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MNN. DEC. 3, 2015. Is Onondaga a banana republic, where a corrupt violent strongman is put in by foreign corporate interests? The people live in poverty, rampant uninvestigated murders, while the dictator lives in splendor.

Stampee: "Mr. Erdogan, I can give you refuge at Onondaga for a little while!"

Lyons: “Mr. Erdogan, I can give you refuge at Onondaga for a little while!”

According to kaia’nereh:kowa women are supposed to be in charge in our communities. In Onondaga, a nation of the rotino’shonni/Iroquois Confederacy, the federally established ‘Consiglieri’, and his ‘Don’, Oren “Te-sna-tsa-hia-ton” Lyons  threaten, banish or attack their critics. By design most of the community is on welfare. The longhouse, turned “clubhouse”, only does ceremonies to distract the people. The original great law is not followed. The corporate coded version is practiced like a religion. Vital community interests are not protected. The favored few and family members get stipends, housing, economic benefits, health and protection. The rest get nothing. The protection racket and control is based on rumor, gossip, fear and threats of banishment.

Paris COP21: "It was our duty to disrupt this enslavement event".

Paris COP21: “It was our duty to disrupt this enslavement event”.

Presently Lyons is in Paris at the COP21 climate conference with all the other corporate fakes mapping out the global depopulation strategy.

The CROWN is systematically dividing true kanien’keh longhouses. Hired henchmen, like the Indian Law Resource Center ILRC, help the corporate chiefs create confusion and chaos. In “Agents of Repression”, American Indian Movement, Black Panthers, Puerto Ricans and other legitimate movements were discredited and violently crushed by such tactics. The corporate chiefs’ minds are infested with owistah, based on “me”, instead of “we”.

Lyons, a Seneca, appeared in Onondaga in the early 1970’s. Other trained agents were sent into other onkwe’hon:weh communities. They were told to “Pick a side. It doesn’t matter which. Just make sure the two sides never come together again”. In 1979, Lyons,  ILRC, the feds and NYS began a “message” campaign against the real onkwe’hon:weh calling them “enemies” of the corporations. thought-police

Lyons said, “Don’t let the rotiskenerakete get control”. He really meant, “Don’t let the men carry out their duties”.

Lyons helped set up the plan to destroy us from the inside. Some of our women were “smooched” to abandon their great law role and finger those to be attacked, removed and credibility smeared. True kaia’nere:kowa longhouses were turned into corporate religious institutions.

For years Lyons got millions and gifts on behalf of Onondaga, which were not disperse to them. He instigated banishment of his critics or deprived them of their rights and benefits. We were to be victims of trumped up and illegal tax evasion charges. Then IRS showed up and demanded unlawful taxes from the people. The Council had established a compact with NYS and the federal government to collect taxes from all the Iroquois everywhere.

The people demanded to “see the books” [the right ones]. One of the corrupt chiefs tore a small piece of paper, wrote a figure on it and threw it on the floor. “Here’s your accountability!” The businesses quit paying to the council and put the funds into escrow. Lyons and the chiefs decided those who don’t play by their rules were going to be shut down.

te-sna-tsa-hia-ton, we're waiting for you.

te-sna-tsa-hia-ton, we’re waiting for you.

In 1996 a meeting in the longhouse to discuss controlling these businesses. With their lawyer, Joe Heath, Federal Marshalls, Onondaga County Sheriff and New York State Police, the non-complying businesses and homes were burnt down, bulldozed and families banished. In 1997 the Council of Chiefs worked with the military “INDIAN Detail” to carry out a deadly attack us during the May 18th celebration of our NYS court victory against illegal taxation of our businesses. A trial is supposedly starting in January 2016 to try the New York State Police. Disclosures clearly show the chiefs’ complicity in the brutal attack. [Andrew Jones v. Superintendent NYS Police, Jan. 25, 2001, 98-CV-374].

Corporations establish and protect the federally recognized tribal councils. US and NYS want our land and resources, which we never ceded. They fear the Confederacy will assert our power. They are liable for everything they stole.proverb

As Bob Marley laments: “Rat race. Oh, it’s a disgrace to see the human race in a rat race, rat race …” [Rat Race].


NYS Judge George Lowe.

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AFN band/tribal councils, Akwesasne, Canada, Corporations/military/industrial/ complex, Courts.Police, Great Law-Kaianereh’kowa-Democracy, Haudenosaunee, Middle East, New York State and tagged 1997 attack at Onondaga, 42nd Infantry Division & Gallant Piper, Allegheny, BIA, Bill Clinton, Brig. Gen. William C. Martin & Gallant Piper, Cattaraugus, Ford & Rockefeller Foundations, Fort Drum Army Base, Hinder “Best is yet to come”, Indian Law Resource Center, Iroquois confederacy, Mohawk Oka Crisis 1990, NY 27th Infantry Brigade, NYS Governor, NYS National Guard & Gallant Piper, NYS on trial, Onondaga attack May 18 1997, Oren Lyons Onondagas Chiefs sign agreement with NYS, PARIS CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE, Red-X, Sultan Erdogan, Syria-Russia-Turkey-US, tonawanda, war room at Indian Affairs




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23 Nov. 2015. Recent military attacks on us at Moss Lake, Ganienkeh, Gallant Piper, Scorpion Saxon and Onondaga are run out of Washington DC and controlled by money from the City of London CROWN. Only the US president, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, has the constitutional authority to appoint a brigadier general for a treaty breaking issue.

Martin: "Wow! Those Iroquois don't take no shit!"

Martin: “Wow! Those Iroquois don’t take no shit!”

President Bill Clinton appointed his best general, Brig. Gen. William C. Martin, to help NYS Governor George Pataki carry out the “false flag” against the rotino’shonni [Iroquois]. The targets of the “INDIAN Detail” were the Mohawks and Senecas, keepers of the eastern and western doors of the Confederacy.

A falsie flag worn by patriots.

A falsie flag worn by patriots.



Governors and presidents are masks to hide the real criminals who are calling the shots from the City of London. We will be calling William C. Martin and William Jefferson Clinton to our trial in January 2016 to answer for their role in the New York State Troopers attack on us at Onondaga on May 14, 1997. They will tell us their part in the “deadly force” attempt at regime replacement of the rotino’shonni [Iroquois] by the CROWN.

We gotta save the bloodline.

We gotta save the bloodline.

We continually remind the world of their unlawful occupation of ono’ware:keh, great turtle island and their genocide of the natural people of the land. They came at us with a military solution for the problem they created. We had to be removed by any means possible.

Plaintiffs have the right to put out arrest warrants on these two people. They might buckle under the political pressure and turn over the real criminals, the CROWN, which is responsible for the genocide of our people.

Both Hillary and Bill are from the New York and of the bloodline. Nixon was asked to attack us at Moss Lake. He said, “I will not go down in history as the President of the United States who attacked the Mohawks. Give them what they want”. We got ganien’keh. Even Nixon seems to be more honorable than Clinton.

Yeah! False Flag Girl was in New York City & got captured by King Kong!

Watch out! False Flag Girl was in New York City & got captured by King Kong!

We are going to use every means necessary. We need to have a meeting with our wampum belt carrying allies in Europe. So far only the Russians have shown us their belts. They are supposed to come to our aid. The other families who got belts from us in 1710 need to go through the fire to be reminded of the great peace.

Bill Clinton could be singing this Johnny Cash song … “The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen. 99 years in the Folsom Pen. 99 years underneath that ground. I can’t forget the day I shot my woman down. Come on, people, listen to me. Lay off that whisky and let that cocaine be.”

No end to crooks like Harper!

Cops no worse than politicians!



we’ve been here forever!


Crisis Actors is big business!

Mandatory vaccinations!

Innu Ghislain Picard says he’s sovereign!kennedy

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