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MNN. Nov. 8, 2018. Oren Lyons is the worst traitor of all onkwehonweh. In 1996 before the New York State attack of the native people on May 18, 1997, Esther Sundown, an Onondaga of Tonawanda, played a recording of Lyons speaking at a gathering. She was shocked to hear him encourage native people to give up our birthright to turtle island and become corporate Americans. In effect he told the natives to, “Give up your birthright and start becoming Americans”. This is a natural impossibility. It can be done on paper but not genetically.

Oren Lyons is a longtime agent for the foreign intruders calling themselves the U.S government, that push the genocide program. He has fooled many. But not all. He made our people desperate if we maintained our true natural selves. On Nov. 5, he told us to vote in the foreign election. Only corporate citizen slaves can vote in an election. He violated the tekeni teiohateh [Two Row] by leaving the canoe and boarding the ship.     


He is not Onondaga, a chief nor a faithkeeper. Just a traitor and an informant for the US to help kill off the original people. Some call him the “Museum Indian” and others “Lying Oren”. Sometimes he calls himself “a runner”, which is a messenger boy for the enemy. He pushes the American way of oppression and lies about us, particularly the rotiskenrakete, the warriors. He falsely accused them of putting a bounty on him. 

The rotiskenrakete and our people knew there would be retribution from his US corporate handlers if the rightful duties of the kaianerekowa [our constitution] to execute him for treason was carried out [tehonwatisokwariton]. They would be called murderers for carrying out a sentence of death, which is the right of any nation in the world for someone who commits treason, conspiracy and espionage.These are his crimes against the rotinoshonni’onwe. 


karonhiaktajeh stated that great people know that arrogance and lies will bring down their people. The Roman Empire, Persians, British and Iroquois Confederacy fell apart because they did not deal with those who committed treason. The worst thing about Oren Lyons is that he knows better. He gives prostitution a bad name. 

Yes, Oren tries to humiliate us because we resisted his efforts to try to help steal our birthright. We stand with creation. Leonard Cohen sings about “betrayal of one’s country, the citizen and family”. 




www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page. 





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MNN. 10 July 2015. A meeting of those of us clients dropped by the lawyers, the lawyers for the other ongwe’hon:weh, the NYS Attorney General’s office, met at G. Nugent’s office [not the INDIAN hater Ted] in Syracuse. It was about the NYS Attack in Onondaga in 1997. [See video]

A two-headed creature: NYS and pro se former lawyers.

A two-headed creature: NYS and bar lawyers.

We went to interrogate his client, one of the New York State Troopers, who was charged and wants to come clean about the “Indian Detail”. 14 of the 100 targets from all Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy Rotinoshonni were dropped by the pro se lawyers because we refused to take the cash settlement offered by NYS to drop the case against of hundreds of Troopers and NYS. As Judge George Lowe previously reported, if this case goes to court, they [the ongwe’hon:weh] will win. He advised NYS to offer us money so they can continue to get away with genocide. On May 18, 1997 we were having a ceremony and a feast on private ground near Interstate 81. Also, we were going to talk about various topics, in particular the agreement signed between the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Ind. and NYS to charge illegal taxes on our products. The highway was not blocked. 75% attending were women and children.

The appearingly remorseful sargeant was nervous. The two lawyers still involved in the case, were trying to dominate everything that happened in that room. Someone from the NYS Attorney General’s Office listened and took extensive notes.

Ongwe'hon:weh: "All we want is justice".

Ongwe’hon:weh: “All we want is justice”.

We finally got a chance to ask a few questions. “When were you called to show up for the Indian Detail?” He answered, “at 11:00 am the day before May 18th”. He admitted there was extensive preparation for this attack. Then we asked, “What is an Indian Detail? Is there an “Italian Detail”? “A Chinese Detail”? or “an English Detail”? He answered, “No. there is only an Indian Detail”. We asked what preparations are made for an Indian Detail? “We have to assemble all our equipment – rifle, ammunition, bullet proof vest, tear gas, pepper spray, shield, baton”, and so on, all meant for deadly force. The Troopers were ordered not to wear their name badges, which, he said, is illegal.

In one of the NYSP videos, the commander instructed the lineup of Troopers just before the attack, “Make sure you take out the right one [or ones]!” The sargeant said he did not know about this.

The Attorney General said to give them everything they want.

The Attorney General said to give them everything they want.

The man from the Attorney General’s Office left the room to make a phone call. He returned and asked the sargeant a few questions. Then he turned to us and asked us to submit in writing within a week a list of our demands to stop this case from going to trial. We said we needed at least a month. So a deadline was set for August 10, 2015.

Stay tuned for the next deadly details about the “Indian Detail”. Pink Floyd nailed the “us and them” dichotomy that went on in that room: “Us and them. And after all, we’re only ordinary men. Me, and you. God only knows what we chose to do”.



MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com

Indian Detail at Onondaga:


Government & Corporate surveillance of ongwe’hon:weh Gov. & corpie surveillance of ongwe’hon:weh.

Pope got sorry.






















MNN. Oct. 16, 2013. In May 18, 1997, members of the Haudenosaunee from our communities converged on Onondaga Nation land next to NYS Thruway 81. Most were  women, children and babies, as well as some of our men. It was to be a joyous celebration with a tobacco burning, feast, dancing and singing. At 3.00 pm 200 paramilitary New York State Troopers surrounded, attacked and viciously beat us up, injuring, jailing and incapacitating us. Many ran with babies in their arms to hide in the surrounding bush. STOMP DANCE

Over the years this case went through the court. All motions to drop the case and that the cops had a right to do it, were defeated. Judge George Low studied the evidence and reported that if this went to trial, we would win. There was no justification for the attack and it was all filmed. [See video below]

Eventually New York State decided to stop any trial by giving about 100 plaintiffs and the lawyers $3 million. The condition was that the traitorous state controlled Onondaga Council Inc. that requested the attack, NYS police and the politicians would be immune from prosecution. We could not be able to discuss it. Some signed as the people are very poor and needed the funds. It had to be unanimous. 

On Oct. 15, 2013, those who refused to sign were ordered to meet with the Judge Therese Wiley Dancks of the US Court Northern District NY and our lawyers in Syracuse. The 12 plaintiffs did not expect to be taken separately into rooms and intimidated by their own lawyers and the judge into signing the agreement or else!  They were threatened to remain silent. 

On Oct. 16, the following day, the remaining plaintiffs were called in. Judge Lowe made a presentation. “I am neutral!” Then he proceeded to tell us of the dire consequences if we don’t sign: years of trial, motions, this is an that, racist jurors. By 2020 if we win, we might be awarded $1. Money was mentioned over and over again.   

NYS does not know that Haudenosaunee consensus is discussion and full disclosure.

Haudenosaunee consensus is based on open discussion and full disclosure.

Several plaintiffs said, “I did not come here to be talked to like a child”. He withdrew his consent to the settlement. Another said, “Sovereignty is our goal. Not money”. The majority agreed. They walked out of court and went home.  We were reminded once again we can’t stand before the enemy and expect justice. To be continued… See the NYS attack: NYS attack Haudenosaunee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEbvX9hfBGY

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L