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We feel the time has come to republish this important letter delivered to our Iranian allies in 2012.

Iran always supported human rights of the Indigenous people of Great Turtle Island.  When Terrance Nelson of Manitoba informed us that he was going to Iran to speak about the continued genocide of our people, he took the following letter.  Iran supported the Iroquois Confederacy application for a seat in the League of Nations in 1923.

Jan 10, 2020



You always supported our human rights efforts, especially in 1923. Briefly, the Iroquois Confederacy sent Levi General, the Deskaheh, to get recognition for our people at the League of Nations.  He came from Grand River [Ontario].  

With a Haudenosaunee passport, he went to Geneva, Switzerland to speak at the League of Nations in 1923.  There he presented “The Red Man’s Appeal for Justice,” and reminded the Europeans of their obligations under the Guswentha, Two Row Wampum. This pact was made in 1701 between the 48 Indigenous Nations and our allies of Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island with the Europeans. It is the only agreement giving foreigners the right to live on our land.  They violated it and their occupation is illegal. 

Iran supported our effort.  British, American and Canadian pressure was too strong for Deskaheh to continue.  He returned home.

On October 7 1924 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigated him. Then they dissolved the traditional Six Nations government, stole important documents and wampums, created the Indian Advancement Act and the reservations.  The Canadian government declared an immediate election to displace the traditional government. Deskaheh was forbidden to return to his home and family.  He was murdered in Tuscarora New York after giving his famous last speech on the radio on March 10, 1925, against the United States and Canada’s policies of genocide.  

“In Ottawa, they call that policy “Indian Advancement”. In Washington, they call it “Assimilation.” We say it is outright tyranny. If this must go on, we would rather that you come with your guns and poison gases and get rid of us that way. Do it openly and above board.”

Historically, Iranians have been champions of justice.  We remember you for your goodness, good minds and for always looking out for us.  Nia:wen, Kahentinetha, Woman Title Holder, Bear Clan, Kanionkehaka/Mohawk Nation”.

Terrance was interviewed on Iran TV.  He spoke about the continued genocide of our people that Canada is built upon, particularly about the theft of our natural resources and the targeting of our women.   The police are not investigating this.   Their goal has always been, “kill the Indian”.

The PRESSTV interview is on YouTube:  “Canada has Ethnic Cleansing of Aboriginal on Agenda:  Native Ex-Chief”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

‘She was absolutely adored’: Iranian scientist spent her life fighting for Indigenous voices in conservation

Message to our allies: iaakwateriwanieteh. tsinonkwa onkwatenroserahson’a. deskahe Levi General tionkwatasawentsi tewatenro. tia ki iats wa non ne. tewakwekon tewaskeneks ne skennen.