

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 7, 2015. About five years ago Mr. SOS got in touch with me by email. He was affiliated with a group at McGill University environmental issues and a group of Montreal Island history aficionados. He also worked with kahnawake elders to list Mohawk place names on Montreal Island and surrounding areas.

Recently an issue came up about Turcot Yard, the land south of the escarpment on Upper Lachine Road across the river from Kahnawake. Historically, from Ville St. Pierre to Atwater was a seven mile lake. In 1535 Jacques Cartier came upstream from the kaniatarowano:onwe/St. Lawrence River/river of the Mohawks and landed there at Hochelaga.

French kidnap ongwe'hon:weh to take home.

French kidnap ongwe’hon:weh to take home.

Cartier wrote about his walk along the escarpment and the food the kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks had grown there. Montreal Island was covered with over 50 kanion’ke:haka villages and hundreds of streams, creeks, lakes and ponds. The lakes were filled with life and beech and other nut trees and orchards created food and an unending fresh water supply. The lake was turned into a landfill. St. Pierre, the rail yards, highways and expressways were built on top.



Turcot Yard. Splattered on top of kanionkehaka/Mohalland.

Turcot Yard. Splattered on top of kanionkehaka/Mohawk land.

Mr. SOS is 62 years old, very fit, does not eat cooked food. The web does not reveal previous jobs. He has a small pension. He later said he was paying $1000 a month in child support. He claims to be a Jew and part ongwe’hon:weh [cultural appropriation]. His townhouse is cluttered from top to bottom with papers and stuff, like a busy work place, with no place to sit or chat. He has no car and uses a neighbor’s bike.

Mr. SOS’s townhouse is in a housing project at the Whisky Trench road that comes from kahnawake and hooks up to Highway 20, which goes downtown to Montreal. Turcot yard was a rail yard, which is no longer viable. Expressways were built in 1966, which are now falling apart and being taken down. The construction workers found an old French village but decided to continue the construction.

Why don't you stay over tonight?

Why don’t you stay over tonight?

On September 4, 2015 I called Mr. SOS and asked him about it. He talked about the escarpment and the lake, which is all Mohawk land. I had never personally met him. He invited me to his place in Lasalle to look at maps and discuss the history. Though I live 5 minutes away he asked me to stay overnight. I declined. He insisted and made me feel uncomfortable. He invited me to have supper. He picked herbs outside and made a salad. Later he told me he uses his shit and piss to nourish his garden. Yuck!

Once again he insisted I stay overnight. I left. We arranged to meet the following day, Saturday, September 5, to walk on the land in question. I parked on the street. His ‘son’ was inside waiting to meet me and then left. We started walking down the hill by the park. About two minutes later, SOS said he forgot the map and ran back to his house. 20 minutes later he returned with a knapsack on his back. He took my bottle of water and put it in his bag. I kept my car key and cell phone in my bag.

Project telecommunications!

Project telecommunications system!

SOS talked about setting up 100-people communities to share food, responsibilities and profits. He talked about finances, investments and so on. It would take millions. He had $45,000 but had access to lots of money. he told me his family is wealthy. His mother grew up in the Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec City. His father was a businessman.

It was hot and muggy. We walked along the Lachine Canal to the bridge over to Ville St. Pierre.

I thought he lived in the project for 30 years. But he’s only been there for 5 years. He was evasive about his previous residences other than in BC and Pointe Claire Quebec.

We walked up the main street of St. Pierre to a bridge. SOS said we should go down the right side of the bridge and walk along the road to the old St. Raphael hotel site. There we crossed Highway 20 and got onto the north side of the road to Angrignon Mall. It curved through a huge Turcot Yard construction site with high piles of dirt and rocks. SOS then insisted that we walk through this deserted construction site. He wanted us to cross, climb over the fence and then walk through the rubble. I refused. About 500 ft. further was a busy road going over to the shopping mall, which had traffic lights and a sidewalk. I insisted we go there. missing murdered

I kept asking for water, which he kept withholding. “Let’s find a place, sit down and then drink some water”, he said. I said ‘no’, I want it now! So he had to give it to me.

We walked over the overpass and down the stairs to get to the Lachine Canal though a construction site and some shrubs. In a shack were 3 people who waved to us. We walked by, went through the shrubs to the Canal. We walked and he did not talk much.

Later I called my friend and told her about the event. She said his house in Lasalle might be a communications center; that Lasalle is part of the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis land claim by the Mohawks of kahnawake. Another friends said, “He might be a cop!” His sister said, “He might be a CSIS hit man!” Or an infiltrator? He bicycles over to Kahnawake, makes friends, gets involved with people there in language, arts, and other programs. He has become familiar with the community.

Throughout the 20 kilometer walk I questioned him about his monetary interests, misunderstanding and misinformation about us. He had a nervous laugh. Almost like he was playing nice. Was he working on my untimely disappearance? Another missing ongwe’hon:weh woman!

Mr. Nice Guy spy.

Mr. Nice Guy spy.

He wants to live by the kaia’nere’kowa. He thinks if somebody commits a murder, they should be forced to live by the Great Peace and to forgive them. I answered, “When we were being murdered, not one of you stood up for us and you still don’t. For murder, the criminal is executed, along with his entire family. This goes for the genocide that continues today by all those who are benefitting, including you, Mr. SOS”.

The next day I got itchy like mosquitoes were biting me all over my body. Did I dodge a bullet? Is Mr. Nice Guy somewhere in our neighborhood? Anyone with a voice and knows how to use it gets targeted. Anyone could turn into an agent anytime.

As Elvis sings, “As the snow flies on a cold and gray Chicago morning, a poor little baby child is born in the ghetto”.

Indian Trust Funds. Who owes who?

Ongwehonweh student expelled for speaking about genocide.

Indian Trust Funds. Who owes who?

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Aug. 17, 2015. To get a good education we are told to always ask “why?” and “can you prove it?” about everything. In 1884, Canada, a corporate franchise of Europe, illegally passed the Indian Advancement Act.  [] In 1924 all of our communities were turned into POW camps administered by the military. Kahnawake is #IR 14. Today, violating our sovereignty, illegal secret structures and businesses are flooding kahnawake, without our knowledge or consent. Complaints unheeded.

Chief Joe Norton lost 3 casino referenda.

Get rich quick by scamming your people: Joke Norton.

Get rich quick by scamming your people” by Joke Norton.

It seems he purchased our land to build a casino anyway, using our sovereignty and funds to make himself and his foreign investors rich. A road off the bridge from Montreal leads to a locked gate with the sign “L.A. Hebert” [commercial & industrial projects, possibly military. 450-632-7973].

what's being weighed?

The road leads into the bush to a weigh scale and then to a 300-acre cleared landfill. Along the road are empty poles. Further on electric boxes are attached to the poles with heavy black covered wiring buried into the ground. Further along stands a large empty square structure about the size of a 3-storey Wal-Mart, without windows.

Joke casino in the bush. Ha ha ha!

Ol’ Joke casino in the bush. Ha ha ha!

A 13 ft. high fence with barbed wire at the top surrounds the entire property to keep people out, not in. 10 large cooling systems are on the roof. The property could be a casino, a military installation or a prison/holding pen/labor camp. Warning notices abound. The only security was a monitor on a table inside the front door. Further down the road is a 300-foot tower with huge thick black wires coming from it. 350 Wal-Marts closed.


Until we take direction from the kohtihon'tia:kwenio

Until we take direction from the kohtihon’tia:kwenio.

Strangely no one in Kahnawake seems to know when this structure was built in the center of our territory. Just like in 1994 Joke Norton bought a Jesus toast  for $1.2 million of our funds without our knowledge.

Looks a bit like Joe.

Looks a bit like Joe.

According to Wampum 44 of the Great Peace the kohtihon’tia:kwenio, women titleholders, are responsible for all land and community issues. Each woman has the duty to bring all issues regarding our land before the people. Using Admiralty law to set up corporate businesses and structures on our land is illegal. The colony of Canada and their corporate puppets must immediately cease and desist their violations of our authority. They must deal only deal with us as required under both our law and international law. Anyone wishing to discuss any issues must provide full information through proper diplomatic channels, the Governor General.

Joe's off-shore casino on the S.S. Concordia!

Another option: off-shore casino on Lachine Rapids.

We, the kohtihon’tia:kwennio, of the rotino’shonni:onwe, maintain that violations of our inherent rights and laws, by Canada and its corporations and agents, like the MCK, cannot be tolerated. They violate the Great Peace and Two Row, the first laws of ono’ware:geh. The women titleholders of Kahnawake have full rights to seize all of these structures and businesses that have been illegally built in our community. Govern yourselves accordingly.

Due to the immense secrecy, we are speculating and entitled to full transparency. Alice Cooper sees the CROWN’s role in this Admiralty matrix . the band councillors help the CROWN spin its web: “I’m your lover. I’m your brother. I’m your killer. I’m your friend. I’m your teacher. I’m Your preacher. I’m the reaper. In the end. I am the spider.”



MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0


Joe battles with neighbors.

CROWN agents plan takeover.

CROWN agents MCK plan takeover of Kahnawake.

Mohawk caught doing business.




MNN. Mar. 18, 2013. The Jesuits have always been the storm troopers of the Catholic Church. They came to the Western Hemisphere to “spread the lie of male hierarchy”.  The real reason is to use bio-weapons and all means of mass murder. The Western Hemisphere is to be the Zion of the Christian prophetic teaching. All Indigenous people would have to be assimilated or murdered into their vision. Christians, according to the Book of Genesis, state, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth … and God said, Let us make man in our image…”.

Eat your heart out, girls!

The Pope likes Prada, but i like Armani, girls!

Today we have old men wearing dresses pretending they are the moral authority. They are trying to force a man-made hierarchical world view on everyone. It’s unnatural doctrines include things made good, even though they are obviously evil.   

Our opening thanksgiving  ( Ohenten Kariwatkwa )  places us in an Interdependent system of relations that tie all elements of the natural world together – plants, animals, people, sun, moon. We are all equal. The inner core of our knowledge system guides us. Our culture provides an insight into real consciousness coming from our ancestors. The natural world sustains us. We are still here because of the insight of our ancestors. 

Turtle Island

Turtle Island

Many of our people wanted to get along with these men in dresses. Now the artificial and treasonous Indian governments [band councils] know their job is to continue the biggest holocaust in history. They sacrifice traditional values to live as conquered people at the bottom of colonial society. They accept the male hierarchal assumptions which go against natural law. 

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

We saw the false consciousness of the scheming visitors who hold the cross in front and behind their backs are the small pox infested blankets. We Haudenosaunee caught them mapping out our territories, acting as the intelligence arm of the military. We tried them and found them guilty of spying. They did not want to return to Europe for punishment according to the Two Row Wampum agreement. They chose to be executed here as  martyrs by being burnt at the stake.   

Their legacy is the CIA, MI5 and the Mossad which continue the genocide programs worldwide to all Indigenous. 

We spend our lives developing our personal relationship with the whole universe. Our way of life on Great Turtle Island is valid and non-compromising. We are free in body, mind and spirit to spread the truth to all peoples of the world. We are all children of Mother Earth. The power is in putting our minds together. The peace is to live together in harmony with each other and the natural world by balancing the female and male energy. 

two row old

As Def Leppard sang in When the walls came tumbling down; “All the women were captured and chained. And national suicide was proclaimed. When the walls came tumbling down. When the walls came tumbling down. Everybody ran and screamed at the sound… when the walls came tumbling down.”

MNN email:











MNN.  Feb. 8, 2013. We Onkwehonwe are the keepers of the law of peace here on Great Turtle Island. Any valid treaty must have have the principles of the Two Row for all North and South America. The law of the land is Kaianereh’ko:wa. 

1701 Great Peace of Montreal, only valid treaty, rooted in law of the land.

1701 Great Peace of Montreal, only valid treaty, rooted in law of the land.

The Indigenous have treaty-making powers.  The Iroquois call the Two Row Wampum the “Guswentha, which means “Two Roads”, defining the relationship between two sovereigns. It is recorded on a belt made of wampums. 

Two Row. Root of international treaty on Great Turtle Island.

Two Row. Root of international treaty on Great Turtle Island.

The First Iroquois Treaty with a European nation was in 1606 with the Dutch. They called it a “Peace and Friendship” and “Trade and Commerce” treaty, to allow them to trade in our Territory. Similar treaties were made with Great Britain, France, the Thirteen Colonies, and eventually the United States.  These are the “Covenant Chain” treaties. Treaties on behalf of the settlers were made with the Crown. 

The Two Row concept is the basis of the principle of non-interference in international law. Valid international treaties are rooted in the natural law of the land. If not so rooted, they  apply only on the seas. 

Never shall the 2 vessels cross paths.

Never shall the 2 vessels cross paths on the river of life.

The canoe of the Indigenous and sailing vessel of the Europeans travel side by side on the river of life. Each boat symbolically contains their people, language, forms of government, laws, culture, traditions and ceremonies. In the Indigenous canoe are all the lands and resources that the Great Natural Power vested in the Ongwehonwe. The parties agree to not interfere or make war with the other, forever. 

No one can legally put “one foot in the canoe and the other in the Vessel”.  We would be stranded or perish should a storm suddenly arise and the vessels separate. We can only follow one jurisdiction, one law. Otherwise our people will be in  great peril. 

The Two Row is embodied in the Great Peace in the following articles: 

Wampum #78: Whenever a foreign nation enters the League or accepts the Great Peace, the Rotinonshonni’onwe [Iroquois] and the foreign nation enter into an agreement by which the foreign nation persuades other nations to accept the Great Peace. 

Wampum #83: When peace is established by the termination of the war, then the Great Peace comes. 

Wampum #84: Whenever a foreign nation has been conquered or has accepted the Great Peace, their own system of internal government may continue in the territories we have provided for them. They must cease all warfare against other nations. Ceremonies are protected.  

Wampum #87: When the war of the Rotinonshonni’onwe on a foreign nation is ended, peace is restored to that nation.  When all terms of peace have been agreed upon, a state of friendship is established. 

Wampum #97: Before the Great Peace, each nation had its own Council Fire. The Fires  continue as before and they are not quenched. 

Wampum #99: The rites and festivals of each nation remain undisturbed and continue as before. The people of old times retained them as useful and necessary for the good of the people. 

As Morpheus said when talking to Neo the first time in the Matrix: “… most people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it”. Anyone still plugged into the system can become an agent of the system at anytime. Use your own mind. Follow the natural law of the land. 

"I will return to you in stone".

“I will return to you in stone”.

As John Trudell sang: “We hear what you say. One Earth, one Mother. One does not sell the earth the people walk upon. We are the land. How do we sell our mother? How do we sell the stars? How do we sell the air? Crazy Horse, we hear what you say.”John Trudell: Crazy Horse we hear you

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0




MNN.  27 June 2012.   The Great Peace of Montreal was completed on June 25th 1701.  It is the treaty that established the invaders’ right to live here.  Canadian history omits it. 
The French sued for peace to end their 92-year war with us, called the French and Indian wars.  
This treaty legitimized their presence on Great Turtle Island. All immigrants agreed to live according to the Kaianerekowa, the Great Law of Peace, through the Guswentha, the Two Row Wampum.  They would stay on their boat, not interfere with us, live in perpetual peace and could never own any of our territory.
Our younger brothers agreed to become of one mind with the natural world.  The Kaianerekowa is the great medicine that comes from the minds of humanity, to create peace and take care of each other. 
This is the only legal means by which anyone other than an ongwehonwe can live here.   
From the Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico  indigenous nations took part in the solemn ratification ceremonies. 
In July 1701 we took the wampums to the British at Albany, who had taken over the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam in 1684.  They agreed to the same terms.  From here the Nanfan Treaty 1701 gave the British permission to live with us in peace. 
In 1710 five Iroquois chiefs from each Haundensaunee nation went to Europe for the first and only time.  One chief died on the way.  They took the wampum belts to explain and ratify the Guswentha with the monarchs.  All 13 royal bloodlines attended.  Teeyeeneenhogarow, Sagaweathquatiethtow, Honeeyeathtawnorow and Etowohkoam were dubbed the “Four Indian Kings”.     
The hierarchical heads turned the visit into a big circus.  They didn’t want peace.  Only war, ‘ordo ab chao’.   
As a patriarchy they couldn’t let their women exercise female power.  Without it, the peace could not be adopted.    
The American Revolution was the first false flag.  It was waged to destroy the Great Law constitution of peace and turn it into the US constitution of war.  In 1779, the Americans sent 13,000 soldiers to Onondaga, the capital of the Iroquois Confederacy, to try to destroy the peace forever.  They could never extinguish the fire of the people. 
The British parked their ships in Quebec and took the year off so the Americans could try to finish us off. 
Under international law when such a treaty is broken, everything goes back to one day before the treaty was ratified.  In this case, June 24, 1701.  We never surrendered anything.  They reneged on living peacefully.  They are squatters.     
Once their hierarchy is gone and they give rights to their women, they can trace the roots to the Tree of Peace and establish peace with us.
Mohawks have not been to Onondaga since 1779.  We had to leave our home communities to save our people and maintain the peace.   Canada imprisons us here to continue their illusion of freedom, that this war was real.  It was all theatre.  The Mohawks will return to Onondaga to stand up the Tree of Peace. 
That’s when our traitors will have to return to a proper mind with us. The women will give three warnings to the errant leaders.  If they do not heed their warnings, the war chief drops the black wampum.  They may grab it before it hits the floor and redeem themselves.  If it hits the floor, the warriors smash in their heads with the war club to remove their errant minds. 
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


MNN.  20 June 2012.  Canadians are celebrating their victory in the War of 1812 with lies.   Canada refuses to acknowledge their obligations and debt to the Mohawks.  They want to keep robbing us of our territory and resources for a few pennies in “treaty negotiations” or “partnership agreements.
The Six Nations of the Grand River withdrew from the commemoration of the Battle of Queenston Heights.  Our major role in the three opening battles was belittled. Our duty was to protect the Two Row Agreement and for the invaders to live in peace.  A wampum belt that the Crown had given to the Mohawks in 1912 was going to be presented acknowledging our independance and sovereignty. 
The British have all our wampums on all our agreements since 1684 when they arrived in Albany.  We can help them translate the wampums and polish the chain. 
Regarding the Covenant Chain and the Two-Row Wampum, in 2009 Canada stated that the understanding between the Crown and the Haudenosaunee has changed.  Everything is confirmed in the wampums!  Canada said a discussion would not be constructive for them.  Everything reverts back to one day before June 25th 1701 when we presented the Two Row Wampum to them with 47 Indigenous nations adhering to the agreement. 
Mohawk warriors determined the course of world history.  Canada’s Prime Minister Harper has re-written this 200 years later. In the War of 1812 the Mohawks were not just “allies”.  The Rotiskenrakete always watched whether they were keeping the peace on both sides of the corporate border
Canada was formed through three Mohawk victories. The Americans declared war on the British to take over Canada.  The first battle was April 1812.  The Mohawks went to the American Fort Michilmacinac at the convergence of the three big lakes.  The Mohawks grabbed the American patrols, killed them and sent them back with no skin except for one.  The Americans immediately surrendered to the British to save themselves from the Mohawks.  Not one shot was fired.  British General Brock claimed victory, though it was a Mohawk victory.  
In Detroit the Mohawks were joined by Tecumseh and his Shawnee warriors.  We were stationed around Fort Detroit.  Brock sent word to the Americans, “I can’t control the Indians.  They want to skin you all”.  Without a shot being fired, 1500 Americans surrendered to the British once again to save themselves from the Mohawks.  
The third battle was at Queenston Heights on October 13.  Americans sent thousands of soldiers across the Niagara River to secure the British gun battery.  Gen. Brock was in his barracks.  In the early morning, he ran out to the battlefield with a sword, got a musket ball in the head and died in the first 3 minutes of the battle.  The British troops grabbed their dead general and immediately retreated from the battlefield.  The 96 Mohawks warriors watched. Then they stood up and took the guns.  When the Americans saw the Mohawks, they ran for their lives across the river. Another Mohawk victory.  
A little twist on what Johnny Horton said about the British in 1815  but it was the Americans in 1812:  “They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles.  And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go.  They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch them … down the banks of the canyon cross the river to New York.   
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0