This is a historic Agreement between:

The kanienkehaka kahnistensera of Kahnawake, the Mohawk Mothers,


The Quebec Government, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, McGill University, City of Montreal, Attorney General of Canada and Attorney General of Quebec.


We followed the great peace which is our way since time immemorial. It is the spirit of these children that is making us seek the truth so that we can more clearly see into the future.    

We came to the Montreal Supereior Court with the kaianerekowa to find a way to fsearch for the unmarked graves of our children and families. This is how the kahenkehaka [Mohawk Iroquois] are dealing with the issue of genocide. Our children’s lives were devalued. We are using our natural way, with the women at the helm supported by the men.

There will be justice for all children and families. 

With the other parties we can put the spirits of our children to rest and that the entities that are responsible for their deaths will be held accountable. We will stay focused and continue searching for justice. We assume that all parties before this court and the whole world will join us in this new beginning.

kanienkehaka kahniatensera of kahnawake


Rectified Settlement agreement

Legal Coverage

Falconers LLP

Media Coverage

‘Mohawk Mothers’ reach agreement with McGill to search grounds for unmarked grave | APTN News

As the free wheeling Bob Dylan sings,

“Oh what did you see, my blue eyed son? Oh what did you see, my darling young one? . . . . .  
I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways
I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
I’ve been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard

And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-going to fall

[Verse 2]
Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleeding
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten-thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children MNN Court Reporter

Box 911, kahnawakeh Quebec Canada J0L 1B0






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MNN. Apr. 3. 2023. Canadians are beginning to be haunted by two past issues, murders of indigenous children and their unmarked graves being found. So far many thousands of unmarked graves have been discovered across Canada of children who were taken and disposed of, as well as numbers of children who were sold to colonial settlers for as little as $100. Most bodies are found near the Canadian Government Indian residential schools they were forced to attend. Many were medically experimented upon or died from mistreatment. 

They pretend they do not remember but they do. The children were disposed of in horrific ways.  All the residential school sites are crime scenes. The archives will soon reveal criminal wrongdoing or orchestrated genocide. The Canadian courts, ‘all admiralty’ want to “reconcile” their criminal actions by paying money. Reconciliation is an accounting term. Their main objective is to put a price on an “Indian child” so they can reconcile their registries. The Canadian courts base their whole existence upon “the Doctrine of Discovery” which the Vatican has now recinded.

We all have to look at the truth. When the invaders arrived to onowarekeh, turtle island, they witnessed our happiness. We welcomed them as our younger brothers. They decided they were going to take over the whole family because they thought they were smarter and get away with it. There is no happy ending for us, especially because our story was once so peaceful. We are a people who have a great love for each other and all living things.

We know that on this earth all living things have the same mother, she is the earth. We all have the same source energy as father. That makes us all brothers and sisters who shall survive and coexist on our mother.

Then a time came and most of us died.

They wrote in their laws of Canada that we are subhuman, the same as a bear or a deer, so they can kill us with impunity. Those running the corporation of ‘Canada’ have no moral conscience and take an oath to the emperor at the Vatican through the King of England. They do not take an oath to the people they apparently represent or to the land known they call ‘Canada’. These are the biggest criminals on our land.

The truth has been revealed while those in power turn their back and pretend they do not not see what is upon their shoulders. We have been in survival mode since October 25, 1924, when reserves were established to kill all the Indians.

The real Indian people have a philosophy called ‘karma’ and they say, there is ‘good karma’ and ‘bad karma’. The Canadian colonial society has much bad karma coming their way.

We are now opening all the boxes of secrets about the dissection and dismemberment of our most precicous children. We will once again know the happy life our grandchildren’s grandchildren deserve til infinity. Today we are going to start to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. Canadians, you will soon be facing more and more of the people you oppressed.

Because you put your private corporation on stolen land and murdered our people Canadians are stateless. We have stopped running away from you. Canada is coming to an end. We will be grateful when we are free. The compass on what we are going to do is in our minds. We are imagining who we are. We will live with creation as we were intended.

The sweet Sarah Maclachan surrenders to the unknown:

It doesn’t mean much

It doesn’t mean anything at all
The life I’ve left behind me is a cold room

I’ve crossed the last line
From where I can’t return
Where every step I took in faith betrayed me
And led me from my home

And sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give

Take me in, no question’s asked
You strip away the ugliness that surrounds me
(Who are you?)
Are you an angel?

Am I already that gone?
I only hope that I won’t disappoint you
When I’m down here on my knees
(Who are you?)

And sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
(Who are you?)

And sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give

Don’t understand
The touch of your hand
I would be the one to fall
I miss the little things
I miss everything about you. . . . .


Sweet Surrender



L Lots is happening and we need basic information.
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The Pope announced that the Doctrine of Discovery has been recinded. He acknowledges and affirms the genocide happened in Canada. Canada supports the Pope’s comments through Sections 35 and 52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 that the kaianerekowa is the law of the land and and that all Canadian laws are “null and void”. This is at odds with the enforcement of the “Indian Lands Act” and the “Indian ACT. The illegitimate government of Canada has plead guilty to all the genocide, i.e. residential schools, land theft, destruction and rape of our mother, ad nauseum. 
We were always a natural part of turtle island. We have been blocked from taking care of our mother. The Doctrine underlies all the land transactions throughout Canada. It lead to the increased wealth and power of Europe which was the foundation for the industrial revolution, increased globalization, capitalism and neo capitalism. The colonial power Canada is Corporation # ISO CA 3166-1 registered in the Vatican, as are all corporations, based on the fraudulent Doctrine of Discovery.  Indian Affairs is a department of the army and the war will never end until the military government of Canada is neutralized. Canada is a corporation owned by a few banking families that claim to own every municipality throughout turtle island and through the birth certificates of every child born in Canada.  
The greatest form of slavery is when the slaves believe they are free. 500 plus reserves were created as prisoner of war camps on October 25, 1924 [Indian Lands Acts]. The end of the 100 year plan of our demise is now over! We will be free and Canada will be dissolved. Canada is a corporate operation masquerading as a country. The Montevideo Convention of 1932 sets out the criteria for a true country, which must have its own language, culture and land. Canada has none of these. They’ve here to exploit all our natural resources. 
All these criminals and their families who take oaths to the King of England must be immediately arrested and excommunicated from our land. We never invited them here. All immigrants must ask us for our permission to come here and live amongst us under the law of the land, as caretakers of all of turtle island for future generations through nature, truth and justice. The multi generational invaders can never become indigenous to this land they call Canada.  They must adhere to the indigenous law of peace.   
The kaianerekowa is the law of the land. The usurpers rely on the law of the water, Admiralty laws. All courts in Canada are private corporations under Admiralty law.of the seas.  
KAIANEREKOWA WILL NEVER RECOGNIZE CANADA. This law has been applied in Canada militarily to hold indigenous people in place and forcefully assert their admiralty jurisdiction on us so the Crown can plunder our resources.   
THEY NEED TO HALT THEIR ECOCIDAL ASSAULT ON OUR MOTHER EARTH NOW! Canada is going to be accountable for the crime of genocide. In other words, Canada is an illegal entity that is based on genocide and theft and the penalty must be dissolution of Canada. Our planned celebration of the end of Canada will be  October 25, 2024, exactly 100 years after the Minister of Indian Affairs proclaimed the “100 Year Plan to be Rid of the Indian Problem”. Germany and the world did not reconcile with the Nazis.  Kaianerekowa can never reconcile with genocide. 
These are truths. Canada must account for these truths. 
Donavan sings about the first land out of the water, onowarekeh, turtle island. and the first humans to come on the earth, us.   
The continent of Atlantis was an island
Which lay before the great flood
In the area we now call the Atlantic Ocean.
So great an area of land,
That from her western shores
Those beautiful sailors journeyed
To the South and the North Americas with ease,
In their ships with painted sails.
To the East Africa was a neighbour,
Across a short strait of sea miles.
The great Egyptian age is But a remnant of The Atlantian culture.
…..The antediluvian kings colonised the world
All the Gods who play in the mythological dramas
In all legends from all lands were from far Atlantis. Knowing her fate,
Atlantis sent out ships to all corners of the Earth.
On board were the Twelve:The poet, the physician, The farmer, the scientist,
The magician and the other so-called Gods of our legends.
Though Gods they were –
And as the elders of our time choose to remain blind
Let us rejoice
And let us sing
And dance and ring in the new Hail Atlantis! . . . 



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Feb 1, 2023.



Recently the Kahnistenseras of Kahnawake were invited to Hart House of University of Toronto to speak about current indigenous issues. 

 Globe & Mail 1964 republication  of Feb. 11, 1965. ProQuest Historical Newspapers :Self-Support Indian Goal
























Kahentinetha Horn, a lissum Indian, forecast an Indian in the future of every University of Toronto student who jammed Hart House art gallery yesterday to hear her talk on the arts and culture of contemporary Indians.                                       Miss Horn prophesied that in 35 years, Canada’s Indian population would be 1,800,000 – or roughly one out of every 25 persons. would be an Indian, she said.          “You are the privileged of the privileged”, she told the students. “You are the 82 per cent of the  future leaders of Canada” – I represent the despairing 1 per cent who are multiplying rapidly in Canada. Now is the time you must learn about Indians to help us achieve our main goal.”                                                                        The first goal of Indians is to be able to support themselves, she said.                       On each Wall of Hart House gallery hung paintings by Norval Morrisseau, Ojibway Indian from Beardmore, Ont.  “They conveyed a message of the past”, Miss Horn said.  “Such art flows through the blood of my brothers and sisters – but most of the benefits reaches the white man’s salons?”                                                        While Indian culture certainly encompasses significant art form, the arts of Indians have leaned more to warfare and politics, Miss Horn said.                                “For 20,000 years, the Indians have had a struggle to survive the forces of nature.  The cultural arts come only with leisure –  after survival.” The greats of her ancestors, the Iroquois, were related to politics and warfare. The United Nations concepts are modelled on the Iroquois Confederacy, for example. Their arts of warfare are the reasons the students speak English today instead of French, she said. That’s why you have Prime Minister Pearson as leader instead of President de Gaulle”.                                                                                                        Most Indians, Miss Horn said, are unemployable. “I’m afraid technical sciences will keep Indians unemployable. We haven’t time to think about our arts. We have to keep our people alive. How to keep our women alive, for example, past the age of 45. Why does one out of 10 of our babies die before the age of 4? Don’t ask me why; nobody has ever researched the reason. It’s just a statistic. We need housing, medical care, community planning, training and education. We need an interest in welfare –  there’ll be one of us in thec future for every one of you. 

     Note to readers: The population of indigenous people in Canada today is 1.800,000.  


kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers)

November 14, 2022

Update on next steps – Mohawk Mothers vs SQI et al.

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On Thursday October 27, 2022 at the Quebec Superior Court, Montreal District, the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) made history as Justice Gregory Moore granted an interlocutory injunction to immediately halt “any excavation in furtherance of the redevelopment of the Allan Memorial Institute or the Royal Victoria Hospital” until the parties have completed discussions regarding the best archaeological practices to be used.



This landmark decision was the first time in Canada that self-represented Indigenous people won an injunction without using attorneys and based on their own governance system, the Kaianerehkowa (Great Peace). In court, the Mohawk Mothers were facing numerous adversaries including top lawyers from McGill University, the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures (SQI), the McGill University Health Center (MUHC), the Royal Victoria Hospital, the City of Montreal, the Attorney General of Canada and the Attorney General of Quebec. 


Kimberly Murray, the Independent Special Interlocutor appointed by the Federal government to determine a new legal framework to address the unmarked graves of Indigenous children that are currently found throughout Canada, also joined the case as a “friend of the court”,  represented by lawyers Julian N. Falconer and Daniel Worme.


Justice Moore’s court order was issued on the basis of the plaintiffs’ (Mohawk Mothers) concerns that Indigenous children were used as test subjects in medical experiments at the Royal Victoria Hospital and were buried on the site scheduled to be redeveloped. These concerns were based on both archival evidence and witness accounts, including the first-hand account from Lana Ponting, an 81 year old survivor of the CIA-funded MK-Ultra mind control experiments that took place at the Allan Memorial Institute, the Royal Victoria Hospital and McGill University’s department of psychiatry. In addition, the Mohawk Mothers pleaded that the land is the exact location of the precolonial Iroquoian village of Tekanontak (Mount Royal), and was used as a burial site before the arrival of Europeans, which warrants the necessity of using appropriate archaeological means to preserve the history of Iroquoian peoples.


Throughout the hearing on October 26th and 27th, the defendants and promoters of the redevelopment project used an array of technical and legal arguments that attempted to convey the idea that the plaintiffs were

(i) in the wrong forum to lay their claims as other administrative processes exist for such questions in the province of Québec;

(ii) that the promoters have not broken any laws and are respecting the Quebec Heritage Act, which the plaintiffs ask to be declared unconstitutional at the future merits stage of the court proceedings, because it considers Indigenous heritage as the property of Quebec and does not include any mandatory consultation of Indigenous people regarding their heritage;

(iii) that most of the evidence submitted by the plaintiffs and the Special Interlocutor Murray, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report, was not eligible for technical reasons; and

(iv) that the six plaintiffs did not represent the Mohawk people – which the plaintiffs esteem as there is no “power of attorney” in Indigenous culture, where every individual is free and self-represented.


The Mohawk Mothers emphasized that it is their cultural duty to caretake their traditional territory and the children of past, present and future generations. They also argued that allowing excavation work on the site would cause irreparable harm to their identity, history, and trust as Indigenous people. They also stressed that the situation was urgent because all the other existing means to make their concerns heard were exhausted to no avail. As a matter of fact, the shovels had already broken the ground two days before the hearing with archaeological excavation starting in front of the hospital’s Hersey pavilion – an act which became illegal when the court ruling was issued. 

Justice Moore’s ruling, available online, acknowledged that the balance of convenience favored the plaintiffs, who would “suffer irreparable harm if the excavation work is not suspended for the time it takes to develop an appropriate archaeological plan to identify any unmarked graves”, following the best practices determined by the Canadian Archaeological Association. The ruling thus invited the parties to “speak out of court to settle their differences on an amicable basis”. The promoters were reminded of the Royal Victoria Hospital re-qualification project that the Call to Action 76 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission encourages “public and para-public institutions like McGill University and the SQI” to respect the following guidelines:

“i. the Aboriginal community most affected shall lead the development” of the investigation;

ii. Input must be sought from Survivors and Knowledge Keepers in developing those strategies;

“iii. Aboriginal protocols shall be respected before any invasive technical inspection and investigation of a cemetery site”. The ruling also ordered the defendants to fund the investigation. 


Throughout the next months, the Mohawk Mothers will thus be working on developing an archaeological plan which they will submit to the other parties for review one month before the next case management conference with Justice Moore, in January or February 2023. The plan will follow the best practices determined by the Canadian Archaeological Association for searching unmarked graves, drawing on non-damaging remote-sensing technologies to assess what is under the soil without disturbing the remains, and basing the investigation on archival research and interviews with survivors. Kanien’keha:ka longhouse protocols will be followed throughout the process, which will also involve traditional knowledge keepers from other Indigenous peoples, whose own protocols regarding burial sites must also be respected. The Kahnistensera are looking forward to developing a comprehensive archaeological plan which will do justice to their families, ancestors and to all survivors of colonial violence. 

The humming of Sam Cooke’s  “It’s been a long time coming/ But I know a change is gonna come” resonates across Tekanontak, as the Kahnistensera’s legal endeavor makes changes for the children yet to come never to be denied anymore. Fear will be overcome, and the path will be cleared for Onkwehonwe to live in peace on their our land, as creation intended.

Kanien’keha:ka Kahnistensera, Kahnawake

To help the Kahnistensera, donations can be provided at the following address:

More articles on the court hearings:

McGill Tribune – Tuesday Nov. 1, 2022

APTN News –  Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022

Eastern Door – Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022

Eastern Door – Monday, Nov. 7th, 2022

CBC News – Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022

ICI Radio-Canada – Vendredi 28 octobre 2022 (Fr)

Le Devoir – Mardi 1er novembre 2022 (Fr)

City News – Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, 2022.