MNN. FEB. 10, 2014. The hierarchal charade is ending. Looks like Canada is joining the US and UN control grid [Agenda 21]. Lawyers for the Corporation of Canada are fleeing and saying in effect, “Let’s get out now while the going is good. We’ll join Piper, the international law firm, run out of the UN. We can help make laws for the bankers worldwide. We already have our stolen money in off-shore accounts so no one can touch it”.
The first law firm to fold was home to prime ministers, supreme court justices and federal and local politicians. Their job was to take the heat off the bankers. Now they’re jumping ship and going back to the “Fatherland” to their mansions. These criminals should be going to jail. They don’t want to go back on the slave ships they came in. It’s first class on their own terms, they think. They’re trying to dictate the terms of their surrender.
There is no reconciliation with those they leave behind. The corporation of Canada is bringing in new immigrants with loads of money who won’t be told they are on Indigenous land. They will set up businesses and steal everything that their predecessors left behind. Their job is to continue the genocide.
Canada has no constitution in place that overrides the by-laws of the Corporation of Canada. it’s a pretend democracy based on theft and abuse of our land. Prime Minister Harper is strengthening the corporate rules and enforcement system. 50,000 new prisoners can be warehoused in the new private prisons.
We Indigenous are to remain fenced in by Indian Affairs and the Indian Act. Indian Affairs and RCMP are both divisions of the Canadian army.
The corporation is dissolving. The shareholders are trying to steer the dissolution in their favor. We demand the list of the shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. We will charge them with genocide and theft of our ever growing $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund. The world wants to see this.

Banksters & their minions: “Our greatest fear that we will be sent back from whence we came for all eternity!”
Canada and US need to take a lesson from Iceland who put all their crooked bankers and politicians in jail, rewrote their constitution and took away their money machine. They have to pay back everything they stole.
They think they are going to take the money and run. Like Billy Joe and Bobby Sue, you can’t run forever. “Take the Money & Run!”
“Coming Fall of House of Windsor”
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