MNN:  Jan. 24, 2013.  Mark Carney, the former Governor of the Bank of Canada, shielded Canada from the effects of the recent financial crisis.  He used our Indian Trust Funds to bolster the Bank of Canada. This is the secret Indigenous Trust Fund that the Canada banking system and economy is built upon. In 2012 he was appointed Governor of the Bank of England, to begin on July 2013.


Queenie: "$3 trillion for a BJ!!j [bank job]. Come on over."

Queenie: “$3 trillion for a BJ!j [bank job]. Come on over, Mark. Let’s have tea.”

Carney went to Harvard and worked at Goldman Sachs. In 1998 he advised Russians and at the same time bet against their ability to pay back their debt.

In 2004 Carney worked under the current Canada Finance Minister, Jim “Austerity Measure” Flaherty. He provided additional liquidity to the Canadian finance system using our Indian Trust Funds.  The Corporation of Canada is thriving in comparison to the other G8 countries. 

In 2009 Canada was capitalized with our money to take advantage of the US and European financial crisis. In 2010 Carney was chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, member of the Group of 30, World Economic Forum and Bilderberg Group [Rothschild entities].

Carney, on the road.

Carney, on the run with Indian Trust Funds.

Carney is now going to the UK with our $3 trillion. The Bank of England can’t steal this money without him. They need the banker who knows these secret bank deals.  Carney and the bankers are playing with the world’s economy. They invest worldwide using our money to extract Indigenous resources from our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.

Britain is leaving the European Union in 2017 so that our money [natural resources] will finance their economy. The bankers need to turn the settlers here against us so they can be a party to the fraud without their knowledge. Their media constantly vilifies us.  

By design their corporate band councils mismanage our money, stash it away and keep us in dire living conditions. Indian Affairs sends in the bankers. Multinational corporations then have free reign over our natural resources, for example, Attawapiskat. If there are no longer any Indigenous, then they don’t have to pay into the Indian Trust Fund from the exploration of our resources. 100% will go to the bankers through Mark Carney. 

In the Iroquois consensus decision making process those issues that affect everyone goes into the Well for discussion and direction.  Everyone has a duty to add their thoughts to the solutions [Onigonra].  The Council is divided into three parties [Clans]. The Well Keeper of the Turtle Clan brings the issue out of the Well, explaining the question. He passes it over the Council Fire to the Wolf Clan, who deliberate. They pass their decision back to the Turtle Clan. They deliberate. If the decision is the same, the Bear Clan confirms the decision. In case of disagreement, deliberations start over, revealing new information.  If disagreement continues, the Bear Clan cast their ‘vote’, for a two-thirds vote. The minority then agrees with it, making it a unanimous decision.  The War Chief and his Men make sure proper protocol is followed.

Issue for deliberation:  Should we stop the bankers from committing the biggest heist in banking history, the theft of $3 trillion from the proceeds of the Indigenous natural resources and from all future extraction. 

As Patsy Cline reminds those who fiddle with the Indian Trust Fund:

Oh! We ain`t got a barrel of moneyMaybe we`re ragged and funnyBut we`ll travel alongSinging a songSide by sideI don`t know what`s a-comin` tomorrowMaybe it`s trouble and sorrowBut we`ll travel the roadSharing our loadSide by sidethrough all kinds of weatherWhat if the sky should fallJust as long as we`re togetherIt really doesn`t matter at allWhen they`ve all had their quarrels and partedWe`ll be the same as we startedJust traveling alongSinging a songSide by side(Repeat last two verses)
SONG: “Side by Side”.
Patsy Cline -  Side by Side

We're waiting for you, Mark.

“We’re waiting for you, Mark.”

Note: In 2013 The Mohawks reported this to Interpol to investigate the heist. We are still awaiting the results of their investigation.

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White Pine the great tree of peace

MNN. Jan. 25, 2024.

Their society is hateful and vengeful which they have been trained to not notice. Their motive is to exterminate an entire race because they want our possessions. The teiohateh Two Row Agreement is the law of turtle island. We know of their unremorseful cunning to kill us without guilt. They live in their self created fantasy world called “pop culture”. They tell themselves they are nice people and they sure love their guns. We onkwehonweh buried our weapons of war under the tree of peace so that war does not continue. The intruders made up their own image of themselves as great heroic leaders because of their great killing skills. When they chopped down the tree of peace at onondaga, they were cursed. They will be forever at war until real peace returns. In fact they are known as some of the cruelest blood thirsty tyrants to ever walk the earth. They are proud of this acknowledgement and even joke about it. Their crimes are so contemptuous, calculated, malignant and devastating which the world continues to tolerate. They are aware that their man-made class system is over. For the sake of humanity their malicious acts cannot be repeated or go unpunished. 

Albany Plan of Union

The natural world is always in motion. We will never fear.  The only fear is fear itself. Otherwise we will realize our fear. We are in the time of the black serpent. Soon the serpents will be gone from onowarekeh turtle island.     

The truth of their crimes is known. We are victims of despair because they want something we have, our mother, turtle island. Europeans helped design the genocide so they would never get caught or punished. The law of North America is based on the Papal Bull which declares we are not human so they can hunt us down like deer. The settlers did this. They are guilty of the atrocities from which colonists are all benefitting from our people’s death.

The intruders used militarism though we were a peaceful people and not their enemies. There was no battle. They attacked and massacred innocent men, women and children while they were sleeping in their villages. For Canada it was like hunting for deer. They were paid to carry out the murders. The Canadians were excited when they set out to kill us. To them it was like a big fun sport event. Men signed up so they did not miss out on the adventure. The Canadian psyche was stimulated. They were thrilled to kill us. Their killing spree was glorious to them. Canada got a purpose to exist. “Wow, we’re killing off a whole race. We’re going to destroy human flesh”, they screamed. 

The church and the state were so proud of the carnage they designed together. Canada tells themselves they won! But Canada was defeated by us as we are still here. They are presently hiding all knowledge about this under their dirty carpets. The colony of Canada could collapse or abdicate. Creation placed the indigenous people on turtle island to take care of the land from time immemorial to infinity. Rematriation of every part of turtle island will always be the duty of the natural caregivers. So we are here to stay.

They continue to promote anti-indigenous propaganda to continue the biggest holocast in all humanity. They don’t want to stop until it is complete. They know how to kill us, destroy the earth and then hide what they have doing. They want to continue racial hatred, terrorism, violence, arrogance and cruelty. Canada has hundreds of tons of secret documents on their foul deeds which will be seized by or voluntarily turned over to us.  


Listen to the words of the Rolling Stones on the “Hand of Fate” for such shenanigans:

The hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and knock me downI’m on the run, I’m prison boundThe hand of fate is heavy nowI killed a man, I’m highway boundThe wheel of fortune keeps turning roundTurning round, turning roundI should have known it was a one horse town
My sweet girl was once his wifeHe had papers the judge had signedThe wind blew hard, it was stormy nightHe shot me once, but I shot him twiceThe hand of fate is on me nowIt pick me up and it kicked me right downKicked me right downKicked me right down
I had to save her lifeYeah, I gunned him twiceYeah, and I watched him die, watch out boyYeah, I watched him die
He was a barroom man, the violent kindHe had no love for that gal of mineThen one day in a drinking boutHe swore he’d throw me right of townThe hand of fate is on me nowI shot that man I put him undergroundI put him undergroundYes I did
I’m on the run, I hear the houndsMy luck is up, my chips are downSo goodbye baby, so long nowWish me luck, I’m going to need it childThe hand of fate is on me nowYeah it’s too lateToo late baby, too late nowThe hand of fate is on me nowThe hand of fate is heavy now
It pick you up and knock you down
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Mick Jagger / Keith Richards

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MNN. 24 Jan. 2025. The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this. 

Yep! This is democracy.

Yep! This is democracy.

The American Revolution was initiated to divide and conquer the Iroquois Confederacy, to chop down the Tree of Peace, that stood for thousands of years in Onondaga, where Dekanawida planted it. It was the biggest tree in North America. In 1779 over 13,800 colonists were sent to chop it down.

A pretend democracy was created supposedly based on the structure of the Great Peace. The Senate replaced the Council of Women. Congress replaced the Council of Men. The President, a hierarchical overlord, was placed over the whole process to render it moot.

Next the 51% majority rule was implemented, which is totally opposite to the consensual decision making process of the Great Peace. Then the bankers were put in place to control all transactions. They started selling the fantasy that people could “own” ongwe’hon:weh land which was impossible. The colonial settlers problems began, and we are dealing with it today. They occupy it illegally to the present through military force. 

All decision-making in the Great Peace was done through the clan system. In the US corporate made version, the clan system was replaced with the party system, an artificial clan. We ongwe’hon:we get our clans from our mothers and cannot interbreed amongst clans. The artificial party system can change at will. 

Well, my work here is getting done.

The British Empire is the only empire left on earth. It exists in Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. It is time for this empire to fall. The monarchical democracy that Canada purports to follow is like the US system with a hierarchical presidency. It’s all theatre.

The true decision making power of the Corporation of Canada lies with its board of directors at the Privy Council. They oversee the day-to-day operation of the corporate officers: prime minister, leader of the opposition, finance minister, etc.

Dekanawida described the warmonger as “the man who eats humans”. They love disorder and hate peace. Their minds are twisted so as to strike fear into all. In the pretend democracy people’s wishes are irrelevant. Corporate boardrooms make decisions for governments and its entities. Voting is a token gesture controlled by the oligarchs.

Each is equal and free.

When they chopped down the tree of peace in 1779 they created the Republic of War. They have been at war ever since and will be until the peace returns to onowarekeh turtle island througfh the kaianerekowa, great peace.

Dekanawida also said all peoples shall love one another and live together in peace, through righteousness, health and power. Righteousness is justice practiced between people and nations. Health is soundness of mind and body so that peace comes when minds are sane and bodies are cared for. Power means authority of law and custom backed by such force as is necessary according to the will of the people.

The Great Peace makes oligarchs look into the mirror to see their evil. Dekanawida said they have to make right all the suffering they caused. He advised to never go against the forces of nature, which is the basis of the Great Peace/Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Our chiefs, clan mothers and elders offer to meet the Americans in Albany as we did in 1754 when they got our message of peace which they misinterpreted. Our people are always at the council fire. 

Steve Winwood captures the feelings of our current dilemma of people on turtle island being away from home: “Come down off your throne and leave your body alone. Somebody must change. You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years. Somebody holds the key. I’m near the end, and just ain’t got the time. And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home. 

[Verse 1]Come down off your throne and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I’ve been waiting so long
Somebody holds the key
But I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time
And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home

[Verse 2]
Come down on your own and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years
Somebody holds the key

But I’m near the end and I just ain’t got the time
And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home

But I can’t find my way home
But I can’t find my way home
But I can’t find my way home
But I can’t find my way home
Still I can’t find my way home
And I ain’t done nothing wrong
But I can’t find my way home

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MNN. Jan. 22, 2025. They run on fear to create chaos to implement the order they desire for their mind control program. Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s rhetoric are  fear mongering, forgetting about the people who pay taxes and don’t get the services they paid for. Their pop culture lifestyle has been imposed on onowarekeh turtle island, which comes from a group of foreign oligarchic families who have illegally come here to exploit us and onowarekeh. They take everything they desire with no regard for the natural law or the health and welfare of mother earth and the people. People are speeding to box stores to fulfill the man made “culture of possession”. The forthcoming economic system creates more problems because of the out of control plastic lifestyle. More people are becoming homeless, living on the streets, killing each other, with out-of-hand personal problems, failing infrastructures and inadequate public services and disgarded people. The oligarchic wasteland of which 99% are finding that none are more enslaved than those who believe they are free. 

We have to change our value system back to the one determined by creation, not one mainly benefitting the oligarchy. Food sovereignty means independence and living within our means. Replacing our champagne tastes when all we can have is beer. Living in cities run by robots with no place to park and high fines for parking on the street. Experts are always finding new ways to gouge people. Some poor even live in boxes on streets and in alleyways.  

This politics is not for us. Trump and Trudeau are front runners of the corporate self serving governments. Now they are genociding their own people as they did to us. They are fighting over our land and resources where creation placed us to be caregivers. The intruders’ deathly war machines are stealing from each other everything that belongs naturally to the people of the world. The intruders arrived on turtle island and started planting potatoes called corporate states, provinces, municipalities, cities, band and tribal councils. Many of those squatting on our land are used to being poor. Now the rich are hurting. They cannot do what is right because they turn away from the truth. The oligarchs are the 1%. They try to kill the remaining indigenous people through corporate skullduggery so they can tell the world we no longer exist and then incorporate all our possessions and steal everything in sight. “Mine, mine, mine. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie”, they yell. They shove their tactics in our faces and we still don’t see it, whlle they smile and continue their program of mass destruction of indigenous people. The people wanted to learn about the true democracy we tried to teach them in 1754 at Albany. It’s time to remind them of their broken promises. 

US two row flag represents the 13 colonies. Red for the “red man” and white for the white man.

The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this. Their flag represents the 13 colonies, red for the red man and white for the white man. Blue for everyone living in peace under the sky on turtle island. 

All oligarchs are criminals who run their program through terror and fear. The figureheads exonerate their criminals and victimize the resisters. Trump dropped all charges against his puppet army without explanation. Like the Mohawk Mothers’ case of genocide against the indigenous children by McGill University and Quebec.  A hearing was denied by the Supreme Court of Canada without explanation. Their man-made courts are run by those who made the artificial reality culture of today to carry out the genocide.   

 International criminals are partners in crime who exonerate each other. Their system will not allow us to have anything but misery and death. We just have to keep presenting the truth and fight the gangsterism of Canada and US. The truth is the truth. Oo hide their genocide of our children and land, they have made their extermination policies the laws of the land and covering them up with lies. They give false hope to victims they are destroying, calling their directives “natural” and best for their victims.  

The Mohawks persevered by carrying out the kaianerekowa great peace and the teiohateh two row. We departed from Albany in 1794 with the truth. It was up to them to do the right thing. We are still here to remind them.  

Anapanetchy reminds all that we are still here because the earth is still our mother. One does not sell the earth we walk upon. We are the land:


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Ralliers march in the streets, some holding a large painting of Leonard Peltier.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2025. Joe Biden is the best President in the history of the United States. From 1976 to 2025, there were Gerald Ford, Jmmy Carter, Ronald Reagen, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George, Bush Jr., Barak Obama and Donald Trump. No one did it. A president can be judged upon what he does upon leaving the presidency. None released Leonard Peltier when they could have. In 1993 Leonard was eligible for parole and none would let him out. They let that indigenous man languish in jail. 

Leonard knew he was going to be free. Mr. Biden, we honor you!

Jimi Hendrix is a brother to Leonard Peltier though he thought about this song before Leonard was arrested. It sounds like this song “Freedom” was for him.  
You got my prideHanging out of my bedYou’re messin’ with my lifeSo I brought my leadYou even mess with my childrenAnd you’re screamin’ at my wife, babyGet off my back,If you want to get outta here alive
Freedom,That’s what I want nowFreedom, that’s what I need nowFreedom to liveFreedom, so I can give
You got my heartSpeak electric waterYou got my soulScreamin’ and howlin’You know you hook my girlfriendYou know the drugstore manWhen I don’t need it nowI was trying to slap it out of her head
Freedom, so I can liveFreedom, so I can giveFreedom, yeahFreedom, that’s what I need
You don’t have to say that you loveIf you don’t mean itYou’d better believeIf you need meOr you just want to bleed meYou’d better stick in your dagger in someone elseSo I can leaveSet me free(Yeah)
Right on, straight aheadStay up and straight aheadFreedom, so I can live itFreedom, ’cause I’ve got lotta to give, babyFreedom, so I can live, freedom(Keep on pushin’, straight ahead)



MNN. January 16, 2025.

This morning, the Supreme Court of Canada announced that the application for leave to appeal has been dismissed. This announcement stemming from the very same colonial legal system that enabled the genocide comes as no surprise to all us os onkwehonweh. Even though Canada and Quebec promised truth and reconciliation, we are still unable to have their courts acknowledge our most basic rights, including the right to investigate crimes committed against our ancestors. In the limited portion of the site investigated to date, search dogs have identified the scent of human remains in three areas. One of these areas has already been destroyed by the heavy mechanical equipment that McGill and the Société Québécoise des infrastructures (SQI) chose to use, ignoring the expert panel’s instruction to excavate the zone manually. As a result, the bones found in that area were pulverized to the point where they can no longer be identified. The litigants are extremely concerned that the same will happen with the two remaining areas that have no been surveyed if there is no legal recourse to prevent McGill and the SQI from further destruction of evidence. Preliminary results from a probe designed to detect human remains also identified areas of interest, which heightens our concerns. Because the civil courts are unable to protect our most basic rights, we are exploring other options for holding these institutions accountable and maintaining the integrity of this investigation. Desecration of a corpse is illegal under the Criminal Code, and criminal courts have already determined that the mechanical excavation of a known grave constitutes desecration. We will not let this happen again. We owe this to our ancestors and to the future generations. Our case and our investigation continues, and the Supreme Court’s decision in no way deters us from performing our inherent duties as Kanien’keha:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers).

Cash is taking us out on this one: “Ten years ago on a cold dark night someone was killed in the town hall light. . . . 


Aserakowa Thahoketoteh, Court Reporter

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THE MOHAWK MOTHERS ARE CONSIDERING OTHER OPTIONS. DESTRUCTION OF CORPSES, COVER UPS OF CRIMES, MURDERS AND NO ACCOUNTABILITY BY CHURCH AND STATE MUST BE KNOWN TO THE WORLD AND THEY MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.Remember that anything based upon a lie will always be a lie, no matter how much time or how many other lies are used to bolster the original lie. 

The kahnistensers, Mohawk Mothers, have a duty to seek justice for the murders of indigenous children which the intruders carried out upon their arrival onto onowarekeh turtle island. The church and state are the architects of this problem. The Mothers went to the SCC to seek justice. They decided not to discuss the truth that was placed before them about the disappearances of indigenous children into the hands of the state and church.  The Mohawk Mothers’ duty is to find their children and to punish the perpetrators. This is the largest holocaust in all humanity of the original people of turtle island. “We must all come together to stop the ongoing desecration of turtle island and its original people”.  

The church and state have chosen a painful life for themselves, their victims and creation and have left a giant wound within the people. It is time to heal. No more band aids or lies.  Lies are bandages. 

Same old. Same old. Our ancestors went through this many times. This is the latest lie to back the original sin. “We see that the Canadian state does not want to investigate its own wrongdoing so that we indigenous peoples people can never hold them accountable for their crimes. Decolonization has not started on turtle island. In Africa it is for real. They are becoming free of these colonial invaders. 

The court fears the kaianerekowa, the great peace, which is the law of turtle island. The indigenous people since time immemorial are each sovereign natural people. According to the teiohateh Two Row Agreement, the SCC must deal with the kanienkehaka the ‘people of the flint, according to the agreed upon rules. This is indigenous land.  The 1701 wampum that created the settler colony of Canada allowed the bbritish entrance into Canada in peace. They arrived in August 1701 at Kingston with the two row wampum in their hands and we greeted them. But they did not follow our ways  and should have left. 

The indigenous caretakers of the land cannot give up or sell what creation placed here. No one speaks for the indigenous. Each is sovereign and must follow nature’s laws according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, as everyone must or leave.  


Teiohateh is the only valid treaty which WAS accepted by all the coloniak invaders in 1701 and affirmed in 1710 upon our visit to London. 

The Mohawk Mothers are not surprised by the SCC refusal to hear this case as the SCC has rejected other claims of indigenous people who tried to discuss their differences. The two row agreement exists and is the basis of the relations between indigenous and the intruders. The hope was that SCC on behalf of Canada was finally ready to start honouring the pledges they made with the original people, would visit this issue and that the right decision based on the total truth would have been made.  


Pink Floyd - Mother (Lyrics)

***Read Montreal Gazette coverage:

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MNN. Jan, 1, 2025.  The great law will never allow it. HAPPY FUTURE FOR EVERYBODY!

Canada tried to establish our unworthiness in every way. It was cruel. When they targeted us to be killed off, Hollywood cowboys and Indian movies had to win by giving us derogatory names such as; squaw, injun, redskin, wagon burners and savage. They had propaganda such as “The only good Indian is a dead Indian”. Our response is, “Many have tried and many have died”. Well, murderers never change. These killers live in upscale houses and are in our sight. They try to make us think they are dead and gone. We are kanienkehaka kahnistensera, Mohawk Mothers, and costing them time, money and thoughts. They can’t hide their hideous crimes against us.  Also, “Canada” comes from the Mohawk word “canadien” for “squatters”, an apt description for the intruders. 


We indigenous can make peace with kaianerekowa. How can their system make things right? They need to dispel their hatred for us. We could swear at each other but that is not our way. We could take their weapons and throw them away. They cannot argue any rightness for their crimes against humanity. Time is running out for them. They can take their “I’m sorry” and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine for every day they are on the land they stole from us.  


National leaders involved in the coverup should be tried by an international tribunal for crimes against humanity. They continue to violate mother earth and she will respond to their violence against her. All their many fake statutes they change at will can’t answer for their crimes. Their military industrial complex will lie in ruins. They can no longer be war mongers and conspirators who refuse peace. They butchered our people and plundered most of our race. They are child murderers and slave traders. Look at what they did to Sudbury Ontario, which supplies 80% of the world’s nickel that makes all of the stainless steel worldwide for warfare. Steel cannot be made without nickel. 

They must now answer for their crimes. If we can’t be forced to obey the government, we would not be surprised if they brought out their holocaust plans from their “war room” to try to annihilate us again. Their official war plan against us started on October 25th 1924 which was to put all the ‘Indians’ into prisoner of war camps which they called “reserves/reservations”, to indoctrinate our children into enforced assimilation. They called it their “100 year plan for the final solution of the Indian problem” which shows how long and brutal this war was. We were all placed under heavy duress. Their extermination policies have never been rescinded. They believe they just have to say sorry and it is all good because we are not real people. The government gave hunting licences to kill us. Once again they will fail because kaianerekowa, mother earth, the great law, will not allow it. This is the rise and fall of one of the bloodiest regimes in human history. Like the rise and fall of the roman empire, all dictatorships fall. In the end the kaianerekowa holds them responsible for their wrong doings. The perpetrators will run the gauntlet according to the great law! 

When they arrived they started to kill us and build their houses over our dead bodies. One solution is they can all leave, get on the boat and go home. Or they can follow the ‘White Roots of Peace” to the source and take on the mission of spreading peace to the entire world like we do. Mother earth is in tune with spreading this to the world. Everybody has choices and the ability to reason. To stay here they have to fully accept the kaianerekowa.          

Their hideous nightmare must end. One of the biggest destroyers of mother earth is the corporation known as Canada. They have rendered every piece of land, sand, tree, water with financial value and divided up their corporation Canada into land lots and concessions. Canadians are paying taxes to a new foreign king. Canadians have never been given the vote on the way they want to be governed. When the people finally start to heal with their mother earth and stop this corporate plunder, there will be no more war.

As Stomping Tom Connors reminds the people of Sudbury how ridiculous the world has become. “The girls are out to bingo and the boys are getting stinko and there ain’t no need for INCO on a Sudbury saturday night”:

Well the girls are out to bingo and the boys are gettin stinkoWe think no more of Inco on a Sudbury Saturday NightThe glasses they will tinkle while our eyes begin to twinkleAnd we think no more of Inco on a Sudbury Saturday Night
With Irish Jim O’Connell there & Scotty Jack McDonaldThere’s hunky Frederic Herzal gettin tight but dats alrightThere’s happy German trixie there with Frenchie gettin tipsyAnd even Joe the gypsy knows its Saturday tonight
Ya well Marianne and Mabel come to join us at the table,And tell us how the bingo went tonight we’ll lookout rightThat if they won the money we’ll be laughin up the honey boys‘Cause everything is funny for its Saturday tonight
We’ll drink the loot we borrowed and recuperate tomorrow‘Cause everything is wonderful tonite-we had a good fightWe ate the deli pickle and we forgot about the nickelAnd everybody’s tickled for its Saturday tonight
The songs that we’ll be singin They might be wrong but they’ll be ringinAnd now the lights of town are shinin bright-and we’re allRight-We’ll get to work on Monday-but tomorrow’s only Sun.And we’re out to have a fun day for its Saturday tonight

Stompin' Tom Connors - Sudbury Saturday Night




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MNN. Dec.29/24

Every source  of power is based on true facts, such as the philosophy of the Kaianerekowa great peace.

The teiohateh two row wampum affirms we are a separate from the invaders. Do these intruders to onowarekeh turtle island think they are better than us? We are different. Most people are good. Sometimes they do something they know is bad. Some are bad and they struggle every day to keep it under control. Others are corrupt to the core and just don’t give a damn. Evil is actions they justify. They knowingly separate violence from their conscience. They are unconscionable, no matter what toll it takes. These uninvited entities are always disguising the truth and at the same time adding up their evil actions.  

We want peace. We cannot have it as long as the evil doers are out there and have not fixed the harm they did from their genocide and theft which continue to this day. Such information can be found in the Indian Affairs ‘war room’. 

Circle of the families.


We are forced to be obedient to those foreigners who put us in POW camps called reserves. Trust is eliminated to turn us over to the power of the state and so-called religious orders, who make their man-made power structure’. First they try to indoctrinate the youth who are now either dead or survivors. They forced  us to read and write in a foreign language so as to be obedient to the power structure or face further genocidal punishment. We are forced to learn French, English and Spanish, to have menial jobs, pay taxes to the state to produce money for the dictatorship. The enslavers do not want well educated people to become their rivals. Basic literacy and propaganda is taught to ensure there is no challenge to their unbending dictatorship. Everything is through deception and hate. True history is not taught in their so-called education system about the real way the invaders landed on turtle island and saw everything there was to steal. That is why our culture of peace, truth and justice is so threatening to their existence. No geography for us to look around the rest of the world. No foreign languages to talk to each other. Women are put in minor roles in the hierarchical system to serve the men because sovereign women are seen as very dangerous to.them. Everything is run by the military occupying force.  If there is peace, there is no need for military. 


Canada supports the set up separatist , colonial  and apartheid regimes in Canada and elsewhere in the world. Our resources are illegally extracted to make weapons and train armies to kill people worldwide.   

THEY WANT IMMORTALITY AND ABSOLUTE POWER TROUGH THEIR ELITE CULT ALLIANCES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD such as NATO, United Nations, International Court of Justice in The Hague, all government institutions, health agencies, police and spy agencies, swat teams, and national guards trained to help keep dictatorships go unchallenged. These are totally unnatural with no wisdom or virtue to help indigenous people or anybody of like mind.


Kahnistensera – Women’s Nomination Belt

The indigenous people have the duty to caretake all land throughout the world. We cannot ever give up our inherent responsibilities. These intruders travelling about destroying our mother earth must return to where they came from. Creation never wanted our lands to be taken from the original natural inhabitants. 

For the intruders stating the truth is inconvenient because truth invites debate. In Canada the military used arms to execute unarmed indigenous people. A total false claim for onowarekeh turtle island was made by declaring we were “savages” and wards of the state to so they can destroy us with impunity and to take our possessions. The state justified their right to attack us and claim our lands. In the future these trespassers will be on the run. They cannot win the fight they started with us because they do not have the truth. Their decisions and actions are based on lies. Their information is based on disinformation, continuous propagandizing of propaganda and other tricks. Their homeland is thousands of miles away where they belong. If soldiers were not sent by the state to fight their power wars, there would be nothing but peace.


Canada constantly rewrites their so-called foreign laws and history. He who controls the info controls the future, except for the natural knowledge of creation. The military establishment enforces their laws. Our culture is based on peace which cannot allow a foreign military industrial complex to exist in a culture of peace. The military establishment that is forced on us is counter to our culture of peace. This costs trillions of our Indian trust funds and the invaders’ taxpayer dollars. Also taken are our lives, property, and hope of peace. Our ways are imposed by nature. Canada and US are Republics of War imposed by fear. Canada constantly wages a war to control the truth, by controlling the channels of information and pushing their own narrative.  

Outsiders minds are seduced. Censorship constantly advances the political agenda. Science is corrupted.    


The church and state oversee the murders and never face penalties. They select scapegoats, such as refugees, to work for them. Almost all businesses in Canada are owned by the intruders on the land of the indigenous. They evade taxes, funnel money out of turtle island, and work against the original people by weaponizing their law to keep us in line. There is no justification. They run colonial state power. The law is made against the scapegoats, us. The judiciary pass decrees. These intruders must return everything they took from us and vacate our land which is all of turtle island. Their system is of no use to us. There shall be no economy for them here on turtle island.  

There shall be no violation of the kaianerekowa.  

The intruders and their beneficiaries who run the “regime of death” must go. 


Dish with one spoon wanpum

Indigenous shall:

  1. Declare that all of turtle island is sovereign only to the indigenous people who adhere to kaianerekowa, the natural order since time immemorial to infinity.
  2. Karonhiatajeh’s “Manifesto” shall be published in Mohawk Nation News.
  3. Those who wish to stay on turtle island must follow the great peace.  
  4. The great peace is the supreme law of the land.
  5. All foreign laws and military conflict shall be eradicated.

The horror of slaughtering the indigenous people is over. Everything about these crimes shall be revealed. True indigenous sovereignty bows to no one. Canada’s plan has always been to keep us afraid. Chiefs, elders and clan mothers never let us live in fear. We knew the intruders were murdering us to build their empire by exploiting our land and resources. Their cover-up is over.   

Anyone who wants power will have to get on the ship and return to where they came from. No more kleptocracy, stealing the resources of our mother earth. Creation decides what’s right. 

Spirit asks the questions we want answers to:

box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0


TRANSLATION FROM SPANISH: Mohawk Mothers fighting in Canada to uncover cruel CIA experiments 60 years ago; Author, Leire Sales; Image caption BBC News World’s Correspondent in Los Angeles Twitter, 12 December 2024:

“Our children were taken and experimented upon and many were never seen again”, says Kahentinetha. “So our case is very simple: we want to know exactly what happened to them, who is responsible and who is going to pay for it,” states this 85-year-old indigenous woman from Kahnawake, a Mohawk community located southwest of the city of Montreal (Quebec, Canada), tells BBC Mundo.

We are looking for the truth, says Kwetiio, 52, a Kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera, which is Iroquois language for the ‘Mohawk Mothers’.

These indigenous women are convinced that the track on the fate of those missing children could be underground; specifically, in the land on which McGill University, with the support of the Quebec provincial government, plans new construction. They are based on files and testimonies suggesting that unmarked graves of minors lie at the site of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal and the Allan Memorial Institute, a neighbouring psychiatric institute.

Mohawk Mothers Kahentinetha and Kwetiio have been in court for more than two years trying to delay work on the grounds adjacent to a former hospital and psychiatric institution in Montreal. Behind the walls of those institutions, in the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) funded a sinister and ultra-secret human experiment program called MK-Ultra.

In the middle of the Cold War, this consisted of subjecting patients – including indigenous children – to electric shocks, sensory deprivation and providing them with hallucinogenic drugs with the aim of developing effective brainwashing procedures and drugs. With that in mind and armed with the responsibility of protecting the inherent children of their people, the Mohawk Mothers have been engaged in a legal battle for more than two years to try to delay the construction. “If we don’t stop it now, for generations to come the truth will be much harder to recover,” Kwetiio says.

Known as the Allan, the institute was under the direction of the Scotsman-American Donald Ewen Cameron, who was considered one of the most eminent psychiatrists in the world, and was at the epicenter of some of the most extreme practices of MK-Ultra.

The program came to light more than 45 years ago, when the CIA was forced to publish documents that confirmed what some already suspected: that the agency had financed mental control experiments, often without the consent or knowledge of the victims.

Image source, Getty Images Photo Foot. The Mohawk Mothers believe, based on testimonies and archives, that the graves lie under the ground on which they want to build.

It all started in the early 1950s, with the Cold War in full swing. When some prisoners of war released in Korea returned home defending the communist cause, the U.S. intelligence services were alarmed. Fearing that the Soviets and the Chinese had developed mental control techniques, and that their agents or prisoners of war could reveal information to the enemy, the newly formed CIA allocated $25 million for psychiatric experiments on humans.

“The idea was to try to figure out how to question people and weaken them, and also how to protect their staff from those techniques,” psychiatrist Harvey Weinstein told the BBC Witness program a while ago. Weinstein authored “Father, Son and the CIA.”

The agency used organizations as a front to approach more than 80 institutions and scientists in the US, UK and Canada.

“It was the most secretive program ever run by the CIA,” historian Tom O’Neill told the BBC. There are still many unanswered questions about the program today. “There is a lot of secrecy around the medical experiments, as much of the documentation was destroyed,” Philippe Blouin, an anthropologist who assists the Mohawk Mothers in his research, tells BBC Mundo.

And the only places where there is evidence left (where it existed) are in the memories of people, survivors and the community, he emphasizes.

Meanwhile, McGill University and the Quebec Society of Infrastructure (SQI) – a provincial government agency, which manages the site, argue that neither the Mohawk Mothers nor the special interlocutor appointed for the legal case have identified patients who disappeared after being treated at the Royal Victoria Hospital or the Allan Memorial Institute. 

In the courts in October 2022, the women managed to get the court to issue a court order to temporarily suspend the works of the multimillion dollar project, which includes the renovation of the old existing buildings and the construction of a new university campus and a research center. The women did it without lawyers, representing themselves. “We use our ways, because no one can speak for us,” Kwetiio explains.

This was followed by a conciliation agreement in April 2023, which, in addition to guaranteeing the Mohawk Mothers access to the archives of McGill University, included an archaeological plan for the site guided by a panel of experts selected between the parties, which would recommend the techniques and procedures to follow.

Thus, in the middle of last year, using track dogs and specialized probes combed the vast and ruinous buildings of the property. They managed to identify three areas of interest for excavations. However, both McGill and SQI – also a signatory to the agreement – argue that to date no human remains have been discovered.

In addition, after the panel gave its last report on 17 July 2023, the work of the panel ended, as established in the agreement. However, the conciliation agreement indicates that, if an unexpected discovery occurs, McGill, SQI and Kahnistensera will seek the advice of the panel, the university confirmed to BBC Mundo.

And he reiterated: “To this day no unexpected discovery has been made.” Echoing that statement, SQI stressed that it always intended to “rain light, in a spirit of collaboration,” about the allegations surrounding the presence of burials, but that none were found today. And in an interview with the Canadian media CityNews, they added that they continue to respect the conciliation agreement and that they adhered to all the recommendations of the panel.

Mohawk Mother Kwetiio passes in front of the dedication plaque of the McConnell wing of the Montreal Institute-Neurological Hospital on July 17, 2024, in Montreal, Canada. However, the Mohawk Mothers accuse both parties of failing to comply with the spirit and the letter of the agreement, and therefore went back to court. They gave themselves the power to lead the investigation of potential crimes committed by their own employees in the past, Philippe Blouin, an anthropologist who assists in the search driven by the indigenous women, tells BBC Mundo. There is at least one conflict of interest. Indigenous people also point out that McGill and SQI selected only those recommendations from the panel that suit them, while rejecting others, and claim that there is evidence that was lost. After a setback in an appeals court this October, they decided to take the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, the country’s highest court. “Our children are part of us. We were born with that, each of us, as women, with that responsibility,” Kwetiio explains. “That must be said also in the Supreme Court, because there is the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that says that we need to be heard and that the truth must come to light, so that there is reconciliation.”It was not until a few years ago that in Canada the atrocities committed for decades against the native people came to light. Generations of indigenous children were interned in Canadian Residential Schools where they were stripped of their language, culture and identity in what the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in its 2015 report described as “cultural genocide”.

Between 1831 and 1996, some 150,000 minors were taken from their homes and placed in 139 of these centres. Thousands of them never returned to their home communities.

They took them and we didn’t see them again, or they would return after being subjected to procedures, and spent the next few years sitting on the porch, in the care of their relatives, tells Kahentinetha to BBC Mundo. We all have those indelible memories.

A sign reading “Colonialism is Forbidden” and pieces of orange cloth hangs on the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital before the demonstration and march “Every Child Matters” on September 30, 2023 in Montreal, Canada. The march was intended to draw attention to the atrocities that occurred during the time of the residential schools system. (Photo by ANDREJ IVANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

In May 2021, the discovery of anonymous graves of 215 children at the Kamloops Indigenous Residential School in the province of British Columbia gave way to a national reflection on this dark chapter of Canadian history.

And it also led to the search for more such burials across the country. It was not just about boarding schools, but also hospitals, sanatoriums, churches and orphanages, Kwetiio reports.

They wanted to exterminate us,” Kahentinetha adds. “But we are still here, and the truth has to come out so that it does not happen again.”

Willie Nelson and Ray Charles collaborate in this epic song, ‘There were 7 Spanish Angels at the alter of the sun’: 

He looked down into her brown eyesAnd said “Say a prayer for me”She threw her arms around himWhispered “God will keep us free”They could hear the riders comin’He said “This is my last fightIf they take me back to TexasThey won’t take me back alive”
There were seven Spanish AngelsAt the Altar of the SunThey were prayin’ for the loversIn the Valley of the GunWhen the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throneAnd seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
She reached down and picked the gun upThat lay smokin’ in his handShe said, “Father please forgive meI can’t make it without my man”And she knew the gun was emptyAnd she knew she couldn’t winBut her final prayer was answeredWhen the rifles fired again
There were seven Spanish AngelsAt the Altar of the SunThey were prayin’ for the loversIn the Valley of the GunWhen the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throneAnd seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
There were seven Spanish AngelsAt the Altar of the SunThey were prayin’ for the loversIn the Valley of the GunWhen the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throneAnd seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
Alright ya’all help me nowThere were seven Spanish angelsAt the Altar of the Sun (Oh I believe)They were prayin’ for the lovers (Yeah they was)In the Valley of the Gun (Well, well, well)When the battle stopped and the smoke clearedThere was thunder from the throne (Oh, yeah)And seven Spanish AngelsTook another angel home
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Troy Harold Seals / Eddie F. Setser


box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0