


Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Dec. 13, 2014. This letter went to some of the cities on the Kahnawake tract called the “Seigneury”.

“Dec. 13, 2014.

To: Cities of Chateauguay, St-Constant, St-Isidore, LaPrairie, Candiac, St-Remi, St. Catherine, LaSalle and Lachine.Kahnawake map


The Great Law Kaianere’ko:wa directs us to maintain and spread the Great Peace, the law of Great Turtle Island. These current illegal deals between the INDIANS of the MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE Inc. and the CROWN is a direct attack against the peace. Wampum 44 of our constitution directs Kohtihon’tia:kwenio to protect our land. Montreal is located in the heart of Ganiengeh, our unceded territory. We Kanion’ke:haka are the “keepers of the eastern door’ in the heart of Onowaregeh.

Canada is instructing MCK Inc. to illegally remove us and our interest in the land known as the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis which your community sits on. Our Mohawk communities are on Rotinshonni Iroquois Confederacy land – Kahnawake, St. Regis, Akwesasne, Ganiengeh, Tyendinaga, Oswego, Wahta, Kanehsatake, Kanatsioharekeh and Kanekota. Any incursions must be discussed with all of us.

The MCK INDIANS have willingly left the canoe and put both their feet into the boat of the foreign CROWN. They have sworn their allegiance to foreign forces. They violate the Guswentha and the l701 Great Peace of Montreal made between our people. It affects everyone on this land as a breach of international law and a breach of the 1701 peace between us.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Quebecois can be proud of taking part in the first international world peace conference in Montreal in 1701. They accepted the peace before Britain and everyone else. Every nation on Great Turtle Island was represented at the Great Peace of Montreal by the 49 nations that attended through alliances, treaties and friendship belts. Then In 1710 we sent 5 chiefs to the Court of Queen Anne in London England to explain the Great Peace to the 13 bloodline families of Europe. It was the world’s first international peace conference.

Our rapids. Our friends.

Kahnawake – Our rapids. 

Soon the world will see Peace. Quebecois, you must recommit yourselves to the Great Peace, which was put in your minds when your ancestors accepted it. You agreed to spread it. Now we ask you to do it. The French are the first Europeans in the world to accept the Great Law from us. Its principles were taken back to France and created the first republican government in Europe. Let us recommit to the agreement that was made so long ago. Everyone in the world will follow the roots and spread the peace throughout the world. Let us start an unstoppable force from Quebec where it started. Skennen, gasastensera, kariwiio.

The true Kanion’ke:haka would like to extend an invitation to your municipality to talk about your situation. We have options that we would like to present to you. We would like to hear your views about peacefully residing on our land.

All Ongwehonwe in the Western Hemisphere will stand with us in any threat to us and our land. The Kohtihon’tia:kwenio are reaching out to the women in your communities to discuss their true feelings for their present and future children. We are willing to attend meetings to explain the Kaianere’ko:wa. Let’s put our minds together and see what we can do for our unborn faces. Please send this letter to all of your constituents as it affects them. We would like their opinion. This letter is being posted worldwide on

Neil Young asks who is going to stand up and save the world. It could be the Mohawk and Quebecois.

Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, Kohtihon’tia:kwenio;

Cc: Governor General of Canada, US President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, President of France, Progressive Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Parti Quebecois, UN High Commission for Human Rights, Governor of New York State, Mohawk communities: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., Kanio’ke:haka Kaianereh’kowa Kanon’ses:neh, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., Mohawk Trail Longhouse, 207 Longhouse, Up-the-Hill Longhouse, Ganiengeh Mohawk Territory, Tyendinaga Mohawks, Kanekota Mohawks, Wahta Mohawks, Kanatsiohareke,     Minister, Department of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington DC.

Note: Please forward this notice to all Ongwehonwe nations throughout the western hemisphere and to our allies worldwide. Send your comments to us and MCK

This fight is not just for us. It ‘s for everyone.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Canada & US are Vatican CROWN corporations.





MNN. Feb. 13, 2014. “Gallant Piper” is the US counterpart to Canada’s military plan to annihilate Mohawks through “Operation Campus/Scorpion-Saxon”.  “Canada declares war on Mohawks”.

Remembering Kanehsatake.

Remembering Kanehsatake, Kahnawake,Tyendinaga, Akwesasne, Six Nations, Ganienkeh, Kanatsohareke ….


Mohawks as “Keepers of the Eastern Door” of the Rotino’shonni:onwe guard the fire of peace. During the American Revolutionary War, we Mohawks had to remove our women and children in 1777 to escape the coming US genocide. We stood in the way of their plans for the new Babylon. Dekanawida’s message will soon return while Onkwehonwe maintain the high moral ground while healing in the hilly country. danny phillips


The combined oligarchy have always run military maneuvers on both sides of the imaginary line. We remind our allies, friends, supporters, the general public and the world that New York State planned to attack the Iroquois and other New York State Indigenous territories in 1995-96-97 and 98. If any resistance had been encountered, New York State Governor George Pataki would have called the military that has been on standby since our reclamation of Kanienkeh in 1975. They will take try to take over our territories and removed our sovereign governments and put in place another puppet government.

lorraineOperation Gallant Piper reads as follows:

To whom it may concern,

I have in my files a document “for official use only” {classification}

Date Time:101200R Jul 95
Subj: WARNING ORDER-division of military and navel affairs- aid to civilian authorities

MISSION. Planning and appropriate staff coordination will commence immediately in support of anticipated militant reaction from the warrior nations. sniperThe NYARNG on order will provide a ready reaction force to support DSP anywhere within the vic. of the St. Regis Indian Reservation {Akwesasne Mohawk}, The Cattaraugus Indian Reservation {Silver Creek}, and possibly the Onondaga Indian Reservation in civil disturbance operation or as an assault force. “Whose knocking on Eastern Door”.


A. B.

C. TF 42d id will be prepared to support the dsp with civil disturbance operations any where within the vic. of the St. Regis Indian Reservation and possibly the Onondaga Indian Reservation.

“Gallant Piper”. 

Older social-political activists from Akwesasne and Kahnawake pointed to previous incidents such as the publicized plans of former New York State Governor Mario Cuomo to invade several Iroquois reservations in the 1990s, under the “Gallant Piper” military plan, to implement state law enforcement. Only twenty years ago, the use of state National Guard units to provide manpower in that operation implied a combined arms approach to dealing with Onkwehon:we populations. Others in Akwesasne recall revelations concerning the Canadian military’s plans to occupy Akwesasne through the Operation Campus / Scorpion-Saxon programs.

Two Row Times: “International law enforcement near Akwesasne”.                                         

1995- The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports that Gov. Pataki has called off Gallant Piper. lasagnaGallant Piper was a military solution involving 10,000 infantry troops to “settle” the taxation issue with the Haudenosaunee. The timeframe indicates US and Canada were coordinating their plans to attack us.

In 2006 ATF, an agency that answers only to the oligarchy, were caught with the OPP helping to plan  the attack at Caledonia against the Six Nations. “ATF at Caledonia”.

US and Canada are always trying to extinguish the fire and the peace. They will never stop until we bury those weapons of war under the tree of peace for all time.

Neil Young reminds us in his song, “Cortez, the Killer”: “He came dancing across the water, with his galleons and guns, looking for the New World in that palace in the sun. Cortez, Cortez, what a killer!” Neil Young “Cortez, the Killer”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit