

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Aug. 13, 2015. In 1994 the Longhouse asked me to run for chief against Joe Norton in the band council election to stop the casino. He was set to bring it in which the people did not want. He needed to win the referendum being run at the same time as the election.

getting voters out to vote in Indian Affairs band council elections.

Getting the right voters out to Indian Affairs band council elections.

To avoid compromising themselves the traditional people decided not to vote for in the band council election but only against the casino. Our way of decision-making is the clan system where we openly discuss the issues in public. We don’t have secret ballots with pretend artificial characters to make pretend deals. We only go forward when we become of one mind.

On election day longhouse people came in large numbers to vote against the casino. At 6 pm the polling stopped in the gym in the karonhianonha school. The Indian Affairs officials and two selected council officials ushered people out the door to start counting the votes. They could not start as they were waiting for something.

This is not new!

Same old, same old. 

In a class room behind the gym toward the back door two spies for the people were hiding. They saw a truck drive up. A box that looked like the box where all the ballots were dumped was brought in. The box with the real ballots was brought out of the gym, taken away, loaded onto the truck and gone. Then the box with the dummy votes was taken into the gym and counted. Joke Norton and most of his nominees won! The referendum votes couldn’t be fixed and the casino was defeated.

Joe Norton's clan system of selection.

Joke Norton’s clan system of selection.

In Canada the most important elections are the band elections. It is the fraudulent matrix set up to steal our land and resources to pay for Canada’s existence.

Voting fraud. Indian Affairs knows how!

Voting fraud. Indian Affairs knows how!

In 1985 I was working in Indian Affairs in Ottawa. I was appointed to review the piles of appeals from band elections throughout Canada. In most I found them to be irregular and had been tampered with. I recommended that either another election be held or they be investigated. If Indian Affairs liked the one that got in, they were allowed to stay. If not, another election was called. Otherwise nothing was done. These small crucial communities were easy for them to manipulate, just like every other election.

We thought we had gotten rid of a bad guy here in Kahnawake. Now twenty years later he comes scampering back to haunt us, just like the bad guys in “As the World Turns”.

Working at Joe's floating casino.

Working at Joe’s floating casino.


The legend, Bob Marley, got it perfect to take us out: I shot the sheriff, but I didn’t shoot the deputy. Oh, no!… Sheriff John Brown always hated me for what I don’t know. Every time I plant a seed, he said “Kill it before it grow”. And so I shot the sheriff.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0


Jon Stewart coming to Canada re: election b.s.

Harper’s fake election mythology.

1994 failed casino referendum.






Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Aug. 12, 2015. If you don’t want to play their tug of war game, just drop the rope. They’ll still keep playing. But no one will be on the rope. The matrix is designed to keep everybody playing this game.

Joke Norton: "Wish I could help. See ya later!"

Joke Norton: “Wish I could help. See ya later!”


Joke Norton of Kahnawake plays this game by getting us on each end pulling and tugging, dividing our community. This monetization and class system allows the 1% to control the 99%.

Joke Norton's dream

Joke Norton’s dream for Kahnawake.


To confuse us, the well programmed incorporated chiefs talk about us and the history of our struggle like a salesman and a politician, “It’s not us that’s illegal. It’s them”. Then they proceed with their plans for our assimilation and legalization of genocide. They tell us how it’s going to be good for all of us. Joke Norton wants to be just like his mentors that he looks up to, like Donald Trump.

So it's over our burial ground!

So it’s over our burial ground!


In the Kahnawake Highway 30 dispute, Joe has two sides playing tug of war, us and the town of Chateauguay. In the meantime, he plans to personally develop a shopping mall, in partnership with a number of outside developers. Joe is privatizing Kahnawake, using our sovereignty and funds to enrich himself and his partners. He wants a Joke Norton Shopping Mall of Kahnawake, a Joke Norton Tower, streets named after him, with all the whistles and commercials. The Joke Norton casino floating off the shore of Joke Norton Mall, just like Donald Trump, his mentor. A shuttle will take customers to the casino, where he will smile and collect the money, all of which will go into his pocket and then into his off-shore accounts.

Joke Norton: "Just think. You can get a job dancing at the casino"!

Joke Norton: “Just think. You can get a job dancing at the casino”!


Joe Norton has already left Kahnawake and kaianerehkowa in his own mind. All of his tug of war, divide and conquer stragegies will fail when the people stop playing the game and let go of the rope. Joke Norton wants to swim with the big fish in the Admiralty waters. Joe, they’re gonna eat you up and shit you out!

Lets end this whole tug of war strategy by dropping the rope.

Yes, Joe, all criminals are gonna get it.

Yes, Joe, all criminals are gonna get it.

As Frank Zappa brilliantly reminds us of the tug of war strategy imposed upon us through the media: “So I’m watchin and I’m waitin, hoping for the best! Even think I’ll go to prayin everytime I hear them saying there’s no way to delay that trouble coming every day”. Drop the rope, people!


MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0

Drop the rope.

Russia’s Indigenous People.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Aug. 10, 2015. After meeting with Donald Trump, Joe “One-armed-Bandit” Norton, of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. told us, “Everything’s got to change”. He lost two referenda to put his casino in our community. The Donald and Joe decided to put it in the St. Lawrence River off Kahnawake.

Joe, the INDIANS found out!

Joe, the INDIANS found out!

Now his partner is running for President of the US. It looks like the Donald is behind the false face running Kahnawake, and eventually all of the Rotinoshonni communities in Canada and US.

Joe helps himself to our sovereignty and money to make himself and his outside friends into billionaires [Mohawk Internet Technology]. His name JOSEPH NORTON and his title are both owned outright by the corporation known as the CROWN.

He’s helping Canada steal everything we have: the economy that depends on our resources, justice to keep us out of the way, social issues to distract us, health care to keep us sick, foreign affair to lie to the world about us, defense to design deadly “INDIAN Details” to control us, governance to keep the bankers happy, our energy to sell to the highest bidder, environment to ruin our land, pipelines to carry away stolen oil and gas, military to protect their international partners and terrorism to try to scare us if we resist. Joe and other band councils are front men of this diabolical plan.

Door man Joe, "Seh:kon and good luck!"

Door man Joe: “Seh:kon Sir and good luck!”

Joe never mentions the kaianerehkowa, the Great Peace, in any public statements. “Joke  Norton” is trying to municipalize us, as per Canada’s 1924 business plan. He is implementing the final step in the genocide called CANADA. On October 14, 1998, he signed ten deadly agreements with Quebec to undermine us: to cover fiscal matters on consumer goods and services; tobacco, fuel and alcoholic beverages; transportation and user fees; economic development; administration of justice; registration of births, marriages and deaths; child care; police services; combat sports; and liquor permits. Joe signs with Quebec.

Joe puts a dollar value on everything. He pretends to represent us. Historically, in all Mohawk communities only 5% take part in the imposed European election system.

Chiefs: "$100 for me and $1 for you!"

Chiefs: “$99 for me and $1 for the rest of the people! Just like our  mentors!”


In 1979 he got someone to put forward a fake resolution to return Kahnawake to a traditional ”form” of government, not the real traditional government. He is trying to bring in “an extraordinary new process”! [What does that mean?]

Joe knows that every living thing on ono’ware:geh is ours, rocks, water, minerals, trees, oil gas and so on. Admiralty courts cannot make a declaration on this. Canada is not a country and has no constitution. Joe wants a nation-to-nation relationship with Quebec, which is a colony. He wants us to “cohabitate and share our resources with the colonial settlers, for the sake of our health, education and justice”.

Only 2 INDIANS working here.

Only 2 INDIANS working here.

Joe is the viper in the grass. He says the world wants to do business with us [him], to be like Trump, to earn funds in private enterprise to pay our bills. Macleans magazine declared him to be the most influential INDIAN owned by the corporation of Canada. Joe wants to be like the crooks that taught him about capitalism. He falsely assumes that we all want to be just like them.

Joe Norton’s dictatorial laws for Kahnawake are outside of the Admiralty rules he has signed up for. As Alice Cooper reminds us of the danger among us, “I wanna kiss you, but I want it too much (too much) I wanna taste you, but your lips are venomous poison. One look could kill (could kill), My pain, your thrill”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0

Shadow Government.