

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. JAN. 20, 2015. Christine Elliott is the wife of former Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty. He was a balancer for the robber baron shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. He chose to have a conflict with the Kanion’ke:haka at  Kane’ko:ta by committing a modern-day INDIAN land theft.

Thahoketoteh, the Asera’kowa of the territory, put a claim on Lot 1 Concession 11.

Christine Elliott

Christine Elliott

Flaherty then registered a corporation to purchase a portion of that claim to build his “Honeywood Cottage”. He targeted that land through insider information [Toronto School Board properties]. It’s flagrant theft! Kanekota has been trying to come to a peaceful accord for years.  Kane’ko:ta is a British military protectorate for the Mohawk forever.



“Jan. 20, 2015.

TO: Christine Elliott, 114 Dundas St. E. Suite 101, Whitby ON L1N 2H7.



As the Kani’stern:sera designate for Kane’ko:ta, it is my duty to protect our birthright, children and future generations. The title of Ono’ware:geh and the lineal descent of the Kanion’ke:haga is vested in the women. Kane’ko:ta is a British military protectorate on the vast Ro’tino’shonni territory known as Ga’nien:geh.

According to the law of the land, Kaia’nereh:kowa, you have infringed on our natural birthright ne akwa’hon:sta known as “Lot 1, Concession 11, Nottawasaga Township” on Kane’ko:ta. Captain General Haldimand in 1784 proclaimed the headwaters of the Grand River, six miles on each side, to Lake Erie, as a military protectorate for the Mohawk forever. Your occupation of said parcel is unlawful. Trying to remove us from our canoe into your Admiralty law of the seas vessel constitutes complicity in genocide, according to Article 3 of the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime and Punishment of Genocide.

On December 10, 2014, Asera’ko:wa requested a meeting at the building. You responded: “I have never owned, nor did my husband own or build a home on the property that you have referenced”. This is your “Honeywood Cottage” that was built on the said property. Since 2005 your family has disregarded our request for a meeting to discuss how we can co-exist. As this is akwa’hon:tsa, we hereby provide another notice to meet at your building on the said lot. You are contravening the law of the land, Gus’wen:tha, and the Captain General’s royal proclamation. Please respond upon receipt of this letter.

Kohtihon’tia:kwenio, Kanion’ke:haka.

cc. General Sir Peter Wall,Chief of the General Staff, UK Army, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW 1A2HB England, Fax 02072182474.”

With the law behind us, “we’re going to break on through to the other side”, as Jim Morrison let ‘s us know.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

RCMP spying on Ongwe’hon:weh

history of Jesuits in land & money apparatus



Video of teleconference trial, Federal Court, Attorney General and Thahoketoteh, Mar. 25, 2013.


MNN. Mar. 26, 2013. On March 25, 2013, Thahoketoteh of Kanekota had the oral portion of his Case T-2007-12, Thoketoteh v. the Queen. The trial was done by teleconference with the Federal Court of Canada judge and the Attorney General representing Her Majesty. The question is how Section 109 of the British North America Act 1867, legally applies to the constitution, saves and continues the “protection” secured by the Royal Proclamation 1763 as a “legal duty” within stare decis. A precedent has already been set.  

The judge asked the AG why he did not address this first question in all his 300 pages of submission. The AG admitted that he was directed by Indian Affairs to avoid the issue at all cost, not to ever talk of Section 109 and the legal duty and trust issues. Canada has been avoiding this all along. It is the elephant in Canada’s living room. 

Section 109: The elephant will take over the room and crowd you guys out.

Section 109: “We can’t ignore this elephant anymore!”

Their constitution sets out Canada’s obligation to us, that we Indigenous are of this land and that Great Turtle Island is of us. The Indian Trust Fund, set up according to Section 109, is an ever growing $49.1 trillion trust fund that Canada uses to pay its bills and as a slush fund without our permission, to bolster their five “too big to fail” banks. They can’t fail because they have stolen all our money. 

We own everything. Every Indigenous group in Canada can use Section 109 to assert our land rights right everywhere. Everybody has to deal with us on everything. 

Canada, you have no options!

New Federal Court Tele-trial: “Will it be secret trials next?”

The judge will make her decision soon. Kaiainerekowa, the law of the land, will be the only law applied in Kanekota soon.

We are very happy! As Keith Richards sang: “I need a love to keep me happy. Baby, baby, keep me happy”. 


the written argument can be viewed at click here

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.








MNN.  July 18, 2012.  Today in the Federal Court of Canada, Thahoketoteh filed an action [T-1396-12] against Her Majesty the Queen.   He personally wrote the Statement of Claim based on his ten-year experience in Kanekota, “where the waters come from the earth”.  Kanekota is a 575 square miles area in the northern reaches of the Grand River.  It is six miles deep from the banks of the Grand River starting at Lake Erie continuing to the source.  This indigenous land is protected from foreign encroachment for all time by the Royal Proclamation 1784.  It is sometimes called the Haldimand Tract. 

Their rule of law provides that royal proclamations supercede all Admiralty statutes.  All Canadian laws are Admiralty statutes.  All courts are Admiralty Courts.

In June 1778 the Mohawk people of the Upper and Lower Castles in New York State moved from their traditional communities, during the American Revolution.  They temporarily settled in Lachine [Quebec], within the area known as Lower Canada.
In June 1784 they moved to Tyendinaga, on the Bay of Quinte on Lake Ontario. That same year a few families moved to the Grand River.  The Royal Proclamation 1784 was signed by Captain General Sir Frederick Haldimand.  Violations of the proclamation began immediately
On August 1, 2006, the Mohawk Women, as caretakers of the land, sent notice to the Toronto School Board to vacate Lot 1, Concession 11, Clearview Township, Simcoe County in the province of Ontario, in the Northeast portion of Kanekota.   They vacated but refused to respect Mohawk inherent interest in the land.

Shortly thereafter the current Finance Minister of the Corporation of Canada, Jim “austerity-measure” Flaherty, built a 90-acre estate on part of Lot 1 Concession 11, near Honeywood.  The driveway leads to a gate manned by high tech  surveillance equipment, leading to 3 three-storey buildings, estimated value of $20 million.  They form a compound surrounding a fancy courtyard with two golf holes and two ponds.  A construction road was bull-dozed through the man-made forest on the Outdoor Education Center property to build Jimmy’s dream.    

The Etobicoke Education Center is now listed for sale by Royal LePage, Ginny McEacheran, [1-800-360-5821].  Jim Flaherty’s contact is 701 Rossland Road East, Unit 204, Whitby Ontario L1N 8Y9, Tel: 905-665-8182.

In July 2007 Thahoketoteh attended an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing to stop Canadian Hydro Developers Inc. from illegally building 88 more windmills.  [Alias, TransAlta Corp., 110 – 12thAve., SW, P.O. Box 1900, Station M, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M1 Tel: 403-267-7110].  The OMB permitted the illegal construction of Phase 2 in violation of the Royal Proclamation 1784 and Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. The Women sent notice of their objection. 
Thahoketoteh has asked for all financial records on their illegal windmill development, to remove all the decomposing rusting weed-covered windmills, to pay compensation and to restore the land to its original state. 

In November 2006 the Women, speaking for the people, land, plants, fish and animals, sent Notice to Enbridge Gas [3000 5th Ave. Place, 425 First St. SW, Calgary Alberta T2P 3L8, Tel:  403-231-3900] that they have no right to install a gas pipeline from Shelburne into Hornings Mills. In 1946 the army constructed a pond there which continuously leeched phosphates into the Pine River. Enbridge went on to illegally build the pipeline.

Thahoketoteh insists that Enbridge fully compensate the Kanionkehaka for the illegal construction of their pipeline, for the damage and to restore the land to its natural state.  In particular, to clean the Pine River in Hornings Mills.

In April 2011 Thahoketoteh sent a letter to General Sir Peter Wall, [Chief of the General Staff, Ministerial Core Unit, 4545 Zone A, M.O.D., Whithall, London SW 1A 2HB tel:  011 44 207 218 4000].  He informed him about the Highland Group, a nefarious corporation, and their plans to turn 8,800 acres of Kanekota into a mega-quarry.  They intend to destroy this Royal Protectorate land forever where we intend to live forever.  Thahoketoteh wants a complete list of the shareholders.  He recommends Crown agents who ignore the “Royal Proclamation 1784” be charged with High Treason.  Death is the penalty.  

Thahoketoteh has asked that all stolen farms be returned to the Mohawk people; all settlers legalize their presence in Kanekota; and all squatters be removed at Canada’s expense. 

Thahoketoteh said, “If the Crown tries to have the case dismissed, they have decided to violate their rule of law and their Royal Proclamation.  They would be guilty of high treason, as it is against the Queen”. 

We are reminded of the classic Led Zeppelin song:  “Lyin’, cheatin’, hurtin’, that’s all you try to do”.  It’s all over, Jimmy austerity-measure Flaherty, “Your time is gonna come”.  
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  325 Robert Street, No. 4, Shelburne [Inside Kanekota] Ontario L0N 1S2.  Phone 519-925-9695.  Fax 519-925-9622.