MNN. Sept. 13, 2019. We can’t be too careful. An “election” of the foreign corporation of the Government of Canada has been called. The immigrants and the traitors want to continue to plunder our land, our resources, and suck our blood. They are now traversing turtle island smiling and making false promises.   The white serpent is an invasive species to turtle island from pole to pole, ocean to ocean, that destroys nature. It must adapt to the way of turtle island or leave.  It refuses to let go of the stranglehold it has on the onkwehonweh. It has no natural imprints on turtle island. We will carry on creation’s will.  

The Human Genome Diversity Project of Stanford University in California is backed by pharmaceuticals. The film the “Gene Hunters” explains  why our cells and DNA are profitable to the white serpent. Watch and learn:

To the pharmaceutical profiteers, we are lab rats for profit. After samples of our blood, hair and body parts are taken to develop cures for diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers, impotence, we can be disposed of. Our cells will be stored in jars in drug labs for the benefit of the chosen. 

The white serpent cares not how we connect with the kasatstensera kowa sa oiera, the great natural power. Our way is in our head, body and energy.


Those who can adapt are welcome to remain. When the time comes Dekanawida said the black serpent will be fearful and will swim south never again to be seen by the onkwehonweh. The red serpent will see the sky world, will be fearful and will crawl north leaving a snaily trail behind. Part of the white serpent’s tail will break off and crawl to the hilly country to heal with the onkwehonweh. The rest of the white serpent will make a feeble attempt to swim toward the light and will never be seen by the onkwehonweh.  

This election is meant to continue the destruction of turtle island, to protect the corporation, and to continue the illusion of freedom to the people. Mostly the white serpent intends to control and exploit the only resource they have, the stolen lands of the indigenous people. Creation makes the final determination.

Ted Nugent states clearly about having a stranglehold: “Here I come again now baby, Like a dog in heat. Tell it’s me by the clamor now baby. I like to tear up the street. Now I been smokin’ for so long. You know I’m here to stay. Got you in a stranglehold baby”. box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 contact 






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MNN. Sept. 27,2015. Those ongwe’hon:weh who have gone over to the other side are like the INDIAN souvenirs that are sold to tourists with “Made in China” written on the bottom. tehati’natsa’hia:ton means those ongwe’hon:weh who vote in the corporate elections have “made in Canada” written on their behinds. By voting they take an oath to Queenie to support the CROWN’s genocide against us.indian voters

The only way the settler colony of Canada can qualify to be a country is to eliminate us by assimilating or terminating our existence. They have to get us to agree with their system by voting in it. Stephen Harper is horrible so that we will rise up and vote against him. Mulcair and Trudeau will be exactly like Harper. There is no “Canadian” land and no “Canadian” language. Therefore Canada is not a country, just a corporation privately owned by the CROWN. Any ongwe’hon:weh that votes is agreeing that they can kill us, steal everything we have – our land, resources, future children and to destroy our mother.truth

The law of the land is the kaia’nereh:kowa. Those who join a foreign entity violate wampum 58. They lose their birthrights to the land, their mother, name and clan. They join the invader population.

To those voting, the message is: “Voting means you give up being an ongwe’hon:weh. You agree with the system that is oppressing us. You will be owned by the shareholders of the Canadian corporation like the other Canadian voters. The 1924 one-hundred year plan to annihilate us is still in play. You leave the canoe and board the bankers’ Admiralty ship. It cannot dock. You become landless and have no roots to ono’ware:geh. You take an oath to the Queen to help carry out her wishes and become one of her landless orphans. Your mother is no longer ono’ware:geh. grim reaper

If you vote, you go against your ancestors who died for your freedom. You can change your mind. As Bob Dylan sings: “Come gather round, people, wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around you have grown. And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone. For the times they are a’changing.” 


women interrupt pipeline consultation.

Russian general:


?utm_source=SH&utm_medium=FB&utm_campaign=SustainableHuman Economic Hit Man 2

CKUT McGill Radio on seizure notice interview

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harper shreds constitutionmnnlogo1


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MNN. April 20, 2015. Prime Minister Harper is trying to be like “Tricky Dickie”. But he’s just “Stinking Stevie”, a used car salesman pitching bribes to buy votes. He relies on public apathy. Only 30% will vote in the system he controls. Each family will get $2000 as part of his “honest corruption” scheme.

Harper's ecstasy of power.

Harper’s ecstasy of power, snorting the constitution and sending our kids off to war.

The CBC experts of nothing panels called it Harper’s election strategy. It’s actually “payola” to promote himself. “Trust me. I’m doing what I promised”, he urges. The sleeping populace is snoring, “Are Mulcair and Trudeau going to out-do Harper?”

Harper is desperately steering away from the anti-terror enabling bill C-51 that sets up the police state, the immediate conscription of our children for his war and the pipeline police on behalf of his multinational energy corporate backers. Millions are resisting C-51 in the streets. 80% want no part of it. The media doesn’t mention it.

"The deal is you have to vote for me."

Harper: “If you want the dough, vote for me.”


Ongwe’hon:weh always want freedom. Our resistance to brutal oppression lead to the murder of most of our people. C-51 allows Canadians to be treated like INDIANS. The social upheaval in the US lead to the famous Ludlow massacre in 1914. Dissent was suppressed. Prices were overinflated. Everything was controlled by the corporations. Miners resisted working conditions. The United Mine Workers of America were organizing. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corporation was owned by the notorious anti-union Rockefeller family. The merciless killings is history. The same corporate elite support Harper’s election campaign.1914 Ludlow Massacre.

Rockefeller: "He'll win. We paid plenty!"

Rockefeller: “It matters not who wins the vote. We do the counting!”

The bankers had the money all along. Now they will give it out to buy Harper’s power. Canadians may vote for the money and conscription. if so, they will face what Dekanawida saw. Their leaders in a rough, dirty place, their frightening appearance, snakes woven in their hair, their body crooked and misshapen and they will be unbearably cruel to them. What will the parents say when they took $2000 and put their children on the front line? It is time to comb the snakes out of their hair, it is time for the peace.

As the band Muse points out so well, [Uprising]. “Paranoia is in bloom. The PR transmissions will resume. Another promise, another seed, another package. Lie to keep us trapped in greed. And the green belts wrapped around our minds. And endless red tape to keep the truth confined. So come on. They will not force us. They will stop degrading us. They will not control us. We will be victorious. So come on!”


MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Harper buys votes.

Canada sends troops to Ukraine.

Harper like Richard Nixon.

Our struggle against settler colonialism.

Iroquois & Allied Indians on C-51.

Politically motivated audits.




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MNN. 25 Mar. 2015. The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this.

Yep! This is democracy.

Yep! This is democracy.

The American Revolution was initiated to divide and conquer the Iroquois Confederacy, to chop down the Tree of Peace, that stood for 3,000 years in Onondaga, the biggest tree in Onon’ware:geh. In 1779 over 13,800 colonists were sent to chop it down.

A pretend democracy was created based on the structure of the Great Peace. The Senate replaced the Council of Women. Congress replaced the Council of Men. The President, a hierarchical overlord, was placed over the whole process to render it moot.

Next the 51% majority rule was implemented, which is totally opposite to the consensual decision making process of the Great Peace. Then the bankers were put in place to control all transactions. They started selling the fantasy that people could “own” Ongwe’hon:weh land. The colonial settlerism problem began, we deal with today.

All decision-making in the Great Peace was done through the clan system. In the US-made corporate version, the clan system was replaced with the party system, an artificial clan. We Ongwe’hon:we get our clans from our mothers and cannot interbreed amongst clans. The artificial party system can change at will. harper-my-work-is-done

The British Empire is the only empire left on earth. It exists in Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. It is time for this empire to fall. The monarchical democracy that Canada purports to follow is like the US system with a hierarchical presidency. It’s all theatre.

The true decision making power of the Corporation of Canada lies with its board of directors at the Privy Council. They oversee the day-to-day operation of the corporate officers: prime minister, leader of the opposition, finance minister, etc.

Great Peace: Everyone has a voice & everyone is equal.

Great Peace: Everyone has a voice & everyone is equal.

Dekanawida described the warmonger as “the man who eats humans”. They love disorder and hate peace. Their minds are twisted so as to strike fear into all. In the pretend democracy people’s wishes are irrelevant. Corporate boardrooms make decisions for governments and its entities. Voting is a token gesture controlled by the oligarchs.

Dekanawida also said all peoples shall love one another and live together in peace, through righteousness, health and power. Righteousness is justice practiced between people and nations. Health is soundness of mind and body so that peace comes when minds are sane and bodies are cared for. Power means authority of law and custom backed by such force as is necessary according to the will of the people.

The Great Peace makes oligarchs look into the mirror to see their evil. Dekanawida said they have to make right all the suffering they caused. He advised to never go against the forces of nature, which is the basis of the Great Peace/Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Steve Winwood captures the feelings of our current dilemma: “Come down off your throne and leave your body alone. Somebody must change. You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years. Somebody holds the key. I’m near the end, and just ain’t got the time. And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home”. [Can’t find my way back home].

1754 Albany Plan.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 original Mohawk music visit

Video: Global corportocracy & neo-colonialism.

Read. Decolonize Ono’ware:geh.

Benjamin Fulford on state of world.






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MNN. Feb. 22, 2015. Prime Minister Harper is setting in place the rise of the Fourth Reich here in Canada. Harper is beefing up Canada’s manufacturing sector to make bombs, bullets, tanks and nuclear weapons for his economic miracle. There will be jobs in factories and in security. Those who oppose the corporate business plan will be targeted for internment. Video: CBC Enemies of the State. With the pyramidal structure of control that the money powers seek, each country in the world shall have one person to decide for war or peace, life or death.

Harper: "It's gonna be an economic miracle! We'll sell to all sides!"

Harper: “It’s gonna be an economic miracle! We’ll sell to all sides!”

Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933 gave him total power. It followed the Reichstag Fire which abolished most civil liberties and transferred state powers to the national Reich government. He turned his government into a de facto legal dictatorship. Harper’s secret police force is the equivalent of the Nazi brown shirts unleashed now upon the Canadian public.

Canada is in the fast lane on the fascist road to tyranny. Under the new anti-terror Act Bill C-51, Harper can pass laws without Parliamentary consent. Parliament is basically eliminated from politics. All parties echo the ruling fascists. They will  continue the illusion of freedom to the people. “Eventually” there will be one party all ruled by the same corporate interests. The Prime Ministers Office PMO has dictatorial powers in the current framework of this monarchical democracy. Just like Hitler, Harper has carefully given his dictatorship the appearance of legality. The anti-terror act is permanent. Every law passed has never been repealed. For the Toronto G20 protesters, an old WW I law was re-enacted to arrest 1,800 innocent citizens, treating them like trash and throwing them into make shift temporary prisons.

It's to get the kids into the war economy!

It’s to get the kids into the war economy!

People of Canada don’t swear to the constitution because there isn’t one. They elect representatives who take an oath only to the Queen and her CROWN corporations. The PMO has dictatorial control if he has a majority of the seats in Parliament. He will close all loopholes. Regional government will be replaced by one national government.

Read Harper’s favorite book, “Rise & Fall of the 3rd Reich”. William Shirer. Then read what he is doing now in the newer book, “Rise of the 4th Reich”. Jim Marrs.

Another of Harper's favorite books at Etobikote.

Another of Harper’s favorite books at Etobikote.

Mother Earth and all her children win when there is no more war.

As Edwin Starr laments:” War, huh, yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”


MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Read: Canada raises funds for Nazis in Ukraine.

Read : CSIS First Victim.







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MNN. Feb. 20, 2015. Notice how the media panels of “experts of nothing” try to tell us what the government line is. They repeatedly call critics of government and corporate theft of resources and destruction of the environment as “extremists”! Genocide is an old on-going settler colonial strategy. expert opinion

Canada wants multinational energy corporations to continue extracting and burning tar sands and other fossil fuels, leading to extreme weather and food shortages. An RCMP initiative calls critics of climate change as “environmental extremist radicals”, “money-launderers” and “anti-petroleum extremists”. These same words describe terrorists and Jihadists in the new anti-terrorism Bill C-51. They are labeled as “criminals” to the oil and gas industry.

Ongwe’hon:weh [the natural people of Great Turtle Island] who peacefully legitimately object to toxic pipelines, fracking or oilsands in our communities and theft of our resources are “Aboriginal extremists”. [See link at end – Critical Infrastructure Intelligence Assessment report 2014]. We stand against true terrorism, which is the destruction of Mother Earth and her sacred blood, the waters.

P.M. Harper to Eva, John, Jason...

P.M. Harper to Eva, John, Jason…

The experts say there is a growing, highly organized and well-financed, anti-Canadian petroleum movement, that consists of peaceful activists, militants and violent extremists.

Experts say extremists engage in “criminal” activity to promote their anti-petroleum ideology. Prime Minister Harper labels any Ongwe’hon:weh resistance to anything as
“extremism”, which is another word for “terrorist”. He promises to protect his energy and resource extraction partners while pretending to protect the  Canadian public.

The RCMP, CSIS as well as Public Safety Canada are Critical Infrastructure Partners with their private industry security counterparts. 100 million

The responses to Ongwe’hon:weh blockades so far has been snipers, dogs and tasers. Harper is most worried about Canadians seeing the truth about his neo-Nazi radical business plan for the Corporation of Canada.

Aerosmith sings it like it is in “Eat the Rich”: “And I just can’t see no humor about your way of life. I think I can do more for you with this here fork and knife. Eat the rich! There’s only one thing they’re good for. Eat the rich! Take one bite now. Come back for more. Eat the rich! I gotta get this off my chest. Eat the rich! Take one bit now. Spit out the rest!”


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Read: Akwesasne protests Barnhart takeover by multinational.

Read: Nader letter to Harper.

Read: Extremist threats.