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MNN. Nov. 8, 2018. Oren Lyons is the worst traitor of all onkwehonweh. In 1996 before the New York State attack of the native people on May 18, 1997, Esther Sundown, an Onondaga of Tonawanda, played a recording of Lyons speaking at a gathering. She was shocked to hear him encourage native people to give up our birthright to turtle island and become corporate Americans. In effect he told the natives to, “Give up your birthright and start becoming Americans”. This is a natural impossibility. It can be done on paper but not genetically.

Oren Lyons is a longtime agent for the foreign intruders calling themselves the U.S government, that push the genocide program. He has fooled many. But not all. He made our people desperate if we maintained our true natural selves. On Nov. 5, he told us to vote in the foreign election. Only corporate citizen slaves can vote in an election. He violated the tekeni teiohateh [Two Row] by leaving the canoe and boarding the ship.     


He is not Onondaga, a chief nor a faithkeeper. Just a traitor and an informant for the US to help kill off the original people. Some call him the “Museum Indian” and others “Lying Oren”. Sometimes he calls himself “a runner”, which is a messenger boy for the enemy. He pushes the American way of oppression and lies about us, particularly the rotiskenrakete, the warriors. He falsely accused them of putting a bounty on him. 

The rotiskenrakete and our people knew there would be retribution from his US corporate handlers if the rightful duties of the kaianerekowa [our constitution] to execute him for treason was carried out [tehonwatisokwariton]. They would be called murderers for carrying out a sentence of death, which is the right of any nation in the world for someone who commits treason, conspiracy and espionage.These are his crimes against the rotinoshonni’onwe. 


karonhiaktajeh stated that great people know that arrogance and lies will bring down their people. The Roman Empire, Persians, British and Iroquois Confederacy fell apart because they did not deal with those who committed treason. The worst thing about Oren Lyons is that he knows better. He gives prostitution a bad name. 

Yes, Oren tries to humiliate us because we resisted his efforts to try to help steal our birthright. We stand with creation. Leonard Cohen sings about “betrayal of one’s country, the citizen and family”. 




www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page. 





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MNN. Apr. 19, 2014. O’ien’kwen:ton [hanging tobacco] is an elite part of the Warrior Society [Roti’skennen:kete]. They are also known as the “ghost warriors”. A bundle of fresh tobacco is tied and hung in the dark corners of the longhouse so they will stay green and almost invisible.

O'ien'kwen:ton are trained for special duties.

The men of this society secretly train to be close to the original duties of our ancestors to protect the people according to the Great Law of Peace. They go through rites to develop great mental and physical strength in peacetime and wartime. Only those who have the strength and power are selected to be part of this special elite force. Their bodies are painted in dark colors, red and yellow stripes are marked on their faces and their clothes blend in with the forest. When they are on maneuvers in the wilderness, they are a shadow that cannot be seen nor heard by the enemies.

The war chief notifies the 5 war chiefs of the League to prepare for war & have the men ready for engagement with the enemy of the Great Peace.

The 5 war chiefs prepare for war & have their men ready to fight the enemy of the Great Peace. W79.

They accompany the Ah’sera:kowa, War Chief, to face nations with the message to cease breaking the peace and hurting the people. After being given the message and told the words, the black wampum is dropped in front of enemy.

Black beads is emblem of War Chiefs' authority.

Black beads is the emblem of the War Chiefs’ authority to pursue War in Defense of the Territory.

When they refuse to grab it and it hits the ground, the O’ien’kwen:ton appear out of the shadows, and smash in their heads with the war club. Then war with the Rotino’shonni:onwe begins.

O’ien’kwen:ton are always here in the spirit dimension to assist our men. They visit those who work against natural law. Prime Minister Harper and President Obama should consider well US President Thomas Jefferson’s warning to them:                                                                  “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: his justice cannot sleep forever!”

chief obamaPresident Obama decided rightly to cancel the oil pipeline on Great Turtle Island. We wonder if he will make the right decision to free Leonard Peltier. Enjoy the song while watching this excellent video on how our younger brother, President Obama, came to make the right decision. Video: “Obama convinced to make natural decision on pipeline”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Canada Minister of Finance dies suddenly.       Death of democracy in Canada.