


MNN. July 19, 2013. Detroit is on stolen Rotino’shonni:onwe Indigenous land and is bankrupt. The rulers have no more use for this pile of polluted steel, glass and cement called a metropolis. Nothing can be sold without our consent at it is illegally built on our land.

Glass, steel, cement must be cleaned up.

Glass, steel, cement must be cleaned up.


The War of 1812 is when the US tried to make all Great Turtle Island into one big United States. On August 16, 1812, a force of Indigenous allies of British Major General Isaac Brock took Fort Detroit and repelled the overwhelming large American forces under Brigadier General William Hull. The sight of the Indian war whoops terrified the Americans who refused to fight. Hull ran up a white flag and quickly surrendered. After the invasion, the natural land owners were pushed out. The bankers set up the artificial corporation of Detroit under the Admiralty laws of the seas. A counterfeit economy was created to extract our resources and start manufacturing. 1812 detroit

All towns and cities are foreign corporations set up by the banker shareholders for profit only. When a city is no longer viable, the bankers declare bankruptcy and dissolve the city. They illegally take whatever they can for a few cents on the dollar. Like Detroit, the infrastructure is left to decay and drown in debt. They become poor, crime-infested hellholes. The population drops by as much as 75%. The lights don’t work. The ambulances are old. Almost 100,000 buildings are abandoned. Less than half are working. 60% of children live third world conditions. The rulers plunder whatever is valuable. 

Detroit, welcome to the reservation! In the Secret Covenant of the rulers, “We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them”. 

The rulers’ greatest fear is of the “initiates” they recruited to carry out their dirty work. The initiates were falsely promised eternal life and willingly went along with the genocide and environmental destruction. Those left behind will perish. 

Detroit is one of the first of many dissolved cities in both US and Canada. As Dekanawidah predicted, the rulers and initiates are the serpents that will be washed away, never to be seen again. The people can follow the white roots of the great peace. They can come to one mind with us and start living under the Kaianerekowa, the real law of the land of Great Turtle Island.detroit bankrupt

Gordon Lightfoot sang in 1967 of the coming conflicts in Detroit: The streets of Motor City now are quiet and serene/But the shapes of gutted buildings/Strike terror to the heart/And you say how did it happen/And you say how did it start.” Black Day in July  

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MNN.  20 June 2012.  Canadians are celebrating their victory in the War of 1812 with lies.   Canada refuses to acknowledge their obligations and debt to the Mohawks.  They want to keep robbing us of our territory and resources for a few pennies in “treaty negotiations” or “partnership agreements.
The Six Nations of the Grand River withdrew from the commemoration of the Battle of Queenston Heights.  Our major role in the three opening battles was belittled. Our duty was to protect the Two Row Agreement and for the invaders to live in peace.  A wampum belt that the Crown had given to the Mohawks in 1912 was going to be presented acknowledging our independance and sovereignty. 
The British have all our wampums on all our agreements since 1684 when they arrived in Albany.  We can help them translate the wampums and polish the chain. 
Regarding the Covenant Chain and the Two-Row Wampum, in 2009 Canada stated that the understanding between the Crown and the Haudenosaunee has changed.  Everything is confirmed in the wampums!  Canada said a discussion would not be constructive for them.  Everything reverts back to one day before June 25th 1701 when we presented the Two Row Wampum to them with 47 Indigenous nations adhering to the agreement. 
Mohawk warriors determined the course of world history.  Canada’s Prime Minister Harper has re-written this 200 years later. In the War of 1812 the Mohawks were not just “allies”.  The Rotiskenrakete always watched whether they were keeping the peace on both sides of the corporate border
Canada was formed through three Mohawk victories. The Americans declared war on the British to take over Canada.  The first battle was April 1812.  The Mohawks went to the American Fort Michilmacinac at the convergence of the three big lakes.  The Mohawks grabbed the American patrols, killed them and sent them back with no skin except for one.  The Americans immediately surrendered to the British to save themselves from the Mohawks.  Not one shot was fired.  British General Brock claimed victory, though it was a Mohawk victory.  
In Detroit the Mohawks were joined by Tecumseh and his Shawnee warriors.  We were stationed around Fort Detroit.  Brock sent word to the Americans, “I can’t control the Indians.  They want to skin you all”.  Without a shot being fired, 1500 Americans surrendered to the British once again to save themselves from the Mohawks.  
The third battle was at Queenston Heights on October 13.  Americans sent thousands of soldiers across the Niagara River to secure the British gun battery.  Gen. Brock was in his barracks.  In the early morning, he ran out to the battlefield with a sword, got a musket ball in the head and died in the first 3 minutes of the battle.  The British troops grabbed their dead general and immediately retreated from the battlefield.  The 96 Mohawks warriors watched. Then they stood up and took the guns.  When the Americans saw the Mohawks, they ran for their lives across the river. Another Mohawk victory.  
A little twist on what Johnny Horton said about the British in 1815  but it was the Americans in 1812:  “They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles.  And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go.  They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch them … down the banks of the canyon cross the river to New York.   
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0