MNN. Oct. 20, 2022.

We are due in quebec superior court at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 for our attempt to get an injunction to stop the excavation of McGill’s Allen Memorial Institute and other areas of tionni tiotialkon and tekanontak, now called Mount Royal, where there are serious suspicions of unmarked graves of our indigenous children. 

This is a book about Louis Karonhiaktajeh Hall of Kahnawake and other areas of kanienkehaka’onwe. Niawen’kowa.  


The Mohawk Warrior Society: Round Table and Book Launch







MNN. Oct. 16, 2022. Sego. This is an important notice regarding the solidarity actions with the Mohawk Mothers that happened this week and the demonstration tomorrow. We knew nothing about this. 

The SQI has written to the Judge reporting that the offices of Arkéos were vandalized this week by people claiming to act on behalf of the Mohawk Mothers.

We are being held accountable legally of all such actions at this time, as the opponents are trying to construe us as criminals before the Judge with less than two weeks remaining before the hearing at the court on October 26, 2022.

As the plaintiffs in this matter we are being falsely considered as prime suspects in organizing these actions, thus risking police searches and prosecution, even though we have absolutely nothing to do with any of this. We remain in Kahnawake and work full time on court matters. We were not even aware that a demo was being organized. We greatly appreciate tokens of solidarity and demonstrations, but we ask you to be mindful of the dire legal repercussions for us, and the high risk of jeopardizing all the work we have invested for more than one year to obtain an injunction, which could be ruined, as well as the hope of our families to know the truth and get justice.

We invite you to consult our statements on Mohawk Nation News since last November 2021 to understand our position of peace and respect. We remind you all that skennen, peace, is one of the three pillars of the Kaianerehkowa (Great Peace), which has been and remains the way of Anowarakeh (Turtle Island) since time immemorial. It would harm us a lot if anyone was hurt, because our one and only objective as onkwehonwe and kahnistensera is to caretake the land and find our children in accordance with the Kaianerehkowa Kanien’keha:ka




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MNN. 11, 2021. Two Members of Parliament, Mumilaaq Qaqqaq and Charlie Angus, are being set up to make it look as if we are going to get justice. They call for a criminal Investigation into genocide and murders of Indigenous People. They ask Justice Minister David Lametti to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate their own murders of our children in over 158 former residential schools and health centers across the country. We want an independant investigation under our jurisdiction. The Crown and Canada want to control the information and to protect themselves, the authorities, bureaucrats, priests, teachers, nuns. RCMP and staff who were hired to kill off the indigenous population. Meantime Canada and the churches are busy destroying documents and evidence and trying to stop us from our own investigation.

The government wants to control crime scenes and keep us out of accessing the information. It is another layer of their coverup.

Now the bodies of thousands of children in unmarked graves are coming to the surface to expose their big secret. All Canadiens benefit from the crime. We want to investigate these cold blooded killers ourselves under our laws and to be provided with the technical assistance we ask for.  

Another big secret is they are trying to protect the GDP, the “Gross Domestic Product”, which is the total value of  Canada. This includes using all the assets of turtle island, for a total of $1.736 trillion USD 2019. All “assets” of the corporation of Canada is the INDIAN TRUST FUND. Once Canada, a resource extraction company, dissolves, all assets will go to the indigenous caretakers and the canadien squatters will have to leave

All municipal, provincial and federal appointees who have sworn an allegiance to the Crown are guilty of complicity in genocide, including Apaqaaq and Angus. They swear “to be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors and her corporations”. They swear to reveal no secrets about the land called Canada.  

Canada says to us., “Hold it, survivors of our murder spree. We are going to do the investigation of our horrific murders ourselves. Give us everything you have found. We’ll hide it so you can’t try us!”. The cops went to the homes, grabbed our children, who ended up in the unmarked graves. Everyone that had any contact with the child is complicit in the crimes. The murderers want to cover it up so that no one will be charged and evidence will be destroyed, as was demonstrated in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. According to Canada’s 100 year plan, they want to extinguish us by 2024, so Canada can continue the illusion of being a legal country. 

Both Canada and US are not sovereign. Only the indigenous people who exist here are 100% sovereign. All exploitation of our assets will have to stop immediately. All world trade will have to be negotiated with the indigenous people as everything on turtle island is indigenous assets. Everybody will have to live by the great peace.

Why is an inuit woman making this proposal? So it will look like the indigenous people are in charge of this investigation. Canadiens benefitting from these murders and genocide cannot sit in judgment. If kaianerekowa, the great peace, finds Canada and its subjects guilty of murder and genocide, the penalty is dissolution and banishment from turtle island forever. When the world court investigates, the corporation of Canada will be dissolved. The band councils are canadiens, who swore an oath to the Queen. They are part of the problem and will never be the solution.   

The criminals call turtle island “crown land”. Which was created from a Papal Bull 300 years before knowing about turtle island. Their whole legal system is based on this fiction. Therefore, they cannot investigate themselves. We can prove every part of turtle island is ours since time immemorial. The veil of foreign names atop turtle island does not hide the theft by the invaders. They can’t have any claim to the land of our unborn children. 

There are no deeds that show legitimate conveyance or transfer or sale of any part of turtle land to anybody, because we are each sovereign, tewatatewennio, and co-caretakers of all of turtle island. Every inch of turtle island has a native name.  

It’s time for a revolution by the people of Canada, unless they want to continue to be part of the conspiracy to steal our land and kill us. 

The non-admiralty dispute resolution court set up in 1903 by Czar Nicholas of Russia, signed by every nation in the world, can now be shown the evidence of the biggest holocaust in humanity, of 150 million indigenous peoples from pole to pole, ocean to ocean.  

The band council 1re agents of the murderers, Canada. According to the teiohateh two row they are no longer indigenous. They left the canoe [turtle island] and joined the ship of the invaders.


Canada puts inuit women in key positions as if they represent us. Like the Nazis, Canada is trying to destroy the evidence of the murders by using these women. 

The Five Man Electric Band sings about the signs that cover the beautiful natural world: And the sign said “Long-haired freaky people need not apply.
So I tucked my hair up under my hat And I went in to ask him why. He said “You look like a fine upstanding young man. I think you’ll do.So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that, Huh! Me working for you!”Whoa-oh-oh. [Chorus] Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blockin’ out the scenery. Breakin’ out my mind. Do this, don’t do that. Can’t you read the sign?“ 

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0




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MNN. July 26, 2021. There are allegations from a survivor, Ann Diamond, of unmarked graves behind the Allan Memorial Hospital of McGill University, on the south slope of Mount Royal. “These unmarked graves are a big secret. There has been no physical proof that kids are buried there, but some would have been native kids in Dr. Ewen Cameron’s experiments between 1953 and 1964. Between 17 and 25 children are buried there”. The higher learning schools with the intellectual geniuses were brought in to help design the premeditated genocide horror. One aspect was to ensure that protesters are silenced. 

McGill has been destroying records, evidence and making sure that witnesses and survivors stay silent. McGill has always forbidden any archaeological digging on its site which is an original large rotinoshonni Mohawk village that was never ceded, sold or transferred.

Covert operations under the direction of the Vatican and Great Britain directed McGill University to carry out mind altering experiments geared to genociding our culture and to think like white people. 

Psychiatric hospitals such as Allan Memorial are an extension of the residential schools genocide program and vice versa.   

CHIEF SEATTLE said to the white men: “Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. The very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than to yours because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors and our feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirit. And when the last red man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the white men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children’s children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled and still love this beautiful land. The white man will never be alone”.

“Let him be just and kindly with my people. For the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds”.

Those are our ancestors and they are not dead.

Our spirit comes from nature and continues until the end of time. We hear these children in the unmarked graves. 

Canada’s problem is whatever wealth that the corporation claims, it all belongs to the unborn indigenous faces yet to come which we will protect. That’s why Canada tried to stop our blood from continuing through murder, sterilization and genocide. These Frankensteins wanted to erase our brain and replace it with an obedient limited functioning white brain. The rebellious were murdered. 


Experiments were being done on indigenous children from the late 1800’s when Indian residential death camps were first established up to the present time.  

Immediately after WW II the Board of Governors of McGill University brought in 700 German top scientists, while 3000 were sent into the United States via “Operation Paperclip”. They were all part of the MKULTRA mind control program of the MI5/CIA/CSIS. They were given new identities, names and top jobs. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron conducted experiments at Allan Memorial to change memories and erase the patients’ thoughts using “psychic driving”, drug-induced sleep, electroconvulsive therapy, sensory deprivation, lobotomies and mind control drugs. These criminal actions were secretly conducted on defenceless people and children without their consent or knowledge. We demand all files be opened to the public and a thorough investigation of each conducted by us. 

The “100 year business plan” of murder and genocide became law when the Indian Lands Acts were passed on October 25, 1924. The military set up POW death camps called ‘reservations’. Over 158 residential schools were built with Indian Trust Funds [374 schools in the United States] to extinguish our children. ‘Health’ units like Allan Memorial were established throughout Canada to experiment on our children. Many perished.

Original chiefs and clan mothers were murdered in front of the people and the puppet tribal and band councils were installed by military force. Their main purpose was and continues to be to help annihilate our people and sign away our land so Canada can become a country without ‘Indians’. The first band councillors were WW I returning native soldiers. The current Minister of Indian Affairs, Marc Miller, is a former military commander who is in the reserves.

The Vatican ‘owns’ the Crown that took illegal possession of turtle island. Churches are all registered corporations with the Vatican and pay no taxes to the people. The priests are the original intelligence agents through the confessional system. The band councils carry out the genocide as mapped out by Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister of Indian Affairs Mark Miller and the McGill Board of Governors know about these criminally insane psychiatric facilities they help to enable.

The Indian Trust Fund was confiscated by Canada by making us into ‘wards’ of the state. There was never a legal war with us and therefore never a surrender. The entire value of Canada is the Indian Trust Fund which is in the hundreds of trillions. In 1850 McGill, which squats on Mohawk land, “borrowed” from the Iroquois Trust Funds to construct the university, which was never paid back. A thorough criminal investigation of each member of the McGill Board of Governors for theft and murders of our children must be carried out under our law, the kaianerekowa. We have ancient allies who know our truth. [see report below].The alumni are part of the horror for turning their backs.

McGill admits to being on Mohawk kanienkehaka land and constructing it with stolen Iroquois trust funds. We assert our right to do a thorough investigation of the crimes. We demand explanations of all the unmarked graves in and around McGill.

158 residential schools and at least 158 universities studied the ‘science’ of genocide.

We are using our own initiative and funds to investigate the graves. At the finding of unmarked graves behind Indian residential schools by the people, the government suddenly offered millions of dollars to the band council to do the excavation. Of course, the band councils took credit for the initiative and pocketed the money.

Regarding Indian day schools class action suit, lawyers Gowling WLG represented both sides, the former students and the perpetrators, Canada. Canada plead guilty to 12 charges. Yet Gowling worked the case so their other client, Canada, did not stand trial and paid as little as possible to their victims. Gowling WLG pocketed $55 million and Deloitte received $44 million for writing the cheques. All of their institutions are corrupt because they are based on a lie. Everything based on a lie, no matter how many lies, and how much times they lie, will always be a lie.

In a time of disorderly confusion, Governor General Mary Simon, represents the Queen who is a shareholder of the Crown that fraudulently owns all of turtle island. In effect, Trudeau admits they are on the unceded land of the onkwehonweh, the “past, present and future caretakers” of the land. On July 26, 2021, Mary Simon swore that she would be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors. So help her god. She is now Commander in Chief of the military which is part of the system of genocide. She vows to protect the genociders. Once again she does not include over 99% of us true original indigenous people who do not recognize the Queen or Canada. She supports reconciliation only with the corporate First Nations, Metis and Inuit.  She jumps from the kayak onto the ship to help our enemies commit ‘the final solution to the Indian problem’, as depicted by the Beatles in ‘Helter Skelter”:

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0