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MNN. DEC. 3, 2015. Is Onondaga a banana republic, where a corrupt violent strongman is put in by foreign corporate interests? The people live in poverty, rampant uninvestigated murders, while the dictator lives in splendor.

Stampee: "Mr. Erdogan, I can give you refuge at Onondaga for a little while!"

Lyons: “Mr. Erdogan, I can give you refuge at Onondaga for a little while!”

According to kaia’nereh:kowa women are supposed to be in charge in our communities. In Onondaga, a nation of the rotino’shonni/Iroquois Confederacy, the federally established ‘Consiglieri’, and his ‘Don’, Oren “Te-sna-tsa-hia-ton” Lyons  threaten, banish or attack their critics. By design most of the community is on welfare. The longhouse, turned “clubhouse”, only does ceremonies to distract the people. The original great law is not followed. The corporate coded version is practiced like a religion. Vital community interests are not protected. The favored few and family members get stipends, housing, economic benefits, health and protection. The rest get nothing. The protection racket and control is based on rumor, gossip, fear and threats of banishment.

Paris COP21: "It was our duty to disrupt this enslavement event".

Paris COP21: “It was our duty to disrupt this enslavement event”.

Presently Lyons is in Paris at the COP21 climate conference with all the other corporate fakes mapping out the global depopulation strategy.

The CROWN is systematically dividing true kanien’keh longhouses. Hired henchmen, like the Indian Law Resource Center ILRC, help the corporate chiefs create confusion and chaos. In “Agents of Repression”, American Indian Movement, Black Panthers, Puerto Ricans and other legitimate movements were discredited and violently crushed by such tactics. The corporate chiefs’ minds are infested with owistah, based on “me”, instead of “we”.

Lyons, a Seneca, appeared in Onondaga in the early 1970’s. Other trained agents were sent into other onkwe’hon:weh communities. They were told to “Pick a side. It doesn’t matter which. Just make sure the two sides never come together again”. In 1979, Lyons,  ILRC, the feds and NYS began a “message” campaign against the real onkwe’hon:weh calling them “enemies” of the corporations. thought-police

Lyons said, “Don’t let the rotiskenerakete get control”. He really meant, “Don’t let the men carry out their duties”.

Lyons helped set up the plan to destroy us from the inside. Some of our women were “smooched” to abandon their great law role and finger those to be attacked, removed and credibility smeared. True kaia’nere:kowa longhouses were turned into corporate religious institutions.

For years Lyons got millions and gifts on behalf of Onondaga, which were not disperse to them. He instigated banishment of his critics or deprived them of their rights and benefits. We were to be victims of trumped up and illegal tax evasion charges. Then IRS showed up and demanded unlawful taxes from the people. The Council had established a compact with NYS and the federal government to collect taxes from all the Iroquois everywhere.

The people demanded to “see the books” [the right ones]. One of the corrupt chiefs tore a small piece of paper, wrote a figure on it and threw it on the floor. “Here’s your accountability!” The businesses quit paying to the council and put the funds into escrow. Lyons and the chiefs decided those who don’t play by their rules were going to be shut down.

te-sna-tsa-hia-ton, we're waiting for you.

te-sna-tsa-hia-ton, we’re waiting for you.

In 1996 a meeting in the longhouse to discuss controlling these businesses. With their lawyer, Joe Heath, Federal Marshalls, Onondaga County Sheriff and New York State Police, the non-complying businesses and homes were burnt down, bulldozed and families banished. In 1997 the Council of Chiefs worked with the military “INDIAN Detail” to carry out a deadly attack us during the May 18th celebration of our NYS court victory against illegal taxation of our businesses. A trial is supposedly starting in January 2016 to try the New York State Police. Disclosures clearly show the chiefs’ complicity in the brutal attack. [Andrew Jones v. Superintendent NYS Police, Jan. 25, 2001, 98-CV-374].

Corporations establish and protect the federally recognized tribal councils. US and NYS want our land and resources, which we never ceded. They fear the Confederacy will assert our power. They are liable for everything they stole.proverb

As Bob Marley laments: “Rat race. Oh, it’s a disgrace to see the human race in a rat race, rat race …” [Rat Race].


NYS Judge George Lowe.

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AFN band/tribal councils, Akwesasne, Canada, Corporations/military/industrial/ complex, Courts.Police, Great Law-Kaianereh’kowa-Democracy, Haudenosaunee, Middle East, New York State and tagged 1997 attack at Onondaga, 42nd Infantry Division & Gallant Piper, Allegheny, BIA, Bill Clinton, Brig. Gen. William C. Martin & Gallant Piper, Cattaraugus, Ford & Rockefeller Foundations, Fort Drum Army Base, Hinder “Best is yet to come”, Indian Law Resource Center, Iroquois confederacy, Mohawk Oka Crisis 1990, NY 27th Infantry Brigade, NYS Governor, NYS National Guard & Gallant Piper, NYS on trial, Onondaga attack May 18 1997, Oren Lyons Onondagas Chiefs sign agreement with NYS, PARIS CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE, Red-X, Sultan Erdogan, Syria-Russia-Turkey-US, tonawanda, war room at Indian Affairs





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MNN.  29 Nov. 2015. In june 2007 there was a rumored arrest warrant for the great “untouchable” sage, Red-X” for alleged inciting “sageosity and infamocity”! It’s one of those open “John Doe” warrants for the “some-crime-has-to-fit-every-onkwe’hon:weh” mentality that pervades the colonial enterprise.

"Do what your mind tells you has to be done!"

“Do what your mind tells you has to be done!”

Phil Fontaine of the AFN, the RCMP, OPP and SQ had set a vicious “trap” for those of us who challenged Canada Inc.’s lack of jurisdiction over us and our land.  It was  to be sprung on “Aboriginal Day”. They have never taken their sights off us or stopped scoping us with their high tech weapons.

The charges against the Red-X are some sort of treason. He was certainly giving out the most sageous messages ever heard in the universe, straight from the Fifth Dimension.

The “infamocity” was obvious.  It came from his pretentious demarginalization.  He was accused of inciting the overturn of the existing worldwide social disorder.  He would have to be tried in an inter-galactic court of Ur’anus!  No neutral turd party was found to squat in judgment!

Before taking over, we have to learn to speak Mohawk & Turkish.

Bloodline: “To take over the world, we must learn to speak Mohawk & Turkish”.


He was charged because he always says what is contrary to the principles upon which Canada, the U.S. and other colonial states are founded, such as self-centered self-service, cronyism, taking advantage of people, stealing Indigenous possessions, conning people into selling to them at bargain basement prices and pocketing all the profits.  Red-X advocated the overthrow of this system that is dedicated to monotheism, oppression and suppression of people.  He was charged with inciting people to think clearly, think ahead and protect the environment.  This is a grave crime in the eyes of the colonial corporations that are trying to run the galaxy and colonize the universe.

Red-X strikes unspeakable terror into the minds of  colonizers!   Red-X asks, “What are they afraid of?”

Despite being such crooks, they had time to put out a “Most Wanted” poster of the Red-X.  They had a photo, but all you could see was the hood.  Through the eye slits, one can see a black and cavernous void, leading directly to the Fifth Dimension.

No. This is not Red-X!

No. This is not Red-X!


Some scientists discovered that some of the oldest vibrations in the universe are coming from a black hole in Pisces.  They say there were once meat-eating chickens bigger than the Taranosaurus Rex roaming around in Siberia.  As Einstein pointed out, “The solution can be found when you take the mass of the photons and divide it by the square root of infinity”.

The black beaded hood covers a scar.  Was he one of those kids who were beheaded and buried in the basement of a residential school?  If so, it seems someone from the Fifth Dimension sewed his head back on?  The Red-X would not want people to get scared by the scar on his throat, especially little children who have no need to know about the time he spent in wherever he was.

The special hood can never be found in Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store.  “This is the power of the hood”, said the Red-X.  “You gotta know your neighbors.  You gotta speak to ‘em.  You gotta ask ‘em what they think.  And then you gotta stand beside ‘em.”

Another mystery is where does he live?  The Red-X will only say, “I am he who has been prophesized to come.  I am the one they’re looking for”.  “Fine me if you will”.

"Chief, sign over here in front of the casket".

“Chief, sign over here in front of the casket”.

The Red-X is not a sequel to the “X-Files”.   He’s been around a lot longer than that.  A leading Canadian historian dusted off some primary documents in the archives.  Accordingly, he found many of the original treaties made by the colonizers to let them live here were signed with “Xs”.  But we would not put much stock in that.  According to the Red-X, “They’re all forgeries”.

But someone had to know about him to forge his signature.  We are specially skeptical about the ten “Xs” that all look exactly alike that are on many of the first treaties.

The Red-X was concerned about why Phil Fontaine [of government-front “Assembly of First Nations”] accepted Indian Affairs Minister Jonestown Prentice’s offer to settle their claims to our land.  Red-X says, “Think about it.  Jonestown might have spiked Phil’s martini with a date rape drug instead of an olive”. mirror

After chugging it down, Phil excused himself for a moment, zig-zagged by mistake into the ladies room to adjust his hair.  There were mirrors everywhere.  He saw all these guys that looked just like him.  “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?  Does Jonestown have a good deal for me?” he asked himself and nodded his head up and down.  All the other guys in the mirrors nodded together in unison.  Then he went back out to report to Jonestown, “Looks like we got consensus, boss”, he said.

Because of Red-Xs pearls of wisdom, Ottawa decided to gather the swines into an “Interdepartmental Red-X Committee” run out of the war room in the Indian Affairs ”Tower of Terror” on Wellington Street.  According to their mission statement, they are commissioned to “figure out just what is the Red-X saying”.  It’s headed by a top encryption expert from Arlington Virginia who said, “This is the biggest challenge of my entire life”.

As Red-X says, “Stay tuned”. As Hinder sings: “If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change a damn thing in my life, cause I love the dumb things we do when we’re young. But the best is yet to come.”  Video: Hinder “Best is yet to come”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 for original Mohawk music visit

Fontaine’s lynching party.

Saboteur Fontaine sets up policing agreement.

Russia-China bankdeal.

Another dead astronaut.

Erdogan: Turks owe Syria for stolen oil.

VT: Putin, don’t worry aliens have your back.





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MNN. Nov. 25, 2015. This was written about the attack of the rotino‘shonni at Onondaga on May 18, 1997, by the New York State Troopers. It was published in the Akwesasne Phoenix on December 19, 2004. I added this as MNN was not yet online:pack

“Something strange and unexpected happened on May 18th 1997. My daughter in Kahnawake had planned a trip to Onondaga. Just before she left her companion backed out. She came to my house to ask what to do. I told her she shouldn’t go alone. So I jumped in the car to help care for my 3 year old granddaughter. We left at 9:00 a.m. It was a beautiful sunny day. honour

People from all Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy were gathering at Onondaga to celebrate the rescinding of the compact between Governor Pataki and the Onondaga Chiefs and others.

We arrived at Onondaga around noon. We happen to notice many New York State Police cars parked at various locations in Nedrow, the nearby town. We could not figure out why they were there. We commented on this, “Hey, look at all those police cars! Can’t be for us! Naw!” floyd crow westerman

Soon we arrived at Ronnie Jones property right along Interstate 81. People were talking about all the cops they saw. “We aren’t doing anything”, they said. “So it must be for something else!” “I wonder what’s happening.”

The Peoples’ fire, lit several weeks earlier, was burning brightly. Marie Peters had started a small ceremonial fire for the thanksgiving ceremony.

A huge billboard on the property had been taken over by the Onondagas who wrote their own messages on them. Men, women and children, were milling around. Food was being brought to the site and placed on picnic tables. Benches and chairs were set in groupings.

Media people with cameras and notebooks were scattered through the crowd. The people being interviewed were happy about what we were celebrating. There was no sign of the chiefs who objected to Pataki rescinding the accord. matrix

My daughter and I did not know some of these people. We knew the Papineau family and some of the people from Kahnawake. I stood on the side of the road and watched cars going by, slowing down to take a flyer from the hands of the people. The flyers outlined the tax issue. Most non-natives were supportive of our victory. No traffic was ever stopped.

My daughter was taking photos throughout. My granddaughter was playing with the other children. The weather was as beautiful in Onondaga as it had been in Kahnawake. At a certain point, the traffic stopped. I saw the New York State Troopers coming down the road in rows with sticks in their hands. Four troopers marched in front following the directions of a native wearing red ribbons on his shirt. He was from the Onondaga chiefs council.

When they got closer, they stood on the road, turned into a formation facing the people who were gathered about the ceremonial fire. The ceremony had just begun about two minutes earlier. They marched towards us in a “V” formation, right through a shallow ditch along the highway. Another group of troopers appeared on the road behind them, marching steadily down the road toward us. rushmore

At first I did not move. I was studying them. I could not believe they were coming for us. When I realized what was happening, I froze. The troopers started to beat the first persons they encountered with their batons. Suddenly everyone jumped into action. I looked around for my granddaughter. She had been placed in a van with other children and driven away.

My daughter was standing on a picnic table taking pictures. The troopers were moving in her direction, beating everyone in their path. “Get off the table”, I yelled. “Get out! Get out quick”, I was screaming at her. She finally jumped down, ran for her car and took off. Her car was parked on the access road behind the property, parallel to Interstate 81. I jumped into a friend’s moving car while he was backing out.

The New York State Troopers were not wearing their badges. We were unlawfully harassed during a sacred ceremony. I saw our men, women and children being beaten for no reason or provocation. The troopers focused on some individuals, giving them particularly vicious beatings. Four cops grabbed an older man and held him down, while another trooper grabbed his chin and yanked it, trying to break his neck. I could see their sticks in the air as they continued to strike the people. I saw people being lead away. Others were running through the bushes fearing for their lives.

Disguised reinforcements.

Disguised reinforcements.

People were being grabbed, hit and hurt. Children were being knocked over and pushed around. Elders were being beaten. Elder Grandpa Bear, wearing a black Navajo style hat, was chased by the troopers. He took off. All I could see was his hat running through the bushes. When I ran onto the roadway, many women were hiding in the bushes with their children.

My friend in the car had a cell phone and I called my office [Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples] in Toronto. I asked the CASNP worker to send out a communiqué worldwide that we were being attacked by New York State Troopers, that many people were hurt, and that many had been arrested. The attack was unprovoked. The people at the thanksgiving ceremonial meeting had no weapons. I went to the home of an Onondaga person and faxed more details to my home. Another daughter sent this out everywhere alerting everyone of this violent attack.

It was hours before I managed to relocate my daughter and granddaughter in Onondaga. I rode around the territory here and there trying to find them. Finally, I went to the restaurant and waited. Eventually they showed up.

This is a police state.

Jack knows it’s a police state.


A court case was started seeking damages. The lawyer from Syracuse did not contact us for quite a long time. The question is – will New York State recognize our right to an exemption to their taxation so long as they “beat the dog s**t out of us periodically?” Someone should go into business designing modern ghost shirts with beaded flak vests with matching beaded helmets!”

All I can say is this was a very spooky day for me, as Dusty Springfield sings: “I get confused. I never know where I stand. And then you smile and hold my hand. Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you. Spooky!” [[Spooky].

US in constant warfare.

Video: Oka legacy.

rotino’shonni eagle defeats drone.

Bankers beware.

Franc onkwehonwe justice system

BIA Indian Trust Fund Heist.

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MNN. Nov. 24, 2015. L. Frank Balm, writer of the “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, and foremost American journalist, suggested US should go all out one more time and finish them off. He said, “We’ve done so much injustice to the INDIANS. We should just attack them one more time and exterminate them altogether for good! One more wrong won’t make a difference. This is the way to go”.

"Yer goin' to otkon land for what you done to us!"

“Yer goin’ to otkon land for what you done to us!”

In Oz the Wicked Witch of the West represents the onkwe’hon:weh. We are trying to stop Dorothy from getting to the promised land. Her red shoes possess magic, which burns when the evil witch touches them. onkweh’hon:weh represented evil. The winged monkeys going after Dorothy represented us.

“Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced,” Baum wrote of Native Americans in his newspaper. “Better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. We cannot honestly regret their extermination.”

That was the plan of the bloodlines.

That is the constitution of the bloodline.


Every American was reading this in their daily newspapers. Baum’s job was to represent US foreign policy that justified the extermination of the INDIANS. The yellow brick road lead to the gold at the end of the road. He stoked the fires of INDIAN hatred and violence into the American mind forever.

The CROWN thought we were done as a people. The corporate Indian Act and Federal Indian Law were meant to legally annihilate us. It did not. They looked back to what worked for them in the past. Massacring us! This is the direction they went with Operation Gallant Piper, Scorpion Saxon, Onondaga and the others. They are angry at us. We are the people they could not defeat. They will never win their longest war. They will never win their longest false flag, which is the American experiment.

Balm’s words are the real reason for the attack in Onondaga on May 14, 1997, by the US military, to finally get the Iroquois once and for all!

This is real, folks!

We built this, folks!

It’s time to stop and undo their wrong. They have to come clean. The genocide can’t be erased. They could rebuild the people and return what’s ours. Not everyone is a sadist. There are those among them who know right from wrong.

As Cyfher tells Neo just before going into the matrix the first time, “Get ready, because Kansas is going bye-bye!”

As Led Zeppelin reminds us, “The Battle of Evermore” continues: “The apples turn from brown to black and the tyrant’s face is red. Oh, the war is common cry. Pick up your swords and fly. The sky is filled with good and bad. The mortals never know …”.

Ghislain Picard’s wise words.

Israel: lions, tigers & genocide.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

where does money come from.




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23 Nov. 2015. Recent military attacks on us at Moss Lake, Ganienkeh, Gallant Piper, Scorpion Saxon and Onondaga are run out of Washington DC and controlled by money from the City of London CROWN. Only the US president, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, has the constitutional authority to appoint a brigadier general for a treaty breaking issue.

Martin: "Wow! Those Iroquois don't take no shit!"

Martin: “Wow! Those Iroquois don’t take no shit!”

President Bill Clinton appointed his best general, Brig. Gen. William C. Martin, to help NYS Governor George Pataki carry out the “false flag” against the rotino’shonni [Iroquois]. The targets of the “INDIAN Detail” were the Mohawks and Senecas, keepers of the eastern and western doors of the Confederacy.

A falsie flag worn by patriots.

A falsie flag worn by patriots.



Governors and presidents are masks to hide the real criminals who are calling the shots from the City of London. We will be calling William C. Martin and William Jefferson Clinton to our trial in January 2016 to answer for their role in the New York State Troopers attack on us at Onondaga on May 14, 1997. They will tell us their part in the “deadly force” attempt at regime replacement of the rotino’shonni [Iroquois] by the CROWN.

We gotta save the bloodline.

We gotta save the bloodline.

We continually remind the world of their unlawful occupation of ono’ware:keh, great turtle island and their genocide of the natural people of the land. They came at us with a military solution for the problem they created. We had to be removed by any means possible.

Plaintiffs have the right to put out arrest warrants on these two people. They might buckle under the political pressure and turn over the real criminals, the CROWN, which is responsible for the genocide of our people.

Both Hillary and Bill are from the New York and of the bloodline. Nixon was asked to attack us at Moss Lake. He said, “I will not go down in history as the President of the United States who attacked the Mohawks. Give them what they want”. We got ganien’keh. Even Nixon seems to be more honorable than Clinton.

Yeah! False Flag Girl was in New York City & got captured by King Kong!

Watch out! False Flag Girl was in New York City & got captured by King Kong!

We are going to use every means necessary. We need to have a meeting with our wampum belt carrying allies in Europe. So far only the Russians have shown us their belts. They are supposed to come to our aid. The other families who got belts from us in 1710 need to go through the fire to be reminded of the great peace.

Bill Clinton could be singing this Johnny Cash song … “The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen. 99 years in the Folsom Pen. 99 years underneath that ground. I can’t forget the day I shot my woman down. Come on, people, listen to me. Lay off that whisky and let that cocaine be.”

No end to crooks like Harper!

Cops no worse than politicians!



we’ve been here forever!


Crisis Actors is big business!

Mandatory vaccinations!

Innu Ghislain Picard says he’s sovereign!kennedy

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit





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MNN. Nov. 21, 2015. In 1994 there were joint military operations against the rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois] in US and Canada. “Gallant Piper” is the US counterpart to Canada’s “Operation Campus – Scorpion-Saxon”. New York State’s “INDIAN Detail’ was set up in 1974 after our people resettled on our territory at Moss Lake and then Ganienkeh. In 1995 NYS Governor Pataki appointed Brig. Gen. William C. Martin as the Deputy Adjutant General. Brig. General Wm Martin In 1996 he was to command ground and air assault combat against us, using New York’s 27th Infantry Brigade and 42nd Infantry Division, backed by helicoptors with armoured vehicles.

Scaring themselves for their war on terror.

Scaring themselves for their war on terror. The great law of peace is the answer.

Fort Drum military base near Watertown NY provided the soldiers for “Operation Gallant Piper’ to invade and kill the Mohawks and Senecas at ganienkeh, akwesasne, cattaraugus and allegheny. The military was going to attack the businesses that were not giving taxes to  New York State, based on an illegal agreement between Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. [Oren Lyons] and NYS. oka canada sent

A “Dialogue Team” was visiting our communities, briefing the people on the unlawful agreement which violated the kaia’nere:kowa, law of the land. NYS had no right to shut down our businesses. They had body bags, gymnasiums, community centers, fire halls and hospitals on standby for the dead and injured. Certain people were singled out. An insider informed us about the planned military attack. The press published the story. Gallant Piper was pulled.

The “INDIAN Detail was made up of NYS Police, National Guard and Fort Drum military. Most of its information, records, personnel, equipment and plans on the INDIAN Detail are at Fort Drum, less than an hour from Onondaga.

Do you think they can give us some of their Indian medicine that keeps them young.

Do you think they can give us some of their Indian medicine that keeps them living forever?

On May 18, 1997, the rotino’shonni, celebrating the defeat of the unlawful agreement in Onondaga, were attacked by the “INDIAN Detail”. According to court records, soldiers from Fort Drum were on their way to join the Troopers at Onondaga. We speculate this was a follow up to Gallant Piper as it involves the same personnel.

Boys, look out for False Flag Lady if she's in your vicinity!

Boys, look out for False Flag Lady if she’s in your area! She saw the Titanic go down!

In March 1998 Oren Lyons leading the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. burnt down all non-cooperative businesses in Onondaga with the assistance of NYS. The same year Ronnie Jones, the leaders of the Onondaga resistance, was brutally murdered, hands and feet were severed. He was hung up by the neck and then his home set on fire.




Fort Drum guys putting their "boots on the ground".

Fort Drum boys putting their “boots on the ground”.

It seems odd that Fort Drum soldiers are now being sent into battle with ISIS.

NYS has been delaying this trial for almost 20 years. In January 2016 NYS Police are going to stand trial for their criminality. Hopefully Brig. Gen. Martin can answer some of our questions. This is during our Midwinter Festival when we name our babies.

Jim Morrison knows that we are riding out a storm because the powers that be don’t have a fight with us: “Riders on the storm, riders on the storm. Into this house we’re born, into this world we’re thrown. Like a dog without a bone, an actor out on loan, Riders on the storm”. [Riders on the storm]. We have been and continue to ride out the storm.


NYS beating at Onondaga 1997.

Who’s knocking on the Eastern Door?

NYS Gallant Piper still in effect.

US-Canada joint military operations against mohawks.

Canada declares war on Mohawks.

Army attack on native americans.

Oren Lyons orders burning of Onondaga businesses.

Fort Drum to fight ISIS.

Fort Drum is ISIS target.

Brig. General Wm Martin singles out Warrior Society as dissidents.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit





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This is the speech made to “Demilitarize McGill” Conference at McGill University by kahentinetha, kanien’ke:haka Bear Clan, Nov. 19.  

MNN. Nov. 18, 2015. McGill is a fraudulent university built on our land with our money. We own McGill. As the legal directors, we will turn it into a university of peace. The board of governors represents those who orchestrated the theft of our land and funds. The foreign laws used to steal from us do not apply to living, breathing, flesh and blood free natural people like us who were placed here on ono’ware:keh by the natural world.

Ancestors! You told us to stay strong! So be it in our minds!

Ancestors! You told us to stay strong! So be it in our minds!

In 1827 James McGill got a charter in Britain to set up a college on tsionni’tsotiaken. The only true law is the kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace. The college was going bankrupt. Our Six Nations Trust Fund was “borrowed” with no intention of paying it back, to build this university.

James McGill, time to go!

James McGill, time to go!

On September 12 under Wampum 44 of the kaia’nere:kowa McGill University was given a Notice of Seizure. James McGill and John Molson and their buddies, on behalf of the Family Compact of Upper Canada and the Chateau Clique on behalf of Lower Canada, established corporate entities on our land without our consent to try to undermine our sovereignty. They are an artificial version of the 13 bloodline families that make up the CROWN.

We ask that McGill University cease and desist immediately the invasion, trespassing and exploitation of our territory; respect the teio’ha:teh as the basis of our relationship; and pay all monies past due forthwith, including 185 years of compound interest. The land and anything on it is ours. We asked to meet with the board of governors to discuss this in a peaceful manner. It appears the board of governors do not wish to move forward in a peaceful manner.

We made peaceful alliances with the newcomers according to the Great Peace of Montreal on August 25, 1701, based on the kaia’nere:kowa and teio’ha:teh.

Yep. it's University of Rotino'shonni:onwe!

Yep. it’s the University of Rotino’shonni:onwe!

In 1710 we the rotino’shonni:onwe initiated the first international world peace conference in London. [And you probably don’t know about this!] Belts were given to all 13 families. Peter the Great was there and the Russian peoples treaty belts are in safekeeping in the Peter the Great Museum of Archaeology. We hope to have a meeting in St. Petersburg to discuss the perimeters of the wampum belts. The Russian people remember. Grandmothers tell their children about the “INDIANS” in North America that have a law of peace.

When our chiefs came back from London, they told us, “They rely on the written word and that is how they will be judged”. We rely upon the wampum, which are displayed and re-examined regularly.

People, as smart as you are, you know you broke every treaty, contract or compact on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island. Everytime you broke your word. kaia’nereh:kowa continues to have jurisdiction over kanien’keh [Iroquoia] which covers the land occupied by the 49 families. 26.5 million acres in the US and 20 million acres in Canada. We never forfeited anything in any battle, nor did we ever relinquish any of our land or waters ever. We had alliances with our people from the Arctic to the tip of South America, which the Europeans tried to destroy. The McGill Alumni should be behind the rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois] on this issue. Their credibility and reputation is at stake until they arrive at the truth.

Governments are corporations which operate under commrcial law and law of contracts. Family Compact and Chateau Clique, run by these families to this day, got their charters to set up corporate businesses on our land because of their Masonic connections. We know that they do not return anything they steal unless they are forced. pyramid of power

The CROWN is the private shareholder of the corporation of Canada and all its sub-corporations, like McGill University. All your courts and major banks are private corporations owned by the same shareholders. All your government ID’s are in capital letters, meaning you are a corporation too, a fictional entity, owned by the CROWN. This means a trust/corporation is set up by the corporation in your name at your birth. The evidence gathered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission proves these shareholders are guilty of genocide. They do not want to try themselves in their own private courts.

The CROWN has never been the king or queen of England since the establishment of the corporate body “City of London”. She is a figurehead for the CROWN and has authority over prime ministers through a Vatican knighthood called “the order of the garter”. When the Queen has to conduct business in the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar. Every municipality is owned by the same CROWN. The City of London is the financial arm. Washington DC is their military capital. The Vatican is their capital. The CROWN owns all three city states, which are in fact “the empire of the city”.

Queenie to McGill & Molson fams: "What! There's still some f-----g Mohawks around?

Queenie to McGill & Molson fams: “What! There’s still some f—–g Mohawks around?”

Students, you are paying fifty thousands dollars to get a piece of paper from this institution which is built on fraud, theft and deception. Your money is hiring private contractors to research and develop exotic weapons systems for the military industrial complex to carry out the genocide of the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people of the globe. We see worldwide that governments are attacking their own people and conducting false flag operations for a pretend enemy, to create endless wars, completely violating the kaia’nereh:kowa.

False flag girl seen in Montreal. Disaster ahead!

Watch out, Shit Mayor, False flag girl seen in Montreal. Disaster ahead!

The Family Compact and Chateau Clique started the private corporate scam here. They hoped that free people with good minds would die off. We were not informed that we were going to be dispossessed of our funds with no intention to pay it back. The empire declared they privately own the entire world. McGill and Molson went to the city of London to set themselves up here. They incorporated the City of Montreal in 1832 with a municipal charter from the city of London. Montreal is an artificial entity owned by the CROWN. All corporations get their ISO numbers from the CROWN, which makes them sub-corporations of the CROWN. All of you with Canadian identifications in capital letters are a corporate entity, owned by the CROWN. You are born indebted and enslaved to the CROWN.

Speaking of Montreal, did anyone smell the putrid violations of our river kanianarowano:onwe by the corporation of Montreal? The river is part of our community. Some of you listening to me right now have some solutions in your mind. Share it. This is the power of the one mind, the greatest power on earth.

On October 7 a Notice of Objection was sent to Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre to not dump 8 billion litres of raw o’tah, medical, pharmaceutical, industrial and other pollutants  into kaniatarowanen:onwe, our river. Teio’ha:teh is the legal basis by which you live in the settlement known as Montreal.

According to Wampum 44, the kahtihon’tia:kwenio [women] are the “progenitors of the soil”. The rotikonso’tatie, our coming faces, have the legal title to all the land of kan’ien:keh. The CROWN has no authority over our land or us. Their only authority is over those who vote in their system. The Mayor as an agent of the CROWN of Canada and Quebec breached their obligations under the law of the land. human civilization

“our law is committed to establishing world peace by protecting our mother on her, within her and above her. Kanien’keh has been violated by criminally dumping poisons which will kill life and disfigure that which survive. Water, the sacred life sustaining liquid, has been made into a weapon of mass destruction”. Resources must be allocated immediately to correct this environmental disaster.

McGill owes us almost $100 billion interest for the money they stole from the Six Nations Trust Funds. What happens in your Admiralty matrix when a creditor has not been paid? We are putting you on notice we want this debt paid in full now. We are stopping this system of private property by the Family Compact and Chateau Clique who actually own nothing. If they don’t make it right, we will use every method available to us to get what is rightfully ours. If the board of governors continue operating without our oversight, and delay meeting with us, the true owners, the more they risk their own jobs.

People left. Montreal returning to natural beauty.

People gone. Montreal returning to its natural beauty.

We want the military industrial complex kicked off of tsioni’tiotiaken immediately. kaia’nere:kowa explicity provides that you will never get peace when you are dabbling in war. McGill will be the first university in the world to offer the kaia’nere:kowa, the counsel of the great peace, as an accredited course in its curriculum.

A community comes to peace when everyone refuses to allow anyone into their community who has anything to do with war, including violations of land, water, air, everything in the natural world, including the people.

We have the responsibility of following the direction that the kaia’nereh:kowa has set for us, and that the direction is what we should be following. The law of the land is the law of creation, not man-made law, and it is intended for everyone.

As the great Alvin Lee sings what we would like to do: “Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are no rich no more. I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do. So I’ll leave it up to you”.

Water song, womens power song.

France staged Paris attack.

ISIS can be defeated.

British Crown Empire.

Bankers beware.

Racism in Alberta.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Any effort or action by you to set up a meeting with the McGill Board of Governors or to stop this filthy dirty criminal practice of shitting in the river is appreciated. Give the corporate matrix your views: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179; Geoff Molson 514-398-0333.




MNN. Nov. 14, 2015. ONKWE’HON:WEH AND ALLIES WORLDWIDE: tionni’tsiotiakon is called the “island of Montreal”. It is on unceded kanien’ke:haka [Mohawk] territory.


We love tionni'tsiotiaken & kaniatarowanon'on:we.

We love  & will save tionni’tsiotiaken & kaniatarowanon’on:we.

At this moment Montreal Shit Mayor Denis Coderre is dumping 8 billion litres of toxic raw sewage, medical, pharmaceutical and industrial waste into the kaniatarowano’on:we [St. Lawrence river].

MONTREAL SHIT MAYOR surfing down by the riverside. Thames London.

Montreal Shit Mayor surfing down by the riverside.

We the people must stand together against the murder of the natural world. Montreal’s untreated toxic waste is going east through the St. Lawrence River watershed into the Gulf, then into the Atlantic and into the ocean currents of the world. Montreal’s gift to the world. The world should boycott Montreal.

All our water has been deliberately poisoned. In several hours of dumping raw sewage coliform jumped from 10 colonies per 100 mililitres to 400,000 colonies per 100 millilitres. We cannot stop this alone. We all have a moral responsibility to care for the land, water, air, ecosystem, environment and future children. We must all speak for those who have no voice. If the colonial settlers are unwilling to live here sustainably in balance with the natural world, they cannot remain here. It’s time to put an end to this.

The kohtihon’tia:kwenio, Women keepers of the land and water, formally notified Montreal Shit Mayor Coderre, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna to not violate the law of the land, kaia’nere:kowa.

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River drainage basin.

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River drainage basin.

Dumping began on Nov. 11 for 7 days. Today we ask you to begin a worldwide boycott of Montreal’s economy, particularly as an investment, tourism, festival and conference destination. Don’t buy anything from or visit Montreal. Demand that Advanced Waste Water Purification technology be installed immediately so that no further untreated waste is ever dumped into our river. Trusted third party assessors should research and monitor the equipment and performance. Your help on a final solution to the shit problem in Montreal and worldwide would be appreciated.

The McGills and Molsons of the Family Compact and Chateau Clique are behind all this. Call the Quebec Government offices and tell them to stop their shit. tel 404.584.2995 tel 617.482.1193 tel 312.645.0392 tel [55]1100.4330 tel 212-843-0950 tel 202.659.8990 tel 93.476.42.58 tel 089.2554931.0 tel 02.512.00.36 tel 0.207.766.5900 tel tel 06.4203.4501

Stockholm +46.8.453.30.37 tel 10.5139.4000 tel 2810.7183 tel 2.3703.7600 tel 021.3279.2800

Francophone & Multilateral Affairs tel

UNESCO tel tel 011.5505.0444


Any effort or action by you to object and to stop this filthy dirty criminal practice will help. Give the corporate matrix your views: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179; Geoff Molson 514-398-0333.

Shit Mayor on his way to the pen in the catacombs.

Shit Mayor on his way to the pen in the catacombs.

Shit Mayor Coderre could sing this Stompin’ Tom song after he gets arrested and lands in jail: “They call me Ben here in the pen, where you take the guff and you suffer. But I’ll be free when I’m 53, and I’ll bet I’ll be a whole lot tougher”. [Ben in the Pen].


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Shit Mayor Coderre & his UFO experience.

Condoms in the river.

Donald Trump will take Canada in one day.

Trudeau’s take on Paris shooting.

Paris False Flag.






Please repost, distribute and donate. nia:wen kowa.

MNN. 7 Nov. 2015. Catherine McKenna, you are the new Environment Canada Minister. Your first decision is whether to let Montreal Mayor dump his o’tah or not into kaniatarowanen’on:we by Monday, November 9th at midnight.

On Oct. 22 we walked together for our river. Join us!

On Oct. 22. We walked together to save our river. Join us!

The trio of scientists advised you to monitor the toxic sludge that goes to the bottom for its effect on the St. Lawrence riverbed to the Gulf and into the Atlantic Ocean and then the world. Going out there are the poopies, toilet paper, tampons, medical hospital refuse, pharmaceutical active drugs like birth control, anti-depressants, etc. and industrial waste like oil, deicing and the sky’s the limit. We want the name of the person in charge of making sure this doesn’t go into the river. This is everyone’s business. They affect all living things. Second, you could hire a tanker to suck it up. Then thirdly the raw sewage could be put through a mobile treatment unit.

Cathy: "Whatever we catch, we should release it!"

Cathy: “If there was a fish to catch, I’d release it!”


The sludge specialist said it all on CTV. Your advisors are lying to you when they say it will have a ‘minimal’ effect. Your website says: “Wastewater is Canada’s biggest source of water pollution. More than 150 billion litres of untreated and under-treated wastewater is dumped into the country’s waterways every year”. CATHERINE, DO NOT ASSAULT CREATION!  DON’T DUMP! CTV interviews real expert on water.

In a speech in July Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledges the law of the land, kaia’nere:kowa by recognizing the teio’ha:teh, the Two Row Wampum. This dumping breaches the treaty. Trudeau affirms Two Row.

***The kohtihon’tia:kwenio are asking everyone to light solidarity fires. Go to crowdfunding campaign to donate and for more info: PROTECT THE RIVER CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN.

Otsirake - everyone has a fire.

Otsirake – everyone has a fire.


Trapt addresses the CROWN on our position: “Back off, I’ll take you on. Headstrong to take on anyone. I know that you are wrong. And this is not where you belong. Where you belong”. [Headstrong].

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit