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MNN. May 17, 2014. When the Assembly of First Nations Inc. dissolves, the corporation of Canada dissolves! The band and tribal councils are a major part of the corporation of Canada grid. Their main job is to help Canada carry out the genocide program and sign away our land and resources. They present a fake democratic front pretending to represent us.

One day we will learn that brutal visitors came and then all left!

Some day brutal visitors will invade us. They will refuse to live by the Great Peace and will leave.  


The current conflict within AFN Inc. is between those who want to sign away our ever growing $950 trillion Indian Trust Fund and to authorize the extraction of our resources by their puppeteers. The others want independence, freedom and to live by the law of the land. Once these “chiefs” step down, the corporate grid will disappear. Canada cannot continue the fraud of using our land and resources as collateral to raise money on the stock exchanges.

We refuse to beg for our own funds from Canada Inc. We will stand together to fight our common enemy. Canada is trying to keep control by bringing forward a back up sub-corporate entity of AFN named the ‘Confederacy of First Nations’. Both are one in the same and will dissolve with the Corporation of Canada. Canada Inc. is panicking and trying to create conflict and confusion between various corporate “Indians”.

Fleeing Babylon!

Fleeing Babylon!

The chiefs will take the moral, legal and high ground by stepping down and joining the true natural people of Great Turtle Island. It’s over for AFN Inc. and Canada Inc. The true Ongwehonwe will assert our sovereignty.

New World Son warns: “This world is just an illusion. Yes, it is. Oh Yeah. Babylon is gonna fall, is coming down!”  New World Son. Babylon is gonna fall”.

Read: What to do with AFN.

MNN Homepage: Learn about peace. MNN 7-hour video and book, Mohawk and English.  Great Law Video.. “Gayanerekowa, the Great Law of Peace”. Great Law Book. “The Confusion between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code”,


Contact: MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

BROWN FACE, WHITE SYSTEM- the torture never stops




MNN. Apr. 25, 2013. Beware Injun Conferences where we have to listen to Indian Act or Federal Indian Law sell-outs spout the glories of colonialism. They are the “Finder’s Fee Indians”. The speakers are mostly band or tribal councilors, or those who are trained to conduct treason against our people. Serious issues are ignored. No comparison is made with true traditional law based on our inherent tie to the land. The speeches bore us to tears. Most leave empty-handed and empty-headed! These smoke and mirrors performances are meant to waste our time. In the evening we are entertained at an open bar. The next morning we don’t remember a thing. finders fee

Should you miss the Indian conference circuit for ten years or more, don’t worry. The next one will be exactly the same. The speakers never tell us how they are lining their own pockets by stealing our money or the government directly deposits it into their off-shore accounts. Their job is to make it look like we are in favor of land claims settlements and mega development. They get a casino or poker palace, owned and operated by white people as tax havens, in the name of native sovereignty. “We have to survive for another 500 years”, they tell us. 

Chief: "I signed so you would get this".

Chief: “I signed so you would get this”.

There’s no heckling because we listen and wait our turn. No opening is provided in the agenda. Speaker called “FinderFee” says, “Blah, blah, blah! Relations with federal, state, provincial and local governments have never been better” [to steal everything from us]. He’s really saying, “We’re looking for other brain dead people to work with”. Syracuse University and University of Victoria are giving fully paid scholarships to train sell-outs in their governance programs. 

Councilor “140-Acres” greets us with a fake heavy Indian accent. When he gets riled up, he sounds just like a regular New Yorker.  “I can go to Albany, Washington or Ottawa and mill around with those [crooked] politicians”! Councillor “Where’s-My-Finder’s-Fee” extols, “That’s how important we are”. casino

Speaker “Who-Never-Got-a-Finder’s-Fee” wants to send the government to the traditional council to sign away our rights!  As if! 

Another “Who-Lost-His-Finder’s-Fee” talked about how the government system dealt with his case to stop garbage dumps contaminating the water and environment. The court refused to hear it. 

For $35 the attendees get a T-shirt with a clenched FU fist on the back and a box lunch. Those who had fallen asleep were awakened in time to see an award being given to the Master of Ceremonies by his mother. People, some of us are getting tired of having our intelligence insulted. As Frank Zappa reminds us of the corporation trap: “Flies all green and buzzing in his dungeon of despair. Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes and scratch their matted hair. A tiny light from a window hole a hundred yards away is all they ever get to know about the regular life in the day; and it stinks so bad the stones been choking and dripping greenish drops. In the room where the giant fire puffer works and the torture never stops. In the room where the giant puffer works and the torture never stops. the torture never stops“.  sleeping audience

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  
















MNN.  Jan. 31, 2013.  The corporate chiefs have always been part of the white serpent’s tail. Duct tape won’t fix the big crack in the Harper-AFN unity ship. Captain Shawn Atleo of the S.S. Traitor, keeps trying to push the illusion that we are all united behind him. It’s a big lie.

Captain Atleo, are you going down with your ship?

Captain Atleo, are you going down with your ship?


The corporate Indians are doing their own version of the Idle Nor More public round dance called the “I’m-not-with-him-anymore” jig. They’re trying to avoid their own filth as they dance privately to their master’s tune. This maneuver is probably going on all over Canada. “What-will-we-do” committees are springing up everywhere. With the illegal Indian Act, AFN and band and tribal councils dissolved, Harper can’t push through his agenda to steal everything and get rid of us for good.

The chiefs took the money, said nothing, are being caught with their hands in the cookie jar and trying to illegally sign away our possession so they and their children personally benefit. Is there a lot of document shredding going on at Indian Affairs right now to falsify the truth? They want to say there are no Indians and therefore no Indian Trust Funds to complete the theft of our $3 trillion.

The Indian accomplices think they’re fooling us by saying, “OMG. I didn’t know. I never took nothin’”.  Really, they’re saying, “I’m one of them sell-outs. Sure, I’m rich, have money in the bank, signed a few deals, my kids go to private school. I worked hard for it…”.

S.S. Traitor, you are going down!

S.S. Traitor, you are going down!

The S.S. Traitor, like a ship on the high seas with a full wind and no rudder, will end up on the rocks. Like the Rolling Stones sang in “Sweet Virginia”:  “Come on, come on down, sweet Virginia. Rolling Stones: Sweet Virginia 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0





MNN.  Jan. 25, 2012.  That dance between Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his top Indian CEO, Shawn Atleo, at the phony First Nations Summit in Ottawa sends the same old “we’re-gonna-get-dem-Injuns” message.

This was the first public face-to-face meeting of Harper and his 400 corporate Injuns in Canada.  Their job is to continue the illusion that Canada is a legal country and to help the corporation make money from the extraction of Indigenous resources.

Harper got his Indians to threaten an Arab Style uprising so the military can come in and keep us in line. Is Atleo, of the Assembly of First Nations, going to stand in the bush and start tweeting to get the revolution going?  Canada wants someone to sell off our mother, Great Turtle Island, to the international bankers, and pocket the money.

The Mohawk Crisis of 1990, a true resistance, is always trotted out as a threat.  They want a controlled uprising “like the US Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s”!!! Are they kidding?  AIM stopped the army bloodbath at Wounded Knee. Many went to jail, were killed, and Leonard Peltier has been in jail for 38 years.

Here’s the script.  Harper, the foreigner, sets up the First Nations Land Management Act to privatize Great Turtle Island with the help of his fake Indians.

Meantime Harper pushes third world living conditions on the rest of us.  Out of desperation, we will be forced to sell our land to stay alive.

Then they cry about the integrity of the Crown!  What?  The crown is a corporation that took over the monarchy in a hostile takeover bid.  [1924 Ontario Indian Land Act when Indian Affairs and Ontario clandestinely put Indigenous on reservations for the first time. It was retaliation for Haudenosaunee applying to join League of Nations 1923.].

As Etowokam said in 1710 when he returned from Queen Anne’s Court, England:  “They rely on the written word.  That is how they will be judged”.  We rely on the wampum and the rule of law based on the natural world, not man-made orders.

Harper left Tuesday night January 24th for the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland.  The world’s elite were anxiously waiting to hear that we had been put back to sleep so they can continue their theft.

Instead we are louder than ever.  Canada and the world should answer to us, as everything they want is ours.

Instead the foreign usurpers are sitting in high chairs like babies bawling at the land and resource owners.  Everyone in the world is on to their bad act.

Yes, let’s discuss our birthright and that Mother Earth cannot be sold. Sure, put an end to the illegal Indian Act.  Respect the real relationship between us and the foreigners.

Their fake Indian idols complain we can’t use our land as collateral for loans from the foreign corporations that are squatting on our land.  Yet the Canadian government and corporations use our unsurrendered land as collateral to raise money on the global stock markets.  That’s theft, fraud and genocide.

Those fake Indians who want to be part of this foreign entity cannot usurp our sovereignty.  Why don’t you sign on with the immigrants and become the property of the shareholders of Canada, just like other Canadians.

There will be no “Aboriginal” Spring. Seasons change but not our minds or the dreaded truth.

As the song Waltzing Matilda portrays:  all the women [fake Indians] are standing around waiting to dance with the jolly swagman [Harper}.  “You’ll come a’waltzing, Malilda, with me!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0