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MNN. APR. 13, 2016. The Toronto office of Indian Affairs is occupied over the suicide crisis of the onkwe’hon:weh at  Attawapiskat on James Bay. Last week a black man was shot dead at a Montreal North demonstration. A day later at Lac Simon a Quebec cop rammed anishinabe Sandy Michel and then shot him multiple times. The anishinabe and supporters peacefully demonstrated in Montreal on Monday, April 11, and were attacked by the city cops and riot squad. Several months ago the women of Val d’Or exposed the systemic Quebec police attacks and rapes of young women and youth. Recently the SQ put out a worldwide false story that Kahnawake and Six Nations kanionkehaka [Mohawk] were being raided for contraband and “organized crime”, with terrorism ties. This was completely false, and broadcast on Global and CBC, which shows their complicity.  one nation

Our territories are in the way of the banking shareholders resource extraction program. They want us out of way of their pipelines, dams, diamond and gold mines and forestry. They want everything, even the water and the air. Our lives are being made intolerable so we can be killed or removed by military force. The soft kill program is not working fast enough [vaccines, GMO foods, etc.]. It appears they are going to the military option.revolt

The anishinabe are under the tree of peace and were a signatory to the Great Peace of Montreal in 1701. They are our friends and allies under the teiohateh/Two Row Wampum Agreement. We have a responsibility to the agreement.

Cops are in a rage against us and they don’t why! It’s getting ugly! Last time something like this happened, Canada went to war in Saskatchewan in 1885. The SQ appears to be trying to run Quebec as a private criminal enterprise like the Cosa Nostra in the “Godfather”. The false story posted about us being part of “organized crime” travelled around the world on their criminal intelligence network.illuminati pyramid

In the 1960s the Beatles sang about the revolution that has not started yet:“You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world…”

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Montreal demo.


“Cold as Ice”: background on Attawapiskat & Kesachewan.

Ellis Kirkland:

Montreal demo ‘illegal’.

Chretien: people have to move sometimes:

Give oppressors a piece of your mind:  

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

President, De Beers Diamond Mines, Suite 400, 65 Overlea Blvd. Toronto, Ont. M4H 1P1,

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, %The Privy Council, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA, UK;

Governor General of Canada,

Premier of Ontario,

New Democratic Party of Canada,

Bloc Quebecois Party,

Hon. Beverley McLachlin, Supreme Court of Canada, 301 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0J1 613-995-4330

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada,

Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada,

Minister of National Defence,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave., Toronto ON M5G 1S9
Canadian High Commission Trade Office in Johannesburg, South Africa

  1. All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,info.ccfpd@dfait/ Forum on Africa);

Surete du Quebec, 514-598-4141

Quebec Minister of Justice Stephane Valee, 418-643-5140, 1-800-536-5140

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 

RCMP HQ 613-993-7267

CSIS 613-993-9620

Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,










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This is the speech made to “Demilitarize McGill” Conference at McGill University by kahentinetha, kanien’ke:haka Bear Clan, Nov. 19.  

MNN. Nov. 18, 2015. McGill is a fraudulent university built on our land with our money. We own McGill. As the legal directors, we will turn it into a university of peace. The board of governors represents those who orchestrated the theft of our land and funds. The foreign laws used to steal from us do not apply to living, breathing, flesh and blood free natural people like us who were placed here on ono’ware:keh by the natural world.

Ancestors! You told us to stay strong! So be it in our minds!

Ancestors! You told us to stay strong! So be it in our minds!

In 1827 James McGill got a charter in Britain to set up a college on tsionni’tsotiaken. The only true law is the kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace. The college was going bankrupt. Our Six Nations Trust Fund was “borrowed” with no intention of paying it back, to build this university.

James McGill, time to go!

James McGill, time to go!

On September 12 under Wampum 44 of the kaia’nere:kowa McGill University was given a Notice of Seizure. James McGill and John Molson and their buddies, on behalf of the Family Compact of Upper Canada and the Chateau Clique on behalf of Lower Canada, established corporate entities on our land without our consent to try to undermine our sovereignty. They are an artificial version of the 13 bloodline families that make up the CROWN.

We ask that McGill University cease and desist immediately the invasion, trespassing and exploitation of our territory; respect the teio’ha:teh as the basis of our relationship; and pay all monies past due forthwith, including 185 years of compound interest. The land and anything on it is ours. We asked to meet with the board of governors to discuss this in a peaceful manner. It appears the board of governors do not wish to move forward in a peaceful manner.

We made peaceful alliances with the newcomers according to the Great Peace of Montreal on August 25, 1701, based on the kaia’nere:kowa and teio’ha:teh.

Yep. it's University of Rotino'shonni:onwe!

Yep. it’s the University of Rotino’shonni:onwe!

In 1710 we the rotino’shonni:onwe initiated the first international world peace conference in London. [And you probably don’t know about this!] Belts were given to all 13 families. Peter the Great was there and the Russian peoples treaty belts are in safekeeping in the Peter the Great Museum of Archaeology. We hope to have a meeting in St. Petersburg to discuss the perimeters of the wampum belts. The Russian people remember. Grandmothers tell their children about the “INDIANS” in North America that have a law of peace.

When our chiefs came back from London, they told us, “They rely on the written word and that is how they will be judged”. We rely upon the wampum, which are displayed and re-examined regularly.

People, as smart as you are, you know you broke every treaty, contract or compact on ono’ware:keh, great turtle island. Everytime you broke your word. kaia’nereh:kowa continues to have jurisdiction over kanien’keh [Iroquoia] which covers the land occupied by the 49 families. 26.5 million acres in the US and 20 million acres in Canada. We never forfeited anything in any battle, nor did we ever relinquish any of our land or waters ever. We had alliances with our people from the Arctic to the tip of South America, which the Europeans tried to destroy. The McGill Alumni should be behind the rotino’shonni:onwe [Iroquois] on this issue. Their credibility and reputation is at stake until they arrive at the truth.

Governments are corporations which operate under commrcial law and law of contracts. Family Compact and Chateau Clique, run by these families to this day, got their charters to set up corporate businesses on our land because of their Masonic connections. We know that they do not return anything they steal unless they are forced. pyramid of power

The CROWN is the private shareholder of the corporation of Canada and all its sub-corporations, like McGill University. All your courts and major banks are private corporations owned by the same shareholders. All your government ID’s are in capital letters, meaning you are a corporation too, a fictional entity, owned by the CROWN. This means a trust/corporation is set up by the corporation in your name at your birth. The evidence gathered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission proves these shareholders are guilty of genocide. They do not want to try themselves in their own private courts.

The CROWN has never been the king or queen of England since the establishment of the corporate body “City of London”. She is a figurehead for the CROWN and has authority over prime ministers through a Vatican knighthood called “the order of the garter”. When the Queen has to conduct business in the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar. Every municipality is owned by the same CROWN. The City of London is the financial arm. Washington DC is their military capital. The Vatican is their capital. The CROWN owns all three city states, which are in fact “the empire of the city”.

Queenie to McGill & Molson fams: "What! There's still some f-----g Mohawks around?

Queenie to McGill & Molson fams: “What! There’s still some f—–g Mohawks around?”

Students, you are paying fifty thousands dollars to get a piece of paper from this institution which is built on fraud, theft and deception. Your money is hiring private contractors to research and develop exotic weapons systems for the military industrial complex to carry out the genocide of the onkwe’hon:weh, the natural people of the globe. We see worldwide that governments are attacking their own people and conducting false flag operations for a pretend enemy, to create endless wars, completely violating the kaia’nereh:kowa.

False flag girl seen in Montreal. Disaster ahead!

Watch out, Shit Mayor, False flag girl seen in Montreal. Disaster ahead!

The Family Compact and Chateau Clique started the private corporate scam here. They hoped that free people with good minds would die off. We were not informed that we were going to be dispossessed of our funds with no intention to pay it back. The empire declared they privately own the entire world. McGill and Molson went to the city of London to set themselves up here. They incorporated the City of Montreal in 1832 with a municipal charter from the city of London. Montreal is an artificial entity owned by the CROWN. All corporations get their ISO numbers from the CROWN, which makes them sub-corporations of the CROWN. All of you with Canadian identifications in capital letters are a corporate entity, owned by the CROWN. You are born indebted and enslaved to the CROWN.

Speaking of Montreal, did anyone smell the putrid violations of our river kanianarowano:onwe by the corporation of Montreal? The river is part of our community. Some of you listening to me right now have some solutions in your mind. Share it. This is the power of the one mind, the greatest power on earth.

On October 7 a Notice of Objection was sent to Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre to not dump 8 billion litres of raw o’tah, medical, pharmaceutical, industrial and other pollutants  into kaniatarowanen:onwe, our river. Teio’ha:teh is the legal basis by which you live in the settlement known as Montreal.

According to Wampum 44, the kahtihon’tia:kwenio [women] are the “progenitors of the soil”. The rotikonso’tatie, our coming faces, have the legal title to all the land of kan’ien:keh. The CROWN has no authority over our land or us. Their only authority is over those who vote in their system. The Mayor as an agent of the CROWN of Canada and Quebec breached their obligations under the law of the land. human civilization

“our law is committed to establishing world peace by protecting our mother on her, within her and above her. Kanien’keh has been violated by criminally dumping poisons which will kill life and disfigure that which survive. Water, the sacred life sustaining liquid, has been made into a weapon of mass destruction”. Resources must be allocated immediately to correct this environmental disaster.

McGill owes us almost $100 billion interest for the money they stole from the Six Nations Trust Funds. What happens in your Admiralty matrix when a creditor has not been paid? We are putting you on notice we want this debt paid in full now. We are stopping this system of private property by the Family Compact and Chateau Clique who actually own nothing. If they don’t make it right, we will use every method available to us to get what is rightfully ours. If the board of governors continue operating without our oversight, and delay meeting with us, the true owners, the more they risk their own jobs.

People left. Montreal returning to natural beauty.

People gone. Montreal returning to its natural beauty.

We want the military industrial complex kicked off of tsioni’tiotiaken immediately. kaia’nere:kowa explicity provides that you will never get peace when you are dabbling in war. McGill will be the first university in the world to offer the kaia’nere:kowa, the counsel of the great peace, as an accredited course in its curriculum.

A community comes to peace when everyone refuses to allow anyone into their community who has anything to do with war, including violations of land, water, air, everything in the natural world, including the people.

We have the responsibility of following the direction that the kaia’nereh:kowa has set for us, and that the direction is what we should be following. The law of the land is the law of creation, not man-made law, and it is intended for everyone.

As the great Alvin Lee sings what we would like to do: “Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are no rich no more. I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do. So I’ll leave it up to you”.

Water song, womens power song.

France staged Paris attack.

ISIS can be defeated.

British Crown Empire.

Bankers beware.

Racism in Alberta.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Any effort or action by you to set up a meeting with the McGill Board of Governors or to stop this filthy dirty criminal practice of shitting in the river is appreciated. Give the corporate matrix your views: Mayor Denis Coderre, 514-872-0311; David Heurtel, Quebec Environment Minister, 418-521-3830; Environment Canada, 1-800-668-6767; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 515-277-6020, 613-995-8872. SUZANNE FORTIER, McGill 514-849-4179; Geoff Molson 514-398-0333.





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MNN. 13 Oct. 2015. The story goes that in the early 1800’s the bankers wrote a script to steal half the land mass of ono’ware:geh from the onkwe’hon’weh:neh, the natural people. They formed a “Family Compact” in Upper Canada Ontario and a “Chateau Clique” in Lower Canada Quebec. They were John Robinson, Bishop Strachan, William Osgoode, Jonas Jones, Aeneas Shaw, Col. James FitzGibbon, William Henry Bouleton, Allan Napier McNabb, Henry Sherwood and James Buchanan. In Montreal it was James McGill and John Molson. Their offspring are responsible for all the shit they left in Montreal.

Family Compact & Chateau Clique, your pot runneth over!

Family Compact & Chateau Clique, your pot runneth over!

The script set up its artificial matrix called “corporatism”. They would steal our land, resources and accumulate wealth and power. The only real law of the land now and then is kaia’nereh:kowa.

The Family Compact and Chateau Clique, along with the bankers, make up the board of directors for the CROWN [13 families] for the corporation of Canada. These compacts do all the dirty work such as killing the INDIANS and stealing all our possessions.

or when you tell them to flush the toilet!

or when you tell them to flush the toilet!

In this play the actors illegally control everything: public policy, revenues, patronage, land grants, banks, building canals and railroads, citizenship, etc. They appointed legislative councils to run it [the shadow government]. The municipal corporations were all independent republics owned by the banks representing the CROWN shareholders. The funds for everything came from the ongwe’hon:weh trust funds. This performance is still in play.

We never believed any of this. We are natural people and saw it wasn’t real. In the finale we were going to be absorbed into the artificial body politic they created, which is all pretend. It’s all based on the fiction that they can own our mother earth. bird wings

Today the Family Compact and Chateau Clique fear the 100th monkey effect. The people are the monkeys trained to be blind and obedient. When 10% of the sleeping human minds wake up, the 100th monkey effect will kick in. They will awaken everybody else who will see the fiction.

The Corporation of the City of Montreal set up in 1832 by the Family Compact is responsible for shitting on our bed. They better put their shit somewhere else, not in kaniatarowano:onwe, the river of the natural people. The solution for the war problem is to hold the shareholders accountable for the crimes of their corporations by eliminating the limited liability clauses in the corporate acts.

kohtihon'tia:kwenio: "Clean up our mother or get out!"

kohtihon’tia:kwenio: “Clean up our mother or get out!”

As the nursery rhyme goes, 15 monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and the other one said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed”. The made-for-tv rock band, the Monkees, reflected the gullible nature of the public: “Here we come, walking down the street… we get the funniest looks from everyone we meet. Hey, hey, we’re the monkeys. And people say we monkey around. We’re too busy singing to put anybody down. We’re just trying to be friendly. Come and watch us sing and play. We’re the young generation. And we’ve got something to say”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Dirty rate at McGill.

Family Compact.

History of Family Compact.

History of Montreal.

100th monkey effect.

Chateau Clique.




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MNN. 7 OCT. 2015. Our river is under attack. This objection by the women titleholders was is directed to the mayor of Montreal, Quebec government and federal Environment minister.

dump 1

dump 2

Do whatever you can to help save the river.

Montreal to dump otah.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

























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MNN. MAR. 2015. The Corporation of Canada does not require the approval of the Ongwe’hon:weh to push through a proposal, only to have a “consultation” meeting. If we don’t take part, that means we acquiesced. This OBJECTION to usurping Ganiengeh land known as the “Seigneury of Sault St. Louis” was presented to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. [MCK Inc.].  Mike Delisle, the President of MCK corporation, said his deadline for this deal has to be ratified by the beginning of June 2015.

Moving, Mike?

Moving, Mike?

Delisle was told that, “All 500 nations of Great Turtle Island were represented at the Great Peace of Montreal 1701, allowing the colonial settlers the right to live here. This treaty was broken. Everything reverts back to one day before for all Ongwe’hon:weh [natural people].  The Seigneury grant from Louis XIV in 1680 to the Jesuits is invalid and fraudulent. Louis did not own our land.

MCK Inc. are incorporated INDIANS that act for the CROWN and are overseen by the Privy Council. Their job is to put a dollar value on our land and then sell it. By design Kahnawake will be made unliveable through pipelines, highways, canals, railroads and toxins by transporting stolen resources from the West. These MCK Inc. traitors have forfeited their birthright, Ongwe’hon:weh name, clan, voice and right to live among us. Their actions constitute espionage, conspiracy and complicity in genocide.

Our land belongs to those coming to us from beneath the earth. MCK Inc., Parliament, the Queen, corporations, bankers and their followers are all foreigners. Their small private meetings do not legally represent the will of the People. They must answer to all 49 families, our friends and allies throughout Ono’ware:geh.

Should MCK Inc. continue their treachery, they will be burnt by the fire, which shall burn forever. Political relations can only be conducted through diplomatic channels, prescribed in Teio’ha:teh.

We have asked for the exact names, addresses of and all communiques with MCK Inc. and Indian Affairs and their Privy Council handlers, who are directing this genocide.

We can fight the economic hitman.

We can fight the economic hitman.

MCK Inc.was warned, “You will not be selling, removing our interests or relocating any of us”. Our territory belongs to the Rotino’shonni. MCK Inc’s actions are treasonable, fraudulent, unconstitutional and punishable by death. [Tehon’watisokwa:riteh]

International law affirms when treaties are broken between nations,  everything reverts back to one day before the treaty was concluded. In this case, June 24, 1701. We own everything on Ono’ware:geh. Artificial INDIANS are the problem for all of us.

Mike Delisle reported that 10 of his institutions were consulted. Five groups at the Kahnawake Survival School were vehemently against his Seigneury proposal. Their comments will not be included in the report. He represents the CROWN corporation rule of 51% majority rules [of his followers], contrary to the Great Peace. To distract us, a fight broke out on an issue totally unrelated and not on the agenda. Mike took advantage of this diversion and quickly closed the meeting. As the melee broke out, MCK councillor and bar lawyer, Christine Deom, reminded us of the Trogg song: “Wild thing. You make my heart sing. You make everything groovy. Wild thing. I think you move me. But I want to know for sure…wild thing!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L

CIA wants to own everything in the world.

Inuit worry about weather.

US declares war on Venezuela.




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MNN. Dec. 15, 2014. Ono’waregeh is Mohawk for Great Turtle Island. New Victoria Mayor, Lisa Helps, swore an oath to the Ongwe’hon:we of the area. When all mayors refuse to take an oath to the Queen, the Privy Council will be removed and colonization will end.

Privy Council: "Brother, can you spare a dime?"

Privy Council: “Brother, can you spare a dime?”

Control over everything regarding the land reverts to the Ongwe’hon:we caretakers. The word “government” comes from the Greek words, “governado” and “mente”, meaning “to control the mind”. This will end.

In the natural calender December 25th is the first day of the new year. The sun rises one degree north and the new cycle begins. This year peace will take hold on Kanion’ke:haka land known as the “Seigneury”.

The real Quebecois were never assimilated and want peace on earth that the Kaianere’ko:wa represents. The British oligarchs forced their corporate Admiralty system on them, which they resisted every step of the way. Unfortunately, they are still trapped in the Admiralty system. They have a role with us to balance this impediment. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. is illegally trying to relocate the Kanion’ke:haka of Kahnawake to stop the spread of the Great Peace. To the oligarchs the Great Peace is more deadly to their new world order program than any of their man-made killer viruses like ebola and AIDS.

We saw this trick in 1974.

MCK Inc., this “Seigneury” trick failed in 1975.

The Quebecois inspired the French revolution in 1784. The last Dauphin, son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, ended up in Kahnawake.

The Admiralty matrix creates divisions within all of our communities. In Kaianere’ko:wa, the Great Peace, the women’s jurisdiction is everything in the natural world. They set up Councils of Women to run each of their communities. Every plant, animal and person is taken care of in a sustainable way. The men ensure that everyone interacts with the community following the Great Peace. The Admiralty system of judiciary, jails and police are unnecessary.

Our next peace conference will happen soon. Like the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal, the world will join the Quebecois and the Kanion’ke:haka and peace will start to spread.

The Great Peace is about families. We become of one mind on issues that affect our communities. The people of each community has the power as it is meant.

womenEveryone is a warrior for spreading the Great Peace. Once women, as the progenitors of the soil, take their true natural place, then the peace will be able to spread to the world. The men protect the women. No one harms the women, the children and all living things in the community. The Great Peace is their authority.

As Jigosaseh did before the last sun with Deganawida, when the Quebecois and the Mohawk women make peace, it will spread like wildfire. Soon available on the MNN home page will be the French translation of the Great Peace.

As Memphis Slim sings: “Don’t care how great you are. Don’t care what you’re worth. When it all ends up, you gotta go back to mother earth”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Mayor refuses oath to Queen.

Historic speech on gangsterism running world.

Kanehsatake declaration.






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MNN. Dec. 13, 2014. This letter went to some of the cities on the Kahnawake tract called the “Seigneury”.

“Dec. 13, 2014.

To: Cities of Chateauguay, St-Constant, St-Isidore, LaPrairie, Candiac, St-Remi, St. Catherine, LaSalle and Lachine.Kahnawake map


The Great Law Kaianere’ko:wa directs us to maintain and spread the Great Peace, the law of Great Turtle Island. These current illegal deals between the INDIANS of the MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE Inc. and the CROWN is a direct attack against the peace. Wampum 44 of our constitution directs Kohtihon’tia:kwenio to protect our land. Montreal is located in the heart of Ganiengeh, our unceded territory. We Kanion’ke:haka are the “keepers of the eastern door’ in the heart of Onowaregeh.

Canada is instructing MCK Inc. to illegally remove us and our interest in the land known as the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis which your community sits on. Our Mohawk communities are on Rotinshonni Iroquois Confederacy land – Kahnawake, St. Regis, Akwesasne, Ganiengeh, Tyendinaga, Oswego, Wahta, Kanehsatake, Kanatsioharekeh and Kanekota. Any incursions must be discussed with all of us.

The MCK INDIANS have willingly left the canoe and put both their feet into the boat of the foreign CROWN. They have sworn their allegiance to foreign forces. They violate the Guswentha and the l701 Great Peace of Montreal made between our people. It affects everyone on this land as a breach of international law and a breach of the 1701 peace between us.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Great Peace of Montreal 1701.

Quebecois can be proud of taking part in the first international world peace conference in Montreal in 1701. They accepted the peace before Britain and everyone else. Every nation on Great Turtle Island was represented at the Great Peace of Montreal by the 49 nations that attended through alliances, treaties and friendship belts. Then In 1710 we sent 5 chiefs to the Court of Queen Anne in London England to explain the Great Peace to the 13 bloodline families of Europe. It was the world’s first international peace conference.

Our rapids. Our friends.

Kahnawake – Our rapids. 

Soon the world will see Peace. Quebecois, you must recommit yourselves to the Great Peace, which was put in your minds when your ancestors accepted it. You agreed to spread it. Now we ask you to do it. The French are the first Europeans in the world to accept the Great Law from us. Its principles were taken back to France and created the first republican government in Europe. Let us recommit to the agreement that was made so long ago. Everyone in the world will follow the roots and spread the peace throughout the world. Let us start an unstoppable force from Quebec where it started. Skennen, gasastensera, kariwiio.

The true Kanion’ke:haka would like to extend an invitation to your municipality to talk about your situation. We have options that we would like to present to you. We would like to hear your views about peacefully residing on our land.

All Ongwehonwe in the Western Hemisphere will stand with us in any threat to us and our land. The Kohtihon’tia:kwenio are reaching out to the women in your communities to discuss their true feelings for their present and future children. We are willing to attend meetings to explain the Kaianere’ko:wa. Let’s put our minds together and see what we can do for our unborn faces. Please send this letter to all of your constituents as it affects them. We would like their opinion. This letter is being posted worldwide on

Neil Young asks who is going to stand up and save the world. It could be the Mohawk and Quebecois.

Kahentinetha, Bear Clan, Kohtihon’tia:kwenio;

Cc: Governor General of Canada, US President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Premier, Province of Quebec, City of Montreal, President of France, Progressive Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Parti Quebecois, UN High Commission for Human Rights, Governor of New York State, Mohawk communities: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Inc., Kanio’ke:haka Kaianereh’kowa Kanon’ses:neh, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc., Mohawk Trail Longhouse, 207 Longhouse, Up-the-Hill Longhouse, Ganiengeh Mohawk Territory, Tyendinaga Mohawks, Kanekota Mohawks, Wahta Mohawks, Kanatsiohareke,     Minister, Department of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington DC.

Note: Please forward this notice to all Ongwehonwe nations throughout the western hemisphere and to our allies worldwide. Send your comments to us and MCK

This fight is not just for us. It ‘s for everyone.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Canada & US are Vatican CROWN corporations.




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MNN. Nov. 3, 2014. The MNN editor made these comments to the Quebecois of Sorel Quebec, a city on Mohawk territory near Kahnawake. A sculpture was being unveiled dedicated to the French people.

1710 Iroquois explain Great Peace in Queen Anne's Court, London.

1710 Iroquois explain Great Peace to Queen Anne’s Court, London.

The French created war between the Iroquois and New France from 1609 to 1701. It was a 92-year war with us. They lost every one and sued for peace to end the wars. The Great Peace of Montreal was made on June 25th 1701, on the summer solstice.

We Mohawk were the enforcers of the Great Law for the Confederacy as the “Keepers of the Eastern Door”.  The French route to the American colonies started from Richelieu down the Richelieu River to Lake Champlain, the Hudson River and on to New York. Bloodline agent, Champlain, launched their war against the peace from Richelieu into Ticonderoga where they killed two of our chiefs. We’d never seen guns before.

Fort Richeleiu was subsequently built to protect travelers, settlers and military from the Mohawks. In 1647 we burnt it down. The French military rebuilt it in 1665.

Champlain’s job was to divide the Indian nations after thousands of years of peace. He started a war of extermination of the Mohawks, to break the peace between us and the Hurons and Algonquins. In 1645 we invaded Ontario and defeated the Hurons and Algonquins and took all their land because they broke the Great Peace, the Kaianerekowa.

The French plan was to take all of Great Turtle Island. After losing every war against us, they changed their plan from war to peace. The French signed the Great Peace of Montreal based on the Two Row Wampum agreement we call the “Guswentha” and the Kaianerehkowa, the Great Peace. Shortly after In August 1701 the British also accepted the Great Peace in Albany.

Quebecois must be proud of taking part in the first international world peace conference in Montreal in 1701. They accepted the peace before the British and everyone else. All the nations on Great Turtle Island were represented by the 49 nations that took part, through their friendship and alliances with the Iroquois Confederacy.

Then In 1710 we sent 5 chiefs to the Court of Queen Anne in London England to explain the Great Peace to the 13 bloodline families of Europe. It was the world’s first international peace conference.

Today is one of the most important times in the history of our relations. Soon the world will see Peace. Quebecois, it is time to recommit yourselves to the Great Peace which was put in your minds when your ancestors accepted the peace. You committed yourselves to spread it. Now we ask you to do it as it was meant.

The French are the first Europeans in the world to accept the Great Law from us, the Iroquois. They took the principles of the Great Peace back to France and created the first republican government in Europe. Let us symbolically join our hands in a circle and recommit to the agreement that was made so long ago. Let us celebrate by planting the tree of peace so that everyone in the world will follow the roots and spread the peace throughout the world. Let us create an unstoppable force right from Quebec where it started. Skennen, gasastensera, kariwiio. Peace, righteousness, power.”

The courier du bois shoot Lachine Rapids by Kahnawake.

Courier du bois shoot Lachine Rapids by Kahnawake.

The Quebecois have a very important role in the world. This 100-year old song by George Marsh was sung many times by the Quebecois: “Do the cow-moose call on the Montreal, when the first frost bites the air, and the mists unfold from the red and gold that the autumn ridges wear”. Listen: Old Canoe.

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Watch: Louis explains “twistory”.

After the Quebecoise signed the Great Peace of Montreal, the ideas of peace went to Europe and began the French Revolution that continues. Quebecois have an important role to play in spreading the Peace. Rebellion in France today.