Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News




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MNN: 20 Jan. 2020. Note. The black serpent is the Corporation. Today one has fled turtle island with the booty so he could not be served with warrants for his criminality. The other rich and famous black serpents are staying behind conducting a ceremony [Inauguration] to divert the attention of the world of their atrocities. These vultures are staying behind to fight over the spoils and ‘clean the bones’.  In the meantime the rest of us are imprisoned in our rooms and can’t have visitors. With Trump’s world collapsing around him, he might find solace, asylum and comfort in Russia. 



19 Dec. 2011.  Because we aren’t like the colonial invaders, how many thought we were crazy?  They tried to make us imitate and look like them.  We’re not taking it anymore!  Look what’s happening.


The US and European economies are falling like the WTC.   

European Union EU is a non-military empire, run by the IMF, EU and Central Bank.  Spain, Greece, Portugal and Ireland are staying in the EU prison, to help tear it down from inside. 

The US was never going to be an empire.  Their job was to create wars for the bankers.

Millions of US rulers and their middle class agents are fleeing Great Turtle Island with the cashbox that contains the country’s resources and riches, to deposit into the City of London [central bank].

Political, financial and crime bosses will follow the money.  Those left behind will suffer without leaders to tell them what to do.  They will tear the US apart from within.  

Technology is creating fabricated information leading to decisions full of error.    

Government wages unending war on innocent foreigners and now there’s payback on their own people.  The masses are being threatened with austerity, fuel blockages, riot police, checkpoints, drones, limited mobility, an economic collapse, draconian controls, health emergencies, no political and legal order, starvation and death.Their moral compass is based on property, thrill seeking, addiction and kleptomania.  Their politicians and CEOs steal millions, so they emulate them.  


President Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act to bring in martial law.  Any US citizen can be arrested and detained without any criminal charges.  50 FEMA camps are ready to accept prisoners.  Millions of family-size plastic coffins await. 

The ex-pats are moving to Australia, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, South Africa, Spain, Brazil, Czechoslavakia, Thailand, Buenos Aires and Argentina, where English is spoken.  Japan, France, Italy and UK are out.  Too expensive.  

Americans can’t easily learn other languages.  These unilingualists can’t see the perceptions of others.   

Their brain patterns are being technologically altered to numb the creative side.  Their culture short circuits their thinking, causing a bipolar like behavior.  They fantasize and blind themselves to reality. 


The Western mind has been conditioned to be weak, shallow, blood thirsty and guiltless.  They suffer from anxiety and depend on medications.  Pharmaceuticals create diseases and addictive poison cures. 

Their artists are like Indigenous whose intuition and intellect work together to see reality. Many scientists and artists are politically persecuted or murdered.  They could have been the voice of truth. 

Information at the top of the pyramid will always be incomplete.  Voices below are varied, as they should be, with more insights.  The rulers are confused and have lost control of the masses.   

The old Soviet Union locked away its critics.  The United States expels them. Blacklists and restricted employment often work as effectively as the Soviet gulag system. 

We indigenous are staying out of their way but won’t let them trample us. 

We don’t have technology.  Yet our way is infiltrating their system.

In the song, London Bridge, “Take the key and lock them up, lock them up, lock them up.  Take the key and lock them up, my fair lady”.  Remember, nothing artificial can last.  Nature tears down all walls [the water].

Sam Cooke said it well: “A change is gonna come”. Watch his great video.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to  More stories at MNN archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0





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MNN. Jan. 18, 2021. A few American ignoramuses are deciding the world’s fate.  The other countries seem scared to say something. Looks like they’re not stopping the US from plundering the world and enriching the corporations. The US is falling apart. Their Infrastructure is decaying. Their Brainwashing system is broken down. They’re attacking China to scare and control Asia. The put sanctions on anybody doing business they are not apart. They withdrew from all kinds of trade agreements.

Nobody knows what to do.

The problem is the two party system where one side wins and the other side loses so the people and the world can be scammed. 

The media says that democracy is now reborn because the new politicians are in charge and everything will be alright. We indigenous have waited for hundreds of years for that so-called “civilization” that the invaders supposedly brought here. It still hasn’t arrived. The 51% majority system is not democracy. It’s corporatism. We tried to teach them. When the losers of an election resort to violence, it shows the frailty of the system they follow. People are rebelling against global capitalism that will censor dissent, ban protests and enslave the world.

PEOPLE WANTED TO LOOK BEHIND WHAT IS BEHIND THE CURTAIN TO SEE WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON. [Jan. 6, 2021 | Washington, D.C. | Supporters of President Trump climb the west wall of the the U.S. Capitol.]

 It is the survival of the fittest which is the 1% of all the people who have all the money. 

This is the NEW NORMAL OF HATRED or TOTALITARIANISM. Fanaticists showed up at the alter in the cathedral [Capital Hill], because they wanted to start the real revolution. It looked more like the US is heading towards a national nervous breakdown. The rioters broke into the sacred home of the thieves who stole our property. Some protesters were picked and marched away to some secret place. We wonder if it’s the same tunnels where they take our missing and murdered women and children never to be seen again. The attackers are the citizens of the thieves. They saw themselves as the heroes. In “1984” the people were given two minutes a week to express their imbedded hatred created by big brother. They are self righteous about the theft and genocide they committed.  

Who are these enemies? As George Bush said, “Bring it on”. Then he told everybody to go shopping. The corporate media said Trump was a racist, traitor, anti-semite, conspiracy theorist, far right extremist, and wants another civil war. The media generated ‘anti trump’ fest is over. The reset is to sit at home masked, surfing the interweb. Wash your hands. Obey the curfew or be fined, jailed, va ccinated or killed. 

They have not looked in their own back yard. The answers are there. The Indigenous people of turtle island can remind them about the great peace and two row as the only way to survive. The US is falling apart because they divided and rejected the original principles of the constitution based on the kaianerekowa, great peace of the iera’kwa [Iroquois].

The alien invaders to turtle island are hated and looked down upon by all the people they have wronged. They are now humiliated and made to feel powerless. This hatred and greed will make them organize their rage in a destructive way. Military, big tech and mainstream media are government enforcers. They are against anything that gets in the way of owistah, [the dollar] a mental disease that prevents us of becoming of one mind. The first symptom is being controlled by money and their need to silence or crush anyone who gets in their way.  

Kruschev of Russia told the world in the early 1960’s at the UN that the United States would be destroyed from within.

THE BILL OF DON’TS. Don’t say what they don’t want to hear. Don’t gather where they don’t allow you. Don’t petition your grievances. Don’t own weapons. Don’t defend yourself. Don’t mention your right to privacy.  Don’t stop their surveillance. You must give them all information about yourself. Don’t confront or question witnesses against you. Don’t have people defend you. No hate speech. No due process. No rule of law. Your feelings don’t count. Don’t complain about oppression, fascism or patriarchy. Don’t object or you will be cancelled. Don’t question election systems or results. Only the authority has the right to inflict pain on you to keep their power.

Their only right is to vote for a candidate that belongs to a private political party. They give the party their voice and all their rights and their vote is meaningless. The 76 million who voted for Trump are voiceless. The native system requires 100% concensus on an issue. 

Disturbed got it right in the song “land of Confusion”: “I must’ve dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They’re moving into the street (into the street [4x])

Total confusion [2x]


Did you read the news today?
They say the danger’s gone away
But I can see the fire’s still alight
There burning into the night”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to sign up go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


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MNN. SEPT. 11, 2018. Yes, we pushed this case for over 21 years. 
In the case of Jones et al. v. Parmley, et al, No. 17-928, the sovereign Onondaga 15 of the rotinoshonni, Iroquois Confederacy, are instituting proceedings in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, against the United States and its justice system. It is pursuant to Article 45 of the Rules of Court. It will be filed in the registry of the Court in September 2018. 

For us, jurisdiction and sovereignty are based on the kaianerekowa, the law of turtle island, which supercedes the United States court system.  

We, the Onondaga 15, request The International Court of Justice at The Hague to review the injustice of the United States court system in this 20 year old case. The Onondaga 15 have proven they can get no justice in the United States court system. Only the kaianerekowa, great law, can provide justice.  


We know when something is wrong. Each of us sovereign onkwehonweh’onwe, the people of the land forever, make this Application to this Court based upon nature. We are as one with nature and guided by the truth found in the great law. Our experience proves that the US constitution does not provide justice through its court system.  

In this corporate created court, the man-made rules are manipulated so that the corporate court always wins and the rest lose, no matter how just is their case. 

The World Court has to be careful on this issue because their man-made rules could be in conflict with the natural law of the land. Natural law provides natural justice. The World Court purports to provide this. Our great law does provide it. 

None of us is a part of the corporate Statute of the International Court of Justice. We do not deliberately or knowingly join anything artificial or unnatural, like a corporation. We are created as one with all natural life. The United Nations purports to support us in being naturally sovereign through Articles 3, 4, 18, 33, and 40 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Self-determination for all life comes from nature. We are all naturally sovereign. The World Court existing only through artificial man-made rules, has been set up as the last avenue for justice in the corporate judicial system that permeates the world. The corporate buck stops at the World Court. But true justice will only be found in nature. 

Today we consent to this Court’s limited jurisdiction to hear this case pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 5 of the Rules of Court. All natural life is sovereign. We seek justice by presenting this Application with our signs, pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court.

We sovereign onkwehonweh act without agents as we are from the natural world. States are corporations that exist through unnatural man made fictional rules. They require corporate agents to exist in this Court to make final decisions on matters that come before them.  In Article 38, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court, the agent must be authenticated by this Court to act for states that do not naturally exist. The United States is comprised of settlers who invaded our land, turtle island, which cannot be ceded by humanity. The United States makes existence of nature and natural people difficult and almost impossible. See Tekarontake’s words that explain this. 

Hey, NYS Indian Detail and US court system, you should not have done this to us:

Our existence is instilled in us through oral history placed on wampums and in our memory. kaianerekowa, the great peace, is the inherent tewetatawi, how we are to carry ourselves on turtle island and throughout our existence. The natural world creates the path by which we are to live. Our songs, ceremonies, stories and creation tie us to natural life and forces of our mother earth. 

The International Court of Justice protects the predatory system that attempts to rule the World by force. We natural people are imprisoned and controlled by the current corporate system, which has denied us justice for over 20 years in this case. 

According to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, and Articles 38 and 45 of the Rules of Court, each of the 15 sovereign Applicants submit this Application Instituting Proceedings. Jurisdiction of the Court is found in Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice which provides: 

“The jurisdiction of the Court comprises all cases which the parties refer to it and all matters specially provided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force.” 

“Justice” purports to be the cornerstone of the foundation of the Charter of the United Nations in protecting human rights for everyone worldwide. In this case, despite “Equal Justice Under Law” written above the entrance of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, we sovereign onkwehonweh have suffered “injustice” in the United States court system. Historically this system has been violently imposed and maintained on us and our land. Having been treated unjustly throughout the court system, we come to the World Court seeking “justice” through the Charter of the United Nations, and through the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples set forth in Annex 6 here, and pursuant to Articles 33 and 40 through 46 of its Rules of Court. 

Regarding the procedure of the Court, the following comment is instructive from the treatise entitled “The Statute of the International Court of Justice, A Commentary [Second Edition], edited by Andreas Zimmermann, Christian Tomuschat, Karin Oellers-Frahm, Christian J. Tams, Assistant Editor Maral Kashgar, and Assistant Editor David Diehl [Oxford University Press] (2012), at page 1092:

When dealing with Art. 43 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice; “The procedure shall consist of two parts: written [memorials through the Registrar] and oral”], it should not be underestimated that all procedure before the Court is dominated by the fact that the litigants are sovereign states that do not lightly accept outside interference in their affairs, especially when that interference touches upon major, if not vital interest of theirs. Questions of procedure before the Court therefore, by definition, cannot be approached on the same basis as litigation before even the highest domestic court.

In the World Court substance controls procedure. We the natural people are the substance and have the winning hand, nature, which always beats the house of procedure. The only way to deactivate our winning hand is to not let us play it in their man-made control system. We ask the World Court to fairly consider our application. 

This Application is endorsed by the sign of each of the Onondaga 15 Applicants, and will be filed with the Registrar, along with a certified copy of the original pursuant to Article 52, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Rules of Court. 

If the World Court denies us justice, we will turn to the great law to provide us true justice. 

A certified copy of this Application will be served on the following: 

The President of the United States, pursuant to the two-row wampum and the Canandaigua Treaty 1794 that the United States signed;

The Supreme Court of the United States;

The United Nations.

After 20 years of injustice in the United States court system, the 15 sovereign onkwehonweh seek justice from the World Court.

September, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

We put our sign to this application: Andrew Jones, Robert E. Bucktooth, Jr., Cheryl Bucktooth, Robert Bucktooth, Debby Jones, Karen Jones, Nikki Jones, Karoniakata Jones, Shawn Jones, kahentinetha, Dyhyneyyks,  Tekarontakeh, Ross John, Ronald Jones, Jr., Nadine O’Field/Ganonhweih, aka Nadine Bucktooth.

Disturbed sings about the land of confusion that faces us and that we have to all make right: “This is the world we live in. And these are the hands we’re given. Use them and let’s start trying To make it a place worth living in. II remember long ago When the sun was shining And all the stars were bright all through the night. In the wake up this madness, as I held you tight So long ago. I won’t be coming home tonight. My generation will put it right. We’re not just making promises That we know we’ll never keep.” Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page. Trans mountain pipeline dumped 

Coffee with my ma. Bussing to Ottawa

Remember Innu singers Kashtin in the early 1990s