show of support or some futile sign/That’s what they told me to tell you, not even the words are mine...” Don’t kill the messenger.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Hitler did not die in Germany.

Hitler survived.

Memorials to continue war.

Remembrance day in Canada. remembrance day in canada