“RECONCILIATION” @ PSAC Oct. 19, 2023.





MNN. On Oct. 19, 2023, at Montreal these words were spoken by the kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers at the Public Service Alliance of Canada National Gathering on Reconciliation. 

Before I, kahentinetha of Kahnawake, begin let me tell you that the Public Alliance of Canada PSAC stood by me in 1990 when I was fired from my job at Indian Affairs in Ottawa for being a Mohawk during the Mohawk Oka crisis.

WHAT IS ‘RECONCILIATION’? Before you can have reconciliation you must have the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Right now we are uncovering the truth of the genocide that Canada planned  to execute on the indigenous people. 

Nothing stays hidden. Reconciliation is the act of Canadian society accepting and enshrining their ‘truths’ into the Canadian consciousness. We need allies to uncover these truths. We don’t want our future generations to suffer as we have, for our children to have to deal with this 50 years from now. Now is the time!

Let us work together so that we can start on that act of ‘reconciliation’. So far over 10,000  indigenous children have been found in unmarked graves. They were murdered but they were never forgotten in our minds. This act on us was profound. We have spent our lives trying to find balance with creation again.

We were told stories of  what happened. We were called “liars ‘and were told, “You have to prove it !”But it was so carefully planned that the perpetrators thought they had left no traces of evidence. 

We have and continue to tell our truth. They keep saying, “Have you got any proof?” We were told that Canadian society is based only on ‘hard facts’. But those memories could not be erased from our minds. We have thousands of stories of the atrocities in a big data base. Something has to be done. Prime Minister Harper said, “Then take us to court”. We must investigate it. 

If a child you loved went missing, what would you do? How long and how far would you go to find your child, sister, brother, mother, father, grandfather, cousin, friend. I am a great grandmother and I will never stop looking.

Truth is hard work. We constantly face cover ups by politicians and bureaucrats of one of the most horrific crimes in humanity, the almost complete annihilation of our race. But if nothing is done, your children will carry the shame.

What do you need to do: Reconciliation is actually an accounting procedure. To finalize the theft of our land so Canada can become a country. 1867 was the first Indian act which still imprisons us. October 25, 1924 is the year of the ‘Indian Lands Act’, of each province, which has been removed from the internet. It is now the 99th year of Duncan Campbell Scott’s 100 year plan to do away with us and take over our land. But we are still here. The biggest hoax is your constitution is actually a corporate charter of a company owned by the royal family. 51% Is not democracy, it is corporatism.

This is your oath, “I do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, the king of Canada, his heirs and successors. So help me god.” In fact, you are taking an oath to his corporations, which goes against anything we know as we are free. 

Do you understood what your constitution ls that rules your life, which you sign onto and vote for? The only way Canadians can heal is to have your own constitution that you ratify which is based on the natural law of kaianerekowa of great turtle island and the two row agreement.

Some of what we endured is in the lyrics of thahoketoteh:

I speak to you now, proud and brave.

Remembering the lessons our ancestors gave

About acknowledgements and respect, as the four races intersect.

From the path behind us, to the one that lies ahead.

Let us walk softly on the road we tread.

But hold our heads, high, as we move along thinking with one mind.

As we sing our song.

We’re glad to say, and we say it loud and clear, through all the sadness

"We Are Still Here" by Project for Peace

WE ARE STILL HERE. Missionise, christianize, socialize, minimise, legislate, assimilate, economise, genocide through all the madness…WE ARE STILL HERE.



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RÉCONCILIATION – AFPC – 19 octobre 2023

Avant de commencer, je veux vous que vous sachiez que l’AFPC a pris ma défense en 1990. Je travaillais aux Affaires indiennes à Ottawa et on m’a congédiée durant la crise d’Oka parce que j’étais mohawk.

C’EST QUOI, LA RÉCONCILIATION? La réconciliation vient après la vérité, toute la vérité et rien que la vérité. En ce moment, on commence à découvrir ce qui nous est réellement arrivé. Le génocide planifié de notre peuple.

Rien ne reste caché à jamais. La réconciliation, c’est ce qui se produit quand ces vérités sont acceptées par la société et laissent une marque indélébile dans la conscience collective. On a besoin d’alliés pour faire sortir ces vérités. On ne veut pas que les générations futures souffrent comme on a souffert. On ne veut pas que les enfants vivent encore ces souffrances dans 50 ans. L’heure est venue d’agir.

Oui, l’heure est venue de nous unir pour entamer la réconciliation. On a déjà trouvé les dépouilles de plus de 10 000 enfants autochtones. Ils les ont tués, mais ils sont toujours dans nos cœurs. Cet acte barbare nous a anéantis. On a passé nos vies à retisser nos liens avec la création.

On a raconté ce qu’on a vu. Ils nous ont traités de menteurs. Ils nous ont dit que c’était à nous de le prouver. Ils avaient si bien planifié leur coup qu’ils étaient certains de ne pas avoir laissé de traces.

On n’a jamais cessé d’affirmer la vérité et eux, d’exiger des preuves. On nous a dit que la société canadienne reposait sur des faits concrets. Mais nos souvenirs sont restés intacts. On a une gigantesque banque de données pleine de récits des atrocités qu’on a vécues. Il faut faire quelque chose. Le premier ministre Harper nous avait mis au défi de traîner le gouvernement en cour. Ce n’est peut-être pas une mauvaise idée.

Si un enfant que vous chérissez disparaissait, que feriez-vous? Jusqu’où iriez-vous pour le retrouver, pour retrouver votre sœur, frère, mère, père, grand-père, cousin, amie? Je suis une arrière-grand-mère et je n’arrêterai jamais de chercher. 

Révéler la vérité n’est pas une mince affaire. Les politiciens et les fonctionnaires ont trouvé mille moyens de camoufler l’un des pires crimes contre l’humanité, l’annihilation quasi totale de notre race. S’ils ne se réveillent pas, leurs enfants vivront dans la honte.

À vous de jouer. La réconciliation, pour le gouvernement, c’est mettre enfin la main sur toutes nos terres. La première loi sur les Indiens de 1867 nous emprisonne toujours. Le 25 octobre 1925, le gouvernement adopte la Indian Lands Act. On en est à la 99e année du plan de 100 ans de Duncan Campbell Scott visant à nous faire disparaître et à voler nos terres. Mais nous sommes encore ici. La plus grosse blague, c’est votre constitution qui n’est que la charte d’une société appartenant à la famille royale : 51 %, ce n’est pas la démocratie, c’est du corporatisme.

Lorsque vous dites : « Je jure que je serai fidèle et porterai sincère allégeance à Sa Majesté le roi Charles Trois, Roi du Canada, à ses héritiers et successeurs », c’est en fait à une société que vous portez allégeance. On n’en a rien à cirer, parce qu’on est libres.

Comprenez-vous vraiment dans quoi vous vous êtes embarqués? Quelle est cette constitution qui régit votre vie? La seule façon pour vous de guérir est de ratifier une nouvelle constitution fondée sur Kaianerekowa, la Grande Loi de la Paix, et le traité des voies parallèles.

Paroles de la chanson We are still here de Thahoketoteh

Ces paroles font écho à des souffrances qu’on a endurées.

Je vous parle aujourd’hui, fier et brave.

Avec, dans le cœur, les enseignements de mes ancêtres.

Au sujet de la reconnaissance et du respect, là où se rencontrent nos quatre races.

Du chemin parcouru et de celui à parcourir.

Marchons d’un pas léger, mais la tête haute.

Que nous puissions avancer du même pas.

En chantant la même chanson.

Nous disons haut et fort, d’une voix qui perce notre tristesse,


Vous avez beau nous évangéliser, nous socialiser, nous minimiser, nous réglementer, nous assimiler, économiser, nous massacrer. Malgré toute cette folie, NOUS SOMMES ENCORE ICI.



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MNN. Oct. 15, 2023. This information comes from Demilitarize McGil and elsewherel.


TO THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD: We are all sovereign members of the world.  This is about MILITARY RESEARCH AT MCGILL UNIVERSITY [MONTREAL]. Onowarekeh, turtle island, is a Land of peace and shall remain so. 

Demilitarize McGill explains, “Conventional weapons kill people and demolish structures by creating an enormous amount of explosive force containing sharp and deadly fragments. Thermobaric weapons produce a blast wave that is of longer duration. Fuel-air explosives first saturates the air with fuel, creating a cloud that expands in many directions and flows around objects. A second charge ignites this oxygen-fuel mix creating a very large explosion and pressure that can knock down structures, destroy equipment and goods and incinerate people. The US developed these weapons for Vietnam and works with the Canadian military. McGill also works with the police and intelligence agencies through their Network Dynamics Lab. They research social responses to sudden and rapidly evolving social conditions, both terror and otherwise. 

McGill’s School of Computer Sciences’ researchers are building computers [Artificial Intelligence AI] on how different segments of the population respond to perceived crises. Its school creates an “assessment system” on how different segments of the population are thinking and acting. Also being developed is “mapping the distribution of features of communities of concern. An “incident-specific” tweet collection system is created for the government. 


At least 6 labs are at McGill University carrying  out research on behalf of weapons monopolies: particularly for drone warfare, missile guidance, domestic surveillance, explosives and air combat. The university has been fighting an Access to Information requested by members of Demilitarize McGill for internal communications on McGill military research since 2102. On June 21, 2016 McGill released 600 pages of documents related to the mechanical engineering laboratory’s association with defence contractors. 90 per cent of the request for information has yet to be fulfilled. Below is information on some of the military initiatives and connections that activists have uncovered over the past several years.


McGill’s Mechatronics Lab is involved in both developing of ground and airborne robots for combat operations through contracts with Defence Research Development Canada DRDC, an agency of the Department of National Defence DND. With Suffield Research Centre, they aim to “study the enhancement of soldiers’ actions in combat missions” through unmanned technology. 

Their interest is to develop technology for “autonomous landing systems for unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs” “for decisive operations in the urban battle space”. “McGill could contribute to weaponized drone technology so that drones will make their own decisions to kill and execute them. 

COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS CFD LABORATORY. https://peaceanddisarmamentmcgill.wordpress.com/cfd/

CFD receives funding from Bombardier and Bell Textron, which are involved in war production. Obama used these weapons for targeting assassinations in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. 

Demilitarize McGill stated that simulation software FENSAP-ICE was sold to Lockheed Martin in the early 2000s through a company owned and operated by the lab’s director. Lockheed Martin used the technology for the F-35 fighter jet. 


McGill’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering collaborated on missile guidance systems with Lockheed Martin, DRDC, and military researchers in Israel from 1999 to 2010 on projects such as “Decision Aids for Airborne Surveillance”, “guidance laws for the stabilization of missile trajectories”, “lethality and lethal radiuses to determine how many were killed by missile strikes”, “track or detect methods in tracking low-observable targets”, and “problems of detecting multiple targets”. 

Lockheed Martin, and. McGill researchers are often private partner. They sell at least 21 distinct guided missile products – including the shoulder fired Javelin and air-to-ground Hellfire. The US and its allies use guided missiles developed by Lockheed Martin in such military campaigns as Iraq and Afghanistan. US military uses Hellfire missiles from Predator drones to deliver thermobaric payload targets.


The McGill Dept. of Mechanical Engineering’s Shock Wave Physics Group is the longest standing military research lab at McGill. Particularly air-breathing propulsion for hypersonic weapons and thermobaric explosives. This is a system for propelling aircraft and missiles through continuous intake of air from the atmosphere during flight and composition creates combustion when the air reacts with the fuel. 

McGill’s military-related research collaborate with DRDC’s Valcartier Research Centre on “solid fuel projectiles with long-range, shorter time-to-target and increased kinetic energy  for higher kill probability. This is part of the US development of Prompt Global Strike. This gives the US military the capability to strike anywhere in the world with a non-nuclear weapon within one hour of permission to launch.

What strikes us is that if we look at all military expenditures all legitimate needs of human kind are ignored. Instead the expenditure is on military whose major aim is to kill humanity. University students do not know what their academics are doing.  

Buffy Sainte Marie agrees that we have to stop greed, corporate laws and fear from running and ruining the world. 

“He’s five foot-two and he’s six feet-four. He fights with missiles and with spears. He’s all of 31 and he’s only 17. Been a soldier for a thousand years. He’a a Catholic, a Hindu, an Atheist, a Jain. A Buddhist, and a Baptist, and a Jew. And he knows he shouldn’t kill. And he knows he always will. Kill you for me, my friend, and me for you. And he’s fighting for Canada. He’s fighting for France. He’s fighting for the U.S.A. And he’s fighting for the Russians. And he’s fighting for Japan. And he thinks we’ll put an end to war this way. And he’s fighting for Democracy. He’s fighting for the Reds. He says it’s for the peace of all. He’s the one who must decide, Who’s to live and who’s to die. And he never sees the writing on the wall. But without him How would Hitler have condemned them at Labau? Without him Caesar would have stood alone. He’s the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war. And without him all this killing can’t go on. He’s the Universal Soldier and he really is to blame. His orders come from far away no more. They come from here and there and you and me. And brothers, can’t you see? This is not the way we put the end to war”

Buffy Sainte-Marie - Universal Soldier



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Ed. kahentinetha2@protonmail.com



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MNN. Sep.22,  2023. Does killing one group have to do with the relationship between the individual and the state? The state says this is the group for you to hate and this is how we deal with them. The citizens are the instruments of the state. When the state no longer has power or loses an election, how do they continue to undermine these targets. Who carries on the violence that was designed by the state for them? It is important to think about what the state is allowing its citizens to do with impunity when they vote them into office.  

The ruthless hatred of the indigenous becomes state doctrine. We were driven off our land and not accepted in their society. Many anti-indigenous laws were passed.  We were systematically  excluded, stigmatized, humiliated and killed.

Mass murder was one of the first steps. It was between us and them. We were studied and analyzed to find our “weaknesses”. It was a public policy process. Then it became a secret while the genocide was being carried out. They are “them” and we are the ‘others’. We are defined as different and treated different. This makes them willing to treat us different while the rest look away. That’s the basis of carrying out mass murders.  

In the beginning the whites were given permits to attack us, kill us, take our property and hide our bodies. They gathered us up and murdered us. It became routine. Then they built their houses, towns and cities on top of us. 


Mass murders were committed by thinking people. Not machines. They understand what they are doing. The perpetrators plan it for the rest of their society. For example, some would only kill the children who would die if they did not have their parents. So it was not blind obedience. It was by choice. They saw themselves as morally righteous. They reasoned that if the children grew up and learned what was done to the indigenous people, we would become enemies of their state. So there had to be no memories. To them killing a human being was reasonable. We were considered non-human and expendable and were hunted down.

What will happen to Canadians when they lose their power? They did not think it was wrong to kill us. 

There were those who easily learned to kill human beings and hide their crime, which they did not think was a crime. Some enjoyed torturing the victims which they still do today. [Joyce Echequan, St. Jovite]. There were the passive ones who did what they were told to do. And the objectors who tried to object, but could not find fault with not killing the indigenous people and so they helped carry out the murders. 


The killers did not have to be brainwashed by indoctrination, or fascism to become prolific killers. They would shoot their own mother or sister if they were ordered to.  We think they should not be allowed to walk free, but Canadian society gives  them a free pass.

Today Canadians and Americans want to forget and walk away with an “I’m sorry”.  How many invaders were involved and benefitted from these mass murders? Who was and is still behind it? In the US there are 340 million foreign citizens and in Canada 40 million more who all benefit from this genocide. The false concept of private property originated from the “Doctrine of Discovery”, which is legal fiction. There is lack of will to punish them. They keep on doing the dirty work for the state. The state passed laws to allow genocide, which are still on the books. Genocide is not illegal. Millions killed us and don’t realize how it was carefully planned and carried out.  

If you were ordered to kill, can you refrain? Such crimes against humanity must be stopped and cannot be repeated. 

Canada and US are cowards and frauds. They did not conquer us. They came here to run away from tyranny in Europe to come here and run their own tyranny. They killed our children without any empathy or due process to get rid of us all. There is no reason in the universe to kill children.  There is no statute of limitations on murder. Somebody paid to carry it out and somebody benefitted.  It was the government and its people. The same government that wants to “whitenize” us. They did it without any qualms whatsoever. They wanted to live on our land without us!

We were murdered.  It was government planned, lead and endorsed. And Canadians vote for them to continue it.  Canadians have never been asked if they agree with their governing structure.

It was quite the plan. Rez schools were in remote areas. They were concentration camps burying little children in their midst away from prying eyes. Most Canadians didn’t know what was going on by design. The children were abused and then disappeared. But their spirits will remain and direct the karma.  

 As slide master, Ry Cooder, suggests: “Now the prodigal was a forward child. His mind was not to obey. But after he left his father’s house, he thought he had gone astray.  I believe, I believe, I believe that I will go back home. . . ” 

[Now, the prodigal son was a forward child, his mind was not to obeyBut after he left his father’s house he thought he had gone astray
That’s why I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeWell, I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd be a servant of the Lord
Now, his father saw him coming he met him with a smileHe threw his arms around him, saying, “This is my darling child”
Now, I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeWell, I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd be a servant of the Lord
The father asked the prodigal“Son, why you been gone so long?Well, did you so love the world and forget your happy home”
The prodigal said, “I searched for true religionBut no faith and no peace could I findUntil I came to a little place called Bakersfield, that eased my troublin’ mind”
That’s why I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeWell, I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd be a servant of the Lord (well I)
I wandered into a tavern where a music band was playin’Now, the steel guitar rang out so sweet, I feel that I was prayin’And I asked a comely waitress, is this a new teachingYeah, she said there is no God but God, and Ralph Mooney is his nameI said, let me empty your ashtray, Mr. MooneyAnd if the drunks interfere I’ll be sadBut just as long as you sit there on the bandstandAnd play your guitar like Buddha, I’ll be gladThe father asked the prodigal,Did you smell the sweet perfume and hear the angel band?He said, dim lights, thick smoke, and loud, loud musicIs the only kind of truth I’ll ever understand
I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeWell, I believe that, I believe that I will go back homeAnd be a servant of the Lord
I believe this, I believe that I will, yes I believe . . .]




box 991-kahnawake-que-canada.J0L1B0 kahentinetha2@protonmail.com