


MNN. Mar. 30, 2013. Paranoia should not paralyze us. To protect ourselves, watch for visitors who want information, plainclothes who take pictures before and during demonstrations; those who seem out of place and interested in members rather than issues; who suddenly disappear and put out false stories, sometimes  about us being out of our minds.

COINTELPRO tactics against American Indian Movement activists.

COINTELPRO tactics against American Indian Movement activists.

“Direct Action”: A sign-in policy; get Freedom of Information info; suspects at pickets and protests don’t usually get arrested; educate the public by handing out a written position; lobby politicians; learn from victims of covert actions; class action suits [they usually back out]; court actions create disputes and splits; pro bono lawyers that take opposite sides. 

“Investigate Informers”: check background; check police academy grads list; they usually speak against cops; use phony names; they issue death threats we get blamed for. 

“Privacy”: Step out of the office to speak privately; watch for cars following, acquaintances suddenly becoming friendly; bogus discrediting about drug use or false relationships or activities about a true activist; throwing names around. Sweep your living space for electronics; don’t say anything that you wouldn’t say in court. 

Common sense helps!

Check out non-native groups that divert Indigenous issues such as residential school abuse, missing women, land claims, or “sharing” of our resources. Watch for outsiders that confuse, control and disorient. 

“True Supporters”: Don’t scare or ostracize true supporters or push them to take risks. 

“Debrief”: Write down information, look for patterns, check strengths and weaknesses, assess allies and adversaries. Don’t let agents inside your home to glean information about your prospects, lifestyle or floor plan. 

“Counter Tactics”: Government covert actions mislead the public, punish their own whistle blowers and interfere in anyway they can. Complain about illegal covert interference to human rights organizations.  

COINTELPRO is being used by US and Canada. Agents appear peaceful and friendly, but are there representing the military. As Roger Daltrey sang:We won’t get fooled again “We’ll be fighting in the street, with our children at our feet. And the morals that they worship will be gone. And the men who spurred us on sit in judgement of all wrong. They decide and the shot gun sings the song.”

Watch out for the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0




MNN. Mar. 2, 2013.  Why is Leonard Peltier still in jail, since 1977? He is a 68-year old Lakota prisoner of war. We need to help get him out.  

Peltier, a former member of American Indian Movement AIM, is the longest incarcerated person in the US. He is in Coleman Prison Florida. He was convicted of aiding and abetting the killing of 2 FBI agents in 1975. Life sentence is 7 years. He got more than 5 life sentences, violating US laws. 

Spirit stayed strong cause he did not do it.

Strong spirited because he did not do it.

Native Elders, Pete Seeger, Harry Belafonte, Peter Coyote and others held a concert in New York City in 2012, to give President Obama a message to, as Peltier said,  “Turn me loose”. 

Says Peltier, “I never got a fair trial, international laws were violated, racists sat on the jury, I had no defence, evidence was manufactured and witnesses were tortured”. The weapon tests showed negative. Judge Haney said, “There is no evidence of first degree murder. No one knows who killed the agents or what he had to do with it. But somebody has to pay for this.” 

He wants release or house arrest as he needs medical attention for a number of ailments, “I am willing to wear an ankle bracelet”. 

Peltier continued the message.

AIM continues.

At the time, murders were committed on Pine Ridge, financed by the government, with intelligence, armored piercing ammunition and sophisticated weaponry. Violence began when US agents  arrived carrying guns and started shooting. All the deaths were needless. Congressman Tim Johnson of North Dakota has promised to investigate this. 

Peltier symbolizes that US society is held together by force. We cannot be free if we are being threatened with violence, such as fines, jails, confiscation of possessions or denial of rights, due process and death. 

International law was violated when they failed to recognize his nation and its jurisdiction. He was denied a hearing before an impartial third party and was tried by one of the parties to the dispute, the US justice system. Peltier was imprisoned for defending the families and people. “I stood up for my people to stop the Termination Act. I did nothing, let alone kill somebody.”  

A fundamental principle of survival is that anyone who is attacked has a right to defend themselves. Good decent people of the international community need to stand with us. We will all be stronger if we respect each other’s autonomy. As Bon Scott sang in gone shooting: “Feel the pressure rise. Hear the whistle blow. Never said bye-bye. All the cryin’ eyes.” 

Spirit soaring!


MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0






MNN.  Jan. 25, 2012.  That dance between Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his top Indian CEO, Shawn Atleo, at the phony First Nations Summit in Ottawa sends the same old “we’re-gonna-get-dem-Injuns” message.

This was the first public face-to-face meeting of Harper and his 400 corporate Injuns in Canada.  Their job is to continue the illusion that Canada is a legal country and to help the corporation make money from the extraction of Indigenous resources.

Harper got his Indians to threaten an Arab Style uprising so the military can come in and keep us in line. Is Atleo, of the Assembly of First Nations, going to stand in the bush and start tweeting to get the revolution going?  Canada wants someone to sell off our mother, Great Turtle Island, to the international bankers, and pocket the money.

The Mohawk Crisis of 1990, a true resistance, is always trotted out as a threat.  They want a controlled uprising “like the US Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s”!!! Are they kidding?  AIM stopped the army bloodbath at Wounded Knee. Many went to jail, were killed, and Leonard Peltier has been in jail for 38 years.

Here’s the script.  Harper, the foreigner, sets up the First Nations Land Management Act to privatize Great Turtle Island with the help of his fake Indians.

Meantime Harper pushes third world living conditions on the rest of us.  Out of desperation, we will be forced to sell our land to stay alive.

Then they cry about the integrity of the Crown!  What?  The crown is a corporation that took over the monarchy in a hostile takeover bid.  [1924 Ontario Indian Land Act when Indian Affairs and Ontario clandestinely put Indigenous on reservations for the first time. It was retaliation for Haudenosaunee applying to join League of Nations 1923.].

As Etowokam said in 1710 when he returned from Queen Anne’s Court, England:  “They rely on the written word.  That is how they will be judged”.  We rely on the wampum and the rule of law based on the natural world, not man-made orders.

Harper left Tuesday night January 24th for the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland.  The world’s elite were anxiously waiting to hear that we had been put back to sleep so they can continue their theft.

Instead we are louder than ever.  Canada and the world should answer to us, as everything they want is ours.

Instead the foreign usurpers are sitting in high chairs like babies bawling at the land and resource owners.  Everyone in the world is on to their bad act.

Yes, let’s discuss our birthright and that Mother Earth cannot be sold. Sure, put an end to the illegal Indian Act.  Respect the real relationship between us and the foreigners.

Their fake Indian idols complain we can’t use our land as collateral for loans from the foreign corporations that are squatting on our land.  Yet the Canadian government and corporations use our unsurrendered land as collateral to raise money on the global stock markets.  That’s theft, fraud and genocide.

Those fake Indians who want to be part of this foreign entity cannot usurp our sovereignty.  Why don’t you sign on with the immigrants and become the property of the shareholders of Canada, just like other Canadians.

There will be no “Aboriginal” Spring. Seasons change but not our minds or the dreaded truth.

As the song Waltzing Matilda portrays:  all the women [fake Indians] are standing around waiting to dance with the jolly swagman [Harper}.  “You’ll come a’waltzing, Malilda, with me!”

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