

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 12, 2015. Military is moving weapons of war to the West. Trains are loaded with tanks, trucks, jeeps. armoured personnel carriers for the troops. The mainstream media mentions nothing to the public?

This army is how the pipeline police will look. At the same time ongwe’hon:weh communities are being visited by international energy corporations to “consult” us about their plans. Kinder Morgan visited Schoharie/Akwesasne . Two young people informed us that Enbridge had invited them to a secret meeting to talk about their plans for a pipeline through Kahnawake.


Now non-ongwe’hon:we are tracing the roots to the tree of peace. They are asking us to help them fight fracking and other environmental devastation.

jade helmThe US military is conducting a massive drill for martial law from July 15 to September 15 this year. [See Jade Helms Drill below]. During the drill, soldiers will operate “undetected amongst civilian populations” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed. Americans will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise to gain the public’s trust.

Settlers getting ready for war.

Settlers getting ready for war.


Dekanawida said the enabling act of the Haudenosaunee is that all affiliated with the Kaia’nereh:kowa have access to the dish with one spoon.

As the Grateful Dead mention: ”Driving that train, high on cocaine,. Casey Jones, you better watch your speed. Trouble ahead. Trouble behind. And you know that notion just crossed my mind. Trouble with you is the trouble me. Got two good eyes, but you still don’t see. Come round the bend. You know it’s the end. The fireman screams and the engine just gleams”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.comFor more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Trains are moving:


Kingston Ontario Feb. 22/15.


Severn Bridge Feb. 22/15.





Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 25, 2014. The tactics that Doug Ford is using for his election campaign for mayor of Toronto reminds us of Hitler’s famous “beer hall putsch” to totally control a meeting. Hitler went into the beer halls with his armed brown shirt goons and provocateurs. They shouted, screamed and threatened anyone who questioned him. He became a national figure. After that success he created the National Socialist Party NAZI. Nobody dared interfere because the Zionists were behind it. To end the chaos, the authorities would come in and convince the cowering people to give in to Hitler.

Corporate band/tribal councils.

Corporate councils: “Okay Chief. The guys are going into the meeting to stir them up good!”


Toronto all candidates .meeting for mayor

Toronto all candidates meeting for mayor.

Ford’s life mission is to become mayor. He goes to the housing projects and hands out $20 to $50 to poor people on the streets. A putsch is organized. They’re bussed in to create a loud circus to drown out his co-candidates. See: Toronto City Hall Election Debate.

This putsch formula is being used on those who oppose government policies, in particular the pipeline and theft of our lands. We are made to feel like we have no future unless we accept the bullying and destructive plans of the corporate elite. Our communities and organizations are infiltrated with provocateurs, such as the “pipeline police” mercenaries who are being trained by the RCMP, big oil and Canada. See MNN Pipeline Police.The distraction is some contentious issue like racial purity to stop us from raising important matters. Kept off the table is the constant theft of everything we have and being coerced to sign one-sided agreements with big business for our resources. A prime concern is the Canada-RCMP-Big Oil setting up of the “pipeline police”. Public meetings are filled with rowdy gangs who attack those who raise these kinds of questions. Shouters dominate. Marches, threats, violence and fear divert our energies. Factions are deliberately fostered so we will argue. Then their handpicked solution is implemented to stop the dissension.

The media does not cover life and death crucial issues. People are scared. We are told that resistance is futile. They want us to believe that the only viable answer is that of the corporate tribal/band council that answers to them. They then come forward with their preplanned scheme to take something from us. We’ll get a little bit or a favor. If we refuse their offer, we’ll be threatened with continued ruinous poverty.

Like Hitler, the putsch splits the community, points out the opponents and followers and brings the instigators to national attention. They get into power and take out their enemies and assert their corporate agenda.

Chief:" Remember, Man of Good Sense not here to do our work on  your behalf. Man of Good Sense only here to help you on strategy level until you wise enough to overcome recession".

Chief:”Remember, Man of Good Sense not here to do work on your behalf. Man of Good Sense only here to help you on strategy level until you wise enough to overcome recession”.

We know who’s doing this. Just follow the money! We fear nothing! The Great Peace and the Council of Women would never allow this farce in our communities. Like Johnny Cash sings: “What have I become? My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in the end. And you could have it all; my empire of dirt. I will let you down, I will make you hurt”. Johnny Cash. “Hurt”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: Beer Hall Putsch.

Obama and Clinton studied Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” on how to destroy democracy. Saul Alinsky.

See short Video: Megalomaniac Obama.








Please post and distribute.

MNN. June 29, 2014. We Indigenous sovereigns are mandated by Creation to set things in order. The government and court set up by foreign Admiralty Law can’t give something they don’t own. Buying and selling stolen property is against both our law as well as corporate Admiralty Law.

Actually Supreme Court of Canada just put themselves out of business!

“Actually they  just went  out of business!”

Onowaregeh was, is and will always belong to the true Sovereigns. On June 27, 2014 the Supreme Court of Canada “returned” stolen 1,750 square kilometres to the Tsilhqot’in Nation of central BC. Our boundaries are coast to coast, north, east, south and west.

These Corporatists cannot produce a binding deed to show the world how our stolen land came into their possession.

According to the Two Row Agreement made in 1701, half of everything went into our Indian Trust Fund. This allowed them to come and live among us. That fund was stolen. We want that fund and every profit they took on every tree, rock and waterway, everything above and below the ground which we never relinquished, sold, nor legally leased under the law of the Great Peace.

Corpo Canada has to respect our title to every piece of unsurrendered land and pay up. “Title” means we are the sovereigns and everybody in the world knows it! Creation placed us on Great Turtle Island. Every bit of the money the corporation of Canada and its corpo friends made from extracting and exploiting our lands and resources has to be fully returned, from 1704 when the ever-growing $980 trillion Indian Trust Fund was set up.

Step this way. We're ready to enforce the Great Peace.

“Step this way. We’re ready. It’s the Great Peace or else”.

Corporate criminals like Northern Gateway oilsands pipeline, BC Treaty Process and Tar Sands are called “game-changers”. We will make the changes. They possess nothing. It’s like playing cards with someone who has no money. The natural order shall prevail. This generation is bringing everything to a full circle now. Our murdered and brutalized ancestors are proud of how we never forgot them. We promised our ancestors the invaders will not get away with genocide.

The judges decided Canada can infringe on our rights to balance the interests of all Canada, something they never did for us. The thief, the fence and the buyers have no voice. They should be jailed for their brutality. The criminals are trying to make the rules again. Only we the owners can do that!

In 1864 Canada gave our money to build the railway across our land. Our resistance lead to the Riel Rebellion and other warfare. Riel was hanged and hundreds of Indigenous were jailed. 7,000 slave laborers were brought in from China to quickly build the railway while the heavily armed military protected them!

Every corporation must now follow the law of the land, the Great Peace, or there will be unrest.

Corporation of Canada dissolved! Under Great Turtle Island Management.


Prime Minister says the pipeline will go through. Mr. Harper, we will do whatever needs to be done by any means necessary!

We are the only sovereigns of Great Turtle Island. You have to live in peace according to the Two Row Wampum and the Great Law, pay up what you owe and dissolve all your corporations immediately. And you have our consent to leave with what you came with.

As ZZ Top sings: “I gotta make a decision to avoid a collision”. Z.Z. Top.

SCC staggering implications for energy corporations.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit















mnnlogo1 MNN. Dec. 13, 2-13. TransCanada Corp.’s Energy East’s pipeline wants to steal our resources and transport it through 180 Indigenous communities. According to international law the true natural people of these territories must be consulted and give our consent.  The Corporation of Canada touts this theft as a “nation-building heist”.

We have to give our consent to develop pipelines, oil and gas projects, mines and electricity generation. They want to steal $650-billion worth of our resources in the next decade, which we never surrendered!

Indian Act corporate “Injuns” want a cut of the $12-billion stick-up. These shameless crooks gathered in Gatineau, Que. to scheme how they would help their corporate puppeteers carry out the trans-Canada highway robbery.

Phil dressed up as royalty, to impress the Indigenous.

Phil dressed to sit unnoticed among the Council of Women!

They hired long-time quisling, Phil Fontaine, the former selected head of the government owned Assembly of First Nations. He’s one of the well-paid swindlers with huge off-shore bank accounts. He’s going to try to brainwash us like him. These carpetbaggers will flee rather than face us for their treachery. Does Phil carry a big bag of money to give to “the right people” in our communities?“NB Mi’kmaq chiefs got SWN Contracts”.

Criminal Injuns have no treaty rights, resources or land. Only us natural sovereign inherent people do. We opposed Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline in British Columbia; blocked logging roads in Quebec and mining roads in Ontario; and shutdown Southwestern Energy Co.’s shale-gas fracking in New Brunswick. Fraudulent agreements with government agents [band councillors] are already in place, which we knew nothing about.

Since we own it all, they should wait for us to tell them if we will give them anything! We demand payment for everything they owe us. Nothing more will be taken until the debt is paid in full.

Former prime minister Paul Martin is pushing education. Before we talk, we want to ‘learn’ what they are doing with our ever-growing $600 trillion Indian Trust Fund. We are the fastest growing race in Canada. We refuse to be a slave labor pool for these gangsters who washed up on our shores bringing nothing with them except lies and diseases! If anyone needs education, it’s them! Like the truth about us and our inherent rights to everything on Great Turtle Island.

See:Globe & Mail, Dec. 11/13. “Pipelines struggle with Indigenous”.

These multinational energy companies should be facing us women, the “progenitors” of the soil of Great Turtle Island and everything above and below it.

Mohawks: "Go back and tell your general what the women did to your troop!"

Mohawks: “Treacherous corporate Injun, go tell your puppeteers what the Council of Women do to betrayers of the people!”

Phil, when did you put on a skirt to sneak into the Council of Women? Back stabbing shysters like you have no business trying to sell our Mother.

Philly, you will be singing those ‘Bye bye, baby blues’ on your way to the jail in the Fatherland with your corporate masters!

Phil & corporate Injuns heading to Fatherland with their corporate masters!

Corporate Injuns heading to jail in the ‘Fatherland’ with their masters!

We won’t miss you. “Having to lose, hatin’ to lose/guess I got a lot to learn/all of my friends have lost now and then/I guess it’s just my turn”. The Judds. “Bye, bye. Baby Blues!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0





MNN.  July 18, 2012.  Today in the Federal Court of Canada, Thahoketoteh filed an action [T-1396-12] against Her Majesty the Queen.   He personally wrote the Statement of Claim based on his ten-year experience in Kanekota, “where the waters come from the earth”.  Kanekota is a 575 square miles area in the northern reaches of the Grand River.  It is six miles deep from the banks of the Grand River starting at Lake Erie continuing to the source.  This indigenous land is protected from foreign encroachment for all time by the Royal Proclamation 1784.  It is sometimes called the Haldimand Tract. 

Their rule of law provides that royal proclamations supercede all Admiralty statutes.  All Canadian laws are Admiralty statutes.  All courts are Admiralty Courts.

In June 1778 the Mohawk people of the Upper and Lower Castles in New York State moved from their traditional communities, during the American Revolution.  They temporarily settled in Lachine [Quebec], within the area known as Lower Canada.
In June 1784 they moved to Tyendinaga, on the Bay of Quinte on Lake Ontario. That same year a few families moved to the Grand River.  The Royal Proclamation 1784 was signed by Captain General Sir Frederick Haldimand.  Violations of the proclamation began immediately
On August 1, 2006, the Mohawk Women, as caretakers of the land, sent notice to the Toronto School Board to vacate Lot 1, Concession 11, Clearview Township, Simcoe County in the province of Ontario, in the Northeast portion of Kanekota.   They vacated but refused to respect Mohawk inherent interest in the land.

Shortly thereafter the current Finance Minister of the Corporation of Canada, Jim “austerity-measure” Flaherty, built a 90-acre estate on part of Lot 1 Concession 11, near Honeywood.  The driveway leads to a gate manned by high tech  surveillance equipment, leading to 3 three-storey buildings, estimated value of $20 million.  They form a compound surrounding a fancy courtyard with two golf holes and two ponds.  A construction road was bull-dozed through the man-made forest on the Outdoor Education Center property to build Jimmy’s dream.    

The Etobicoke Education Center is now listed for sale by Royal LePage, Ginny McEacheran, [1-800-360-5821].  Jim Flaherty’s contact is 701 Rossland Road East, Unit 204, Whitby Ontario L1N 8Y9, Tel: 905-665-8182.

In July 2007 Thahoketoteh attended an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing to stop Canadian Hydro Developers Inc. from illegally building 88 more windmills.  [Alias, TransAlta Corp., 110 – 12thAve., SW, P.O. Box 1900, Station M, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M1 Tel: 403-267-7110].  The OMB permitted the illegal construction of Phase 2 in violation of the Royal Proclamation 1784 and Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. The Women sent notice of their objection. 
Thahoketoteh has asked for all financial records on their illegal windmill development, to remove all the decomposing rusting weed-covered windmills, to pay compensation and to restore the land to its original state. 

In November 2006 the Women, speaking for the people, land, plants, fish and animals, sent Notice to Enbridge Gas [3000 5th Ave. Place, 425 First St. SW, Calgary Alberta T2P 3L8, Tel:  403-231-3900] that they have no right to install a gas pipeline from Shelburne into Hornings Mills. In 1946 the army constructed a pond there which continuously leeched phosphates into the Pine River. Enbridge went on to illegally build the pipeline.

Thahoketoteh insists that Enbridge fully compensate the Kanionkehaka for the illegal construction of their pipeline, for the damage and to restore the land to its natural state.  In particular, to clean the Pine River in Hornings Mills.

In April 2011 Thahoketoteh sent a letter to General Sir Peter Wall, [Chief of the General Staff, Ministerial Core Unit, 4545 Zone A, M.O.D., Whithall, London SW 1A 2HB tel:  011 44 207 218 4000].  He informed him about the Highland Group, a nefarious corporation, and their plans to turn 8,800 acres of Kanekota into a mega-quarry.  They intend to destroy this Royal Protectorate land forever where we intend to live forever.  Thahoketoteh wants a complete list of the shareholders.  He recommends Crown agents who ignore the “Royal Proclamation 1784” be charged with High Treason.  Death is the penalty.  

Thahoketoteh has asked that all stolen farms be returned to the Mohawk people; all settlers legalize their presence in Kanekota; and all squatters be removed at Canada’s expense. 

Thahoketoteh said, “If the Crown tries to have the case dismissed, they have decided to violate their rule of law and their Royal Proclamation.  They would be guilty of high treason, as it is against the Queen”. 

We are reminded of the classic Led Zeppelin song:  “Lyin’, cheatin’, hurtin’, that’s all you try to do”.  It’s all over, Jimmy austerity-measure Flaherty, “Your time is gonna come”.  
MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  325 Robert Street, No. 4, Shelburne [Inside Kanekota] Ontario L0N 1S2.  Phone 519-925-9695.  Fax 519-925-9622.