MNN. 8 Jan. 2019. The federal and provincial governments continue to follow illegal colonial practices that have destroyed much of life on turtle island. The attack on the wetsuweten on January 8, 2019, violates all principles of democracy, morality and legality. Canada shows the world they are a military occupying force disguised as a democracy.
The corporatocracy was imposed on October 25, 1924 over the clan system. The Indian Lands Acts were enacted to allow the provinces to extract our resources. We were jailed in military run POW camps called “reserves”. All our lands were seized. We were incarcerated or scattered or killed. The RCMP entered our longhouses, shot the chiefs in the head and installed the band council.
The wetsuweten refuse to have our sovereignty violated. We were placed here to ensure a balance between humans and all other life forms. Canada started to cause imbalance from first contact. The wetsuweten [B.C.] were attacked, beaten, had their heads stomped into the snow by the boots of the militarized RCMP, arrested and dragged off to jail for defending their own unceded non-treaty land. Canada does not follow their own Supreme Court decisions when it comes to native land. They send in the army to kill the natives who resist their law breaking. During the construction of the railways in the 1800s, the army was in the front cars killing the natives to pave the way. All with stolen money from the Indian Trust Funds.
Every year some of our communities and our families are attacked, economically, socially, politically, lands are stolen, our people are jailed, our children are kidnapped and killed and our lives are destroyed. It’s all part of the genocide plan that is supposed to be complete in 2024 when we are supposed to be totally absorbed into the corporate body politic.
Family, Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Allies, at the next sunrise ceremony, wake up with the sun, give thanks. Don’t go back to bed. The sun carries out its responsibility. We are going to fulfil our responsibility and protect our families, our lands, and all our relations in the natural world.
The world is onto Trudeau’s bad act. As the band Oblivion Myth sings: “Since I was a child, I had dreams of paradise. Now the evil ones try to steal it from my eyes. Now that I’m a man, I must face the hungry beast. I will fight and die for you, in this war for peace. Awaken the dreamer, believer, before it’s too late. I see through the lies of the great deceiver preaching all his hate to make me a believer. They won’t take me. I will survive. Save me from the evil in disguise.”