

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sept. 27,2015. Those ongwe’hon:weh who have gone over to the other side are like the INDIAN souvenirs that are sold to tourists with “Made in China” written on the bottom. tehati’natsa’hia:ton means those ongwe’hon:weh who vote in the corporate elections have “made in Canada” written on their behinds. By voting they take an oath to Queenie to support the CROWN’s genocide against us.indian voters

The only way the settler colony of Canada can qualify to be a country is to eliminate us by assimilating or terminating our existence. They have to get us to agree with their system by voting in it. Stephen Harper is horrible so that we will rise up and vote against him. Mulcair and Trudeau will be exactly like Harper. There is no “Canadian” land and no “Canadian” language. Therefore Canada is not a country, just a corporation privately owned by the CROWN. Any ongwe’hon:weh that votes is agreeing that they can kill us, steal everything we have – our land, resources, future children and to destroy our mother.truth

The law of the land is the kaia’nereh:kowa. Those who join a foreign entity violate wampum 58. They lose their birthrights to the land, their mother, name and clan. They join the invader population.

To those voting, the message is: “Voting means you give up being an ongwe’hon:weh. You agree with the system that is oppressing us. You will be owned by the shareholders of the Canadian corporation like the other Canadian voters. The 1924 one-hundred year plan to annihilate us is still in play. You leave the canoe and board the bankers’ Admiralty ship. It cannot dock. You become landless and have no roots to ono’ware:geh. You take an oath to the Queen to help carry out her wishes and become one of her landless orphans. Your mother is no longer ono’ware:geh. grim reaper

If you vote, you go against your ancestors who died for your freedom. You can change your mind. As Bob Dylan sings: “Come gather round, people, wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around you have grown. And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone. For the times they are a’changing.” 


women interrupt pipeline consultation.

Russian general:


?utm_source=SH&utm_medium=FB&utm_campaign=SustainableHuman Economic Hit Man 2 mins.video

CKUT McGill Radio on seizure notice interview

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com




























Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 17, 2014. Quebecers are gathering in to monitor Scotland’s  referendum to separate from Great Britain. They want to separate from Canada. There is a big difference. The Scots are Indigenous to their land and were colonized by England. They’re voting to get them off their backs. Quebecers are French immigrants who the natives allowed to settle on Great Turtle Island. They want to declare sovereignty and try to set up a new corporation on our land!! Read: MNN. “Real Referendum”. Scottie

The Scots rightly want their identity by breaking free of the Roman banking empire [City of London]. They want to regain their sovereignty and reconnect to their history based on their clan system which connects them to their land. To do that Quebecers must return to France.

Canada and the US rely on Papal Bulls like the Doctrine of Discovery, Terra Nullius and others which are essentially legal fiction for their their land claims on Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island.

Quebecers left France to break free from the Christian tyranny of the Roman Empire [Papacy] to start anew on our land. Some immigrants learnt our ways and got along well with us, like the “cour du bois”. The rest were taken over by the corporate elites through their 51% majority rules mandate.

The French just wouldn't listen to the Mohawks.

The O’seh:ronni [Quebecers] shouldn’t have messed with us! 

In 1689 the French settlers wanted to kill us all so they could claim our land as theirs. Our response is historically known as the “Lachine Massacre”. We eliminated that settlement. The French sued for peace. On June 25th 1701 they agreed to live in peace under the Guswentha/Two Row Treaty. They are violating that agreement.

Quebecers could vote to withdraw from the corporation of Canada, which is set up under Admiralty laws of the seas. Then they can try to renew their commitment to the Guswentha to live in peace with us. They are in dire need of a small condolence ceremony to remind them this is all Indian land. To stay they have to live under the Kaianerekowa, the law of Great Turtle Island.

Is it history repeating?

Like the Scots who want their true identity, Quebecers must return to their roots in France. Otherwise they will remain angry, disillusioned and never at peace. Like the US and Canada, they never honored their words to us. They have to quit biting the hand that feeds them. They and the world know how they took everything they have from us.

Quebec tin pot dictator: I have no time to listen to Mohawks and their complaints.

Pierre “tin-pot-dictator” Peladeau: “I have no time to listen to zee Mohawks and their complaints”.

They can’t separate with our land. Even if they exterminated all of us, it still wouldn’t be theirs. Even in death, it’s ours. Quebecers can’t have sovereignty here. We are the sovereigns. Separation means to leave. They’ve shown us they don’t respect our law or their agreements with us. That’s why their dreams of sovereignty will never be realized.

Stompin Tom debates the Scots and Quebecers about cuisine: “There was a guy from PEI they used to call ‘Potatoe’. He met this young Leamington Ontario tomato. But he had eyes for other girls and she was a little mushy. So he said, ‘Let’s get wed, there’s no sense in being fussy’. Big size French fries, how they love tomatoes. So dress them up with Heinz Ketchup. Ketchup loves potatoes. Ketchup loves potatoes”.  Stompin Tom: “Ketchup loves potatoes”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Video: Scotland’s lost history.

Scottish House of Cards.

Hang the Bankers: UK threatens Scotland.

Quebecers flock to Scotland.