

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 30. 2014. Who is the real terrorist? It seems ISIS is helping to set up a worldwide dictatorship. It’s no coincidence ISIS has the same acronym as the ‘Israeli Security Intelligence Service’, which is created, funded, trained and militarily armed by the CIA and Mossad. Canada has CSIS that receives funds from pillaging Indigenous people. They work together to legalize genocide for the Roman Empire. We are the Palestinians. Canada is Israel. Canadians are being recruited to help implement the “final solution” of the Palestinian problem like Canada is doing. Canada is now in the ninth decade of their 100-year plan of Indigenous extinction.

"Get it! Whoever makes the most money makes the rules."

“Don’t you get it! Whoever has the most money makes the rules.”

Mossad is losing the support of their citizens, who have been duped by the Zionist state. Otherwise why would a country advertise in another country to work in its own intelligence services? Mossad brags about its successful assassinations across Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

Mossad spies defend and continue the existence of the “criminal” state of Israel. They have set up a data mining operation in Canada to get young people, particularly those who play “Call of Duty” and other internet war games, to join them. They want hard data collected on Israel’s support in Canada.

I'm going to Jerusalem to tell all!

“I wanna be a secret agent man. I’m goin’ to Jerusalem!”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper constantly pushes Israeli’s agenda. The RCMP introduced “United Against Terrorism”, a 37-page booklet, to get war propaganda into everyone’s lives. At the same time Canada is luring mercenaries to join their “pipeline police” to control the Indigenous while the pipeline is illegally laid out across Canada.

The Rothschilds own the private corporations of Israel, Canada and US, which have the same shareholders. The corporate bankers are targeting those challenging their environmental exploitation and theft of Indigenous resources. The bankers are the true terrorists and the cause of all wars for the last 300 years. Zionism monetizes everything and uses money to control the globe. That is why Israel seems to have a free pass on crimes against humanity, genocide and meddling in everyone else’s affairs.

Harper is helping Israel conduct counter intelligence on Canadians. Israel so loves Harper that a bird sanctuary in Tel Aviv has been named after him. Canada murdered almost all our people and put the rest in jail. Canadians have been brainwashed since 1924 to hate us. Mossad will get our children to help them put their foot on everyone’s head, to expand their borders, kill more babies and steal more land. The perfect set up for Mossad to study and copy the Canadian business model so that genocide can be legalized worldwide. Whenever the empire decides to do a mass culling [war], it will be legal. On the other hand, the whole Roman Empire of the city state is collapsing. People of faith are realizing their immorality. Listen to Joel Olsteen. “We’re all going home!”

Watch out for the Hanging Tobacco.

Hanging Tobacco.

Again Jim Morrison takes us out: “This is the end, beautiful friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end. Of everything that stands, the end. No safety or surprise, the end. I’ll never look into your eyes … again.” The End. Fantastic video. Listen. Jim Morrison “The End”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Take a look.Mossad recruitment website.

Read: Harper, the bird.

Read: RCMP booklet on extremism.

Anti Obama persons arrested. Obama “stick & stones”.














MNN. Mar. 18, 2013. The Jesuits have always been the storm troopers of the Catholic Church. They came to the Western Hemisphere to “spread the lie of male hierarchy”.  The real reason is to use bio-weapons and all means of mass murder. The Western Hemisphere is to be the Zion of the Christian prophetic teaching. All Indigenous people would have to be assimilated or murdered into their vision. Christians, according to the Book of Genesis, state, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth … and God said, Let us make man in our image…”.

Eat your heart out, girls!

The Pope likes Prada, but i like Armani, girls!

Today we have old men wearing dresses pretending they are the moral authority. They are trying to force a man-made hierarchical world view on everyone. It’s unnatural doctrines include things made good, even though they are obviously evil.   

Our opening thanksgiving  ( Ohenten Kariwatkwa )  places us in an Interdependent system of relations that tie all elements of the natural world together – plants, animals, people, sun, moon. We are all equal. The inner core of our knowledge system guides us. Our culture provides an insight into real consciousness coming from our ancestors. The natural world sustains us. We are still here because of the insight of our ancestors. 

Turtle Island

Turtle Island

Many of our people wanted to get along with these men in dresses. Now the artificial and treasonous Indian governments [band councils] know their job is to continue the biggest holocaust in history. They sacrifice traditional values to live as conquered people at the bottom of colonial society. They accept the male hierarchal assumptions which go against natural law. 

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

Brebeuf: Remember to tell everybody back home!

We saw the false consciousness of the scheming visitors who hold the cross in front and behind their backs are the small pox infested blankets. We Haudenosaunee caught them mapping out our territories, acting as the intelligence arm of the military. We tried them and found them guilty of spying. They did not want to return to Europe for punishment according to the Two Row Wampum agreement. They chose to be executed here as  martyrs by being burnt at the stake.   

Their legacy is the CIA, MI5 and the Mossad which continue the genocide programs worldwide to all Indigenous. 

We spend our lives developing our personal relationship with the whole universe. Our way of life on Great Turtle Island is valid and non-compromising. We are free in body, mind and spirit to spread the truth to all peoples of the world. We are all children of Mother Earth. The power is in putting our minds together. The peace is to live together in harmony with each other and the natural world by balancing the female and male energy. 

two row old

As Def Leppard sang in When the walls came tumbling down; “All the women were captured and chained. And national suicide was proclaimed. When the walls came tumbling down. When the walls came tumbling down. Everybody ran and screamed at the sound… when the walls came tumbling down.”

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